Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 500 The situation reverses

His own life was threatened. Without even a second of hesitation, the high priest immediately controlled his ability and used his invisible power to firmly grasp the short crystal spear that was thrown towards him.

With this method of his, he could catch even the giant crossbow arrows fired by the three-bow bed crossbow before. Now it is basically easy for him to catch this short crystal spear.

But he didn't know if it was because he couldn't take care of both ends at the same time, or if he was frightened by the sudden attack. The power that originally restrained Chitose disappeared without a trace.

The moment her toes landed, the frightened Chitose didn't dare to wait any longer. She immediately burst into speed and fled far away.

At the same time, having just defused the attack directed at him, the high priest calmly waved his hand.

"You are seeking death!"

The rock that had been shattered by Chitose's attack flew up in large pieces at this moment, and then turned into a rain of stones and hit the Da Zhou troops who had just arrived.


The attack came suddenly, and Zhou Zhongshan, who reacted quickly, shouted on the spot.

The instinct of being soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty allowed them to act according to orders immediately.

However, he still couldn't escape the range attack of the stone rain!

There are a lot of huge rocks here, and when they hit them, they could easily smash a soldier's head and cause him to bleed and fall to the ground. The whole scene was in chaos.

Listening to the screams that kept coming from his ears, Zhou Chongshan was shocked and angry, but also a little helpless.

The method the high priest opposite had just used made him dare not approach easily for the time being.

After all, he would definitely not be able to defeat Chitose in a one-on-one fight. If the other party could directly capture Chitose out of thin air, they would be able to capture him 100% of the time.

As long as this is confirmed, Zhou Chongshan can basically be sure that he may not be able to get close to the other party.

Just as he was thinking this, the high priest, who had just controlled a rain of stones and dealt a ranged blow to Da Zhou's troops, immediately gave an order, signaling for the lizardmen troops under his command to attack them!

Obviously, he had no intention of continuing to use his abilities to pursue. Continuously using such extraordinary means at high intensity would consume a lot of money.

Not to mention that the blow just now, while causing casualties to the enemy troops, also forced the soldiers on the opposite side to flee in all directions. It was the perfect opportunity to launch a pursuit!

As the cavalry unit on the Lizardmen side, the Velociraptor Cavalry is the fastest.

Recently, it can be said that the Velociraptor Cavalry has been struggling. Even after the battlefield moved to the rainforest environment, the presence of skeleton soldiers and the special melee mode made it impossible for the Velociraptor Cavalry to perform at all.

Now that they finally had the opportunity to exert their strength, how could they let it go so easily?

The sword and shield soldiers equipped with short-range equipment basically have no advantage over the speed dragon cavalry in terms of equipment.

This wave finally allowed the exhausted Velociraptor Cavalry to seize the opportunity to make full use of it. With a mentality of avenging their past shame, they naturally wanted to fight to the death and take advantage of the cavalry's advantage against the infantry unit. That's called thoroughness.

Looking at the performance of the speed dragon cavalry, the high priest's face looked much better. At least this did not make him feel upset.

In comparison, the sword and shield soldiers led by Zhou Chongshan were under increased pressure, and the morale of the troops was at risk.

"Everyone come and gather here!"

As the leading general of the army, Zhou Chongshan still stood up at the critical moment.

Compared with the complex rainforest environment, the environment of the lizard people is relatively simple and spacious, which gives the sword and shield soldiers the opportunity to unite and form a team, back to back with their comrades, raising their shields and swords to fight against foreign enemies. !

This increases their resistance to a certain extent and also relieves the pressure on them to a certain extent.

But this still cannot fundamentally change their passive situation.

The Velociraptor Cavalry suppressed them, and there was also a high priest with extraordinary means who was eyeing them. Even Zhou Chongshan was trapped to death at this moment, unable to support himself and unable to break the situation, but they were obviously not desperate yet!

[Hold on, hold on for a while, as soon as the king arrives, the skeleton troops will be able to attack. When the skeleton troops are there to contain the speed dragon cavalry on the opposite side, the situation will open up! 】

Gritting his teeth, Zhou Chongshan now seems to have placed all his hopes on Zhou Xu.

This is also what most soldiers really think at this moment.

During this period, looking at Zhou Zhongshan and the others who had entered the stage of clinging to death, Soros's entire state at this moment was completely excited, sweeping away the previous decline!

Since their high priest rarely takes action, Soros has always been skeptical about the strength of the high priest.

Until now, this doubt has been swept away with the display of that extraordinary power!

During this process, Thoros noticed that the troublesome skeleton soldiers on the opposite side had disappeared.

In order to confirm this, he just sent a team of speed dragon cavalry to patrol around the clan area.

It turned out that they found no trace of the skeleton soldiers on the opposite side.

This made Thoros couldn't help but guess in his mind that the skeleton soldiers on the opposite side should have some restrictions that he didn't know about.

At present, the skeleton soldiers are nowhere to be seen, which is most likely related to the restriction.

Regarding this aspect, with only limited intelligence, Soros must not be able to figure it out, and at the same time he is too lazy to think about it.

This situation is now very clear to Soros.

As long as they wipe out all the infantry units on the opposite side as quickly as possible, the situation will be decided!

So what if there are cavalry troops on the opposite side?

Except for their speed dragon cavalry, other cavalry cannot function at all in this complex rainforest environment. If they come in, they will die!

His eyes once again swept across the battle situation not far away. The infantry troops on the opposite side were still struggling under the siege of their dragon cavalry. There was also a blockade composed of blue lizard sword shield soldiers and green lizard infantry on the outside to cut off the opponent's retreat.

In addition, the existence of the high priest is a strong guarantee.

At this moment, Soros even felt that he could think about what would happen after destroying the opposing infantry unit.

However, I don't know if their 'gods' felt that they were not pious enough and did not protect him, or if God was deliberately against him. In the outer rain forest, there was a 'bang' sound, and the movement was constant. are approaching towards them!

This situation made Soros' face change slightly. His intuition told him that this must be nothing good!

Sure enough, in the next second, two burly and huge skeletal beasts broke through the rain forest, broke into their residence, and at the same time broke into their battlefield!

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