Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 566 Report from the front line

For these spices that he had never seen before, if Zhou Xu just wrote an explanation and asked the kitchen to follow them, he guessed that the kitchen would probably not be able to understand them.

[I have been here for nearly half the winter, so I just took this opportunity to go back and check out the situation. 】

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu asked directly to the attendant beside him.

"How many days will it take until the energy channel is opened next?"

"Report to the king, there are still three days."

Now the time period for the energy channel to open has basically stabilized at ten days, and there are still three days, which is enough for him to arrange things here.

With this thought, Zhou Xu quickly ordered.

"Go get Bolevin."

After giving this order to the guard on the side, Zhou Xu turned to look at the guard on the side.

"Speaking of which, are there any reports from the southern border coming back today?"

Since the beginning of spring, if you want to say what Zhou Xu is most concerned about, it must be the war on the southern border.

The great battle in winter ended with the withdrawal of the Ratmen. Now that the seasons have changed, winter has turned to spring, and Zhou Xu is inevitably worried about whether the Ratmen on the other side will come back.

In fact, according to the intelligence provided by Bolevin and the others, the Ratmen would come to their border to harass them every now and then. This also made the Lizardmen always in a state of war preparation, ready to fight the Ratmen at any time.

Of course, the Ratmen are not always as fanatic as before. After all, although the Ratmen are large in scale, they also have to consider the issue of loss.

Most of the time, it is mainly consumption and harassment.

But since it was difficult for them to judge when the rat men would suddenly launch a large-scale attack, the garrison in the south basically did not dare to slack off for even a moment.

"Reporting to your Majesty, there is no delivery from the southern border today."

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, the guard outside the door trotted in to report.

"Your Majesty, the pterosaur riders who came back from the southern border have arrived and are waiting outside the palace."

"Let him in."

After receiving the permission, the pterosaur rider trotted all the way into the temple, covered in dust.

"Subordinates, please see your Majesty!"

During the salute, the pterosaur rider neatly presented the sealed bamboo tube in his hands.

"This is the report Captain Li Ce ordered his subordinates to bring back."

Zhou Xu didn't need to say anything. The attendant walked quickly and took the bamboo tube, then turned around and handed it into Zhou Xu's hand.

With the help of Wang Dong, they had already established a papermaking workshop in Dazhou, successfully produced paper, and put it into use smoothly.

However, considering its toughness and durability, important military newspapers like this still give priority to using animal skins and stuffing them into bamboo tubes to ensure safety, so as to avoid the possibility that the fragile paper will be damaged during transportation.

Unplugging the plug from the bamboo tube and pouring the report out, Zhou Xu unfolded the animal skin and quickly read it.

What he was worried about before happened now.

According to what Li Ce wrote in the report, the rat army recently appeared outside their southern border and launched a harassment offensive against them.

Fortunately, Thoros was there, and he had rich experience in fighting the Ratmen. With Thoros taking command, several harassment attacks by the Ratmen were easily resolved by them.

For now, everything is stable on the southern border.

In the temple, just as Zhou Xu finished reading the report, Bo Levin arrived.

"We're here just in time. The rat troops are harassing the southern border again. What do you think about this?"

As Zhou Xu spoke, he asked this question to Bo Levin, and at the same time, his eyes fell on the other party.

It has only been half a winter since Bo Levin made the decision to lose weight. It is undoubtedly unrealistic to expect the other party to directly lose weight.

Although at first glance he was still a fat man, it had to be said that he had lost some weight. At least he was not out of breath after walking a few steps.

Bo Levin, who didn't know what their king was thinking during this period, was completely thinking about the question that their king asked him just now.

If Zhou Xu wanted to ask about other things, they really couldn't tell, but if they wanted to ask about the rat people, there was absolutely nothing wrong with them calling themselves experts.

It was no exaggeration to say that as soon as those stinky rats stuck their butts out, he knew whether they were about to poop or fart.

"Your Majesty, according to my subordinates' understanding, although the Ratmen are numerous in number and breed quickly, after just experiencing the winter war, it is impossible for the other party to completely recover their strength so quickly. There is a high probability that they will just send out A small group of troops harass and consume us, and the troops at the border can easily deal with it."

Having said this, Bo Levin pondered for a few more seconds.

"According to my estimation, after suffering the losses in winter, and taking into account the losses in daily consumption, if the Ratmen want to launch a decent offensive again, they will have to wait until summer, or even autumn, no matter how soon."

Zhou Xu nodded after hearing this.

At this time, Bollevin’s thoughts were basically the same as those of Soros mentioned in Li Ce’s report.

Of course, he won't completely relax because of this, but he should not be too nervous.

After all, for the lizard people, war with the rat people is completely normal, so they have long been accustomed to fighting with the rat people no matter what.

If every time the Rat Man moves his troops, he immediately becomes tense, then he won't be able to exhaust himself to death by then?

Zhou Xu himself was actually mentally prepared for this, but it might take some time for him to adapt to this state of 'normalized war'.

After briefly discussing the battle situation on the front line with Bo Levin, Zhou Xu quickly turned the topic to business.

He ordered Bollevin to come over earlier, not to discuss this with him, but...

"Bolewen, the energy channel will be opened in three days. I plan to return to the opposite world. During my absence, some of the daily affairs here will be temporarily left to you to handle."

Upon hearing this, Bolevin, who thought that his efforts had finally been recognized by their king, suddenly became excited.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured! I promise to complete the mission!"

It is not without reason that Bo Levin dares to be so confident at this time.

Although judging from the attribute panel, it is true that he is a spell-type general, but this does not mean that he cannot do other things at all, and it is not that extreme.

You know, before Zhou Xu came here, Bolaiwen had always been the de facto supreme ruler of the lizard people.

He had been handling internal affairs, and after so many years, there had been no problems.

Now facing the task assigned by their king, they are naturally confident.

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