Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 501 Hand of God

"It's Da Gu Er Gu!"

The Da Zhou soldiers who saw the intruding figures clearly became excited at this moment.

The appearance of Big Bone and Two Bones can only mean one thing, that is, their king is here!

Looking at the two skeletal beasts that invaded forcefully, whether it was the high priest or Thoros, they all subconsciously thought of their own armored dragons and monitor lizards.

In fact, the size of these two skeletal beasts is completely incomparable to the armored dragon, and visually they are at the same level as the monitor lizard.

But right now, they don't have an Ankylosaurus or a giant lizard in their hands. This also causes the pressure that those two skeletal beasts can bring to them to increase invisibly!

At the same time, in the rain forest, Zhou Xu was secretly observing the situation...

In order to improve the efficiency of movement and also increase the level of insurance, Zhou Xu chose to directly control Big Bone and Second Bone to lead him in.

He planned to wait until he got here, then release the control of Big Bone and Two Bones, and use the combined method of 'Skeleton Soldier Summon Strengthening' and 'Skeleton Soldier Summon' to summon all the skeleton soldiers within the scope of his ability in one go to support the battle. .

Who would have thought that as soon as we arrived here, we would find some unexpected situations.

Looking down, I saw that at this moment, Chitose was rubbing herself against him aggrievedly, looking like a coward who accidentally messed up something. At the same time, there were traces of blood on the corners of his mouth and nostrils.

Although he believes that it is good for children to suffer some setbacks as they grow up, children who have a smooth growth period are afraid that they will not be able to withstand the storm in the future.

But looking at Chitose's aggrieved look, Zhou Xu really felt a little soft-hearted at the moment.

Although he didn't intend to raise Chitose as a child at the beginning, after all, he had raised him since he was a child, and he was not a heartless lone star. It was inevitable that he would have some feelings after raising him for a long time.

"Okay, let me see what the other side is capable of."

While muttering to himself, Zhou Xu's eyes fell back on the battle not far away.

Considering his current state, it would definitely be too much for him to control Big Bone, Two Bones and the Skeleton Army at the same time.

He must make a choice.

And Zhou Xu's choice at this time is Da Gu Er Gu!

Chitose's situation made him change his original plan, and the reason for all this was most likely the high priest opposite.

With this thought, Zhou Xu directly mobilized his big bones and two bones to attack the high priest.

Faced with an existence that was completely different from the same specifications, it was basically unrealistic for the Lizardmen troops to intercept the forced attack of Big Bone and Two Bones from the front.

The high priest realized that he had become the target of the opponent's attack, and his face was ugly, but he still quickly activated his ability, and while controlling the big bone, he smashed it hard against the second bone.

However, even if only the bones are left of the big bones and two bones that were extraordinary creatures in life, their bone strength is not comparable to that of ordinary creatures.

Although the high priest's blow was quite powerful, it would be a dream to directly incapacitate the big bone and the second bone.

In terms of comprehensive combat power, they are indeed not as good as before in life, but in terms of difficulty, they are far superior to before!

Looking at the two skeletal beasts that quickly climbed up, the high priest undoubtedly realized this, so he immediately activated his ability again and captured the two big bones, followed by a burst of crazy twisting and squeezing.

During this process, the relatively fragile joint tissues of the two bones of the big bone collapsed one after another, and then turned into bones, scattered on the ground.

However, this scene did not affect the morale of the Zhou soldiers.

Because in the next second, under the influence of invisible power, the bones in that place were quickly reorganized, and the two skeletal beasts reappeared in the world!

The high priest who saw this scene couldn't help but recall the skeleton soldiers that Thoros mentioned in his previous report that could continuously recover.

As the intelligence from before and after was connected in series, the pressure in the high priest's heart suddenly increased sharply, but his mind was still quite clear.

"These skeletons cannot be restored indefinitely. There must be a caster hiding nearby. Go find the caster!"

Listening to the high priest's order, Thoros wanted to say that he had thought of this level before and took corresponding actions, but found nothing.

But now the highest command authority has changed hands. Under the premise that the high priest has spoken, it no longer matters what he says.

The Velociraptor Cavalry is also responsible for the important task of suppressing the infantry units on the opposite side. They cannot be easily transferred at this time. At this time, it was their green lizard infantry who received the order and took action.

They are agile and quick in movement and are good at searching for enemies.

Hiding in the distance, relying on the insight granted by the 'Eye of Insight', Zhou Xuzheng was observing the entire situation.

He saw the actions of the green lizard infantry, and quickly guessed that the other party must have realized that someone was controlling the skeleton soldiers behind the scenes, and those green lizard infantry were here to find him.

At this moment, his location could only be said to be neither far nor close to the lizard people. Once the green lizard infantry entered the rain forest, there was no guarantee that he would not be discovered.

During this process, Chitose probably sensed Zhou Xu's emotional changes. After nuzzling him gently again, Chitose seemed to have regained her courage and rushed out.

According to Chitose's swiftness and explosive power, it only took a short time to rush into the lizard people on the opposite side. Along the way, he killed two green lizard infantry blocking his path. Chitose rushed straight at the infantry who were besieging them. Troops of velociraptors.

The speed dragon cavalry were also extremely wary of this extraordinary creature that had gone and returned, and they did not dare to challenge it head-on.

When they saw Chitose coming to attack him, the surrounding speed dragon cavalry all retreated.

With this retreat, the Dazhou infantry unit that had been besieged and suppressed suddenly found a breakthrough!

"Brothers, follow me and charge!!"

Amidst the roar, Zhou Zhongshan rushed out with a sword in hand.

At this moment, their target was not the retreating Velociraptor Cavalry, but the Green Lizard Infantry!

Obviously, Zhou Chongshan already understood what Qiantose meant.

The individual strength of the green lizard infantry was not comparable to that of the sword and shield soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Now that they have lost their numerical advantage due to successive battles, they are no longer worthy of fear.

Now, in their eyes, the sword and shield soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty led by Zhou Chongshan were nothing more than evil tigers blocking their way, directly blocking their way.

Seeing this, the Velociraptor Cavalry quickly pressed forward and tried to relieve the siege, but Chitose stopped the attack on the spot.

The high priest saw this scene from a distance and was about to take action, but under the power of Zhou Xu's mantra, the restored big bones and two bones attacked him first, forcing the high priest to use his power to protect himself. above.

If this battle could be described as a game of chess, then Chitose's intervention was tantamount to a 'hand of God' at this moment, directly changing the entire situation and reviving the deadlock that might have been a war of attrition.

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