Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 504 The Destined One

Facing the unknown barrier, Li Ce was right not to act rashly.

If the barrier shield has some kind of autonomous defense and counterattack mechanism, they may be in big trouble if they take action here.

The lizard man's temple is divided into two parts, one in front and one in the back. Originally, the high priest lived in the outer hall, while the inner hall was surrounded by a barrier.

After passing through the outer hall, the group soon arrived outside the inner hall.

Looking at the inner hall in the distance, Zhou Xu felt something strange inexplicably before he walked in completely, which made him distracted for a while until Li Ce's voice sounded.

"Your Majesty, please be careful."

As Li Ce spoke, he raised his hand to signal Zhou Xu to stand back and stop getting closer.

"That barrier is right in front."

While speaking, Li Ce maintained a posture of raising his hands flat and stretching forward, and took a few steps forward.

Soon, he felt as if he had touched a transparent wall and stopped. During this period, the barrier touched by Li Ce caused a slight ripple, and Zhou Xu also saw it.

"From the current point of view, this is like a transparent wall. Just touching it like this does not seem to cause any harm to us."

"I'll try."

From just now, this inner hall has been giving him a strange feeling, which inevitably made Zhou Xu feel a little concerned.

Taking steps forward, Zhou Xu approached steadily, then raised his hand to try to touch the barrier.

Unexpectedly, the moment his fingertips touched the barrier, his hand seemed to have penetrated into a calm lake, and the back of his hand was quickly submerged.

"Your Majesty!"

This scene startled Li Ce. He mistakenly thought it was Zhou Xu's approach and accidentally triggered some barrier mechanism, causing him to subconsciously pull him behind him as quickly as possible with a look on his face. He looked at the barrier with vigilance.

"My lord, are you okay?"

"Don't be nervous, I'm fine."

He took a look at his hand that was accidentally submerged in the barrier. It was intact, with no trace of damage or any discomfort.

This made Li Ce greatly relieved. If Zhou Xu was injured due to his negligence, then he really didn't know what to do.

In fact, Zhou Xu himself was frightened by that moment.

This made him even more convinced that the strange feeling brought to him by the inner temple was definitely not his imagination.

As his thoughts whirled, Zhou Xu turned to look at Wang Pengfei who was following behind.

"Pengfei, what do you feel when you look at the inner hall?"

Facing the question, Wang Pengfei shook his head like a rattle, as if he was afraid that if he shook it slowly for half a second, it would have something to do with the inner hall.

If it were said that when he first traveled through time, he might have had some illusions about being the 'protagonist'.

So now he has completely recognized the reality, and he also knows that he is not that material.

His current state is that he doesn't want to get involved with anything dangerous at all. If possible, he would rather go back to Tieshan Village to continue doing odd jobs. He brags with the villagers on weekdays and has a fulfilling life.

But their king wouldn't let it go.

Therefore, Wang Pengfei's main focus now is to live a low-key life, and is thinking about when he can retire and return to his hometown.

Seeing Wang Pengfei's reaction, Zhou Xu didn't waste any time and waved to him.

"You try it by touching it."

Wang Pengfei's first reaction was to refuse, but he knew that their king was not discussing with him at the moment.

In addition, judging from their king's situation just now, this barrier should have little lethality.

Thinking of this, Wang Pengfei, who had no way to retreat, took courage and stretched out his hand towards the barrier.

The distance between his hand and the barrier was only half a meter at most, but for Wang Pengfei, seconds seemed like years, and the entire process was filled with tension and uneasiness.

The moment his fingertips touched the barrier, Wang Pengfei was stunned for a moment, then his expression quickly changed to one of surprise.

"No, I can't put my hand in."

Without waiting for Zhou Xu to question, he immediately emphasized again.

"I really can't reach in."

While speaking, as if to increase the credibility of his words, Wang Pengfei simply put his hands on the barrier and did two push-ups neatly.

The expression on his face throughout the whole process was so grim that Zhou Xu rolled his eyes and was speechless.

However, his move did fully prove that he was really blocked by the barrier.

[It seems that the key factor is not the ‘chosen one’, but me? In other words, are there any other key factors that I haven't discovered? 】

This made Zhou Xu a little confused about the situation.

With this doubt, Zhou Xu decided to try again.

Unsurprisingly, his palm sank directly in. This time he even stretched forward a little further, directly extending half of his arm in without feeling any obstruction. The process of pulling it out afterwards was also smooth. Not subject to any restrictions.

Coupled with the strange feeling he felt throughout the whole process, Zhou Xu couldn't help but become more curious about the inner temple.

"I'll go in and take a look."

Zhou Xu's words suddenly changed Li Ce's expression.

"No, Your Majesty! This is too dangerous!"

Although Li Ce couldn't figure out why the barrier didn't work on their king, it was too dangerous to let their king enter alone when they couldn't get in.

Zhou Xu was not unaware of Li Ce's concerns. He was also a cautious person in nature.

But what he felt now was really strange. He even felt like there was something calling him.

Of course, as the king now, he has great influence and can no longer take risks casually.

Considering this, Zhou Xu made some preparations and spent a day asking the soldiers to bring in the three-bow crossbow.

By the way, Wang Dong was called over and tried the barrier.

As it turned out, Wang Dong was also blocked.

So far, he is the only one who can pass through this barrier.

This couldn't help but give Zhou Xu more ideas.

"Okay, after I go in, if you still haven't come out after three hours, you can try to use the three-bow bed crossbow to break the barrier."

With a sufficient safe distance, even if this barrier does have a counterattack mechanism, it shouldn't cause too much harm to them.

Looking at Zhou Xu who had made up his mind, Li Ce and the others said nothing more.

After briefly giving instructions about what was going on outside, Zhou Xu walked directly towards the barrier without hesitation, and under the gaze of everyone, he easily passed through the expansion.

At that moment, Zhou Xu felt that the space he was in had changed.

It was still clear and sunny outside, but he turned his head and entered a dim temple. At the same time, his eyes were unconsciously attracted by the huge figure lying on the altar, which was the only light source here.

It was a giant white dragon, its whole body exuding pure white fluorescence, like a bright moon. At this moment, it was folding its huge dragon wings and sleeping soundly on the altar.

However, in the next second, as if he noticed Zhou Xu's presence, Bailong's eyes slowly opened, revealing a pair of eyes as beautiful as sapphires.

[The destined man. The last descendant of the Great Zhou Dynasty. You finally came here as promised, Zhou Hongxu...]

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