Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 514 The Returning Lizard Man

Upon hearing the news, Zhou Xu immediately frowned.

Due to the information gap between the two sides, Zhou Xu did not know at this moment that after the consciousness left by the Dragon God Ceylan disappeared, the lizard people lost the power blessing they received from the Dragon God.

Under this premise, the other party's sudden return move undoubtedly brought a certain degree of pressure to him.

Yes, he now has the aura BUFF of the 'Dragon Lord', but the question is how effective can this aura BUFF be? He doesn't know!

So far, he hasn't even had a chance to test it.

He always has a cautious attitude towards things that have not yet been confirmed.

"Give me the order to gather the surrounding troops and leave two teams to patrol the surroundings to prevent the lizardmen from circling behind or attacking from the side."

After quickly making arrangements, everyone headed by Zhou Xu was preparing to rush back.

Chitose, who was accompanying them all the way, probably noticed their anxiety, so she called out to Zhou Xu.

"You mean you'll take me there?"

Chitose nodded.

The situation was urgent, so Zhou Xu didn't waste any time. He turned over and rode directly on Chitose's back, not forgetting to catch Bam in the process.

After all, Bam is an ancient dragon. Although he is not the dragon god that the lizard people believe in, he is still the son of the dragon god. He may be able to play some role when the time comes.

After waiting for Zhou Xu to sit firmly, Chitose quickly started running.

Feeling the violent jolt, Zhou Xu quickly lowered his body and grabbed Chitose's hair in order to prevent himself from being thrown off.

Facts have proved that Chitose's body structure is destined to be unsuitable for the role of a mount.

Even when running in a straight line, it was extremely difficult for Zhou Xu to stabilize his body, not to mention that in this complex rainforest environment, he often had to dodge left and right to avoid the trees and vegetation blocking the road.

However, it was bumpy. On the way there, Zhou Xu was still thinking about the lizard man's actions this time.

[What does it mean to suddenly turn back? According to the current situation, it would be the wisest thing for them to go directly south to join their large army. 】

[It can’t be that you suddenly regret and don’t want to leave, right? 】

Zhou Xu feels that this situation is somewhat nonsense. If there is anything that is highly likely and reasonable...

[Or maybe they met up with the large lizardman army that had withdrawn from the front line halfway? 】

When he thought of this, Zhou Xu's heart doubled.

The troops withdrawn from the front line may be in poor condition and were withdrawn for rest and recuperation, but they cannot change the threat that the increase in the opponent's strength can bring to them.

Chitose was very fast, and in just a few thoughts, he had already arrived here.

Although he and Li Ce were not here, even when they knew that the enemy was approaching, the soldiers did not need to wait for them to give clear orders before they could carry out some basic responses.

With the lizard people's tribe as the defense line, the sword and shield troops stationed here have now formed an attack formation and are waiting.

Under this premise, due to Chitose, Zhou Xu arrived one step ahead of the messenger who was originally responsible for conveying the order, so he personally issued the subsequent orders.

After giving the order, he discovered that the team responsible for alerting the lizardmen to sneak around and attack had already taken action. Someone had made this arrangement before him.

"Who made the response arrangements here?"

Facing the question, a soldier dressed in rattan armor walked out of the military formation.

"Subordinate Li Tie, please see your Majesty! The arrangements here are made by my subordinates."

Hearing this name, Zhou Xu suddenly remembered.

【It turned out to be him. 】

Although Li Tie is also an outstanding talent with double three-star potential, compared to the impression left on him by four-star and five-star talents, the opponent's sense of presence is ultimately weaker.

In addition, after not seeing each other for such a long time, Li Tie's body shape and appearance have also undergone earth-shaking changes as his daily diet changes and his body nutrition keeps up.

Now, he seemed to have become a strong and sturdy man. It was completely normal for Zhou Xu not to recognize him.

"well done."

Instead of accusing the other party of making his own decisions, Zhou Xu praised him without hesitation.

Speaking of which, Li Tie's command star rating is actually only two stars, which is within the level of ordinary people.

Of course, ordinary people also have differences in strength. After all, Li Tie was a village chief, so his actual command ability should be considered strong among ordinary people.

Judging from the current performance, it should not be a big problem to lead some small troops to fight alone, and he can be considered for appointment later.

Just as he was thinking this, a rapid horn sound came from the distance.

This is a signal within their troops, which roughly means 'the enemy is approaching quickly, be prepared to attack! ’

Upon hearing the signal, Zhou Xu waved his hand to signal Li Tie to return to the team. The sword and shield soldiers raised their shields and held their swords, and were on full alert.

As the defenders were holding their position, there was no point in hiding the lizardmen who were returning from the opposite side. They soon advanced completely.

In this wave, the high priest's idea was very simple. Under the premise that they needed to face the two forces of the Great Zhou and the Rat People at the same time, once they lost the blessing of the Dragon God, they would definitely die.

Before, they abandoned the temple, turned their backs on the gods, and lost their blessings. Now, even at all costs, he must take back the temple and let the gods favor them again!

And this is their only way to survive.

However, at this moment, they had just advanced a certain distance when an extremely strong feeling suddenly emerged, and even the high priest was no exception.

This strong feeling seemed to have some kind of pull, causing them to unconsciously cast their sights on the figure standing in the battlefield.

It was an overwhelming sense of presence!

The moment his eyes came into contact with that figure, the high priest suddenly felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

At the same time, including the eight blue lizard guards who were responsible for carrying his shoulder carriage, the lizard people who were so aggressive one moment and were about to take back the temple fell to their knees uncontrollably the next moment.

Among them is Thoros, who has always lacked reverence for gods!

For Soros, he has never felt so strongly as he does now.

This is entirely from his deepest instinctive reaction as a creature.

It felt like there was an unmistakable voice saying to him...

【Worship! Your master is there! 】

At that moment, Soros felt that his body was not his own.

He completely lost control of his body and bent his knees unconsciously, making a gesture of worship.

The more he tried to resist, the stronger the feeling of oppression that almost suffocated him. Only by worshiping could he get a moment of respite in front of that great being...

At this moment, no words were needed, they already knew in their hearts that their gods had arrived!

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