Thriller Tour Group

999 Hotel Instructions Little Dragon, Little Bird and Little Gecko

Where is the Lizard Duke leading him to climb? How can it resonate with hotel rules? Countless doubtful thoughts passed through his mind, but Wei Xun still remembered that the Lizard Duke said not to make a sound, and the crystal dragon above his head was also unusually quiet, but the dragon's claws tightly grasped Wei Xun's hair, and the whole dragon was coiled in his Under the broad-brimmed hat, it became smaller, like a crystal dragon crown.

They didn't even communicate with each other, and Wei Xun didn't use a string. It could even be said that he didn't use any title. He just used his eyes to observe the surroundings. The Lizard Duke continued to climb up, and the surrounding scenery gradually began to distort. The splendid decorations were like melted yellow plasticine, entangled with the complex and sacred silver statues in the Golden Palace. The entanglement made people feel uneasy and instinctively fearful. chaotic pattern. It made people upset, but they couldn't help but want to look again, until they saw the eyeballs protruding from the sockets, hanging down like sticky glutinous rice balls, sticking to the white gold that seemed to be melted.

As the Lizard Duke climbed higher and higher, they no longer seemed to be climbing in the Golden Palace building. The walls in all directions were shrinking towards them. The door of the originally empty room became narrow and oblique. The guard lying on the back of the Lizard Duke Xun only felt that he could touch the sticky, liquid wall behind him by arching his back slightly, and the ceiling completely disappeared. They were like crawling in the esophagus of a giant beast, or climbing up in a narrow chimney, like sending a message to someone. After the gifts are returned to Santa Claus on the elk car.

However, the space available for them to move is getting smaller and smaller. Wei Xun could no longer breathe, the air had been repelled by the omnipresent powerful energy, but with his current strength he could hold his breath for a long time, so there was no problem for the time being. The force of rules that squeezes away the air is also squeezing them. This is a place where the hotel is not open, and there should be no tourist guides. The rules are repelling them, but whenever the energy of the rules fluctuates, the custom-made clothes on their bodies also shine like ripples of water.

This makes them like chameleons blending into the environment and integrating into this majestic energy of rules. Sensing the energy fluctuations around him, Wei Xun gradually understood.

Hotel rules are an invisible, inexplicable existence. Only when you break the rules can you feel the power faintly, and it will never be as active as it is now, and people can feel it so clearly.

This golden palace was just built by the hotel and used for auctions and carnival dinners. It is a building constructed by rules. This building only exists today and is not a building that will be preserved for a long time. At the end of today, it will be demolished by the hotel and converted to energy. Therefore, compared with buildings such as residences, the Golden Palace was built in a hurry and only took one day, so it did not need to be too stable.

It's just relatively 'unstable' and can fully withstand so many big tour guides and tourists holding meetings there. It was even said that Wei Xun had never noticed any problems with this Golden Palace building before. It was like an eternal virtual hall.

The Nordic Golden Palace is majestic and sacred, with dozens of floors, and the hotel is a perfect replica of it, even more magnificent. But the only thing that can really be used for this carnival dinner is to put it on

After all, the source of pollution is destroyed, the world is changing, and the mountains are polluted. The hotel will definitely consume a lot of energy if it wants to have sex, so some can be saved. In other words, like an unfinished building, the regular energy ratio

This unstable rule energy should have a stronger repelling force on tour guides and tourists, but Wei Xun and the others were wearing freshly customized hotel clothes. The hotel's customized clothing also contains the power of the hotel's rules. Because it is also a one-time clothing, it is not as stable as a molded prop, and is similar to the Golden Palace to a certain extent. Bingyi, Dream Chaser and Lizard Duke are the top three tour guides who performed best in this competition. Their customized clothes contain more energy of hotel rules, allowing them to integrate with the upper-level power environment of the Golden Palace. Not excluded by the power of rules.

Of course, even so, they were able to climb here thanks to Duke Lizard's special claws, which was equivalent to climbing within the rules. No wonder he regards the person in charge as something in his pocket. With this understanding of the rules, he has definitely reached the standard. And there is a high probability that this is not the first time he has been here, and he can even be called familiar with it.

Language, the rule power here should be more sensitive to language, otherwise the Lizard Duke would not let them both hold the weapons transformed by the power of the hotel in their mouths without speaking, further concealing themselves. The spear of Odin's spear in his mouth was filled with the fragrance of the world tree. Wei Xun became calmer and calmer, but he could not hide the restlessness and expectation in his heart. The door to the unknown new world seemed to be right in front of him like never before, making him extremely looking forward to it!

When the Lizard Duke stopped climbing and the surrounding walls had tightly wrapped them together, Wei Xun knew that this climb had come to an end. The pressure coming from all directions was too strong, as if they were going to crush him and the Lizard Duke into a pulp and rub them together. The power of the rules here was so strong that it seemed to have substance. The slightest movement would lead to further strong pressure from the rules. Wei Xun simply stopped trying to raise his head to see the actions of the Lizard Duke, and quietly buried his head on the side of his neck. Maybe leave room for him to move while keeping your ears open.

Rustling, rustling.

The Lizard Duke stepped firmly on the wall with his feet apart, biting the God of War's knife, holding the knife in his mouth like a chick's broken beak, tapping the thick and regular eggshell. The God of War's sword was like silver light sliding across the gap between his lips, tongue and teeth, like silver moonlight, gradually cutting through the long and thin cracks with the thick and heavy power of rules. Wei Xun felt that the Lizard Duke's muscles were as hard as stone, his skin was cold, he was sweating, and his breathing was rapid. He must have been exhausted. The next second, the fluctuations in the rule power of the Lizard Duke suddenly became stronger, a faint light flashed, and the spiritual knife in Wei Xun's arms buzzed.

Did the Lizard Duke use his spiritual light whip?

Wei Xun didn't have time to make any more guesses, because the next moment, the heavy rule force above the door that had been blocking them was finally opened by the Lizard Duke, and then opened by the mental whip. The pressure of the rule force outside was smaller than that inside, Wei Xun They were squeezed right out, like a pimple. It was like there were two paintings stacked on top of each other. They got into the gap between the paintings and caught a glimpse of the strangeness. The surrounding light changed from bright to dark and then from dark to bright. The moment he saw the 'outside', the doorman's heart beat faster and faster, and he was almost about to die suddenly. His eyes were round, his pupils were dilated, and a buzzing sound sounded from the deepest part of his soul. It gave him a splitting headache, but he stared at everything in front of him like an addict, greedy and obsessed.

This is a foggy world, with darkness and drowsiness in all directions. The place where they came out was tangible, like the corner of the moon in the vast night sky. The solid power of rules did not form the earth, but spread diagonally from their sides, piercing the highest point upwards and submerging themselves into the thick fog. Just like the crescent moon, it is extremely huge and majestic, and people are as small as a grain of dust in front of it.

This is the ‘hotel’, a corner of a real hotel based on the power of rules!

On both sides of the 'moon body', stars of various sizes are floating. When looking at the nearest star from above, you can clearly see the Golden Palace being constructed upwards in the virtual hall, and a star next to it is shown. The photo shows the lively crowd in the virtual lobby. There are countless halo tentacles spreading faintly to the stars. If you look closely, you can feel that there are countless noisy and cold murmurs resounding in the depths of the soul. These are various instructions from the hotel and the voices resounding in the depths of the souls of the tourist guides. They The corner you peeked into is where the hotel's 'language' comes from!

No wonder the Lizard Duke emphasized not to make any noise. He could never stay in a place like this for long. Wei Xun looked around at the fastest speed and looked at the stars on the other side. Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat. Wei Xun felt that the figures of An Xuefeng and *** were reflected on the star closest to them on the other side! They sat with their backs facing each other, eyes closed, like twin dolls. Looking further away, there seemed to be various figures on the other stars.

The star on the left shows the virtual lobby and other places controlled by the hotel, and the star on the right shows the host and tourist guides controlled by the hotel! Wei Xun wanted to take a closer look, but suddenly a warning sign of extreme danger arose in his heart! Cold sweat broke out on the back, and before they had time to think about it, the extremely vigilant Lizard Duke had already led them back into the small crack, and then let go and fell rapidly downwards. The crack above their head that allowed them to glimpse the reality closed almost instantly, sealing off the chilling sense of danger, but Wei Xun felt like he could 'see' a glimmer - using his butterfly eyes to see from the energy level Arrived.

He 'saw' that hundreds of billions of stars all flipped over instantly and turned into terrifyingly swollen eyeballs. They were aware of the intruder and were searching for the intruder! Countless eyes with real eyes fell on the closed crack and fell straight down, even though the Lizard Duke took Wei Xun and the others back to the virtual hall and the Golden Palace as quickly as possible, and all three of them tacitly became The animal erased all negative states, but the hotel's 'eyes' were still following closely behind, and we were about to see——


On the first floor of the Golden Palace, there is a room door for invitees to change their clothes. An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren are in the northwest corner of the room, and one is in the southeast corner. They control the rules of the hotel and make their own clothes. The atmosphere is as silent as cemetery. But in the next second, I heard a few soft noises, and three small animals suddenly fell from the roof. The man looked up and saw his pupils shrank suddenly. At the same time, Men An Xuefeng keenly fished the little sunbird above his head. Pressing the golden little gecko against the crystal dragon, it fell into An Xuefeng's hands like a stack of Arhats.

The power of the hotel's rules almost followed. An Xuefeng understood what he had just done. He picked up the dress he had just made, scooped up the bird and dragon, and threw the little golden gecko to the life-seeking man. The power of Pyramid and Daxizhou, two major 30-degree north latitudes, came over to hide the little bird and dragon. The next second, the hotel's gaze suddenly descended, scanning the door of the room with suspicion.

An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren were both knitting clothes diligently, and the power of the hotel rules filled the room door, turning into needles and threads in their hands. The representative of the hotel turned his eyes suspiciously and searched around, but finally found nothing wrong with it. He also felt that this scene was quite valuable, so he simply took a photo of them as a gimmick, and then went to search elsewhere.

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