Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 552 Already prepared

Following Drogo's order, the troops of the centaur clan suddenly rushed into the battlefield with momentum.

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Lizhao's face instantly sank to the bottom of his face.

Of course he would not forget the existence of the centaur clan.

However, the Centaur clan has always been trying to survive in the cracks. Based on the fact that the lizard people won the battle and ended the battle, the claws can only assume that the Centaur clan has either been wiped out or escaped by relying on their mobility.

However, no matter how hard he thought about it, he never imagined that the centaur clan would actually get involved with the lizard people.

This situation was truly unexpected by Talon.

At this time, the centaur clan's advance was so fierce that he had no time to think about it and quickly sent out troops to intercept.

[There are actually more? 】

From the current point of view, the scale of the rat tide in the rat army has exceeded the lizard people's initial expectations.

But it's no wonder that the Lizardmen's estimate of the Ratmen's strength was based on many previous battles, and the one they had fought against before was Jikumu.

According to the nature of the claws, it is of course impossible to hand over all the troops of their clan to the other party. They must firmly hold part of the troops in their own hands.

And now, as the clan leader, Talon has personally led troops to the front line, which means that at this moment, at least 80%, or even more than 90%, of their Talon clan's troops are already here!

Under this premise, from the time he led his troops to the front line until now, the claws have been hiding in the position, and the lizard people who are unaware of the opponent's arrival will naturally make biased judgments.

Fortunately, this deviation did not have much impact on the centaur clan headed by Drogo.

In the words of their king, the situation on this battlefield is changing rapidly, and any emergencies are not surprising. The key is to respond calmly.

In terms of their ability to advance and break formations, the centaurs are only stronger than the human cavalry.

When the human cavalry led by Zhou Chongshan could successfully break through a single wave of rats, they had no reason to be afraid.

"Run it directly from the front!"

While shouting, Drogo directly lifted up the crystal iron war spear in his hand and began to accelerate. He planned to take the shortest route, running through the rat tide in a straight line, and directly attack the rat men's regular army positions.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

The two armies clashed, and the centaur clan charged fiercely. The impact was powerful enough to crush the rat slave soldiers blocking them to pieces in an instant! Simply unstoppable!

At the same time, after receiving orders from the claws, the rat tide once again challenged the lizardmen's phalanx.

Seeing the rat tide approaching from the flanks of the battlefield, as the troops responsible for the security of that side, the Velociraptor Cavalry took the initiative to attack them after taking a short rest.

Just like before, the troops from both sides quickly collided head-on. At this stage, the speed dragon cavalry were in good condition, and the fragile rat slave soldiers could not stop their collision.

Maintaining the charge formation, the Velociraptor Cavalry rushed into the rat tide, trying to penetrate the rat tide in one go, and then, just like before, they completely defeated it by rushing back and forth!

However, the danger broke out at this moment, and huge figures suddenly jumped out of the surging rat tide.

"Be careful! It's the giant rat knights of the rat people! They got mixed up in the rat tide and attacked!!"

Tash, who noticed the other party's presence, immediately shouted a warning.

At the same time, the giant rat knight closest to him jumped in front of him, and stabbed him straight with the metal spear in his hand.

Upon seeing this, Tash immediately ducked sideways, but the attack from the enemy giant rat knight obviously would not end.

I saw that on the back of the giant rat, which was three meters long and about one meter high, in addition to the knight himself, there were actually two rat soldiers.

While the giant rat knight controlled the giant rat to jump up and launch a jumping attack towards Tash, the two rat soldiers who were also sitting on the back of the giant rat also jumped up and attacked Tash. past.

Faced with such a situation, Tash was also very brave and skillful. He immediately abandoned his spear and drew his sword, and chopped the two rat soldiers to the ground with one blow.

But obviously, not every speed dragon cavalry has his strength.

Even if the reminder is timely enough, it cannot change the reality that many dragon cavalry are in trouble because they are unable to parry.

In conjunction with the rat tide, the entry of the giant rat knights changed the situation on the flank battlefield to a great extent. The charging momentum of the speed dragon cavalry was stagnated, and the entire charging formation showed some vitality at this moment. The trend of disintegration.

Seeing the opportunity, without any extra orders at all, the hungry rat slave soldiers around them immediately swarmed up, drowning the speed dragon cavalry who suddenly stalled in the rat tide.

During this period, the targets of the Giant Rat Knights did not stop at the Speed ​​Dragon Cavalry.

After completing this round of explosive attacks, regardless of the rat slave soldiers who rushed to finish off, they directly broke away from the rat tide and gathered in a group, rushing towards the lizard man's advancing phalanx. This was what they were doing. The biggest goal ever!

If they had enough time to master this battle formation, they might be able to cope with this sudden situation by making appropriate changes to the formation, but the lizard people were just improvising and were not proficient at all.

Under this premise, compared to the front, the sides of this battle formation are already weak points. Without the cavalry troops responsible for escorting, now the entire weakness can be said to be exposed in front of the enemy.

During this period, although those giant rats did not have long legs, their short legs ran surprisingly fast, and they rushed in front of the lizard man phalanx in the blink of an eye.

Led by Zhou Chongshan, the Zhou cavalry on the other side had no time to provide support.

The lizardman phalanx, which was busy dealing with the rat tide in the front, was suddenly attacked by enemy cavalry troops on the flanks. It was immediately thrown into disarray. The original tight formation collapsed, and a melee broke out.

Looking at the chaotic battle that was forming over there, Zhou Chongshan's face darkened. In this situation, both the enemy and ourselves were already in a ball, and even if they wanted to rush in to support, they couldn't.

At this point, the only thing they can do is probably to contain the enemy's follow-up troops who are trying to join the melee!

At the same time, the centaur troops headed by Drogo were undoubtedly attacked by the giant rat knights.

But unlike the Velociraptor Cavalry, at that critical moment, Diak, who felt the huge threat, made an immediate decision, passed Drogo directly, and ordered a war charge!

Relying on the shock wave spread by the war charge, he forcibly shook away the attacking giant rat knight and broke out in one breath.

However, what awaits them in front is not a smooth road, but another wave of giant rat knights!

Needless to say, Talon, who knew what the centaur was capable of, was well prepared this time!

Update sent, thank you to the book friend "Xian can meet but cannot seek - Da" for the reward!

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