Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 557: Unknown Person

Because Zhou Xu had given the requirement to "take office immediately", Li Ce and Soros, who had been appointed, did not dare to delay and quickly retreated to make preparations before departure.

As soon as he turned around, apart from a few attendants, only Zhou Chongshan and Drogo were left in the temple, who were still waiting to be awarded the title.

After rewarding the lizardmen, it was impossible for Zhou Xu to treat Zhou Chongshan and the others badly.

"Zhou Chongshan is rewarded with two thousand coins and a war horse for his meritorious service in killing the enemy in this battle."

Zhou Chongshan killed a lot of enemies this time. Although he didn't kill any generals, he still deserved this reward based on the number of enemies he killed.

In terms of military rank, Zhou Chongshan is already a captain, and they are not considered the main force in this wave. Naturally, Zhou Xu cannot easily give him a military rank, so he simply rewards him with something else.

Regarding the previous monetary reward, Zhou Chongshan actually didn't have much fluctuation in his heart. After all, he basically made military exploits every time he went out in battle, and the monetary reward he received was already more than he could use on a daily basis.

Compared to money, he was more excited after hearing that their king rewarded him with a war horse.

You must know that although generals like him are equipped with war horses in the army, they are actually public property and you have no right to use them except for training, fighting and performing tasks.

Under this premise, currently within their Zhou Dynasty, not to mention war horses, even the inferior horses that are screened out and used to pull carts are not used for trading, and all belong to their king.

So until now, there is no privately owned horse.

Zhou Chongshan never expected that their king would directly reward him with a war horse! Just let him set the precedent!

Zhou Chongshan is also a horse lover, so this reward can only be said to be very suitable for him.

For a moment, I couldn't help but be happy.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!!"

In response, Zhou Xu chuckled and nodded, and then his eyes fell on Drogo and Diak, who were full of expectations.

"Drogo and Diak, you two are both worthy of killing the enemy. You will be rewarded two thousand coins and each will be given a set of armor!"

Obviously, Zhou Xu already knew what they wanted.

As expected, after hearing this reward, both of them smiled happily.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After finishing speaking, Drogo seemed to have remembered something again and quickly added another sentence.

"At the same time, I would like to thank the king for his blessing."


Zhou Xu was stunned when he heard this word. He didn't expect Drogo to suddenly say such a sentence.

Although the incident happened suddenly, Zhou Xu's mind turned quickly after all, and in just a blink of an eye, he realized that what Drogo was talking about now was probably related to his talent of 'evolutionary leader'.

But regarding his talent, Zhou Xu himself often couldn't figure out what it was that had been strengthened. Under this premise, it was obviously inconvenient to ask directly, so he simply came up with an excuse and made some circumstantial remarks.

Zhuo Ge is a straight-headed person, and sometimes his mind will turn around, but it is not fast, and he is soon tricked out by Zhou Xu.

[It turns out that the physical strength has been strengthened. Judging from this situation, it should be the strengthening project of the 'Dragon Lord' that has taken effect. 】

Zhou Xu's mind turned around and he quickly realized that he might have become a 'transit station'.

But he didn't care, and it would be a good thing to talk about it.

At this moment, various thoughts were running through his mind, and on the surface, he acted like he had everything under control, which made the subordinates in front of him respect him even more.

"I will research more blessings in the future. If you feel it, please give me feedback in time. This way I can also collect feedback, which will help me conduct better follow-up research."

In order to facilitate the subsequent understanding of the effect of his talent blessing, Zhou Xu gave a random reason. Zhou Chongshan and Zhuo Ge did not show the slightest doubt about this.

This way, it will be much easier for him to ask relevant questions in the future.

After briefly talking about this matter, Zhou Xu asked Zhou Chongshan and Zhuo Ge to go down to rest.

As soon as Zhou Chongshan and the others left, a figure staggered into the temple.

"Your Majesty. Your Majesty, I miss you so much!!"

Listening to this familiar voice, Zhou Xu shrank his neck with a look of disgust.

"Where did you come from singing this song?"

The person who came here was none other than Wang Pengfei, the supervisor who seized the opportunity and hugged Zhou Zhongshan's thigh tightly, determined to come back with them until death.

Seeing the other party's disheveled face, with runny nose and tears, Zhou Xu quickly raised his hand to stop.

When Wang Pengfei saw this, he knelt down obediently, with a look of grievance on his face.

Ignoring the other party's expression and reaction, Zhou Xu cast his gaze on a document in his hand. While looking at the contents of the document, he casually asked about the matters that were given to him.

"Before departure, how did you go about the things I asked you to do?"

Upon hearing this question, Wang Pengfei's body suddenly stiffened.

"Um, um... not bad..."

This tone was filled with an unspeakable guilt.

Hearing this, Zhou Xu asked directly without even turning his eyelids.

"What do you mean okay?"


Wang Pengfei was silent.

Zhou Xu didn't seem to notice his change. Seeing that he didn't say anything for a long time, he took the initiative to raise the question.

"Tell me, what did you observe on the battlefield on the southern border?"

"I have observed it. I have observed that the casualties on the side of the rat people are quite serious. I think at this time, should we take the initiative to attack..."

Wang Pengfei's voice became softer and softer now, and when he spoke later, it was basically no different from the sound of a mosquito.

Zhou Xu shook his head secretly in his heart. Not to mention the casualties on the rat people's side, they really had to take a break.

But he didn't plan to discuss this with Wang Pengfei now. Instead, he raised his head and looked at him deeply.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Zhou Xu's glance made Wang Pengfei's heart tremble and his legs trembled nervously.

"No, no more."

Zhou Xu nodded.

"Okay, let's go down. From today on, you will be responsible for the sanitation work here in the temple."

After saying that, Zhou Xu stopped caring about Wang Pengfei and returned his attention to the documents in front of him.

After Wang Pengfei heard these words, he felt as if he had been granted amnesty and hurriedly 'resigned'.

Glancing at Wang Pengfei's back, Zhou Xu sighed softly.

As a fellow time traveler, he originally wanted to give Wang Pengfei a hand, hoping that the other person could change and improve, but unfortunately, those who couldn't do it just couldn't do it.

Zhou Chongshan had already sent him a report, and Wang Pengfei had arrived there. Every time a battle started, he was so scared that he didn't dare to show his head, and kept shrinking in his tent.

In other words, he simply didn't do what he told him to do.

When asked about this just now, his first reaction was to lie to avoid responsibility.

During this process, because he was so nervous, he even forgot about this possibility that Zhou Chongshan might have reported to Zhou Xu.

With this performance, there is nothing wrong with calling him "stupid and bad".

He asked Wang Pengfei to clean the house in the future, and Wang Pengfei seemed to have been granted amnesty. This showed that he had no ambition at all and just wanted to hang around, which really made him a little disappointed.

However, Zhou Xu himself was not a troubled person and he soon let go.

If you think about it carefully, Wang Pengfei is an ordinary person whose upper limit of five-dimensional attributes is two stars. Under this premise, considering that talent with little practical value, he is probably incomparable to most ordinary people.

I have some expectations for him, but if I really talk about it, I have to blame him for not knowing people well and employing people inappropriately.

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