Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 568 Press it back

Thanks to Zhou Xu's adjustment, the matter of sending a few experienced craftsmen to lead the construction team has been basically finalized.

So far, his first court meeting since his return has gone smoothly.

After retiring from the court, for Zhou Xu, his day had just begun.

After briefly handling the documents piled on his desk, Zhou Xu turned around and went to the cafeteria kitchen of Black Moon Village.

He had already sent people to take care of things here, so his arrival did not cause much trouble to the chefs here.

After arriving at the place, Zhou Xu didn't waste any time and directly explained the spices that had been simply processed and put them into small jars to the chefs.

"Okay, come here now, smell and taste the flavors of these spices one by one, so that you can really know them."

Following their king's wishes, the chefs came over one by one to smell the smell of the spices, then picked up a chopstick, lightly dipped it in and put it into their mouths.

Many of these spices, including chilies, peppers and Sichuan peppercorns, are spicy, allowing chefs who have never tasted such a taste before to taste it for the first time.

Although it only touched a little, it was not like Bam was jumping up and down like before, but the expressions on each of them at this time were quite exciting.

But I am a cook after all. When I first started eating it, I just thought, ‘This thing can also be used for cooking? Will anyone really eat the food? ’

But as the taste in their mouths gradually settled, they slowly tasted some flavors in the aftertaste, and also had new ideas.

Zhou Xu had no intention of letting them take these spices and study them slowly as soon as they came up.

Instead, he taught them a few simple dishes.

The first thing he was taught was the dipping sauce he made when eating mutton before. After all, it was simple...

"This is a dipping sauce that can be used with some steamed and boiled food, such as chicken, mutton, etc. When steaming, you can also use it with onions, ginger and garlic to remove the fishy smell."

After knowing the recipe, you can learn dipping sauce very quickly, but you don’t have much knowledge in it. After that, you can teach three stir-fry dishes casually.

There is nothing much to say about the ingredients used in stir-fry. The test is the cook's skill on the stove. The chefs in the Heiyue Village canteen have to cook dishes for hundreds of people every day. The workmanship is of course indispensable.

After Zhou Xu took a bite, he couldn't help but feel a sense of joy in his heart.

[Fortunately, I am relatively knowledgeable and did not cook these dishes myself. 】

Before time travel, he lived alone and had some skills in cooking.

When he first traveled through time, he could still show off his skills, but as time went by, he didn't know how long he hadn't cooked, and all the novices under his command who didn't know how to cook at first were also able to show off their skills. He has grown into an experienced master craftsman.

This left Zhou Xu with basically no room to show off his cooking skills.

While they were finishing tasting the dishes, it was almost time for lunch.

"Just in time, just hang up the new dishes and promote them. When promoting, you just say this..."

While talking, Zhou Xu taught the cook at the window a way of saying something.

"As for the price, we will try one dish first this time, and we will choose plain chicken, which costs five cents."

As soon as the price was announced, the chefs and cooks in the kitchen immediately gasped.

As a dish, this price is undoubtedly expensive.

Let's put it this way, a relief meal costs one penny, and a normal meal for a normal person usually only costs two to three pennies. Three or four pennies can make it quite luxurious, and this five pennies, But it’s just a dish!

Although the taste of these new dishes is very novel, and even vaguely makes them want to try them again, but they are so expensive, it is hard to say whether they can be sold.

However, when Zhou Xu made this offer, he naturally had his own thoughts.

You know, the next step is lunch.

Although meals are also provided at noon in their Da Zhou canteen, normally speaking, the daily income of most Da Zhou people is not enough to allow them to live a life of three meals a day. They mainly eat two meals a day. Meal-based.

In other words, in their big week, those who can give themselves an extra lunch are all rich people.

This is also the main reason why Zhou Xu chose to directly promote new dishes at this time.

After all, the main consumer group of this type of new dishes is the rich people with big wallets and who can afford three meals a day. Let them have a place to spend their extra money.

And after spending money and reaping the happiness brought by delicious food, he worked harder for them.

When it was time to eat, people who wanted to have lunch soon arrived one after another. After all, their lunch break time was relatively limited. If they took it too long, it would soon be time to go to work in the afternoon.

At this moment, the cook standing at the window had already cheered up and greeted people as soon as he saw them coming in.

"Minister Wang, Minister Zhuang..."

Zhou Xu, who was in the back kitchen at the time, wasn't surprised at all when he heard what was going on in front of him.

Considering the high income, the high-income people in their current stage are basically concentrated on those cadres.

At the same time, the cook was also very enthusiastic.

"There is a new dish in the cafeteria today. It is made with some new seasonings that our king got from the New World. It is called 'white-cut chicken'. It costs five cents a portion. Do you want to try one?"

"Five cents? A dish?!"

When Wang Dachui walked in and heard the price, he was shocked on the spot.

As a cadre of an important department, he has a high income and a very generous wallet, but he is not illiterate.

In fact, for cadres like them, there are requirements for literacy and numeracy.

He usually only spends three or four pennies on a meal, but this thing called "white-cut chicken" is directly more expensive than a meal? !

Hearing this, the cook immediately became energetic.

Wasn't the rhetoric that their great king taught him just used at this time?

As a result, before he could speak, Zhuang Mengdie's light voice rang out...

"Give me one, along with some vegetables, a bowl of soup and a bowl of rice, thank you."

Zhuang Mengdie was a little interested in the new seasonings that their king had brought from the New World, but he didn't plan to waste too much time on this matter. He just wanted to have lunch quickly and then go back to work.

When Wang Dachui saw Zhuang Mengdie being so straightforward, he was naturally unwilling to lag behind.

"Then I'll have one too, and the rest is the same as usual."


Good guy, I was so stunned that I suppressed the words that the cook had already spoken!

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