After the high priest made the decision, the lizard people, whose fighting spirit had begun to decline significantly, immediately retreated, with no intention of hiding their intentions.

The dragon cavalry left behind, and the large force headed by the high priest withdrew simply.

"Don't pursue me too deeply."

After confirming that the other party had really retreated, Zhou Xu, who was hiding in the rain forest, told the soldiers next to him the follow-up arrangements in a hoarse voice. Then his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness on the spot.

At the same time, the big bones and the two bones were scattered on the ground because they lost the support of Zhou Xu's mantra.

When he opened his eyes again, he was greeted by a completely unfamiliar ceiling. The ceiling was very high and the material looked like it was made of thick stone bricks. From this, it was not difficult to tell that he was lying on a rather large floor. In a huge building.

However, he had just woken up and his mind was in a state of confusion. Before he could collect his thoughts, a huge figure came directly in front of him and rubbed at his face.

This familiar feeling made Zhou Xu react quickly.


At this moment, Chitose was looking at him with joy on his face.

During this period, Zhou Xu quickly looked around and found that his entire body was wrapped in Chitose's fur.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine."

Feeling Chitose's worry, Zhou Xu touched Chitose's head and comforted him.

At this moment, a voice came over.

"Your Majesty, you finally woke up. You have been sleeping for two days and two nights!"

At this moment, Wang Pengfei, who had just returned from breakfast, looked at Zhou Xu who had woken up, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Two days and two nights..."

Zhou Xu muttered and touched his belly.

"No wonder you're so hungry. Go get me some food."

After receiving the order, Wang Pengfei hurriedly got food without saying a word. He did not forget to shout "The King is awake" along the way, which caused quite a commotion outside.

In the previous battle, Zhou Xu fainted due to severe exhaustion. This news could not be hidden even if he wanted to. It was not a secret on the front line.

However, since their frontline troops had just repelled the lizardmen and won the battle, no one was too panicked about this matter.

The generals also spoke lightly to the outside world.

Now that their king woke up successfully, everyone was relieved after hearing the news, and the morale of the frontline soldiers was completely stabilized.

While Wang Pengfei went to get food, leaning on Chitose, Zhou Xu looked at the ceiling and roughly sorted out what happened before he fell into coma.

As the power of his mantra grows stronger, it has really been a long time since he has been able to fight like this.

This time it was accompanied by a serious overdraft of the mantra's power, and he paid the price for it.

According to his current situation, even if he thinks about things for a while, he will feel a splitting headache.

Paralyzed there, emptying his mind and thinking about nothing, this is the most comfortable state for him now.

When it was time to rest, he had to rest well. Zhou Xu had no intention of forcing himself. After a simple breakfast, he cleared his mind and entered a meditative state.

In this state, he could relatively clearly feel the power of the mantra in his body, which was slowly recovering. The overall recovery speed was very slow.

This is one of the costs of overdraft.

Under normal circumstances, the recovery speed of mantra power can be several times faster than this, but once an overdraft occurs, the recovery speed of mantra power will also be greatly reduced while one's own condition seriously declines.

This also determines that Zhou Xu's main task in the next few days is to eat, sleep and be in a daze.

After nearly five days of full rest, Zhou Xu felt that his headache was no longer so painful, and then he slowly returned to his normal life.

"Subordinate Li Ce, please see your Majesty!"

When Zhou Xu needed a rest and was unable to deal with daily affairs, someone here naturally needed to take charge of the overall situation, so Li Ce temporarily rushed over from the plain camp.

Li Ce has been handling the affairs here in the past few days, while the other side of the plain has been temporarily handed over to Silk and Drogo.

After seeing it, what Zhou Xu was most concerned about was of course his own casualties.

"Reporting to your Majesty, in this battle, twenty-three people were killed on our side and seventy-one were wounded, including twenty-nine seriously injured..."

In this wave, they fought relatively smoothly in the early stage, and there were not many casualties. The main casualties occurred after the high priest on the opposite side intervened in the battle.

This is still with the protection of scale armor. If there were no scale armor, the number of casualties would not be doubled again?

No, without the protection of scales, many soldiers would have been killed by the opponent in just a few hits, and they might not be able to defeat the lizardmen on the opposite side.

At present, there are 150 infantrymen, with a total of 52 seriously wounded and killed.

After successfully capturing the lizard people's residence, Zhou Xu could still accept this casualty loss.

In addition, the loss of equipment cannot be ignored.

There is no doubt that all the enchanting effects on the enchanted weapons have been exhausted. Under this premise, nearly one-third of the weapons and even a large number of scales have been damaged. Afterwards, some people will be busy repairing them.

After stretching his muscles, Zhou Xu walked outside and looked at the group of buildings in the lizard tribe that seemed to blend in with the surrounding rainforest environment.

To be honest, it was a bit beyond his expectation. At first glance, they were all rock buildings, and they were the kind of rock buildings with continuous and considerable craftsmanship. This surprised Zhou Xu very much.

Of course, what surprised him the most was the temple behind him.

During this time, he has been sleeping in this temple. This temple is magnificent. Judging from the level of development that the lizard people have shown before, it is definitely not something they can build. I am afraid this is not an ancient temple that has been passed down from the old civilization to this day. Relics of civilization!

It is not difficult to see from the exterior masonry that this temple is full of traces of time.

As for why it has not been completely eroded by time after so many years since the destruction of the old civilization...

The reason for this is probably similar to those of the 'Old God Altar', that is, this building is blessed by the power of certain gods.

During the brief report just now, Li Ce had told him that the place where he rested during this period was only the outside of the temple. The inside of the temple was shrouded by an invisible force and they could not enter at all.

Under this premise and taking into account some potential risks, Li Ce did not dare to easily issue an order to break open by force.

The weather is nice today. Zhou Xu finally sees the sun again after many days, and he feels indescribably happy.

"Let's go and see the barrier covering the temple."

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