Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 556 Arrangements for transfer

After Zhou Xu simply arranged the development troops coming from the rear, only three days later, a small group of lizardmen led by Bolaiwen withdrew from the southern border to the clan's side.

The rat people in the south have not been exterminated, so they must take precautions. However, Zhou Xu is obviously planning to make new arrangements. It is his intention to transfer Bo Laiwen back.

Also returning with Bolevin were Zhou Chongshan and Drogo, as well as some Lizardmen officers, including Tash, who had made certain achievements in previous battles.

When I came back this time, while meeting the great king myself, I also conferred titles on them.

Along the way, Tash's mood was really complicated.

On the one hand, it was a bit sudden that this happened, and on the other hand, it was because he had never seen the existence of gods with his own eyes.

Now this opportunity can only be said to have come too suddenly, making Tash feel a little uneasy.

After being summoned, they followed the attendants who led the way and slowly entered the main hall. This outer hall was originally the place where the high priest Bollevin received them, but now it has undoubtedly become the residence of their king.

After entering the hall, still far away, he just glanced at the figure sitting above him. Without even seeing it clearly, Tash felt his body shaking uncontrollably.

The instinct contained deep in his blood caused him to hurriedly lower his head. In just one glance, his entire back was completely soaked with cold sweat, and his legs almost weakened and he fell to his knees.

After taking a few sharp breaths, Tash calmed down a little and secretly glanced at High Priest Bo Levin, who was half a body ahead of him.

Then it was discovered that at this moment, even the high priest, who was originally aloof, was lowering his head and slowly looking at the ground, not daring to raise his eyes to look directly at the existence of their king.

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Tash secretly cursed himself for really seeking death just now. At the same time, all the doubts in his heart were completely dispelled at that moment, and they all turned into respect for their king.

"Let's see you, Your Majesty!"

As they spoke, they all knelt down to Zhou Xu.

After Zhou Xu signaled them to excuse themselves, Bo Levin quickly started reporting on the southern border without him needing to say anything more.

As for the situation on the southern border, he already had a basic understanding of the situation on the southern border as early as the report sent by Zhou Chongshan and others. Now, he could listen to Bo Levin's report or not.

However, Zhou Xu did not interrupt. Taking advantage of the moment when Bo Levin was reporting, his eyes fell on another lizard man standing aside with his head lowered.

This lizard man is tall and tall, and is different from ordinary blue lizards at first glance.

[This should be the Tash mentioned in the report, right? 】

With thoughts flashing through his mind, Zhou Xu directly activated the 'Eye of Insight' to confirm the opponent's attribute panel.

Soon, Tash's attribute panel unfolded in front of him...

Name: Tash

Sex: Male

Age: 59

Race: Lizardman, half-dragon

Status: None

Mantra: None

Talent: Persistent Combat: Being able to persist on the battlefield long enough is also an advantage in many cases.

Bravery: ★★★

Intelligence: ★★

Spirit: ★★★

Endurance: ★★★☆

Command: ★★★

Judging from the distribution of five-dimensional attributes and natural abilities, it can only be said that this Tash is indeed very suitable for fighting against the rat men. It is not an exaggeration to say that it can target all aspects.

Of course, leaving aside the rat-man opponent, the three-star bravery is matched with the four-star endurance that may be achieved in the future, and is supplemented by the three-star spirit and command.

From Zhou Xu's perspective, his versatility is quite good and can basically be used anywhere.

Just as he was thinking about it, Bollevin also finished his report.

"well done."

Seeing this, Zhou Xu simply praised him, and then directly started to reward him.

"Tash has made great achievements in leading the troops to kill the enemy this time. He will be awarded the rank of lieutenant and will be rewarded with two thousand coins."

"Bolewen recruited troops this time and commanded the southern border garrison to resist the rat invasion. He was awarded the rank of captain and was rewarded with three thousand coins and a piece of silk."

In terms of merit alone, taking into account the recruitment of lizardmen troops, it is not an exaggeration to say that Bolevin was the first to contribute.

After all, the backbone of the resistance against the rat army is composed of lizardmen.

Under this premise, considering the size of the lizardmen, it would be unreasonable to only give Borlevin the title of second lieutenant or lieutenant. Tash felt the same way.

So Zhou Xu was quite generous and banished a captain and a lieutenant directly.

As for the remaining lizardmen, they were all given the title of warrant officer and rewarded with some money.

What is worth mentioning here is that those who can come here to receive rewards are those with military ranks. They have enough merits to be rewarded with this treatment.

As for those who did not have enough merit and only received some monetary rewards, there was no need for him to award the rewards personally. They would be directly calculated and distributed later.

"Bo Levin, when you come back this time, you can stay behind to assist in development."

One moment he was made a captain, and the next moment he was relieved of his military power. If he were replaced by someone else, he would definitely be dissatisfied.

However, as believers, Bo Levin and the others have different natures.

In Boleven's opinion, it is a great honor to be able to stay by God's side.

Previously, their king asked Soros to stay with him to assist and sent him to the border to lead troops, which made him feel melancholy.

Now that their king has taken the initiative to ask him to stay behind to assist in development, it is too late for him to be happy. How can he be dissatisfied? I was even excited when I spoke.

"Thank you for your gift, Your Majesty! I will definitely do my best to assist Your Majesty!!"

Seeing Bo Levin's impassioned look, Zhou Xu waved his hand.

"Okay, you guys have had a hard time traveling all the way, so please retreat and rest first."

After watching the lizard people led by Bo Levin retreat, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on Li Ce and Soros, who had been standing aside the whole time.

"Li Ce."

After his name was called by Zhou Xu, Li Ce walked out quickly.

"My subordinate is here!"

"Li Ce, I appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the southern border forces to replace Bo Levin's previous position. You will rush to the southern border to take up the post immediately."

"Subordinates take orders!"


"My subordinate is here!"

"Soros, you have served me well during this period. I will grant you the rank of lieutenant and deputy commander of the southern border troops. You will continue to assist Li Ce and lead the border troops!"

"Subordinates take orders!!"

Soros, who shouted this sentence, was very emotional. Although it was easy to stay behind to assist in development, this was really not a job he was good at.

Now that he finally obtained military services from Zhou Xu, Soros was very excited.

And this was what Zhou Xu had planned from the beginning.

In the final analysis, based solely on the ability to command troops, both Li Ce and Soros are more suitable candidates than Bolevin.

The reason why Bollevin was allowed to take over the task was mainly because of his identity as the high priest, who could better recruit the lizardmen's troops.

Now that the recruitment work has been completed, the southern border, which is responsible for resisting the invasion of the rat army, naturally needs to be replaced with a more suitable commander.

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