Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 513 I don’t understand, but I was greatly shocked (additional update after accumulating 600

"Well, this should be a place similar to a stable or a horse farm, right?"

Not far from the field, they came to another area.

Looking at some similar appliances and facilities in the area, Zhou Xu and Li Ce could only say that they were too familiar.

It's just that they are taming horses over there, but those taming here should be those velociraptors!

Zhou Xu didn't have any expectations about whether there were any remaining velociraptors in the training ground here.

If there was such a good thing, Li Ce should have reported it to him long ago.

The truth is there isn't.

The Velociraptor should be a very important riding unit for the Lizardmen, just like their war horses.

If you put yourself in their shoes, if it were him, he would definitely take them all away, not to mention that these mounted units can increase their movement efficiency.

From the current point of view, the interior of the Lizardmen clan is definitely complete, but according to Zhou Xu's own planning ideas, the layout is really a bit messy.

Now that it is occupied by him, considering the existence of the temple, he will definitely develop this area and will re-plan it when the time comes.

He made a preliminary plan in his mind, and after a brief look, Zhou Xu followed Li Ce and moved to the next place.

In Li Ce's opinion, this is the key point!

This time we walked farther, and it was estimated that we walked for nearly thirty minutes. After passing through a rain forest, what caught Zhou Xu's eyes was a piece of mountain that had been carved out.

"Could this be..."

"Yes, as you guessed, this is where the lizard people collect the raw materials for those crystal weapons."

While talking, Li Ce had already picked up a crystal stone from the basket on the side and handed it over.

During an emergency evacuation, the lizardmen might still have time to ride the velociraptor, but they would never have time to carry the ore away.

In fact, Zhou Xu paid a little attention to the lizard man's crystal weapon at the beginning, but basically didn't care after that.

Because he found that the only advantage of those crystal weapons was that they were very sharp.

Regardless of this advantage, the weapon itself is not very strong and can even be said to be a bit brittle. During the collision with their iron weapons, it will easily be chipped and broken.

Of course, aside from the fact that it has no advantages as a weapon, Zhou Xu is still somewhat interested in it as a crystal mineral.

Even if it can't be used as a weapon, it might be useful in other fields.

[Speaking of weapons, didn’t Dragon God Ceylon leave any magic equipment for such a big boy? Just like the silver steel sword of the elves? 】

[Or maybe the Dragon Clan’s forging skills are limited and they can’t make any magic equipment? 】

[No, if you think about it carefully, dragons and lizardmen may need equipment, but the dragon itself probably doesn't need any equipment, right? 】

Various doubts flashed through his mind, but Zhou Xu did not ask any questions.

Although Bam is a brat and has been quite heartless these past few days, he can actually feel the pain of the other party. It's just that this brat has a stronger temper and keeps holding on.

Zhou Xu didn't try to expose him. Naturally, it was impossible for him to be so stupid as to ask questions related to the Dragon God at this time.

After all, now this entire area has fallen into his hands, and he can enter and exit the inner hall freely. He knows exactly what is and what is not there.

No means no. There is really no need to ask Bam this question.

Just as Zhou Xu was thinking this, Bam's eyes swept over and fell on the crystal in his hand.

Sensing the gaze from Bam, Zhou Xu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You know this?"

In response, Bam nodded.

"This is sharp crystal. Among the dragon clan, I have seen some metal dragons eating it as snacks."


After hearing this, Zhou Xu looked at the crystal in his hand with something strange in his eyes. It was really difficult for him to connect this thing with snacks.

"Is this thing edible?"

I didn't understand, but I was shocked.

During this period, Zhou Xu even squeezed the crystal stone hard. The hardness of this thing was still relatively high.

Although he didn't doubt the dragon's teeth, was this thing really edible?

Probably seeing Zhou Xu's surprise, Bam casually explained...

"Metal dragons are dragons that feed on various mineral metals. Their characteristic is that by eating mineral metals, their scales, claws, and even bones can take on the characteristics of those mineral metals."

Having said this, Bam glanced at the sharp crystal again.

"I remember that this sharp crystal can be used to forge weapons. Adding some of it can make the weapons sharper. At that time, the guy probably wanted to improve the sharpness of his scales and claws."

"Of course, the improvement of this thing is limited, and it is not a rare thing, so I just eat it as a snack."

There are actually creatures that eat ore and metal in this world? Zhou Xu never thought of this.

"Then will you eat?"

"I will not eat."

Bam glanced at the sharp crystal with disgust.

"I am an ancient dragon. Unlike metal dragons, only metal dragons among the dragon clan eat these."

"Which level of dragon does the metal dragon belong to? A high-level dragon? A middle-level dragon? Or a low-level dragon?"

"These three ranks are not determined by bloodline, but by strength. To put it simply, as long as the strength improves quickly enough, a lower dragon can grow into a higher dragon."

"Of course, no matter how hard they try, they can't become ancient dragons, just like dragon people can't become real dragons. It's a matter of blood."

In Bam's simple explanation, Zhou Xu couldn't help but have a better understanding of the structure of the dragon clan.

But what he is most concerned about now is not this issue, but...

"You just said that adding some of this sharp crystal when forging weapons can enhance the sharpness of the weapons?"

"I heard the metal dragon mention it, so it should be like this."

After receiving this reply, Zhou Xu's heart was beating wildly. Increase the sharpness of the weapon? No matter how you think about it, this is not something that ordinary ores can do.

[Is this sharp crystal a special ore like mithril? ! 】

When he thought of this, Zhou Xu's heart suddenly beat faster.

[If this is true, does it mean that I can create a material similar to mithril steel by smelting iron ore and this sharp crystal? And then create a more complete enchanted weapon? ! 】

After experiencing the battle with the lizardmen, the value of enchanted weapons has long been beyond doubt. Once mass production is achieved, the combat power of their Dazhou troops will be improved in all aspects!

Just thinking about this matter made Zhou Xu involuntarily become excited.

However, at this moment, a soldier rushed over with an anxious look on his face.

"Your Majesty! Traces of lizardmen were found outside! It seems that the high priest opposite has come back with his lizardmen!"

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