Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 565 The stimulation of happiness

Zhou Xu sat directly next to the big pot and started eating. Zhou Xu drank two kilograms of mutton in one breath to pad his stomach, and then slowly slowed down his eating rhythm.

At the same time, I am also feeling a little bit depressed right now...

"What a pity. I wish I could have some soy sauce and vinegar."

In his seasoning bowl, to put it bluntly, he added his recently homemade simplified version of chili noodles, mixed with some minced garlic, and poured animal oil.

This bowl of ingredients is considered super luxurious in this era when seasonings are scarce.

But man himself is a greedy creature. After tasting good, he wants better!

At this point, as a modern person, Zhou Xu, who has seen all kinds of things, is even more so.

But now he can only force Lailai a few words. After all, before time travel, as a normal person who is not a relevant practitioner, who would study how to make soy sauce and vinegar? What kind of leisure does he have to do on weekdays?

Just when Zhou Xu was thinking this, Bam's voice suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Zhou Hongxu, what good food are you secretly hiding from me?!"

Along with the whirring sound, Bam flapped his wings and flew in at a low altitude.

Hearing this, Zhou Xu rolled his eyes.

"I had lunch, why did I hide it from you? I told you to wait a moment, but you just didn't want to wait like a starving ghost, so you finished your meal and left."

After saying that, Zhou Xu, who had a hint of bad taste in his heart, picked up a piece of mutton chop, stirred it vigorously into his seasoning bowl, and then handed it to Bam with a pretending to be unhappy.

"Give it to you."

Bam immediately took the bait, grabbed it, and stuffed it into his mouth without thinking.

The smell kept hooking him, causing his mouth to secrete saliva like crazy. Plus, when he flew in, he saw Zhou Xu eating like this, so naturally he didn't think there was anything wrong with the mutton.

As a result, after one sip...


Accompanied by a weird scream like a drake, Bam was so angry that he cried on the spot and hit his head on the ceiling. However, he didn't have time to cry out in pain. He was so angry that he ran rampant in the temple.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu ignored him and asked two attendants to protect his dinner plate. He himself was holding the seasoning bowl in one hand and the lamb chops in the other, eating with relish while watching Bam flying around. Lehe.

The chili pepper was extraordinary. The spiciness was not comparable to that of common chili peppers. He used to be relatively good at eating spicy food, but he was already stung by it just now. Bam has never eaten spicy food. You can imagine what will happen to him. .

Bam jumped up and down like this for more than ten minutes before he finally calmed down and collapsed on the ground, drooling all over the floor.

"Zhou, Zhou Hongxu! You, you!!!"

At this moment, Bam couldn't even speak properly. He ate so much just now that the pepper probably choked his throat, and now his voice was mute.

At the same time, this also made Bam furious. Just when he was about to explode, he saw Zhou Xu stuffing the dipped mutton into his mouth with relish, which made him dumbfounded on the spot.

He thought Zhou Xu was teasing him just now, but now he saw that Zhou Xu really stuffed that thing into his mouth!

This was good, Bam didn't care about getting angry anymore, and looked at Zhou Xu with full disbelief in his eyes.

"Damn! Are you crazy?! You dare to put this kind of thing in your mouth? Eat it? Really eat it?!"

Bam rushed forward with a look of disbelief and was about to pry Zhou Xu's mouth open.

Zhou Xu didn't bother to fight with him, and just opened his mouth to let him see as much as he could, which shocked Bam so much that he couldn't turn his head around.


While talking, Zhou Xu closed his mouth, picked up another chopstick and dipped the skin-on mutton into the bowl, then glanced at Bam and asked a bit naughty.


Hearing this, Bam shuddered and took two steps back.

But for some reason, smelling the aroma of food that penetrated his nose from time to time, he couldn't help but start to salivate in his mouth, and he actually had the urge to take another bite.

The emergence of this idea made Bam feel a little unbelievable, and he quickly shook his head several times to get rid of this dangerous idea.

Zhou Xu felt very comfortable eating this mutton meal.

"Send the order and ask Zhao Geng to come over for the spices I have discovered recently, transplant some of them to the experimental field for testing, and ask him to prepare a field to be planted in large quantities!"

In addition to adding flavor to food and being beneficial to the body, these things undoubtedly also have economic value that cannot be ignored.

After all, the current artificial breeding plan for these spices has just begun. At present, the acquisition is purely based on wild picking, so they will definitely not be sold too cheaply.

The people have earned money through work, so we must give them more places to spend money to form a healthier economic cycle, which is conducive to the development of the internal economic market.

While eating the mutton, Zhou Xu had already thought of a series of promotion strategies surrounding these condiments.

Just like the centaurs who were accustomed to eating their Dazhou food before, after going back to live on their own, they were completely unaccustomed to their daily diet and couldn't forget their Dazhou food.

Zhou Xu now wants people to get used to these condiments and the richer and more layered flavor these condiments give to food.

After they get used to this, let them go back to eat the original food, and they will become the same as the centaurs before.

They will come to want these at every meal, but this will increase their daily expenditure on food.

The wallet that was getting richer and richer gradually became dry.

In order to continue to maintain that kind of life, they will start to want to work harder to make money, which in disguise can stimulate their ambition.

This cannot be said to be a black-hearted capitalist. He did not deduct wages or exploit the labor force. At most, Zhou Xu gave some positive stimulation to some hungry people, or gave them a new Target.

The fundamental purpose is to allow people to feel a better life while stimulating a higher labor force.

They are driven by the happiness they generate.

At this stage, for the people of their great Zhou Dynasty, one of the main sources of happiness is food, and more delicious food is enough to bring them this stimulation!

In order to eat delicious food every day, they can work harder to make money, thus promoting the development and construction of the entire week.

In Zhou Xu's opinion, this is a win-win situation.

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