Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 512 Inspection of the Lizard People’s Land

Not only did he directly unlock the second-level 'Sacred Incubation Pool' project, but he also bought a second-level building for free. Zhou Xu did not expect this wave.

At this moment, the corner of Zhou Xu's mouth curled up in an irrepressible arc. Obviously, this unexpected gain made him feel quite good.

Before, he was thinking that if he wanted to gain the lizard people's population, he would have to find opportunities to recruit them.

It's fine now, it doesn't matter even if it can't be included.

At a glance, regardless of the depth, there are probably thousands of lizard eggs piled on the upper level of this sacred incubation pool!

Enough to build up the bottom population of his lizard people.

Compared with those fully adult lizardmen, these unhatched lizardmen can have better plasticity here.

With this idea in mind, during further observation, Zhou Xu discovered that the lizard eggs inside were large and small.

Regardless of the shape, the big one is as big as a basketball, while the small one is only about the size of a volleyball.

Zhou Xu didn't think this was an individual difference, because he found that the lizard eggs in the pond seemed to be of these two sizes.

Looking at the two sizes of eggs, he subconsciously thought of the blue lizard and green lizard he had seen during the previous battle.

[The difference between these two eggs of different sizes should be that they hatched two different lizardmen, right? 】

Compared with this, Zhou Xu is more concerned about the issue at the moment...

"Bam, how long does it usually take for a lizard man's egg to hatch? At the same time, how old is a lizard man's adult age?"

Faced with this question, Bam simply rolled his eyes.

"Do you think I need to look into this before?"

【I am speechless. 】

As the son of the Dragon God, Bam's status in the clan is equivalent to that of the dragon clan's crown prince, while the lizardmen are low-level servants within their clan.

How could an underage prince care about the fertility and growth cycle of his subordinates if he didn't think about eating, drinking and having fun every day?

He indeed asked the wrong dragon this question.

[It seems that it would be easier to recruit some ready-made lizardmen to obtain some corresponding basic information. 】

I don't plan to stay here for long. To put it bluntly, this is the incubation room of the lizard people. Although it is of extraordinary value, it is basically clear what is there. If I continue to stay here, there is nothing interesting to see.

After leaving the incubation room, the group walked down the long stone steps and finally arrived at the living area of ​​the lizard people.

Li Ce did not take Zhou Xu to the building complex. To put it bluntly, those buildings were just a bunch of stone houses. In fact, there was nothing interesting to see. For them, the more valuable things were outside.

Due to the daily movement of the lizard people, a quite obvious dirt road has been trampled here.

After walking through the trees and along the dirt road for a while, the scene suddenly opened up.

In the rainforest with dense vegetation, there is an unusually spacious area here.

This area obviously cannot be formed naturally, but has been specially cleared. At a glance, a large number of melon and fruit plants are planted in the area.

[Looking at this situation, the lizard people here also master farming technology, but if you think about it, the lizard people here are very large. Without the support of farming technology, it is impossible to maintain it. 】

With this idea in mind, everyone, led by Li Ce, walked into the lizard man's farmland.

"There are many fruits grown in this field, which should be one of the main foods of the lizard people. However, because these fruits are too unfamiliar to us, we dare not eat them for the time being. We plan to send them back to the rear first. Let’s do research and testing.”

There were many fruits with strange shapes and bright colors. Even Zhou Xu couldn't identify them, let alone Li Ce and the others.

Even if you can confirm that there is a high probability that the newly discovered thing is the food on the opposite side, don't stuff it into your mouth casually. Li Ce's approach is correct.

Zhou Xu nodded and agreed with this.

But Bam, who was flying by the side, didn't care about this at all. After seeing the fruits, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he didn't care what Zhou Xu and the others were saying, he flapped his wings and flew over, picking them casually. The next yellow fruit with strange shapes is a mouthful of 'ah'.

When you take a sip, juices will splash out, and it tastes quite good.

After Bam killed one in two or three mouthfuls, he picked another one and stuffed it into his mouth.

"This is good, delicious."

"This won't work, it's too bland."

"Eh~ It's sour! Bah!"

In the lizard man's field, Bam picked the grown fruits and ate them while commenting casually.

After eating all kinds of fruits, he rested on Zhou Xu's shoulder with a comfortable expression.

"It's great. I'm so tired of eating meat these past two days."

Hearing this, Zhou Xu was speechless.

"I'm tired of it, but I don't see you eating less!"

As Zhou Xu spoke, he picked off a yellow fruit at hand, wiped it casually, and put it in his mouth.

Bam's eating look just now really made him hungry.

Under this premise, with Bam testing the poison for him, what should he be afraid of?

Not to mention the way Bam looked, it was obvious that he knew these fruits.

After one bite, as the juice overflowed, the rich fruity aroma suddenly burst out in his mouth, making Zhou Xu's eyes suddenly light up.

[It tastes like mango, but there is no core in the middle. 】

This fruit is really fruity and sweet!

Before the time travel, it was too sweet, and he really didn't like it, but now he fucked two of them directly, and it was really the best.

Although he had just criticized Bam before, Zhou Xu had to admit that considering the environment of the expedition, fresh vegetables and fruits were difficult to preserve and were basically impossible to carry. The food on the front line was basically dry food that was easy to store for a long time.

Therefore, it had been a long time since he had eaten fresh fruits and vegetables, not to mention that the fruits were sweeter and juicier than the fruits they had grown in Dazhou.

It's quite satisfying to eat one or two big mouthfuls like this, but it's easy to get tired of it if you eat too much, it's too sweet.

Discovery like this is basically used to enrich the nutrition of their daily meals.

It's important, but it doesn't mean that Zhou Xu and the others will be here looking at it all the time.

"Li Ce, you can dig up some of these and pack them back with the roots to see if they can be planted in our place."


After briefly giving instructions, Zhou Xu picked two more fruits and continued to follow Li Ce towards the next place while eating them...

There may be additional updates after 10:30

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