Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 554 Transfer Station

Amidst the passionate shouts of killing, the cavalry troops from both sides once again fought together. Zhou Chongshan, who was red-eyed with the killing, was once again dual-wielding weapons, and the weapons in his hands continued to swing down and thrust out again and again! Take the enemy's life without mercy.

At the same time, the lizardmen's infantry phalanx was attacked by giant rat knights, causing the originally closed advancement formation to be destroyed.

However, thanks to the protection provided by the scales on their bodies, the combat effectiveness of the lizardman infantry has been significantly improved in chaotic battles.

At this moment, these equipped troops directly formed the backbone of the Lizardmen side. After the initial panic, they gradually stabilized their position in the chaos.

You know, before Zhou Xu was not blessed by the battle formation, the lizard people fought against the rat people in this way.

Just now, the formation was suddenly broken, which caused them to panic a little. Now, no matter what, they just become the same as before.

With this mentality, the lizard soldiers felt at ease.

The battle continued, and as time passed, the battle became more and more intense, and gradually entered a white-hot stage.

After successfully joining forces with Drogo and the others, although the giant rat knights in front of them cannot be said to be vulnerable, they are hardly their opponents.

After a long fight and completely killing them, Zhou Chongshan immediately confirmed the position of the rat men in the distance.

The successive appearance of human cavalry and centaurs obviously made the rat people basically no longer interested in fighting the lizard people here.

In fact, after so many years of fighting, although the two sides often fought, when it came to a decisive battle, they really never fought.

After all, none of them are sure that they will definitely win, and even if they can win, it will probably be a miserable victory.

Now Talon seems to have seen that the situation is gradually unfavorable for them. At this time, our troops have begun to withdraw. As for those who are still on the battlefield...

If it sounds good, he will call her off, but if it sounds bad, he will abandon his son. He doesn't care how much he can escape later.

Watching the rat people evacuate, Zhou Chongshan looked a little unwilling and wanted to pursue them, but his reason told him not to pursue them.

In their current state, it would be too risky to catch up.

The most important thing at the moment is to protect the lizardmen's large army and ensure that they have enough troops to fight the ratmen.

At the same time, the upgrade of weapons and equipment on the Lizardmen's army has greatly improved them. After stabilizing their position, they slowly regained the advantage they once lost.

At this time, Zhou Chongshan and Zhuo Ge's troops arrived, which accelerated this change.

The sharp blade cut through the rat man's throat, and the hot blood splashed directly onto his face. Zhou Chongshan lowered the hand holding the weapon, and his chest continued to rise and fall with his violent breathing.

Just now, the last ratman on this battlefield died under his sword, but the successive fierce battles had left him almost exhausted, and the horses under him were already foaming at the white from exhaustion.

"Lao Zhou, do you feel that our physical strength seems to be better than before?"

Drogo, who was also physically exhausted, dragged his heavy body, kicked away the rat man's body, and walked slowly to Zhou Chongshan's side.

After working together for a long time, the two of them have already become thoroughly familiar with each other.

Hearing Zhuo Ge's words, Zhou Chongshan nodded, and then took a deep breath.

"I think it was the king who knew that we were in a difficult battle and gave us new blessings."

Drogo was not surprised at all by this, but nodded in agreement.

Zhou Xu, as the person involved, was completely unaware of this.

The effect of Zhou Xu’s talent of ‘Evolutionary Leader’ needs no further elaboration.

To put it simply, this talent is very strong, but it also has its drawbacks.

The most annoying thing about this talent is that even Zhou Xu, as the owner, often doesn't know what effect this talent is exerting.

For example, right now...

The increase in physical strength of Zhou Chongshan and the others is most likely due to the unlocking and upgrading of the two items of 'Lizard Man Comprehensive Enhancement' and 'Lizard Man Endurance Enhancement' in 'Dragon Lord'.

But unless this improvement is very huge, under normal circumstances, in addition to reviewing documents, Zhou Xu's daily work is to inspect the work of various departments and ponder the subsequent development of the week. How can Zhou Xu clearly feel it?

Regardless of this point, Zhou Chongshan and Zhuo Ge were able to obtain this blessing. There is no doubt that it was thanks to Zhou Xu's talent.

Because normally, these two are enhancement projects for lizardmen, and their enhancement effects are completely useless to other races such as humans and centaurs.

The reason why it works is because Zhou Xu's talent allows this strengthening effect to be applied to himself as a kind of 'evolution'.

And the effect of 'Evolutionary Leader' can bless the evolutionary effect obtained by Zhou Xu himself to his people.

To put it simply, Zhou Xu acted as a very critical transfer station in the middle, allowing the strengthening project that should only be applied to the lizard people to affect all of his people.

Of course, the specific amount of enhancement they can obtain depends on themselves, and it should be related to their own potential talents.

Some can receive more obvious blessings, while others can receive only minimal blessings.

After a great battle, outside the lizardmen's border camp, the corpses of the ratmen could be piled up into a hill.

After the war, Bo Levin arranged for the soldiers to handle the work.

I don’t know if it’s because the enemy ratmen themselves often spread diseases, so the lizardmen also have the habit of stacking the corpses together after the war and burning them all.

Generally speaking, there is no need for Zhou Chongshan and Zhuo Ge to worry.

At the same time, the latest battle situation on the front line has also caused the speed dragon cavalry to be sent back to the rear as quickly as possible.

According to the latest battle results, the Ratmen have been temporarily repelled by them, and have no intention of launching another offensive in the short term.

According to Bolevin, this wave of ratmen is most likely a temporary truce, because judging from the results, the other party's goal of reducing the slave population and reducing food pressure for the winter has been achieved.

This is undoubtedly good news for Zhou Xu. After experiencing successive battles, they really need a good rest.

At the same time, I can't help but feel that it is very efficient to have a flying unit for communication.

From the southern border to the lizard people's clan, even if it is a single movement, without considering the coordination of troops, it is estimated that it will take a week to send the speed dragon cavalry adapted to the rainforest terrain to take the shortest route.

The pterosaur rider ignored the terrain and brought the news back in just three days.

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