Thriller Tour Group

993 Kunlun tire Jiubadao

Judging from the emotion shown by the man who is interested in life, this bookmark - or this pupa shell is most likely what he is looking for. Even if it's not that it's definitely closely related. In fact, according to common sense, if a life-loving person really wants to get something, showing indifference may make people careless, but this must also be taken into account the current situation.

Wei Xun has a special physique and can definitely discover the importance of this pupa shell. And next to him, there was An Xuefeng, a knowledgeable person who might have said something like, "Hurry up and hide the things, don't let those who are interested in seeing them" beside Wei Xun. If you continue to pretend that it doesn't matter, it will be too fake, just like a clown.

In this case, the Mingxing people simply walked over and took a look without covering up anything. Instead, Wei Xun showed him the bookmark in his hand:

"This is no ordinary plastic seal."

Wei Xun asked while holding the bookmark. He trusted An Xuefeng's judgment, not to mention that Wei Xun did feel the intimacy from the soul to the chrysalis. If, if, it is really born on the flower of the abyss, has withstood the pollution of the battlefield, and finally gave birth to the pupa shell of the Maria butterfly, then the transparent film that seems to be plastic that can seal it and preserve it is definitely not plastic. Bar.

Wei Xun flicked it with his fingers and felt that it was hard but also flexible, a bit like the tempered film of a mobile phone. He couldn't help but ask the person who ordered it curiously.

Since the Mingxi people have been searching and researching for so long, they should know more. Wei Xun showed the chrysalis to the man, which was a tacit exchange of information between the two brothers.

"This is the fetal membrane of a Kunlun fetus. It is the same as the pendant containing the butterfly fragments. They both came from the Kunlun Mountains."

The life-loving man said briefly.


Wei Xun was stunned and suddenly remembered before he entered the hotel. The crystal necklace with a butterfly fragment the size of a fingernail sealed was the only relic left behind after the family disappeared, and Wei Xun always carried it with him. It wasn't until he entered the hotel that the butterfly fragments merged into his body, and the pendant disappeared.

The fact that it can hold butterfly fragments and place it in reality without being discovered by the hotel, and that no trace of pollution has been exposed for so many years, is enough to show that the material of this 'crystal' is absolutely special.

Did it actually come from Kunlun Mountain?

Kunlun Mountain is definitely the number one sacred mountain in China and is known as the ancestor of all mountains. Kunlun Jade Mountain is the source of countless Chinese myths. It starts from the Pamir Plateau in the west and runs through Xinjiang and Tibet. It is called the ancestor of dragon veins by the ancients. It has countless legends for thousands of years and has attracted countless expedition teams and adventurers at home and abroad in ancient and modern times.

The crystal of the pendant and the transparent sheet used to seal the butterfly chrysalis are both from Kunlun Mountain. To be able to seal the butterfly pollution, it must at least be of the same level of pollution. Kunlun Mountain...could it be related to the pollution of the mountains?

Wei Xun got clues when he was doing the mountain god mission that the source of the pollution came from the Snowy Mountains. At that time, Wei Xun had several suspicions. Various sacred mountains in Tibetan areas, such as Kailash, Prince Snow Mountain, etc. were the key suspects, and the famous Kunlun Mountain was also within the scope of his suspicion. Dragon veins can suppress mountain peaks. Wei Xun used dragon veins to suppress a piece of land in Wuluo Mountain. Then if something happens to Kunlun Mountain, the ancestor of dragon veins, and it affects the dragon veins all over the world, wouldn't it also indirectly affect the mountains all over the world?

"It may be related."

Wei Xun asked his doubts, and the man who ordered him gave an ambiguous answer. An Xuefeng's answer was more straightforward: "Maybe the pollution was not leaked or discovered, not because of - not just because of the Kunlun tires."

"Because you keep it with you."

Pollution does not always leak out indiscriminately. When someone like Wei Xun, who is naturally very attracted to pollution and can be said to be pollution himself, is nearby, pollution will automatically flow towards him. It's like being sucked in by a powerful vacuum cleaner without any leakage.

The crystal shell made of Kunlun fetal membrane may just be borrowed from its thick yet perfectly soluble natural aura to do some basic covering. After all, An Xuefeng has handled some of this stuff. Although it can be made into rare treasures and unbreakable materials, it is not that fantasy. Even butterfly fragments, petal pollution and the like can be perfectly blocked.

Otherwise, why would you want to find this pupa shell? Why don't you just go to Kunlun Mountain to dig up Kunlun fetuses? Although two of the most developed Kunlun fetuses on the Kunlun Mountains' dragon veins in the past ten years were poached by Huitu and one was poached by Xuanxue, even if they couldn't defeat Huitu, they could at least beat Xuanxue. This is easier than replaying old dreams.

To put it bluntly, Kunlun fetuses are formed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered in Kunlun Mountain, and are conceived in the acupoints with the strongest vitality. They are also called earth-born fetuses.

"I got the original book of Yin and Yang of the Tang Dynasty from...the book records the news of the Kunlun fetus."

An Xuefeng told Wei Xun that it was said that if Kunlun took it from his womb, he could live forever and become an immortal. If a person is buried in the womb, he can be reincarnated directly in the Kunlun womb, and he will still be born with a flawless spiritual body.

At that time, Tong Hele had just died. An Xuefeng and the others went to the Kunlun Mountains with the mentality of saving people. Needless to say, there were many crises along the way. In the end, they failed to get what they wanted - Kunlun Mountains is the birthplace of the dragon vein in the world. What are you talking about? Can the background be buried here? It's not enough to erect a monument. If my luck is not strong enough, I can just send it directly. Not to mention the smoke coming out of the ancestral tomb, not everyone can be buried here in this kind of fairy mountain.

An Xuefeng dug the Kunlun fetus himself. He and Wei Xun described it. It was roughly like a huge, curled shadow nearly 100 meters long under the ancient blue ice. The edges were blurred and seemed to be still wriggling. It looked scary at first glance, and it made people have gigantic fear. If you look at it for a few more times, it looks like a frozen shrimp wrapped in thick ice.

The more newly conceived Kunlun fetus is, the easier it is for the spiritual energy to overflow, and the larger it looks. And the spiritual energy of the old Kunlun fetus that is about to give birth to spiritual intelligence after thousands of years will appear small. In the final analysis, the Kunlun fetus is a large-scale spiritual energy polymer that is born and raised by nature. Even true gods can see it during the journey. There are many that can replace it. The real usefulness of the Kunlun fetus is not the spiritual energy in the fetus, but the fetal membrane that can wrap the spiritual energy and allow it to gradually give birth to spiritual intelligence.

It seems invisible but actually has a shape. It can communicate with heaven and earth, gather spiritual energy (energy), and has the effect of nurturing and nourishing spiritual intelligence. In the past, Director Hong chose the fetal membrane to wrap the pupa shell, and Xi Mingren chose the fetal membrane to wrap the butterfly fragments, all because of its characteristics.

But what really prevented the fragments from being contaminated was that it was always carried by Wei Xun.

"The wings grow on the butterfly, and I have never seen them fall off randomly."

Wei Xun nodded thoughtfully, but asked back: "My body is also unusual, right? It has also been integrated with the fetal membrane of Kunlun fetus?"

To be honest, when it comes to sealing the butterfly fragments, Wei Xun feels that his body is the most tightly sealed. As long as his chest is not cut open to expose his heart, even An Xuefeng can hardly detect the existence of the butterfly fragments.

"Maybe." Xi Mingren said: "The possibility is not low."

Wei Xun understood, Xi Mingren said that it was basically a sure thing. I don't know how Director Hong did it back then, so that he could live like an ordinary person in reality for so many years. If his body itself contained the fetal membrane of Kunlun, and he carried a necklace with a butterfly fragment in the fetal membrane crystal, then his body and the crystal together could be considered a complete fetal membrane, which wrapped the butterfly fragment, so it was no wonder that it could not be discovered.

"The fetal membrane of Kunlun can gather spiritual energy and nourish your body."

An Xuefeng touched Wei Xun's hair, but suddenly thought of what Wei Xun had mentioned, that he had been getting sicker and sicker in recent years, and in the end he could hardly walk.

If so, could Wei Xun's getting sicker and sicker in the years before entering the hotel also be related to the increasingly serious pollution in the mountains in recent years?

An Xuefeng and Wei Xun looked at each other tacitly, and indeed they did not discuss this topic in depth. If they talked about it in the end and let the people know that An Xuefeng had cut open Wei Xun's chest several times to face his "true heart", it would be bad.

So Wei Xun naturally changed the subject.

"Brother, what is the black corrosion on the upper left corner of the pupa shell?"

The Ximingren was distracted when he heard the word "brother". He looked down and said in a cold and impatient tone as always: "There are only a few types of things that can pollute the erosion butterfly. Did An Xuefeng touch you and make you lose your brain?"

An Xuefeng raised his eyebrows and deliberately touched Wei Xun's hair again, letting the snow-white hair wrap around his fingers. Wei Xun was used to Ximingren's temper. Hearing this, he still smiled and said in a good temper: "The pollution source, the battlefield, and the ten degrees north latitude are only these possibilities. But if it is really the pupa of Maria Butterfly, it must be the pollution source that can corrode the pupa like this."

"Did Hong Dao and the others come into contact with the pollution source that year, or did the butterfly have some confrontation with the pollution source before breaking out of the pupa?"

It's better to say that Wei Xun was talking to himself than to say that he was asking Ximingren. Just now, some of the scattered clues in Wei Xun's mind suddenly seemed to be connected. If the pollution in the 10th degree north latitude was born from the struggle between the pollution source and the butterfly fragments and mixed with some energy in reality, then where did the battlefield pollution come from? It seems to be rootless, but it can compete with the butterfly pollution. Does that mean that the large area of ​​the battlefield is equivalent to the abyss? The pollution of the mountains that has just appeared in the world can also cause the butterfly pollution to move. If the pollution of the mountains breaks out completely in the future, will it also have the scale of the abyss or the battlefield? The abyss, the battlefield, the mountains... Is it possible that they were all part of this world? Thinking of this, Wei Xun suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, as if some sealed and forgotten memory suddenly struggled and was about to break out of the ground. But soon, Wei Xun felt that his head suddenly buzzed, and the world was spinning, and a familiar feeling came. Wei Xun's mind was white, and he forgot everything he was thinking just now. Only the reminder sound of the hotel was extremely clear. [Congratulations on breaking through the limit of the spirit and obtaining an exclusive spiritual lancet! 】


Looking at the familiar scimitar in his hand, Wei Xun couldn't help but sigh. Then, in the silent eyes of An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren, he recalled again - broke through, recalled - broke through eight times.

The spiritual scimitar consumed when stripping the Cailong before was completely replenished.

With this accident, Xi Mingren didn't stay in the Mutual Aid Alliance for long, and didn't even take the notebook with him. He only said that he would let the medium deliver the five things Wei Xun wanted at the carnival dinner as a gift to celebrate Wei Xun's advancement, and then returned to the Butcher Alliance, which was really not at a disadvantage. An Xuefeng said that just seeing that this pupa shell really existed was probably enough to support Xi Mingren's next plan - although they were still unclear about this plan.

But there was one point that An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren agreed on.

"Even if you want to slice and become the person in charge, you have to open up the Tusi King's Tomb."

An Xuefeng said seriously: "Only when you can truly master a journey of ten degrees north latitude can you truly have capital."

Wei Xun also agrees with this. In the next few days, he spent the next few days wandering around the inheritance, relieving the returning team members, and remotely chatting with George and Fenrir Wolf (Fenrir Wolf has not yet merged with Silver Moon Killer!), and he had a particularly good time. Enrichment.

In a blink of an eye, the day of the carnival dinner arrived.

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