Thriller Tour Group

996 Wei Xun's cross-dressing is mainly over-suggestion and tomorrow...

"Oh, I even brought a little follower with me."

The Lizard Duke glanced at Wei Xun next to Bingyi and then withdrew his gaze without saying anything. He acted as if this person did not exist. This was how the S2 Director of the West Region came to be. If this man hadn't been brought here by C, Duke Lizard wouldn't even bother to look at him. It doesn't matter to him whether it's a returning rookie or a rookie passenger who has performed extremely well.

It's almost time to celebrate the end of the year, and then it's time to go to war and die, who cares if you have something or not.

"Wei Xun, the place where passengers change their clothes is next door."

Dream Chaser greeted him in a friendly manner and pointed to the hall next door. Wei Xun knew clearly in his heart that 'Wei Xun', neither humble nor arrogant, had greeted both Lizard Duke and Dream Chaser, then smiled and 'whispered' a few words to Bing Yi before turning around and heading to the next hall.

In this hotel, it is not so much that there are differences between men and women, but that there are differences between tour guides and tourists. Various lounges, waiting rooms, lists and the like are all separated. There are four types of virtual halls and even public restrooms. Tour guides and tourists use the restrooms. They don't go together, and now is no exception. The dress is also designed separately.

Tour guides and tourists naturally have different statuses, and the gap does not become so deep in one day. But Wei Xun, who knows the hotel better, now has new ideas. He had previously felt that the design of the hotel would naturally stir up internal conflicts among the humans selected into the hotel, making it impossible for them to fully unite and stabilize the order of the hotel.

But not all people have always been fools. Every generation has leaders with extraordinary strength. It is not difficult to integrate the power of tour guides and tourists, and hotels are not afraid of this.

Tour guides and tourists stay apart as much as possible, perhaps just to prevent the pollution from spreading - the tour guides carry a large amount of abyss pollution integrated with them, while the vast majority of tourists are sent by the hotel on various journeys in reality to absorb real pollution. The less contact between travelers and tour guides, the smaller the risk of contamination escaping.

But now the reality is like this, who knows what changes will happen in the future.

"He doesn't look like a serious traveler at his height."

After 'Wei Xun' left, there were only three tour guides left in the hall. The Lizard Duke, who looked too lazy to talk before, was obviously more casual. He looked at the direction where 'Wei Xun' left and let out a laugh, flicking his golden dragon tail behind him. He stood up and drew a random drawing on the tip of his tail at a height of about 1.7 meters: "Not a child, at this age and height, a category X special passenger?"

"What's wrong with this height? What's all the fuss about?"

Before Wei Xun could speak, Dream Chaser, who had always had a bad temper with the Lizard Duke, said coldly: "Mao Xiaole is also short, so it doesn't prevent him from becoming a top tourist butcher."

"Mao Xiaole? He looks like an underage boy. It seems that there are quite a few dwarfs among you tourists from the East District."

Lizard Duke's tone sounded particularly aggressive, as if every word he said could cause a quarrel. It was extremely bad: "I was chatting with the explorer, what did the crystal dragon say?"

Compared with the golden dragon, which is extremely powerful in physical combat, the crystal dragon, which has special mental power, does look much slender, and can be half the size of the golden dragon. But the dream chaser's emotions were not aroused by the Lizard Duke at all. He just said lightly: "Zhang Xingzang is higher than Silver Moon Killer."


The exchange between the two ended with the Lizard Duke's last friendly words of 'shit', which made Wei Xun next to him laugh. Of course he knew the meaning of the conversation between the Lizard Duke and the Dream Chaser.

Although Zhang Xingzang is already very good at making clay figurines, the new Wei Xun puppet has a core shaped by Wei Xun cutting out part of his own sunstone. God took Adam's rib and created Eve. In a sense, the puppet created by Wei Xun is more 'vital' than the clay figure, and more like a real person. Wei Xun's spiritual power can be in himself and the puppet at any time. Transformation, even to the extreme, even if he is destroyed, his mental power can rest and recuperate in the puppet, gradually grow stronger, and finally transform the puppet into a new self.

So for now, this puppet is considered to be flawless. But if it leaves their sight and goes to the next hall to design clothes alone, it will inevitably make people worry that the hotel will not do anything. It's not that the hotel will kill 'Wei Xun', but it can completely find another way - the height of the puppet alone clearly doesn't look like a purebred tourist. It is separated from Wei Xun's body by the sun stone. In a sense,' Wei Xun' also has the potential to awaken as a tour guide.

If the hotel finds any opportunity for 'Wei Xun' to awaken as a tour guide, then there will be no need to issue rewards based on tourist standards. It is normal for tour guides to have incarnations, and hotels no longer need to be overly concerned about the issue of 'tourist safety'.

The Lizard Duke brought up the issue of height for no reason. It seemed like he had a bad mouth that fit his personality, and there might be some temptation in it. It has been a warm-up match until now. Although Wei Xun's vest has not been completely taken off, there are probably many people who have vague suspicions in their hearts. If it weren't for the outside world An Xunwei's "travel guide", "old new new", the big triangle rumor with mutual arrows is suspected to be serious and has a strong sense of presence. It is already the number one gossip in the hotel forum. Bingyi and Wei Xun alone are both They have white hair, and their heights are not that far apart, which is enough to make people suspicious.

If the Lizard Duke was there to test and remind, then the Dream Chaser was simply following his words to 'remind' the hotel. There are many tourists who are over 1.7 meters tall in the hotel, and Mao Xiaole is one of them on the way home. Wei Xun cannot be 'awakened' into a tour guide just for this reason.

The hotel values ​​the strength of the two great directors, Dream Chaser and Lizard Duke, especially Lizard Duke's tendency to become the master. Their words will be captured and considered by the hotel, which can keep the identity of the guest Wei Xun longer to a certain extent.

After the carnival dinner, the group immediately prepared to set off for the Tusi King's Tomb on the way back. Once the double reward for opening up the 30th degree north latitude journey was obtained, it would be enough. No one present was a fool, so there was no need to hide it. Wei Xun's frankness obviously made Lizard Duke open up some more conversations, and he rarely nags:

"I remember your journey to open up the Tusi King's Tomb, it seemed to be on a mountain. The changes in the mountains in reality cannot have no impact on that place. The hotel cannot intervene in the 30th degree north latitude journey that has not been opened yet, so don't die in it."

"Without Babylon, there is another Tusi King's Tomb. If the power of the 30th degree north latitude is gathered to destroy a pollution source and a 30th degree north latitude journey, then maybe a new 30th degree north latitude will be born."

"At this critical juncture, the life-playing people Come out, if he is not planning your Tusi King's Tomb, he is likely to take action on the new 30 degrees north latitude. You all went back to explore the Tusi King's Tomb and had no time to take care of other things. If there is a new 30 degrees north latitude, it would be a good opportunity to open up. "

"Who cares? Anyway, he can't come to the West District to open up. If there is a new 30 degrees north latitude in the West District, I won't miss it this time. "

The Duke of Lizard is a bit talkative. Wei Xun and the dream chaser can sense the restlessness and anxiety hidden in the depths of the Duke of Lizard's words, just like an animal that senses the signs before an earthquake. They, the great leaders who have touched the rules, can have some premonitions in their hearts that something extremely dangerous and earth-shaking changes are brewing, and they are trapped in the hotel, but they can't escape to a safe place like animals before an earthquake. They can only stay where they are and wait for the changes to happen.

But the Duke of Lizard is not a person who sits and waits for death. He has always had a nearly barbaric vitality, and there is never fear in his eyes.

"You are going to slice and be the person in charge. Maybe it's a sign that you will open up a new journey of 30 degrees north latitude. After all, the hotel has always favored pioneers." Wei Xun smiled. The Duke of Lizard obviously liked to hear this. He nodded slightly reservedly but determinedly: "Thank you for your good words." "After you dress up, come with me. I will take you to play something interesting. The auction is boring." "It's still the same old stuff, weapons, props, ores, potions, and tamed beasts and eggs. At most, there are some materials of 30 degrees north latitude, unsolvable items. Our gains in Northern Europe are more than the little fingers of the travel. There are many interesting things at the auction. "Oh, you haven't built the mutual aid alliance yet, right? Then you can use the auction to bid for a few plots of land, which are quite cheap. In recent years, the hotel has also been fond of blind box auctions, but they are all rubbish." "You haven't participated in an auction yet, right? If you want to see it, you can take a look. If it's boring, I'll take you away. Just come back before the carnival dinner. If you want something at the auction, let the tourists in Team An bid for it. Tourists can get discounts when they participate in the auction." Although the dream chaser did not agree with the Duke of Lizard kidnapping Wei Xun, he obviously thought that the auction was meaningless. He raised his hand to let the automatically flying needles and threads shuttle through his body, changing the orange tour guide cloak into a dress. The dresses in the east and west districts have their own characteristics, and they have different styles according to the occasion. Seeing that the cloak on the dream chaser gradually turned into a Nordic armor that fit his body and looked familiar, Wei Xun asked curiously, and the dream chaser patiently explained:

"For a formal occasion like the year-end celebration, the East and West directors are likely to appear in an alienated state, and the East and West top travelers invited to participate in the appearance ceremony are divided into more detailed regions such as Europe, Africa, Asia, and America, and wear different special formal clothes."

"Our carnival dinner is not so formal."

The dream chaser's black hair gradually turned into thick red long hair, and his smooth chin even had a red beard that was about to grow out - which was wiped away by the dream chaser without hesitation. He tossed the dream catcher in his hand, and the dream catcher, which was originally very beautiful and fairy-like, turned into a sledgehammer in his hand.

This appearance was already familiar to Wei Xun, and he could recognize it completely. Isn't this a thin and handsome version of Thor without a beard!

It was said that the dress was customized earlier, so it turned out to be a Norse mythology COSPLAY!

"The tour guide is a Nordic god, so it seems that the tourist must be a stupid giant, or possibly an outer god." Lizard Duke mocked as usual, his hair turned light blonde, and the brass knuckles on his hands turned into a long knife. He made a cool knife flower, turned sideways, and the other arm was invisible because of what the hotel did. Obviously, he was going to play the god of war whose arm was bitten off by Fenrir Wolf. Don't say it, there is really some bad taste of the hotel in it. It's just that the temperament of the god of war in the version of Lizard Duke can't see justice and fairness, but it looks more evil. Dreamers and Lizard Duke have participated in too many dinners and celebrations, and they are no longer surprised by their own dresses. Instead, they look at Bingyi with interest. Bingyi's iconic identity in the entire competition is naturally the fire god Loki who finally subverted some. But for the carnival dinner, there is naturally only one Nordic god costume that can represent Bingyi, who has the most brilliant record. That is Odin, the king of gods!

Thinking of this, Wei Xun felt something bad, but this was no longer something he could propose to change. Under the ingenious control of the hotel, Wei Xun's black cloak turned into a gray cloak studded with stars, and the hood on his head turned into a A sombrero blue as the sky, shining with the afterglow of the setting sun. The raven crown turns into a black eyepatch, blocking Wei Xun's eyes, which represents Odin's lost eye. The gray hair has fallen, and Wei Xun's natural hair color allows him to play the role of a middle-aged and elderly god without bleaching or dyeing.

However, when the white beard was about to grow out from his chin, Wei Xun still stopped.

In addition to his one eye, Odin also has a very iconic beautiful white beard.

Under the watchful eyes of Lizard Duke and Dream Chaser, Wei Xun expressionlessly wiped away the fluffy white beard that was about to grow from his chin.

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