Thriller Tour Group

997 Sun Goddess There will be another chapter in a moment

Without the beard, Wei Xun's version of Odin looks very young. His hair was as silky as snow, but he didn't look old. He only showed the dignity and coldness of God. Odin is the tallest king of the gods, and his throne is high above the other gods. Wei Xun's height has also increased a lot. Of course, Lizard Duke and Dream Chaser are also taller because of the gods they play. Generally speaking, their sight lines are still at the same level.

But when some people get taller, their aura feels different. The vampire knife in Wei Xun's hand changed its shape and turned into a spear that shone like a meteor. However, Wei Xun had a genuine Odin's Gun. He raised his eyebrows and held the real gun in his hand. His aura was more like that of a god looking indifferently, with a strange sense of alienation that should not exist in the human world.

Ever since the competition, Lizard Duke has rarely compared Bingyi with the Life-Happy Man, and he no longer regards him as a smaller version of the Life-Happy Man. After all, there are too many differences between the two brothers.

However, the tall, dangerous, and oppressive tour guide in front of him still made his spine rise and fall like a stress shock. He seemed to be just commenting on Bingyi's cross-dressing with great interest, but in fact, only the Lizard Duke knew that his heartbeat had skipped a beat. His blood was boiling, and he was ready to fight at all times.

"Oh, blood."

The Lizard Duke grunted, feeling some inexplicable irritation in his heart. He looked at Bingyi with a strange look. After the transformation, the tour guide no longer wears a mask, but his face is still hidden by the rules of the hotel. He seemed to be able to see Bingyi's appearance clearly, but as soon as he changed his mind, he forgot all about it and couldn't remember it at all. However, the Lizard Duke is extremely alienated. As the leader of the West Area Butcher Alliance, he has a close connection with the abyss, and his wild instincts are stronger, allowing him to vaguely see a deep blue-purple color in the fog-like haze——

This is the color of the butterfly fragments, and it seems to be the color of Bingyi’s eyes. There is a bit of golden power of authority shining in it, which is the various Odin authorities that Bingyi has gained. However, compared with the deep blue that is as deep as the sea, this golden fragment of light is like the stars in the night. As long as the deep blue becomes thicker and the dark clouds cover it, they all disappear, leaving only the dark blue and almost purple night.

The hotel is really nice. Odin only has one eye, so Byeichi only has a little blue eye.

The Lizard Duke complained in his heart, but his nerves became more tense for some reason. This was an unexpected harmony between Deep Blue and Bingyi, as if he was born with only one real, unfathomable eye. It was different from other eyes. It was just like the eye Lizard Duke accidentally ‘saw’ in the scarlet blood during that celebration many years ago. The eye that made his hair stand on end was cold, indifferent, and inhuman.

Thinking about it now, it still makes him palpitate.


The raven's rough and loud cry sounded from Bingyi's side, bringing the Lizard Duke back from his thoughts. He was speechless when he saw Bingyi summoning the insect mother Xiaocui and a demon insect butterfly, channeling the power of the hotel to turn them into two ravens, landing on his left and right shoulders respectively, and the corn worm and Wangcai The dogs turned into two sleek silver wolves, nestling on either side of his body.

The two ravens Hug and Mun on Odin's shoulders patrol the world for him, and the two loyal wolves Geri and Freki at his feet guard the surroundings for him. This was not over yet. The Lizard Duke watched helplessly as Bingyi made another Pegasus - the one that pulled the sun chariot in Northern Europe. He channeled the power of the hotel and turned it into Odin's eight-legged horse.

For a moment, I saw two ravens caressing Bingyi's cheeks, two loyal wolves nestled at his feet, vying for favor, and a tall horse with golden light clinging to Bingyi's back. He was so gentle that he braided the shining mane into a braid. . It's so enjoyable. Others are just dressing up, and he looks like a winner in life. It makes them, the gods of war and thunder, lonely and lonely.

The Lizard Duke took a deep breath, and his tense nerves unexpectedly relaxed a lot. Now he didn't want to think about anything and everything. He just wanted to say some weird words. When Bing lowered his hand, the wolf automatically came to him and let him stroke his hair. He couldn't bear it. He clenched his fists.

Itchy hands.

That’s outrageous. The hand of the Norse god of war was clearly bitten off by the wolf Fenrir, so why couldn’t he bring the wolf over and let it bite his hand? This is called real scene restoration performance! But after all, the Lizard Duke didn't dare to bring Fenrir Wolf. He just looked at Bingyi's comfortable appearance and felt a feeling of anger in his chest. The Lizard Duke couldn't help but give the dreamer a yin and yang with his arm. road:

"Are you just looking at me like this? I don't care. I'm going to be a senior director tonight. It's not cool to have so many bits and pieces around."

"Don't touch me."

Dream Chaser, who was watching Wei Xun playing with his fur with a smile, was unexpectedly stabbed in the waist by the Lizard Duke. Half of his body became numb and he became angry. If it weren't for the wrong place, his fist would have already moved forward. The dream chaser uttered the words "cold and cold", glared at the Lizard Duke fiercely, and gave him a nightmare and daydream.

Although the Lizard Duke quickly got rid of the nightmare daydream of "Fenrir Wolf being chopped up in the hotel" and did not have any psychological shadow, he was still stunned by the dream chaser's look and rarely closed his eyes. Mouth, in the blink of an eye, Dream Chaser walked up to Bingyi.

"If you have any demonic insect pets around you that can meet the requirements for cross-dressing, you can summon them. It will be beneficial during the cross-dressing period."

"I feel it too."

Wei Xun rubbed the chin of the loyal wolf that had been transformed from corn shoots, and watched it purr happily and narrow its eyes. The wolf's tail swept back and forth and tried to wrap itself around him like a worm, just like a dog bug. He couldn't help but laugh. He could already feel that the moment he disguised himself as Odin, his understanding of Odin's various powers became much stronger, as if he was not just disguising, but actually becoming Odin, the King of Gods.

After realizing this, Wei Xun immediately asked Xiao Cui and others to participate in the disguise. As expected, they also had this strange feeling.

"This is a hotel custom dress."

The dream chaser said meaningfully that the hotel's provision of customized clothing is a special treatment, and it is also beneficial to the tour guide.

Passengers can enjoy various discounts at auctions, and tour guides will naturally receive special treatment in other areas. Just like this custom-made dress session, the number of tour guides is small, and they can basically allocate powerful gods with names. For example, when he disguised himself as the God of Thunder, he could understand the laws of thunder and lightning of the God of Thunder and the universal belief that the God of Thunder gained when he was the main god of Northern Europe. The Lizard Duke By disguising yourself as the God of War, you will probably gain some understanding of the God of War's authority and become more proficient in the sword techniques that the God of War is good at.

Although the gods they are assigned may not necessarily match their own strength or be the most suitable for them, they will be more or less improved after such a cross-dressing dinner.

Compared with tour guides, due to the large number of tourists and the fact that the disguised identities cannot be repeated, usually only the first few passengers can disguise themselves as famous people, and other passengers with poor performance can only get very ordinary ones. , background plate identities such as 'Fire Giant A, B, and C' and 'Frost Giant ABC', the perceived power is far weaker than that of the tour guide.

When Wei Xun heard this, he understood clearly. He had just been distracted to sense the passenger Wei Xun, and found that his white hair turned into red, and six pairs of emerald wings grew out of his back, as if he was disguised as light. His son, Michael—don’t mention it, he’s really handsome.

But in terms of sensory power, it is obviously not as good as the tour guide. If Bingyi feels like he has become the God of Thunder, and can almost 100% feel the wantonness of the God of Thunder when he takes control, then Wei Xun is at best interested in what Michael represents. The perception of the power of light and flame is enhanced. Whether you can realize something depends on your understanding.

However, this has made Wei Xun quite satisfied. The core of 'Passenger Wei Xun' is made from slices of his own sun. Putting aside the light, his talent in flame power must be first-class. This carnival dinner is over for Wei Xun. Completely capable of mastering Michael's flame. Michael is the head of the seven archangels, and the power of his flaming holy sword is held by each archangel to enhance the group's combat effectiveness. Once Wei Xun masters Michael's flame authority, his control over the Angel Legion will be greatly strengthened.

This put Wei Xun in a good mood. When Yin Yangdie came over to customize the clothes, he gave him a smile. Yin Yang Die's heart was beating loudly as he smiled, and his whole body seemed to be dizzy as if he was drunk. After thinking about preparations, I forgot all the topics I wanted to talk to my eldest brother, and I just knew that I was crowded around my eldest brother eagerly, like a puppy with bright eyes.

Until a voice came from the side: "Haha, my custom-made dress turned out to be Loki. What can I say? Come and evaluate the real Loki!"

The Yin-Yang Butterfly, who was holding the edge of Bingyi's cloak to show him the butterfly that turned into a little golden horse, turned his head gloomily and saw that the soul fire in the hands of the devil merchant had turned into a ball of flame, dressed as a Nordic fire god. He was smiling at Bingyi, and his appearance made Yin Yang Die's lips become sour at once.

Damn it, the Devil Merchant got to play Loki! Although Yin Yang Die plays the role of the Nordic sun god, and it is also the godly authority obtained by his eldest brother, he is definitely the fire god Loki who is more well-known to the public. The Yin-Yang Butterfly was already gloomy and cut the Devil Merchant into eight pieces. The Devil Merchant came closer and knew something was wrong as soon as he saw the Yin-Yang Butterfly dressed up.

Yin-Yang Butterfly has bright and rich red hair and wears a golden-red robe. She is not very tall, but her whole body has strong and fiery divine power and a strong sense of presence.

…However, it is known that the Norse sun god Sur was a goddess.

Although the customized clothing will take into account the opinions of the tour guide to a certain extent. For example, Dream Chaser and Bingyi do not have the beards of Thor and Odin, but it is only a reference to a certain extent. There is no bulge on Yin Yang Butterfly's chest, but it has to be said that if you look closely at his golden red robe, it looks a bit like a more conservative skirt.

He remembered that Yin Yang Butterfly has no fetish for cross-dressing! In other words, he saw this cruel East District Yi Er boss wearing a skirt! The devil businessman with a strong desire for survival laughed under the vicious gaze of Yin Yang Butterfly and quickly left the Shura scene. Let’s talk about old things with Bing for a while, when he is alone!

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