Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 499 The high priest takes action

"Thoros, go and gather all the tribesmen who are still capable of fighting."

While speaking, the high priest stood up, supported his fat body, and walked towards the outside of the temple. At this point, he couldn't help but take action.

During this period, Thoros felt slightly refreshed when he saw the figure of the high priest walking outside the temple.

Among the lizard people, the status of the high priest goes without saying. In this situation, the high priest's action can undoubtedly boost their morale.

After receiving the order, Soros quickly went out to take charge of the situation.

[That extraordinary creature is entangled by the Velociraptor Cavalry. It will take some time for the human troops on the opposite side to arrive here. Our infantry troops can arrive before them...]

He quickly sorted out the thoughts in his mind. From the current point of view, there was still some time for him to make some defensive arrangements to deal with the next attack by the enemy's large force.

In the current battle, the enemies have already reached their residence. For them, the lizard people, it seems to be a matter of life and death. Even the old, weak, women and children cannot completely stay out of it.

As long as there is some fighting ability, equip them with weapons and let them join the battle.

As for those who really have no fighting ability, Soros has nothing to do.

After all, in this case, if you let them get weapons, it will only cause them trouble, so it is better not to do it.

The tribe itself had weapons reserves, and everything was ready quickly. The lizardman infantry troops that arrived later gave the nervous old, weak, women and children some confidence.

During this process, Chitose, who was entangled by the Velociraptor Cavalry, was not nervous at all after noticing the movement here.

According to Chitose's mind, it can naturally see that the speed dragon cavalry surrounding it are trying to contain itself, but it doesn't matter. It can see the situation clearly and plans to wait until the large force on its side arrives.

Until then, it's just a matter of passing the time.

Just as Chitose was thinking this, a round of lizard man's spar short spears flew directly towards it and hit it.


The next second, with an angry roar, Chitose pounced directly.

The green lizard infantry who had been launching spear-throwing attacks in groups one moment immediately dispersed and hid in the surrounding buildings with extremely agile movements.

Although Chitose is smart, her temperament is far from mature. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is young and energetic.

Amidst the angry roar, he slapped his front palm!

In an instant, there was only a muffled sound like a crack, accompanied by scattered gravel, and the building made of rocks in front of it was torn into pieces on the spot!

The green lizard infantry hiding in the building was frightened on the spot.

Although Chitose had previously demonstrated the power to break down a large tree with one palm, the lizard people's houses and buildings were all made of huge and hard boulders, so their overall strength was completely different.

Never thought that under Chitose's forehand, all things would be equal!

The green lizard infantry's thin body was half-dead from the scattered rocks under Chitose's palm.

Chitose was not polite to him. She rushed up and gave him a slap in the face, causing him to die happily.

At this moment, the actions of the Lizardmen troops were undoubtedly prompted by Soros.

At this stage, this extraordinary creature happened to be separated from the large army on the opposite side, and he also had the idea of ​​​​trying to see if he could defeat it one by one.

It was originally thought that with the flexibility of the green lizard infantry, coupled with these higher-strength architectural obstacles, Chitose could be restricted to a certain extent.

As a result, with that palm strike, Soros knew that he had thought too much.

But this didn't make him lose his position.

He just misjudged the destructive power of the extraordinary creature, but this did not affect the lethality of the opponent, and the entire plan did not need to be changed because of this.

Ultimately, the key here is...

As his thoughts whirled, Soros looked back.

At this moment, the high priest sitting on the shoulder carriage was moving towards this side.

The arrival of the high priest made the lizard people gathered here excited.

"The high priest, the high priest!"

Amidst the shouts, the lizard people paid homage to him.

While the tribesmen were worshiping, the high priest, who felt the sight of Thoros and probably knew what Thoros wanted to express, looked directly into the distance.

[Is this the extraordinary creature? It seems that he is not yet an adult, and is only in the growth stage at best. At present, it is at a 'dangerous' level. 】

Extraordinary creatures are also divided into three, six or nine levels. As a high priest whose natural life span is longer than that of ordinary lizardmen, he still has some knowledge.

Ordinary extraordinary creatures broke into their tribe. According to the strength of their lizard-men troops, even if they couldn't defeat them head-on, they were still able to kill them.

The key point now is that this extraordinary creature is on the same side as the opposite army.

Soros wanted to deal with this extraordinary creature before the opposing troops arrived, so as to reduce the pressure for the subsequent battle.

The high priest sees no problem with this idea.

The thought flashed across his mind, and the high priest motioned to the eight blue lizard guards carrying the shoulder carriage to come closer.

After approaching a certain distance, along with spitting out a few characters, the high priest raised his hand, and an invisible force swept over quickly. Chitose, who was killing the lizard infantry at the time, suddenly froze.

The feeling of restraint came too suddenly, and Chitose subconsciously tried to break free.

As a result, in the next second, it was seen that its four legs were hanging directly in the air, and it was caught in mid-air by the invisible force!

At this time, even Chitose, who had performed with ease throughout the entire process, was inevitably panicked.

So far, all the enemies it has encountered have basically avoided it. Where has it ever encountered such a situation?

Being caught in mid-air, it had nowhere to use its strength. Even if it had all its strength, it was completely unable to use it at this moment.

In panic, Chitose couldn't help roaring with all her strength.

The sound wave impact visible to the naked eye continued to spread. While the surrounding lizard soldiers couldn't help but cover their ears and retreat, it also made the face of the high priest in the distance change slightly.

He discovered that the sound waves formed by the other party's roar were not only impacting the power he exerted, but also impacting his consciousness.

This undoubtedly shocked the high priest. He quickly stabilized his mind and at the same time increased his power output. After ensuring that Chitose was tightly restrained, he began to control the invisible force and grabbed Chitose's throat. , forcibly interrupted Chitose's roar.

With this move, blood suddenly spewed out from Chitose's mouth and nose because he could not withstand the force of the squeeze, and his life was in danger.

At this moment, with a piercing scream, a short spar spear flew out quickly and was thrown directly at the high priest on the shoulder!

At the same time, the Dazhou infantry unit headed by Zhou Chongshan quickly passed through the rain forest area and rushed into the lizard people's residence!

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