Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 553: Entanglement

War Charge had just been used, and Diack and the others were unable to use it a second time in a short period of time, either due to consumption or their own condition.

At this moment, looking at the giant rat knight who had transformed into a roadblock and rushed towards them, a head-on attack was inevitable.

The Claws should have devoted most of their cavalry strength to the attack on the lizardman phalanx, and the number of giant rat knights left here just in case was not that large.

There was no way to count those who got mixed up in the rat tide and were blown away by their war charge.

But at this moment, the number of giant rat knights charging forward from the front was only one or two hundred.

There are fifty-five centaurs in total. Compared with them, the giant rat knights on the opposite side have a very clear numerical advantage.

However, Diak and the others did not appear too panicked.

The Giant Rat, the mount of the Giant Rat Knight, is indeed huge enough for a rat, but it is still not big enough in front of the burly centaurs.

In a competition of individual strength, the Giant Rat Knight opposite them was definitely no match for them.

Even though the opponent's numerical advantage is obvious, the centaurs are not so afraid.

But the problem now is that the purpose of their attack this time is not to attack the tide of rats or the giant rat knights on the opposite side. They are going towards the regular army positions of the rat people.

However, now they are being attacked continuously by rat men.

There is also a saying about things like "rushing, then weakening, and finally exhausting". Now that it is being continuously suppressed, Drogo knows that it will be difficult to achieve the goal after being consumed along the way like this.

But thinking about it, I still have to fight what needs to be fought.

Previously, because some of them were not proficient enough in war charge, they still left it to Diak to lead the team when performing war charge.

But now, the war charge has been carried out, and Drogo naturally kills again without hesitation.

After a wave of confrontation, blood and flesh flew everywhere on the battlefield.

This time Drogo and the others failed to directly smash through the rat tide like they did before, and then walked away.

You can do this to infantry largely because they have power, which infantry doesn't have, and you can't catch them even if you want to.

But when the enemies are also cavalry, the centaurs have power, and so do the giant rat knights. After a head-on collision, how easy is it to shake them off?

The cavalry from both sides directly entangled each other.

In the process, the centaurs' purpose was revealed, and Talon began to direct the troops to move their positions.

Drogo, who caught a glimpse of this situation from a distance, subconsciously wanted to get rid of the giant rat knight and start pursuing him.

However, in the process of their entanglement with this group of giant rat knights, the rat tide that had fallen behind and the group of giant rat knights mixed in with the rat tide caught up again.

They were dragged by the giant rat knight with their lives and couldn't leave now even if they wanted to.

During this period, looking at the rat tide and another group of giant rat knights that had caught up, Drogo knew that his mission this time was a failure.

Thinking of this, I felt a burst of anger in my heart, and then I stabbed a giant rat knight with a spear as if to vent my anger!

Almost at the same time, a bigger melee started surrounding the Centaur troops.

Zhou Chongshan, who had just dispersed a small wave of rats at that time, undoubtedly noticed the situation there, and suddenly cursed in his heart, "What the hell".

At the same time, he immediately glanced at the ratman who was shifting positions in the distance.

In just a short time, the rat man on the opposite side had moved his position to a farther position.

In that position, without anyone providing frontal restraint, it would be extremely difficult for just one of their cavalry to break into the opposite position.

After briefly judging the situation, Zhou Chongshan pulled the reins and without hesitation chose to support the centaur troops led by Drogo.

After all, judging from Drogo's situation, even if they could hold on until the second war charge to break through, they would probably have to pay a heavy price in casualties during the process.

From their perspective, they certainly did not want the Centaur clan to suffer heavy casualties.

Following Zhou Chongshan's order, the Zhou cavalry immediately took action.

However, the battle has reached this point, whether it is the soldiers or the horses under them, the continuous consumption of physical energy has destined that their condition has inevitably begun to decline.

This also made Zhou Chongshan dare not fight as unscrupulously as he did at the beginning.

Taking advantage of the time when the troops were transferring support, he took the time to let the soldiers and horses take a few more breaths. This was one of the few opportunities for them to adjust on this battlefield.

Later, after the distance was shortened to a certain extent, with Zhou Chongshan’s cry of ‘The whole army charges! ’, the Zhou cavalry galloped wildly again!

Drogo and the others, who were deeply involved in the melee at that time, undoubtedly noticed the arrival of Zhou Chongshan and the others.

However, they did not take the initiative to meet in that direction. Instead, they changed to another direction and started charging.

Led by Zhou Chongshan, the arrival of the Great Zhou cavalry was like throwing a bomb directly into the lake. With a 'bang' sound, the entire lake completely exploded!

The scale of the rat tide composed of rat slave soldiers here was originally small, and the continuous fighting of the centaurs made the scale even smaller. It was mainly because of the giant rat knights that entangled them throughout the whole process, making it impossible for Drogo and the others to escape. .

Now the charge of the Zhou cavalry directly turned the rat tide upside down.

This side suffered an impact, and the entire rat tide was also affected. Drogo and the others seized the opportunity, looked in another direction, gained some speed, and launched a strong attack.

The two sides formed a set of coordination intentionally or unintentionally. As they rushed towards each other, in the blink of an eye, they directly rushed the rat tide to pieces. At the end, the two cavalry units merged into one place and headed towards They rushed to the outside of the battlefield, intending to temporarily break away from the battle, regroup at the outside, and then fight back.

However, how could the Giant Rat Knights on the Ratmen's side give them this chance? After catching them, they were chased and beaten all the way.

From the beginning of the battle until now, after experiencing multiple rounds of attrition from the rat tide, and running around for support, the Zhou Chongshan cavalry led by Zhou Chongshan were already exhausted.

As the horses' physical strength declined, it was difficult for them to show their initial speed. It was naturally even more difficult to escape the pursuit of the giant rat knights.

Drogo and the others, who entered the scene halfway, were in good condition, but how could they leave Zhou Chongshan and the others to retreat alone?

"Damn it, fight them!"

Amidst the yelling and cursing, Drogo turned around and faced the giant rat knights who were following closely behind.

"Brothers, follow me to kill the enemy!!"


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