Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 546 Many ants eat elephants

After receiving the order, the rat army immediately launched a pursuit.

However, the positions of the two sides were separated by a day's journey, and the lizardmen's large army was under the control of Bollevin. They had control over the whole process, but the ratmen were only belatedly aware of it and waited for the claws to receive the news. By that time, the lizardmen's large army had already withdrawn a lot of distance. In a short while, it was really not that easy to catch up.

After hearing the news, this situation made Talon feel angry, but he had no choice but to continue pursuing the pursuit.

Up to this point, it can be said that everything is under Boleven's control.

After all, they have been sworn enemies for so many years, and he knows very well about the Rat Man's urinary nature.

Therefore, on the way, as always, he arranged for the dragon cavalry to intercept and kill the leading troops of the rat men.

Will Claw be unclear about this hand of his?

Of course Talon knew it, but wouldn't he pursue it?

Under this premise, he could not confirm when the Velociraptor Cavalry would take action.

Rounding it all off, this is a complete conspiracy, a method that is not afraid of you knowing at all.

Seizing the opportunity, the Velociraptor Cavalry suddenly charged out. Even if the rat slave soldiers who formed the vanguard were prepared, they could not reduce the pressure on them much.

During this period, the Velociraptor Cavalry was not willing to fight. They rushed and killed, interrupted the advancement of the Ratmen's vanguard and left immediately, with no intention of fighting with the opponent.

After all, they knew very well that the Rat Man army was so powerful that once they stopped, they would most likely be trapped and die, with almost no possibility of survival.

The two sides were entangled all the way, and the lizard man army headed by Bo Levin withdrew its defense line without any danger.

At this point, Bo Levin obviously no longer cares whether he will reveal his secret.

Because judging from this situation, it is only a matter of time before he reveals his secret.

What is more important than concealing this matter now is to gain time to rendezvous with the reinforcements!

During this period, Talon, who realized that he had been tricked, was yelling curses all the way, but no matter how dirty he was, it was useless. Bollevin couldn't hear him, or he wouldn't react at all.

Through this back and forth, Bo Levin directly succeeded in delaying the process for ten days.

Leading the rat-man army, they advanced all the way to the border camp of the lizard-man. Logically speaking, after such a pursuit, their army had better rest for a whole day or two, and then push forward to launch an offensive.

But the other party's previous performance made Li Zhao always have a suspicion in his heart, that is, the other party seemed to be delaying time.

From this point of view, assuming that the other party is really stalling for time, wouldn't he be fulfilling the lizard man's wish by stopping here to rest?

When he thought of this, Sharp Claw felt instantly unhappy.

"Give me the order and let the slave troops attack directly!"

Talon didn't care about the life and death of the rat slave soldiers at all. After the order was issued, the rat slave soldiers immediately gathered into a rat tide and swept towards the lizard people's border defense line.

Bollevin's face turned gloomy after confirming the news. If possible, he certainly hoped that the Rat Man could take a break. In this way, he could at least gain one or two more days.

However, he knew that the opponent was not stupid. If he did this, the opponent would most likely guess that he was stalling for time.

This time, after days of traveling, they did not even take a break and directly launched an offensive, which fully proved this point.

In this regard, Bo Levin was not too panicked.

He was very clear about the methods of the rat men. The offensive of the rat men and rat tide would often take up more than 70% of the time of a war.

Compared with the rat slave soldiers who immediately launched a rat tide offensive without even taking a break after arriving here, they arrived at the camp one step ahead of the rat men.

This means they will have more rest time than the Skaven.

Although the troops could not be said to have fully recovered from the fatigue of continuous traveling and fighting, their condition was much better than that of the rat slave soldiers.

Facing the rat tide, Bollevin had no intention of defending the camp and directly asked the Velociraptor Cavalry to take the initiative to intercept and kill.

Bearing the fatigue of continuous travel, the rat slave soldiers appeared more fragile than before.

The Velociraptors continued to charge, forcibly blocking their advance and causing them a large number of casualties.

But they knew in their hearts that this battle would not end with this, it could even be said that it had just begun.

He knew in his heart that Bollevin was trying to delay time with some agenda, and he had no intention of stopping.

He didn't care about the lives of the slave soldiers at all. Even if all the lives of these slave soldiers were involved in this battle, so what?

With this mentality, the Rat Tide's offensive can be said to be extremely 'heavy'.

Hitting the back is a kind of mental torture for every lizardman soldier.

While avoiding frontal combat with the rat tide as much as possible, the speed dragon cavalry basically maintained the rhythm of entering the battlefield, launching a round of charge, and then maintaining the momentum of the charge, directly leaving the battlefield and starting operations there.

This approach does indeed reduce the efficiency of the rat tide to a certain extent, but it is impossible to completely prevent the rat tide from advancing.

After paying a certain price of casualties, the massive rat tide quickly rushed outside the lizard people's border defense lines.

Standing on the observation deck of the camp, confirming the location of the rat tide from a distance, Bolevin issued an order...

"Let the armored dragon go into battle and let the infantry units advance behind the armored dragon!"

The simple camp environment left them with no good defensive conditions. Once the rat tide came completely, their camp would turn into a battlefield in minutes.

Rather than setting up camp, it is better to take the initiative with your back to the camp.

Along with the sound of heavy footsteps, a shield-headed Ankylosaurus appeared on the battlefield.

But their appearance did not pose any threat to the rat slave soldiers.

Although these rat slave soldiers are weak, they are crazy!

If they move forward, they still have a glimmer of hope. If they retreat, the other slave soldiers behind them will bite them to death first, and their corpses will also become food in the mouths of other slave soldiers!

Facing the surging rat tide, the advancing armored dragons became a little anxious and showed signs of disobeying orders.

The reason for this situation was soon revealed, and the surging tide of rats was like a tide, directly submerging the armored dragon.

A large number of rat slave soldiers crazily climbed onto the armored dragon's body. In the blink of an eye, they crawled all over the armored dragon's body.

At this moment, this scene is simply shocking. If Zhou Xu were here, four big words would definitely appear in his mind: ants eat elephants!

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