Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 555 Development Plan

The next half month passed in the blink of an eye. In the edge area of ​​the world, the energy channel opened, and a large team came from the opposite world with carriages filled with objects.

Needless to say, here are Da Zhou’s troops.

The only difference from before was that this time it was not military troops but development personnel who came here. At the same time, they also brought various development materials.

In fact, after the news came from the lizard people's southern border, Zhou Xu had temporarily stopped recruiting troops.

After all, the act of continuous recruitment itself is very stressful for them within the Great Zhou Dynasty, both at the material level and at the labor level.

Especially under the premise that we have experienced continuous conscription for a long time.

Now that Zhou Xu has withdrawn the conscription order, the internal pressure can at least ease.

Zhou Xu had already made a rough plan in his mind when he arrived here before.

As long as the lizardmen can hold on to the southern border and let them gain a foothold here, then his next step is to send farmers over to further cultivate the fields here and start large-scale agriculture.

You know, this is a perfect tropical rainforest climate. It is not an exaggeration to say that the weather is like spring all year round. If farming is developed here.

Then the status of Black Moon Village's 'Great Zhou Granary' will most likely not be guaranteed.

"How about it? This is it. I plan to cultivate fields here."

Leading Zhao Geng, Zhou Xu pointed at the large plain in front of him and gestured.

Since the environment here is indeed suitable for agricultural development, Zhao Geng, who is the Minister of Agriculture, was directly called over this time.

Also accompanying him were Ye Yan, the director of the Medical Department, and many members of the Medical Department.

Ye Yan and the others came here because through the various plants and herbs Zhou Xu had picked before, they learned that there were a lot of herbs growing in the tropical rain forest that they had never seen before.

In order to better conduct research on the newly discovered herbal medicines, and also to discover more new herbal medicines, Ye Yan also came here personally.

As for planting, the environment here is undoubtedly suitable for the growth of many medicinal herbs, and the plan to build a 'medicine garden' here has also been put on the agenda.

It can be said that they are busy with various things next.

And now, let’s do it one by one...

"There is a water source over there. It is a river that extends from the rainforest area. There are also some fish resources in it."

Riding on horseback, Zhou Xu introduced Zhao Geng and others to the river, gesticulating and talking about his general plan.

According to Zhou Xu's idea, he planned to turn this entire plain into a large farm.

Of course, he must carry out the specific implementation step by step. If he wants to open up the entire plain in one go, then Zhao Geng and the others will probably go crazy, and they will have to hire people to farm cattle. Dead.

Not to mention considering the water source and irrigation issues, if he wants to turn an entire plain into farmland, he will definitely need to dig a large number of canals, which is another tiring job.

In this way, at this stage, Zhou Xu roughly divided the land of this plain into ten pieces, taking his time one by one.

For now, the first task of members of the Ministry of Agriculture headed by Zhao Geng is to complete the reclamation and composting of Plot No. 1.

This land is located near the river, which can reduce the workload in other aspects to the maximum extent, allowing the plowing, composting, and even subsequent farming work to proceed smoothly.

After understanding the situation from Zhou Xu, Zhao Geng had already rolled up his sleeves and was ready to work.

The workload is there, and the sooner they start work, the better.

Zhou Xu didn't bother too much, and rode directly to Silk's garrison camp. He took Ye Yan and his friends, who were almost rested, and rushed towards the rainforest area.

Unlike Zhao Geng and the others, Ye Yan, who wanted to observe the growth environment of various herbs up close and conduct research on them, naturally their working area was within the rain forest.

It was the first time to see such a lush virgin forest. At this moment, the members of the medical department headed by Ye Yan were undoubtedly shocked.

As for the rainforest area, Zhou Xu has no plans to carry out extensive deforestation and development.

He will definitely have to build it, but he will try his best to ensure that the ecological environment here is not damaged.

It's not that Zhou Xu is an environmentalist, he is not, and he doesn't even pay much attention to these natural environments, but this does not prevent him from having a mind that can understand its value.

A large number of animals and plants here rely on this rainforest environment to grow and inhabit, including the medicinal herbs they have discovered.

Once the rainforest environment is destroyed, it is likely to have a direct impact on these precious resources.

Even for these resources, Zhou Xu must protect the environment.

In addition, if he had even done a little research on related things before traveling, he would know that the tropical rainforest is also known as the 'Lungs of the Planet', and its existence itself is equivalent to a super large air purifier.

In addition, tropical rainforests are also an important part of the planet's water cycle. Their existence not only helps to fertilize the soil and allow biological growth, but also regulates the climate.

Its value is far greater than he knows.

Anyway, he made a very wise decision.

After passing through the rain forest, Zhou Xu took Ye Yan and the others directly to the lizard people's tribe, and then planned to make arrangements for Ye Yan and his members first.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yan directly raised his hand to express...

"Your Majesty, I just took a look. If I live here in the lizard tribe, I'm afraid I will have to spend a lot of time running out every day. This is too inefficient."

Hearing this, Zhou Xu turned to look at Ye Yan.

"So you want to camp directly in the wild?"

At this moment, many members had begun to have bitter looks on their faces, but their director, Ye Yan, nodded firmly.

"Yes, in this way, I can set up a tent directly near the plants I want to observe, and I can observe them every day before going to bed, when I first wake up, and even in the middle of the night."

There are a lot of wild beasts in this tropical rainforest, and camping in the wild is risky, but in the face of Ye Yan's dedication, what else can he say?

"Okay, I'll have someone prepare your camping supplies, and then I'll send some people to you to ensure your safety."

While speaking, Zhou Xu turned to look at Soros who was following him.

"Soros, you should have heard what we just said. You go and choose two tribesmen who are familiar with the rainforest environment and good at surviving in the wild to carry out this mission with them. In addition, I will recruit ten more. The soldiers will act as guards for you in case you encounter any danger in the wild."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

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