Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 547 Don’t take the bait

The armored dragon, which was covered by a large number of rat slave soldiers, became obviously panicked. After flicking its tail, it forced back the surrounding rat slave soldiers who were still attacking continuously. Only the armored dragon with its head was seen. All of them were lying on the ground with a "thump" sound as their legs were paralyzed and their bellies were pressed to the ground.

This time, large amounts of plasma suddenly burst out from under their abdomens.

Of course, the plasma is not from the armored dragons themselves, but from the rat slave soldiers who crawled onto their bellies, and were directly crushed into pulp in this action!

However, the death of a large number of their kind at this moment did not make the rat slave soldiers retreat, and they were still advancing almost crazily.

In the eyes of these hungry rat slave soldiers, these armored dragons were simply mountains of meat. While climbing, they opened their mouths and started chewing them, regardless of how hard the armored dragon's carapace was. .

Water droplets can still penetrate stone, and the teeth of these hungry rat slave soldiers cannot be underestimated.

The lizard people, who are mortal enemies, know this very well.

The lizardmen infantry following behind did not dare to let them act recklessly, so they quickly picked up their weapons and charged forward.

While the armored dragon withstood the attacks of the rat slave soldiers, it also shared the pressure of the rat tide with the lizard infantry in disguise, creating a better fighting environment for them.

Once the troops from both sides collided, a melee quickly broke out.

After the melee here started, the speed dragon cavalry who were temporarily away from the battlefield and hiding on the periphery to rest and recuperate saw the opportunity and took action again.

But this time, their attack target was not the rat tide that had been engaged in a melee with their infantry troops, but the regular army position behind the rat army!

Previously, Jicumu followed Boleven's lead and attacked rashly, which ultimately left the rear defense empty. The regular army's position was ruthlessly attacked by the Velociraptor Cavalry, and finally retreated all the way, paying a heavy price.

After this experience, how could Talon and Jicumu fall into the same pit twice?

Not to mention that in order to reduce the strength of their rat tide and contain their advance, the Velociraptor Cavalry had already appeared. Now both Talon and Jicumu knew that the other party was hiding on the periphery of the battlefield, so how could they not target them? Be on guard?

Now when he saw the Velociraptor Cavalry appear, after the opponent advanced to a certain distance, Sharp Claw gave an order and directly sent out a wave of rats to intercept and kill him.

The Velociraptor Cavalry deliberately wanted to rely on its flexible and disguised ability to bypass the rat tide and directly attack the rat army's position.

However, the rat tide was so large that it spread out and intercepted it continuously. Even with the flexibility of the Velociraptor Cavalry, it was not that easy to easily bypass it.

When cavalry charges, they first need enough distance to bring up speed. Only when the speed reaches the fastest and the charging momentum reaches the strongest, can the maximum lethality be demonstrated by hitting the target in one breath.

This requires precise control of the distance. If the distance is close, the charging momentum has not been fully developed, and the power will naturally not reach the limit; if the distance is far, the state will begin to decline after the strongest explosive period. , also unable to show its maximum power.

Like the Velociraptors, their plans were undoubtedly disrupted.

The moment they chose to bypass the rat tide, the momentum of their charge had begun to wane.

Talon, who was in his own position, stood on a high place, watching the actions of the Velociraptors, and secretly laughed at the stupidity of these lizardmen.

The opponent rushed directly into the rat tide and could probably kill some slave soldiers. If he did this now, he would probably get himself involved.

Thinking of this, Talon's first thought was to send another wave of rats out to outflank it.

Now that he has enough slave troops in hand, the claws are showing off with ease.

At this moment, the order was already on his lips, but in the next second, the claws seemed to realize something and suddenly felt something was wrong, and choked the entire sentence in his throat.

【Wait a moment! has a problem! 】

They are mortal enemies. After fighting for so many years, they are all too familiar with each other. How could the other party make such a stupid mistake?

The situation itself is so strange.

Talon, who had doubts in his heart, immediately gave up the order to mobilize the rat tide to cooperate with the outflank. Even if he missed the opportunity to surround and kill the Velociraptors, it didn't matter to him. This situation was too strange, and he absolutely did not want to take this risk.

After giving up this idea, the sharp claws glanced at the speed dragon cavalry who were still meandering, and then quickly swept around, as if to guard against the enemy that might appear next.

During this process, the charge of the Velociraptor Cavalry was no longer powerful due to the constant detours, and they simply turned around and ran away.

Don't forget, Velociraptors have always had average physical strength, and long-term dealings will not do them any good. Getting rid of the enemy first is the best strategy.

When there was no head-on collision between the two sides and the Velociraptor Cavalry kept moving around the whole time, it was unrealistic for the rat slave soldiers to keep them. In the end, they could only watch the Velociraptor Cavalry walk away.

The failure of one operation made their whole journey in vain, and they returned without success.

But now that the war has begun, how can the Dragon Cavalry be willing to stop there?

Facing them, the rat slave soldiers lacked the ability to pursue them.

After successfully retreating to the periphery to rest for a while, they launched another charge towards the Ratmen's regular army positions.

This time, it was obviously no longer a raid.

Talon already knew that they would definitely attack again.

After all, the war has already begun. As an important cavalry force, how can it be kept on the periphery?

Facing the speed dragon cavalry that attacked again, Sharp Claw repeated its old tricks and once again sent a wave of rats forward to attack them.

After experiencing what happened before, the Velociraptor Cavalry also figured it out. This time, they didn't take any detours and collided head-on.

The rat slave soldiers had fragile bodies and could not withstand the frontal charge of the cavalry. They were crushed to death on the spot, and then they directly caught the rat tide and charged back and forth.

Located on the periphery of the battlefield, the cavalry team headed by Zhou Chongshan secretly observed the entire battle situation.

Zhou Chongshan frowned as he watched the speed dragon cavalry charge back and forth, and then looked at the unresponsive Ratman regular army position.

"Depending on the situation, the rat people are expecting to have a back-up here. The lizard people are currently weak. If we continue to wait and see like this, I am afraid that if we don't wait for the king's reinforcements to arrive, we will be at a disadvantage first. By then, the lizard people will be at a disadvantage. If the casualties are too great, it will be difficult for us to fight."

While talking, Zhou Chongshan pulled the reins.

"Brothers, charge with me!!"

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