Thriller Tour Group

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However, the Devil Merchant was simply confused by the fierce butcher's eyes of Yin Yang Die. It was also the first time for him to participate in such a banquet with customized hotel clothes, so he didn't quite understand the situation. In fact, if he had stayed for a while, he would have discovered that Yin Yang Butterfly didn't care what he wore, and the attitude of others was also very normal. It doesn’t matter what the gods or goddesses are, they are all gods anyway, they are all high and powerful.

In contrast, there are only a few passengers who transform into angels. Most of the passengers disguise themselves as various giants. Isn't this uglier than gods and useless? That is to say, some young travelers who have never seen the world will care and be surprised, but those top travelers don't care, because the hotel's customized clothing has always been purely based on performance in the competition, and then corresponds to the status of the Nordic gods. It’s random whether you’re a man or a woman. This was also the case in various previous celebrations. Anyone can wear women’s clothing. If you laugh at others now, if this happens in the future, you will only be nailed on the pillar of shame and ridiculed over and over again.

No one who came later cared about this. They all smiled and went to say hello to Bingyi and the others. It was just past ten o'clock in the morning, and all the people from the tour guide had already arrived. They were all familiar faces. They were in Wei Xun's tour group. The tour guides were all reunited, all dressed as Nordic gods.

Bingyi, the Lizard Duke, and Dream Chaser play the three giants Odin, God of War, and Thor. On the Lower East Side, Yin Yang Butterfly plays the Sun God, Silverfish plays the God of Light Balder, and the Fainting Sheep plays the God of Darkness Huo. Del, the insignificant Yukihime Heisan is the wife of the God of Thunder, Sif.

Over in the West End, Captain Ghost plays the moon god Mani, and the little witch is Freya, the goddess of love. The black cat in her arms happens to play the role of the cat that pulls Freya's cart. The Devil Merchant plays Loki, the God of Fire, the low-key B2 Western Cowboy is Frey, the God of Sunshine, and the Puppet Master (Black Angel) is the eldest sister of the three goddesses of destiny, in charge of the evil of the past.

All the tour guides who had participated in the competition gathered together in disguise, it was like Odin convening a meeting of the gods. A dozen tour guides stood together, none of them wearing masks, not even hoods to cover their faces. Among them were the famous veteran tour guides Lizard Duke and Dream Chaser, the ruthless butcher tour guide Yin Yang Die, and the current The most promising and most watched guide explorer. There were such a bunch of tour guides standing together. Although they couldn't see their faces clearly and couldn't leave any memories after seeing them, the feeling was very shocking!

Especially when the hotel took a group photo and enlarged it and displayed it throughout the virtual lobby as a real warm-up for the evening carnival, the atmosphere exploded almost instantly. No one dared to stop in front of the group photo taken by the tour guides. Each tourist, like a strangled capon, hunched their necks and passed by quickly with their heads lowered under the huge promotional photo, as if the photo was some kind of ancient god filled with mental pollution. Photo-like. However, in fact, forums and group chats everywhere are all talking about this matter, and the titles of hot posts are almost all about this.

The emotions of tourists in hotels towards tour guides are the most twisted and morbid. Some people hate tour guides the most, some are licking tour guides the most, and some are coldly indifferent to them. However, in the final analysis, it is tour guides who attract the most attention from tourists. Especially this time, the tour guides were not wearing masks or cloaks, so it felt strange and strange! So much so that today's virtual hall has completely turned into a sea of ​​people, and the atmosphere instantly became lively.

Even though the vast majority of people didn't dare to actually look at the group photo, they couldn't help but pass by it repeatedly. Their mood was inexplicably high and exciting, and they couldn't help but want to do something. As a result, the sales of various shops in the virtual lobby increased sharply today, and everything was booming - of course, these shops were basically self-operated and consumed by the hotel, and they collected a lot of points.

But there are many more sensible people who plan to save their points and go directly to the poster tonight. The tour guide's group photo is not for sale. You can also take a photo to record and keep it. If you take a photo, it will only be a blur, which further arouses the tourists' expectations for the new poster in tonight's carnival celebration. There will be a total of three posters in this competition, one for the best tour guide, one for the best tourist, and one for the best brigade.

Although the explorer's best guide poster has been revealed in advance, his best brigade poster is not! This is the first brigade poster of Director C and passengers, it is very memorable! Many tourists feel inexplicably excited when they think of the explorer and his passengers on the poster. They feel like they are taking part in the tour, and their expectations are really high.

"Hmph, if hotels had tried to implement advanced shopping, I'm afraid your posters would have sold like crazy."

Next to the high-rise window of the palace built in the center of the virtual hall, which was modeled after Odin's Golden Palace, the Lizard Duke looked sideways at the crowds of people outside the window and raised his eyebrows in ridicule.

"You said you took me to see something interesting, but this is it?"

Wei Xun asked with a smile, looking at

There is not only one auction today. The one that requires admission tickets is the core auction before the carnival dinner. There will be four or five auctions ahead, lasting from noon to evening, mainly for auctions suitable for absolute perfection. Most of the materials, props and items for middle and low-level tourists and tour guides. If tourists want to sell anything, they can also register it at the hotel and put it up for auction.

Someone from Wei Xun's side has registered with the hotel. Taoist Feng wants to sell a lot of ordinary magic honey that he has accumulated, and Fainting Sheep wants to sell several groups of low-quality magic sheep. Auctions can usually make higher profits than selling directly to tourists or hotels. Once the atmosphere is heated, it is easy to stimulate consumption.

In the middle of the auction, some recorded videos will be played, just like when the village collectively zoomed in on a movie. You have to pay money to buy these recordings at the hotel. This time, the hotel will pay and play them for the whole hotel to watch. It will definitely be very lively by then. Wei Xun is very interested in this. It is said that the recorded videos played this time are all live broadcasts of the journeys taken by the tour guides who participated in the competition. Some of them are very old and cannot even be found by ordinary means.

I heard that there will be Dream Chasers, the live video of Lizard Duke leading the team for the first time that year, and the live broadcast of Bingyi’s original trip to Xiangxi, which was originally taken down because it involved replacing the tour guide Bingjiu, will be released this time. In the finale, the hotel really captured the curiosity of the passengers.

Wei Xun was also caught and wanted to see it very much. He even regretted that An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren did not come to participate in the competition with integrity. He really wanted to see what their first journey was like.

"What's so interesting about this? It's very boring."

He sneered at his first time leading the Lizard Duke, which was regarded as a dark history. Hearing the regret that could not be concealed in Bingyi's tone, he also complained bitterly: "Who made you go crazy and give the invitation to the life-haunting man?" Come in too, we have a lot of time, you can watch as many auctions as you want!"

"Now the place I take you to can only go before the auction, and it is not safe at other times."

God knows they were chatting in the hall at that time. Yin Yangdie curiously asked Bingyi who he had invited, but Bingyi said that he had invited someone who was interested in life. The whole place was completely silent! Yin Yang Die, who played the role of the sun god, was dumbfounded on the spot. The Lizard Duke even thought that this kid would cry. Who would play the role of the sun god in front of a life-seeking man, and wouldn't he be afraid of being robbed of his divine power?

No, who would invite a life-seeking person to such an occasion? It's outrageous, he is such a winner in life, how can he still have such a good brother.

"The invitation letter can only invite relatives. Of course I will invite my brother."

Wei Xun was calm and said it as a matter of course. His identity as a tour guide and tourist cannot be revealed by either party. 'Wei Xun' and An Xuefeng are just tourists and brigade captain. They have no connection and cannot be invited. It was Bingyi who resurrected Tong Hege, Yu Hehui, George and the Black Widow, not Wei Xun, and he couldn't invite them, let alone the life-seeking people.

In the end, the two invitation letters from the passenger Wei Xun had no choice but to be invalidated, and the invitation letter Bingyi invited An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren. Speaking of which, Wei Xun was also quite curious. The Lizard Duke had a big reaction when he heard that the Life-haunting Man was coming. Even Dream Chaser didn't have such a big reaction. What's going on? Could it be that something happened before?

After all, it’s quite obvious that the Lizard Duke ‘wants to take you there before the auction’.

The tour guides and tourists who were invited to the carnival dinner were able to move freely after customizing their costumes and taking photos. However, An Xuefeng and Ximingren, who were invited by Bingyi, did not have costumes and needed to control their own power to customize them. Moreover, there are restrictions on the scope of activities. They must be reviewed by the hotel and will not be allowed out until the auction starts at noon.

The Lizard Duke must have been afraid of the life-seeking people before this time. Maybe he had accidentally bumped into the life-seeking people at the place he was going to go and suffered a loss, leaving a psychological shadow?

Wei Xun speculated in his mind that he didn't think that the Lizard Duke wanted to harm him. If the Lizard Duke really had the ability to not affect Fenrir Wolf, carry An Xuefeng and the entire return trip, violate the hotel regulations, limit the butterfly fragments, and instantly kill Bing Yi and his puppets, Ability', how could it be Devourer's turn to be S1? Of course, Wei Xun's confidence is also related to the fact that under the broad-brimmed hat on his head, he wears Thor's armor on his upper body and bites the crystal dragon of Thor's hammer.

If the dream chasers come together, then nothing will happen.

"You'll know when you get there. You can only enter that place if you wear a custom-made hotel dress."

But no matter how Wei Xun asked, the Lizard Duke said no more and just led him all the way to the top of the Golden Palace. In fact, there are no more steps in the Golden Palace from the third floor up. However, the Lizard Duke took out a magic bean, watered it with blood and planted it in the corner of the wall. The magic bean instantly grew taller.

"Don't make a sound, bite the Thunder God's spear - it needs to be customized by the power of the hotel."

After saying this, the Lizard Duke stopped saying anything. When Wei Xun was ready, the Lizard Duke bit down on the God of War's knife. Wei Xun grabbed the magic bean stem on his back and swung it up, climbing up very skillfully. Then something strange happened. There should be a ceiling above the head, but the Lizard Duke climbed straight up as if there was no obstruction above the head. The strange thing is that the ceilings did not play any blocking role, just like a virtual image. .

Yet they clearly exist.

Wei Xun found that every time they passed through the 'ceiling', the custom-made clothes on himself and the Lizard Duke rippled like water, and the ceiling would also fluctuate, just like the resonance of some kind of regular power. Wei Xun's heart beat a beat faster, and he felt that the new nine spiritual knives he had just made seemed to be trembling slightly and buzzing.

Wei Xun understood something in an instant.

This resonates with hostel rules.

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