Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 545 Delaying time

The news that the rat men stopped advancing and turned to the defensive made Bolevin greatly relieved.

Although he had previously estimated that there was a high probability of success, there was no certainty on this matter after all.

Now that he had truly received the news, he put his hanging heart back into his stomach.

Of course, it's far from time to completely relax.

It's just a temporary measure at the moment. No matter how slow the mobilization of the large forces is, it will take two or three days before they start moving. If they delay in moving, the rat men will also become suspicious.

Things have reached this point, and Bollevin is ready to take action.

Maintaining a normal rhythm that would not make the opponent suspicious, after completing the deployment, the lizardman's large force set off smoothly and advanced towards the ratman's position.

As the current commander-in-chief of the front line, in order to prevent the Ratmen on the opposite side from seeing the clues, Bolevin himself naturally had to go with the army.

Sitting upright on the back of the armored dragon as always, the scene was complete.

After the news came back, Talon basically dispelled his doubts and began to further devote himself to the upcoming defensive battle.

As everyone knows, the high priest who looked calm and calm, sitting on the back of the armored dragon as if he had the overall situation under control, was actually quite panicked.

【What should I do now? 】

The relationship between them and the rat men was currently in a state of distant confrontation after maintaining a basic safe distance.

At this distance, no matter how slowly your large army advances, it won't be much slower.

When the two sides fight, the declining combat power of their lizard-men army will be exposed!

When he thought of this, Bo Levin's pressure doubled, but he couldn't think of a way to solve it.

While he was melancholy, the pterosaur rider flew over from the tribe with the latest news.

Their lizard-man army had just set off with its front legs, and the pterosaur riders arrived with their hind legs. According to the speed at which the pterosaurs moved through the air, it was easy to catch up with the large army.

"Report to the high priest that the king has sent reinforcements and asked the centaur troops to set off with weapons and equipment. They are on their way here."

Bo Levin suddenly beamed with joy after learning the news.

As an enemy, the Centaur clan was extremely obstructive, but on the other hand, if they could participate in the war as friendly forces, then he would be very happy.

However, before he could enjoy himself for a while, Bo Levin, who seemed to have thought of something, his face quickly darkened again.

[The centaurs are not good at moving in the rainforest environment, and they carry weapons and equipment, so they basically have to surround them from the outside, which takes a lot of time! 】

From the lizard tribe to the front line, the shortest route must be directly through the rain forest.

But except for the special units of the lizard people, there are few other units that can maintain mobility in a complex environment like the rain forest, and the centaurs are no exception.

Bolevin made a rough estimate in his mind, and took into account the time it took for the pterosaur riders to travel. If the centaur clan wanted to reach the front line, it would probably take ten days and a half, no matter how fast it was.

As for the distance between their large army and the Ratmen's position, he could reach it in two days based on his marching speed. On the other hand, no matter how hard he worked, it would only take five days at most. What would he do with the remaining time?

Although he now knew that reinforcements were on the way, Bolevin had no intention of turning back to the camp directly.

Their initiative to advance can be delayed for a while. Once they return to camp, it may not even take two days for the large rat army to advance.

【Wait a moment! Back to camp? 】

At that moment, thoughts flashed through Bolevin's mind, and he obviously had an idea.

The lizard man army continued to advance, and in a blink of an eye it was the fourth day of the army's advance. The large army led by Bollevin stopped to rest one day away from the rat man position.

This is a normal operation. In the process of rushing, the soldiers will accumulate fatigue, so before arriving at the destination, they must stop in advance to rest and adjust their condition.

Otherwise, how can the enemy give you this opportunity when you are actually in front of the battle?

When the news reached the rat man, although his sharp claws felt scratchy on the opposite side, he didn't think there was any problem with this operation.

The main reason is that they don't know what reinforcements the lizardmen have.

The deficiencies in intelligence greatly affected his judgment at this time.

Leaving aside this point, at this point in time, the claws will definitely not let the lizard man take a good rest.

"Send the order and send a slave army over to consume them."

After receiving the order, the rat tide composed of rat slave soldiers immediately surged towards the lizard man's garrison camp.

Regarding this move of the Rat Man, Bollevin knew very well.

Before the rat tide could completely approach the camp, they had arranged an ambush for the velociraptor cavalry on the way. As soon as the rat tide arrived, the velociraptor cavalry rushed out from both wings and wiped out the rat tide.

If the opposite side directly sends a large army to press them up, then according to their current state, they will definitely not be able to bear the fight. If they meet head-on, their secrets will probably be exposed at the first touch.

But they sent a slave force with a harassing nature and a relatively limited scale. If they couldn't handle this, it would be unjustifiable.

This result was also expected by Talon. After receiving the news, Talon continued to send slave troops to harass without expression.

Just like Bolevin's purpose was to delay time and wait for reinforcements to arrive, Talon's purpose was also very clear, which was to consume the lizardmen with the lives of the rat slave soldiers.

In the eyes of Sharp Claw, the lives of these rat slave soldiers were nothing, and it didn't matter to him how many died.

During this special period, more people died and food was saved.

Although the individual strength of the rat slave soldiers is not high, the consumption they can bring to the lizard people is real, regardless of life and death.

In the past two days, Bolevin mainly relied on the cavalry to suppress the infantry to resolve the threat.

However, the Dragon Cavalry has never been good at physical strength. After several rounds of consecutive defeats, the decline in form is basically inevitable.

At the same time, the claw on the other side also started to feel strange.

[The lizardman high priest advanced with a large force, but he delayed in launching an offensive. Instead, he kept asking me to send troops unilaterally to consume them. What is his plan? 】

Just as Talon was thinking this, a rat scout rushed back from the frontline battlefield and brought news that shocked Talon.

"Clan leader! The lizardmen's large army has begun to retreat!"

The moment he heard the news, Lizhao was stunned for a moment, and his mind was a little confused.

"What happened? Retreating?"

"Is the other side trying to play some trick, or..."

While muttering to himself, the various actions of the previous lizard-man army appeared in Liclaw's mind unconsciously. Combined with the connection before his eyes, his expression suddenly changed.

"Fuck! I fell into a trap! How dare that old and stinky lizard play tricks on me?! Send an order to the entire army to chase after the labor and management!!!"

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