Thriller Tour Group

995 Shaved Noodles Second Update

"It smells so good."

Wei Xun was thinking about the carnival dinner when a tall shadow fell over the side. An Xuefeng had just returned from practicing his swordsmanship. He still had a cold and evil aura on his body. A pair of strong hands had already wrapped his arms around Wei Xun's waist familiarly and lowered his head. Kissed him on the cheek: "Would you like to eat now? I'll go make some ramen."

Wei Xun couldn't sleep at four o'clock in the morning and went downstairs to eat. An Xuefeng had more energy and of course could not sleep much. Watching Wei Xun and Lu Shucheng practice their swordsmanship after stewing beef. Recently, in addition to studying chrysalis bookmarks with Wei Xun, he has also been studying sword skills. Before receiving the title of Higurashi, An Xuefeng had the orange title of 'Swordsman', which means that he specializes in knife weapons, and he is very good at it. He is very talented and can create his own moves.

When Wei Xun settled the title at the end of this competition, he received a lot of title-exclusive weapons, including several knives. The murderous knife of a madman is inferior to the vampire knife in terms of practicality and level, but the vampire knife has a butterfly mouthpart after all, and there is a piece of butterfly fragment melted inside, so it may not be used one day. To prepare for a rainy day, Wei Xun still plans to continue to upgrade to the level of the Madman Killing Sword.

He has asked Wang Yushu about this, and wants to integrate all the various knives he newly acquired into the madman's murderous knife. It was rare for his tour guide to ask for help, so he had to come. Wang Yushu immediately patted his chest and promised that the arms dealer would take care of the matter and it would be handled properly.

As Wei Xun's strength and weapons improve, the sword skills he uses should also be more advanced and more suitable for him. Wei Xun had no talent in this area, but An Xuefeng and An Xuefeng were connected in spirit and were half bodies of each other. He knew very well what suited Wei Xun. An Xuefeng has been thinking about this most of his free time recently, and it has begun to bear fruit. After discussing a few words with Wei Xun, Wei Xun suddenly raised his eyebrows, as if he thought of something, hooked his hand on An Xuefeng's collar and asked him to lower his head, whispering a few words.

An Xuefeng laughed after hearing this. He pressed Wei Xun's raised white hair with his big knuckled hands, then took out the dough from the basin, kneaded it for a few times, held it up with his left hand, and picked up a knife with his right hand to slice the dough. I made noodles for Wei Xun all night.

Watching An Xuefeng slice noodles was much more interesting than watching him ramen. Wei Xun smiled and leaned against the door frame to admire An Xuefeng's undulating muscles. From time to time, he deliberately pointed a few words. An Xuefeng threatened that he would slice the noodles, and he would soon slice the noodles. It was ready. It was not yet time for everyone to have breakfast on their way home. The two of them had some food alone, but Wei Xun brought four bowls of beef noodles and prepared four pairs of bowls and chopsticks.

An Xuefeng took all these to the courtyard on his way home and laid them out on a stone table under a big laurel tree. Once these were set up, someone came to the door.

"It's really intrusive so early."

The two cloaked tour guides came to the return yard with An Xuefeng's permission. The one who was a step back was polite and held a gift in his hand. The one in front was silent and full of momentum. The military dog ​​Old Pao, who was playing with the moon rabbit under the laurel tree, suddenly raised his ears and let out a low growl in his throat. He was as alert as if he encountered an enemy. Wei Xun hugged the dog's head and patted it, and he could feel the tense muscles all over the dog's body.

The butcher guide stayed at the place on his way back and forth, and even the dog had to bark when he saw it.

It’s no wonder that the dogs are all stressed out. The people who are here are the top guides in the East District, A Yi’s life guide and Yi Yi’s psychic medium!

Naturally, they came here for the carnival dinner in the evening.

In this warm-up competition, C1 performed the best among the tour guides, and ‘Wei Xun’’s performance was by no means bad. Although he was killed by the Life-haunting Man and was unable to participate in the subsequent two major events of destroying the Tower of Babel and destroying the source of pollution, this was regarded as an accident after the 'end' of the competition and was not included in the performance of the competition.

The hotel finally recognized the identity of the passenger Wei Xun and stopped trying to do anything about it. Although the person in charge only said vaguely when settling the account, "Your score has reached the top ten contestants and tourists in the region," it can be basically concluded that Wei Xun's score this time is the first among tourists.

Under him, all passengers from the two Icelandic brigades can be regarded as second-class results. Those like Yuntianhe and Lu Daoren who have performed better and have more or less participated in Operation C1 can be regarded as third-class results, and then Pushing back further, there are five levels in total.

As for the tour guide, the C1 score is considered first-class, the Devil Merchant, Yin-Yang Butterfly, Dream Chaser and even the Lizard Duke, who have collaborated with him many times to achieve great things, are considered second-class, and the Little Witch, Silverfish, Fainting Sheep, and Black Angel are considered second-class. Do third class, and others come later.

A first-class auction ticket can bring ten people, a second-class ticket can bring eight people, a third-class ticket can bring six people, a fourth-class ticket can bring four people, and the lowest fifth-class ticket can only bring two people.

Of course, Bingyi and Wei Xun's tickets for the auction have been sold out long ago. The loyal Taoist priests from the Mutual Aid Alliance will go. On the way home, everyone will go except Bai Xiaosheng and Lu Shucheng to look after the house. Sunset Brigade Zhou Xiyang, Deputy Liu, Yu and An all went. This time Shao Yuan and Miao Fangfei both got good results. One person could bring eight companions to the auction, while Wei Xun's Yin Yang Butterfly, Silver Fish and even There are also many quotas for Fainting Sheep, so they have enough quotas in the auction, and they can even use some of them to exchange resources with other brother brigades.

But an invitation to an evening party is different.

Except for Bingyi and ‘Wei Xun’ who can bring two additional family members, everyone else can only go by themselves according to the invitation letter. Obviously, compared with the auction, the carnival dinner is higher-level and more private, a bit like an award ceremony. The most important thing is that according to the hotel's practice, this carnival dinner may even release some important information related to this year's end-of-year celebration.

Although the auction and carnival dinner are all live broadcast, some hotels during the carnival dinner revealed that key information about the year-end celebration will be blocked and will be released after a period of time. This can also be regarded as a guide for tourists participating in the carnival dinner. For welfare, foresight is always better than hindsight to seize the opportunity and prepare in advance.

Looking at this warm-up competition, more or less people from the major brigades and tour guide alliances at the top participated and survived, and everyone was able to attend the carnival dinner and bring back the news. The East Area Butchers Alliance was a little embarrassed. S1 Devourer has Heydrich, the ghost captain, but no one under the Life-haunting Man can go to the carnival dinner. In the past, Yin-Yang Butterfly could definitely count, but now he is Bingyi.

But it doesn't matter, Wei Xun and Bingyi can take care of four family members together.

The hotel has always been very strict in this regard, and even the boundaries are very clear. The tickets for the auction can bring "companions". The same brigade, tour group, tour guide alliance and even brother brigade can be counted as companions. But the invitation letter can only bring two 'family members'.

What counts as family members?

Tour guides and tourists who are deeply connected are counted as family members - and only the brigade captains are counted. Those who are related by blood are also counted, and the resurrected persons who are connected by soul are also counted.

After all the calculations, the only people Wei Xun can bring with him are An Xuefeng, Xi Mingren, Tong Hege, Yu Hehui, and George and Black Widow. If Fenrir Wolf fuses with Silver Moon Killer, he might even be included in Silver Moon Killer.

But being able to bring them is one thing. Going to a carnival dinner without family members is also within the scope of the hotel's permission. When Xi Mingren got on this train, some of his previous inheritances were taken away by Wei Xun, but these didn't matter to him. It could even be said that Wei Xun was letting things go. For someone as dangerous and smart as Xi Mingren, only Wei Xun would be willing to take him there, and he only wanted some inheritance that would be innocuous to Xi Mingren.

Wei Xun has always been very considerate.

Xi Mingren examined it carefully and took a sip of the noodle soup that was said to be made by An Xuefeng himself. He felt that Wei Xun could handle it. With a spiritual medium as a mouthpiece, the man finally no longer has to say everything himself. The medium has arranged everything properly, and it is difficult for him, as a 'crying medium', to keep the atmosphere lively, stir up topics, and make this meal a success. Breakfast for four people wouldn't be too sluggish and awkward.

After breakfast was over, Wei Xun said hello, and together with the new Sun Stone 'Wei Xun Puppet' who had been adjusted by Zhang Xingzang, he took out the invitation letter and was led by the power of the hotel to teleport to today's venue.

The invitees to this carnival dinner will have a custom-made dress. The so-called custom-made dress is naturally different for everyone, so it must be ordered this morning. The teleportation inside the hotel is much more stable than others, and you can reach your destination almost as soon as your eyesight goes black and then light up. This is a splendid hall. Wei Xun and Bingyi came early, but they were not the first. There were two people who came even earlier than them. They stood on the round platform and were measured by a floating measuring tape. When they heard Some people turned around when they came, one smiled when they saw Wei Xun, another nodded arrogantly, but they all said hello.

Dreamcatcher and Lizard Duke came so early!

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