Thriller Tour Group

994 Prelude to the dinner, there will be another update later


"Okay, we'll meet soon, there's no rush."

In the kitchen on the way home at 5:30 in the morning, the casserole stewed with beef brisket was steaming, and in the basin next to it was the dough that was being kneaded and rising. A white-haired man wearing navy blue silk pajamas was lazily leaning against the kitchen door, lowering his head and video chatting with someone.

The white slightly curly hair hangs down on the side of his swan-like neck, and the ends of the hair rest on the porcelain white collarbone, looking clean and refreshing. When he chuckles, his voice is magnetic and deep, with an indescribable charm of laziness and contentment. His knuckled fingers were loosely holding the phone, his nails were neatly trimmed, and he was sliding his fingers on the screen. You could faintly see mottled red marks on his jade-like knuckles, as if he had been touched by a possessive lover's teeth. It was like rubbing and licking repeatedly. When he raised his hand, the thin sleeves slid down to his elbows smoothly, and you could see the circles of marks on the soft flesh on the inside of his forearms that had not disappeared.

It looked like a kiss mark, or like it had been sucked by some kind of tentacle sucker to declare sovereignty. The man's skin was extremely white, which made the red mark more and more obvious, showing a bit of romantic and wantonness. People couldn't help but want to see the clothes on him. Are there more dark traces in the areas covered by pajamas?

However, the buttons of his pajamas were tightly tied to the top collar, and the sleeves that had fallen down were easily returned to his wrists, as if he had developed a habit of being covered up by a rigid, older and possessive lover. Not even a trace of it will be revealed. Especially when video chatting with outsiders.

Although the protagonist of the video is not a human, a huge, Samoyed-like snow-white wolf head stares straight in front of the camera, with its dark and moist nose taking up almost half of the screen. Only dogs - or Fenrir wolves - look cute enough in this perspective of death. The clean and soft snow-white wolf fur that rubs in front of the camera makes Wei Xun a little more patient with it, and he is willing to Communicate a few words with it in wolf language.

Wait until you hear the Lizard Duke's impatient greeting from the video, 'Fenrir, come over for dinner! ’ Wei Xuncai smiled and hung up the video in the eyes of Fenrir’s anxious dog. Looking at the time, it was only half past five in the morning, and the sky on the simulated synchronous display outside the window was still dark.

Today is the carnival dinner. When it comes to the auction, settlement, prize collection, poster release, and live broadcast, Wei Xun has been very excited since yesterday. At 1 o'clock in the evening, he will wait and catch An Xuefeng, who has just returned from the underground training ground. I was forced back to the room and stayed there until around four in the morning.

Since getting the pupa shell bookmark that is said to be able to carry all kinds of pollution at the same time, Wei Xun and An Xuefeng have conducted various experiments on it. However, to be on the safe side, they have not yet taken the pupa shell out of the Kunlun fetal membrane. . After all, most of the butterfly fragments are now in the tomb of the Tusi King, and the Tusi King's Tomb has not been completely conquered by Wei Xun. No one knows what will happen after the pupa shell comes out.

But the Kunlun fetal membrane also completely insulates the pupa shell, making it difficult to use its force to test its properties. But Wei Xun had a way. A few nights ago, he asked An Xuefeng to repeat his old trick, swallow the petals and relieve him, just like he did at the foot of Meili Snow Mountain. But this time Wei Xun tied the pupa shell bookmark with a red string and asked An Xuefeng to wear it around his neck before going about his business.

An Xuefeng was able to swallow the petals before but not digest them. It was because of his strength that he opened two more ten-degree north latitude journeys. He could wrap the half of the petals with his power, but it took a lot of energy and his spirit was always tense. However, it was still somewhat polluted in the end.

But this time it was different. At first, it was just like the time under the snow-capped mountains. Wei Xun was jealous of the petals and rode on An Xuefeng to do whatever he wanted. However, An Xuefeng, who was wearing a chrysalis bookmark, felt that It seemed that there was a subtle power that was transmitted along with the deep connection between him and Wei Xun, inspired by Wei Xun's spirit, and shallowly wrapped half of the petals in his body, preventing the petal pollution from spreading outside.

Because Wei Xun was a little out of control and activating the chrysalis bookmark was all based on instinct, so this subtle power was only very small. If An Xuefeng hadn't been extremely sensitive, he probably wouldn't have been able to detect it at all. The weak power was just like an illusion.

Afterwards, An Xuefeng and Wei Xun, who were satisfied, had a rematch. Wei Xun also felt that his desire for petals this time was a little lower than that time, otherwise he would not have ridden An Xuefeng for only one night. So they continued to actively try on the second night... Until last night, they played almost every night, and now Wei Xun and An Xuefeng are very skilled.

Let Wei Xun carry the pupa shell bookmark first, and when An Xuefeng swallows the petals, he can maintain almost half of his sanity. After he mobilizes part of the power of the pupa shell, and then deeply connects with An Xuefeng, he can put the pupa shell bookmark necklace on An Xuefeng's neck. With a deep connection, Wei Xun and An Xuefeng's spirits merge, and the pupa shell The power can also appear in An Xuefeng's body. As long as Wei Xun mobilizes the power to wrap half of the petals in his body, he can bear the petal pollution.

When it was over, An Xuefeng spit out the petals and reviewed it. The power of the pupa shell alone could perfectly wrap the half of the petals in his body, preventing any pollution from being exposed. But Wei Xun believed that the power of the pupa shell he aroused through Kunlun's fetal membrane was less than a quarter of it.

In other words, a complete pupa shell can almost carry the pollution power of an entire flower of the abyss, and can wrap it up perfectly. With the pupa shell bookmark in hand, Wei Xun is sure of going to the Tusi King's Tomb to recover the petal that Grandma Miao entrusted to him from Wuluoshan!

The night before the carnival dinner, Wei Xun and An Xuefeng studied the limits of the power of the bookmark chrysalis shell as usual. An Xuefeng had more than half a petal in his hand. Last night, he swallowed one and a half. To be on the safe side, he temporarily fused it with *** for a guarantee. Even so, the powerful power of the petals still made Wei Xun go crazy. Like a butterfly that had sucked in too much nectar, he was drunk and passionate. He and An Xuefeng rolled from eight o'clock in the evening to four o'clock in the morning in one breath. Still, Full of energy, not a little sleepy.

On the contrary, Wei Xun, who had not eaten the flower petals, was so hungry that he scratched his head and wanted to eat meat. After finishing at about four o'clock, he took a shower and went straight to the kitchen in high spirits, just in time to catch up with the nocturnal werewolf Lu Shucheng who couldn't sleep either. The two hit it off and stewed several pots of beef. After sharing two pots, they still weren't satisfied. They planned to eat beef noodles this morning.

Just in time, Fenrir Wolf made a video call to him.

Although Fenrir Wolf went to the West End with Lizard Duke, he has not yet merged with Silver Moon Killer. When Lizard Duke occasionally chats with Wei Xun, he talks lightly, as if he has everything under control and is just petting the wolf. However, the Black Widow exposed his old background and said that the Lizard Duke had been living in seclusion during this period except for showing up in the West End Butchers League. He must have been tortured by the two wolves. If he had raised a wolf and obeyed him, he would definitely show off. He was so silent. There is a problem if you look at it.

Wei Xun was surprised. Before, the Lizard Duke was so afraid of the hotel. He was so sick that he went to the doctor and wanted to merge Fenrir Wolf and Silver Moon Killer as soon as possible. Now that the wolf is in hand, why is he no longer anxious?

[You have to wait until the carnival dinner is over]

Lizard Duke also sounded a little irritated: [At least I have to wait until you finish calculating the points]

[Your ‘pregnancy’ of Fenrir Wolf is a major event in the reenactment of Nordic mythology. The hotel will definitely calculate your points and then upgrade your tour guide level according to the points.]

[If Fenrir Wolf were taken away and fused by me before this, the hotel might not give you points in this regard - it might even have to re-examine and re-calculate the points related to the entire Nordic mythology. Hey, you know Grandet’s strength in the hotel, it’s impossible not to stumble]

[For the sake of our friendship, I can still let them merge a few days later. Remember you owe me a favor. 】

Wei Xun laughed when he saw his shameless words: [Aren't you afraid that after the fusion, Silver Moon Killer will be counted as my Fenrir Wolf and the hotel will give it to me when the score is settled? 】

[How can you, you are so powerful, it’s too late for the hotel to be afraid of you, wouldn’t you dig your own grave by assigning another passenger to you? 】

[To each other, Lizard Duke is the great leader of S2. If they are deeply connected with Silver Moon Killer, their strength will be close to that of S1, and the hotel will be so scared that they will strengthen the Devourer all night long]

Wei Xun and Lizard Duke complimented each other hypocritically and eccentrically, but in the end Lizard Duke didn't tell the truth. But Wei Xun knew that he was really worried about the Silver Moon Killer being assigned - because the biggest thing that happened to the hotel's senior management recently was that he had been to the East District for many years? ? ? There is a high probability that he will be transferred back to the East District by the hotel.

This frightened the Lizard Duke to the point where his heart skipped a beat. The person in charge could be transferred from the East to the West by the hotel. What if the Silver Moon Killer was actually transferred to the East by the hotel during the B-1 settlement? The passenger is about to transfer to the Western District, but the meaning of Fenrir Wolf coming to the West District is completely different to him. It will be even more difficult to turn back again. The Lizard Duke is afraid that he will be in bad luck, so he can only hold his nose and admit it. .

To be on the safe side, of course, it is better to wait until Bingyi settles and everything will be fine, which is only a few days away anyway.

There are many people like the Lizard Duke who are enthusiastically looking forward to the B-1 settlement. The virtual hall is becoming more and more lively day by day. The original area for group viewing in the middle of the hall has been redesigned into a magnificent platinum-gold temple like Odin's Golden Palace. , there is a gurgling fountain rainbow in front of the temple, and Pegasus walks beside the fountain. Behind the temple, there is a keel as high as a hill surrounded by a terrifying atmosphere, which is majestic.

And this is the venue for tonight's post-game auction. After the auction, guests with invitations to the evening banquet can stay and participate in the carnival dinner. Many people had already greeted Explorer and An Xuefeng enthusiastically, aiming for the admission quotas held by Explorer and Wei Xun.

Wei Xun later inquired with Miao Fangfei and the others, not everyone's invitation could bring so many people. Bingyi and Wei Xun are considered to have first-class results and first-class rights. Each auction ticket can bring ten people, and each evening banquet invitation can bring two people, but other people's tickets and invitations can It's not like this!

You can more or less bring a few more people to the auction, but basically only you can enter with the invitation!

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