Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 515 More difficult to suppress than AK

Looking at the swarms of lizardmen kneeling on the ground, not to mention the sword and shield soldiers who were ready for a fierce battle, even Zhou Xu, who was standing there, couldn't help but feel something in his heart. I was a little surprised.

[Good guy, is this halo BUFF so powerful? 】

From Zhou Xu's own point of view, he basically did nothing. As soon as he reached that station, all the lizard people knelt down.

Under this premise, the only one who has not knelt down seems particularly eye-catching.

At this moment, because the eight blue lizard guards responsible for carrying the shoulder cart were all kneeling on the ground, the high priest who was originally sitting on the shoulder cart fell to the ground with the shoulder cart. .

At this moment, he was still in the state of falling to the ground. After noticing his existence, his whole body froze in place.

Faced with this situation, Zhou Xu asked Bam next to him in a low voice without squinting his eyes.

"What's going on?"

Bam already knew that Zhou Xu had obtained the rank of 'Dragon Lord' from the Dragon God Ceylan. Now faced with the problem, Bam glanced at the high priest, and then a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"The best you can do now is to command the lizardmen, but that big fat man is not a pure lizardman."

"Not a pure lizard man?"

In fact, compared with ordinary lizardmen, the high priest, who is two to three meters tall and covered with dark red scales, is indeed out of place among a group of lizardmen. He is more eye-catching than others.

It's just that Zhou Xu didn't really think about it before. He just thought that among the lizard people, there were indeed some that looked different and weird.

Until Bam told him that the high priest had impure blood.

"So where did the high priest come from?"

Zhou Xu had seen the methods used by the high priest before. Although the lizard men were very difficult to deal with and posed a considerable threat, it was the high priest who blocked their offensive in the previous round and caused the difficulty of their attack to rise significantly. .

If the aura BUFF of the 'Dragon Lord' cannot be effective because of the impure blood of the high priest, then it is really a threat that cannot be ignored for him.

"It seems that he has a little bit of dragon-human blood, but it doesn't reach the level of a dragon-human."

Bam, who was sizing up the other party the whole time, sounded unsure.

"A half-dragon or something?"

"Then what should we do now? Can you calm him down if you step forward?"

"Me? I'm afraid not. They believe in the Dragon God, not me. Judging from the age of these lizard people, they must have never seen any serious dragon clan, and it is impossible for them to recognize me, let alone There are restrictions placed on me now, so they can’t feel anything from me, so naturally I can’t suppress them through my bloodline.”


This was the first time he heard about this.

"Yes, in order to avoid being discovered by some guys, which may cause some trouble."

Having said this, Bam couldn't help but add another sentence.

“After all, who knows who survived that battle?

After hearing this, Zhou Xu roughly understood.

It was probably set up by Dragon God Ceylon to ensure that Bam could grow up safely.

At the same time, when Bam said this, he also realized a problem.

The son of the Dragon God, this identity is quite awesome, and at the same time, he is also very sensitive.

Either there is no trouble, but once there is trouble, it will probably be a big trouble.

He will have to pay attention to this later.

"What about this half-dragon?"

"Why don't you give him a try?"


After getting this answer, Zhou Xu was silent for a second.

"Are you serious?"

"With the blessing of the 'Dragon Lord' class, you are equivalent to their master. Their obedience to you is based on blood instinct. Whatever you do will have a huge effect."

Almost as soon as he expressed doubts about Bam's proposal, Zhou Xu glanced away and looked directly at the high priest who was sitting on the ground.

The moment his eyes officially touched the other party, Zhou Xu clearly saw that the high priest's body trembled obviously, as if he had suffered a huge impact, and his whole body trembled.

From the initial surprise to the determination at this moment, the high priest's fat body trembled and knelt down.

"My Lord is coming!"

The high priest who knelt down in the end was more diligent than anyone else.

Amidst the shouting, the lizard people kneeling around them started shouting as if they had found a backbone.

That scene was really quite spectacular.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded...

System prompt: Congratulations to ‘Zhou Xu’ for incorporating the lizard people into the tribe!

System prompt: The existence of the Lizardman unit ‘Lizardman High Priest’ has been detected, and the corresponding unit item has been automatically unlocked.

System prompt: The existence of the lizardman unit 'Blue Lizard Guard' has been detected, and the corresponding unit item has been automatically unlocked.

System prompt: The presence of the lizard unit ‘Blue Lizard Shield Soldier’ has been detected...

System prompt: The presence of the lizardman unit ‘Speed ​​Dragon Cavalry’ has been detected…

System prompt: Lizardman unit detected...

At that moment, the dense system prompts almost formed a bombardment, which made Zhou Xu's head buzz.

But he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

Feeling uncomfortable? nonexistent! At this moment, the corners of his mouth were even harder to suppress than AK.

As for the lizard men, he had basically nothing before, but when he turned around, he actually had everything!

Tonight, he might have woken up laughing if he was dreaming.


Before he couldn't help but laugh out loud, Zhou Xu coughed twice, then with a sullen face, he called Li Tie's name.

"Li Tie, let them settle down, and then bring the person in charge among them to see me."


After responding, Li Tie was confused at the moment.

He turned to look at the lizardmen kneeling together, and then turned to look at the back of their king as he walked away gracefully.

Before this, he had never thought that a person could be so strong that his enemy would kneel down and surrender before the fight even started.

When he thought of this, Li Tie's respect for their king suddenly became stronger.

During this period, Zhou Xu, who turned his head, couldn't help but grin.

In order to better control his emotions, Zhou Xu began to divert his attention.

"By the way, Bam, you just said that the lizard man has the blood of a dragon man? What kind of statement is this? Doesn't it mean that the dragon man and the lizard man have nothing to do with each other?"

"In terms of blood, the two ethnic groups are indeed completely unrelated, but apart from the blood, they are still somewhat related."

Zhou Xu did not interrupt and directly motioned for Bam to continue.

"Dragon people and lizard people were created separately to serve our dragon people. The scope of their responsibilities is different."

"When we created the dragon people, we hoped that the dragon people could have some combat power to help us deal with some annoying guys. To achieve this goal, we integrated a trace of dragon blood into them."

"The lizardmen are different. The lizardmen are just doing odd jobs for us. They don't need much fighting power, so they are not integrated into the dragon bloodline."

Listening to Bam's words, Zhou Xu frowned.

"Listening to what you said, the difference between dragon people and lizard people is that they have dragon blood, right?"

Bam spread his hands.

"That's pretty much it."

"Under this premise, the sacred incubation pool itself is for the use of the dragon people. In order to better stimulate the dragon blood of the dragon people, the sacred incubation pool is also blessed with corresponding power."

"So it's not completely impossible for the lizard-men hatched from it to have their bloodline changed and take on some draconian characteristics."

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