The posture of the white dragon carried an indescribable sanctity, as if it were a sacred and inviolable god. It was implicitly majestic, but its voice was surprisingly gentle, which made Zhou Xu, who was still very tense, naturally Relaxed.

The other party's voice did not come from his mouth, it was more like some kind of will, emerging directly from Zhou Xu's mind, allowing him to feel the meaning that the other party wanted to convey, clear and profound.

At this moment, the white dragon that appeared in front of him was most likely the god of the lizard people.

But compared to this discovery, Zhou Xu's mind was already flooded with more questions.

[What did he call me just now? Zhou Hongxu? 】

[The last descendant of the Great Zhou Dynasty? 】

【Destined person? 】

[Are you here as promised? What's the meaning? What agreement? Did he know I was coming? 】

At this moment, Zhou Xu's mind was in a mess, with a lot of questions but no answers at all.

Just as he was about to ask, he didn't expect that in the next second, Bai Long's words made Zhou Xu swallow all the questions that were on his lips.

[I can't answer your question. My body has long since fallen. What you see now is just a ray of will left here in advance. 】

[After sensing your arrival, my will will awaken and I will complete the covenant with you. 】

Zhou Xu was confused when he heard this. He didn't expect that the white dragon that made him feel so strongly was actually something similar to a 'video message'.

Of course, this ray of will should be much more advanced than 'video information' in nature.

Just as Zhou Xu was thinking about this, the voice of the white dragon sounded in his mind again...

[With my fall, my priesthood 'Dragon God' also collapsed and dissipated. However, before that decisive battle, in accordance with the agreement between us, I used my priesthood to create an exclusive profession for you now. Rank 'Dragon Lord'. 】

[But I don’t know what level of strength you have reached when you come here. For this reason, I have set multiple seals on the rank of 'Dragon Lord'. As long as your strength reaches the corresponding level, you will naturally It can unlock the corresponding class abilities to prevent the class from being too powerful and backlashing you. 】

At this point, a pure white ball of light flew out of the Dragon God's body, and then turned into a white dragon that kept circling there. Zhou Xu looked at it with envy.

Although he hasn't figured out what's going on yet, if nothing goes wrong, he's probably going to make a lot of money this time!

[In addition, there should be lizardmen left outside this temple who are responsible for guarding the temple. Now that my priesthood has been shattered, the source of their power comes from the rank of 'Dragon Lord'. As long as you have this rank, you can make them surrender to you and serve you. 】

Speaking of this, Dragon God's voice paused slightly.

[But in contrast, while accepting this rank, the contract between you and me will also be established. As a price, you need to ensure that my last descendant grows up smoothly so that the bloodline of my ancient dragon family can continue. 】

At this moment, the Dragon God should have finished explaining everything, and the white dragon that was hovering in place finally flew towards him.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded...

System prompts: Dragon God Ceylon has made a contract with you. Do you accept it?

Almost as soon as the voice sounded, the specific contents of the contract appeared in Zhou Xu's mind.

As a cautious person, Zhou Xu would definitely not be able to skip over this kind of contract clause without even reading it.

Not only did he want to look at it, but he looked at it extremely seriously.

To put it simply, the content of the entire contract clause is that the Dragon God Ceylon gave him the highest authority of the 'Lord of the Dragon' class, making him the absolute controller of this class.

The price he has to pay is to ensure the safe growth of the Dragon God's descendants and not to harm or control them in any form or by any means.

To put it bluntly, Dragon God Ceylon added a few extra layers of insurance to his children to prevent some lawless gangsters who always liked to use their imaginations from taking advantage of his loopholes.

If Zhou Xu refuses, he will not be able to obtain the rank of 'Dragon Lord'. If he accepts, he will have to be a good nanny for his children.

After reading the contents of the contract, Zhou Xu didn't mind taking care of one more dragon, mainly because the rank of 'Dragon Lord' was too tempting.

The mere fact that he could make the lizard people surrender to him was enough to make Zhou Xu's heart flutter.

But in the process, Zhou Xu also realized that the dragon god Xilan was actually playing tricks on him.

If you think about it carefully, you will find that the prerequisite for him to obtain this rank is the ability to break in!

It was already obvious what the other party meant.

That is, 'If you can't even deal with the lizard people outside, then you probably don't have the strength to take care of my children. You might as well stay here and let the lizard people take care of you. ’

After carefully confirming the entire clause, Zhou Xu chose to 'accept'.

Immediately afterwards, the white dragon representing the rank of 'Dragon Lord' completely submerged into his body.

At that moment, Zhou Xu could feel that there was an additional contract mark in his consciousness.

Then the system prompt sounded again...

System prompt: Congratulations to 'Zhou Xu' for obtaining the rank of 'Dragon Lord (Sealed)'

System prompt: The corresponding module is loading, please wait...

System prompts: The corresponding module is loaded.

A series of system prompts rang in his ears, and before Zhou Xu could confirm, the voice of Dragon God Xilan rang again...

[The contract is established. 】

Not caring at all that his body had become more and more transparent, at the moment the contract was established, Dragon God Ceylan, who was sitting on the altar, seemed to have settled his last concern, and even his voice was filled with emotion. There was a sense of relief.

[The rest is up to you, my friend. 】

As the last word was spoken, the figure of Dragon God Ceylon completely disappeared, and at the same time, the strange feeling that had always been brought to him in the temple also dissipated.

Looking at the dissipating figure, for some reason, Zhou Xu felt a surge of sadness in his heart.

After taking a deep breath and adjusting his emotions, Zhou Xu soon discovered that there was something that looked like an embryo lying there on top of the altar, itself shrouded in a faint white light.

It's just that the light around Dragon God Ceylon was more dazzling before. This embryo was like a dim star under the bright moon, which was completely invisible to people. It was not until this moment that it appeared in front of Zhou Xu's eyes...

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