Thriller Tour Group

992 Chrysalis Bookmark The life-loving person is a little speechless

Xi Mingren carefully put on his cloak and put on his hood. The air pressure around his body was a little too low. It was so low that Wei Xun didn't even move closer to him. Instead, he leaned close to An Xuefeng and listened to his explanation with all his attention. . In fact, there is no need to say so much. Wei Xun and An Xuefeng have the same mind, so they naturally understand his habits when sorting out his belongings.

In general, all kinds of foreign trophies are placed in a pile, which are divided into 30 degrees north latitude trophies, battlefield trophies, abyss trophies, east zone journey trophies, west zone journey trophies, etc., each of which is subdivided by level. Among the overall inheritance randomly distributed to Wei Xun, these harvests accounted for a small proportion. The only two unsolvable items of the red team were designated by Wei Xun, and the random loot from his part of the inheritance was all They are just some odds and ends, and the overall quality of the random loot heritage from Director Hong is not very high. There are only three unsolvable items, which are exactly what Wei Xun wanted before, the 'Key to the Stars', the 'Weird Tentacle' and ' Mumbling eyeballs.

The other trophies are all below the unsolvable level. Although they are interesting, they are not worth spending a lot of time to see. This made Wei Xun couldn't help but think, maybe it wasn't because the hotel was stingy, but because he truthfully reported to the hotel what he wanted in the name of the dish. The hotel really used it as a reference, and the inheritance Wei Xun received this time was absolutely Mostly personal items he wanted?

Besides the trophies, most of them were personal belongings that Wei Xun wanted. These are roughly divided into two categories, one is personal props, and the other is ordinary items.

In terms of props, there are the red team's spare knife 123, the long whips of various materials collected by the red guide, as well as some multi-functional tents, wolf fang amulets, and old-fashioned kerosene lamps that will not go out.

The most common items are ordinary items, and the red team has more of these relics than the red guides. The red team has piles of skins, tanned wolf skins, bear skins, tiger skins, etc., as well as some red stars, martial arts novels, marbles, harmonicas, etc., and even a red satin bedding for the wedding, and a An old-fashioned sewing machine... I don't know why it was included in the red team's inheritance. The "Beauty of the World" scenery album that Wei Xun wanted before was also in it, but other than that, it was a little out of place and not something that the red team should have.

Wei Xun picked up a small wooden horse as big as a palm. It looked very delicate. The carvings were vivid and polished. It was also painted with a layer of paint. It was a dark wood color. The eyes were two obsidian stones embedded in them. They were large and It's divine and smells faintly of wood.

This is a ‘small wooden horse toy made by the red team for the children’.

It turned out that it was made for children, Wei Xun knew it in his heart. There are many more toys of this kind, including small wooden horses, small guns, and small slingshots. They are all well preserved and were packed into a box by An Xuefeng. There were no pairs. After all, when the red team died, they all had only one child, and the other 'child' had not been born yet.

Playing with the little wooden horse in his hand, Wei Xun was thoughtful, and he felt a slight fluctuation in his spirit. To the unfamiliar and uninformed, these heritage items are just useless old objects. But for Wei Xun, there is some warmth of 'father' in it. This caused slight fluctuations in his spirit, and the butterfly fragment in his chest was particularly quiet, as if he was taking a nap on the petals of a flower.

This feeling is not unfamiliar. When Wei Xun decided that he was now a human being, his self-awareness and spirit were stabilized. But now this understanding and stability are deepening, as if it has complemented some of the family affection and fatherly love that ordinary people should have, making him more like a human being.

In other words, he has never seen his father since he was born. If you have experienced it in the past, there is no need to complete it now. Wei Xun couldn't help but think of those vague memories, and the phantom sound caused by the flying fox that turned into a corpse when he first entered Xiangxi...

However, it seemed that there was indeed no father in the phantom voice at that time, only his mother and brother. Thinking of this, Wei Xun felt a little relieved. This should mean that he was indeed taken care of by his mother and brother when he was a child, and there was nothing false about it.

But I still want to ask.

"When I first entered the hotel, I had some memories of my parents in my mind."

Wei Xun asked, "Are they all fake?"

"She can't have too much contact with you, otherwise she will violate the hotel rules and be noticed by the hotel."

Xi Mingren said calmly, still reviewing the inheritance and not looking at Wei Xun: "It's not just you, I haven't seen her a few times. It's all like this, and An Xuefeng hasn't seen his mother very much."

"Is such that."

It's rare for An Xuefeng to agree with someone who cares about life. He felt Wei Xun's fluctuating emotions, and turned around to hold his hand. Kong Wu's tall and powerful body cast a shadow, giving Wei Xun a strong sense of presence, making Wei Xun feel safe, like a loyal and well-trained man. police dog. Wei Xun patted An Xuefeng's hand. In fact, he felt that he was in a good mood, but An Xuefeng's concern also made him feel uncomfortable.

Then he asked curiously: "What about those memories?"

Although those memories are becoming increasingly blurry, they shouldn't all be false.

"It's a videotape."

The Mingxi man was almost immune to the interaction between them, and said expressionlessly. He rummaged through the box in front of him, took out a video tape and threw it to Wei Xun, saying concisely: "Something like this."

"She recorded a lot of videotapes at that time and projected them with a special projector, which would make people feel like they were there, as if they were right next to them."

4D5D projection? The hotel's black technology was indeed ahead of its time. Wei Xun was playing with the old-fashioned video tape in his hand. There was no name mark on it, only the code number C19-153. If he wanted to know what the specific content was, he had to play it. An Xuefeng packed up three boxes of these video tapes, and also had a projector. However, An Xuefeng said at the right time that there was a more advanced projector on the way home, which could perfectly repair blurred images, and also had various brand-new functions.

Wei Xun was a little moved after hearing this. Wei Xun glanced at the man who ordered him, and saw that he was not looking here, but was standing at the pile of boxes opposite to check.

An Xuefeng's personal items were roughly divided into three categories: "for your lover," "your own," and "for others." Since they gave each other a lot of things to their lovers, An Xuefeng mainly thought that Wei Xun was interested in this. So it is divided into a separate category.

The man stood there and watched. It wasn't until Wei Xun walked over to pick from the box that he lowered his head to look openly. Some of these boxes contained letters, and some contained complete sets of ancient martial arts novels. There was also a box filled with piano scores, and a well-maintained piano case that looked like a violin was placed next to the box.

This reminded Wei Xun of the harmonica in the red team's legacy. They might have had a good time playing together in the night. This made the long-dead people appear more three-dimensional and no longer just blurry shadows, especially when Wei Xun looked at it. There is a box filled with all kinds of neatly packed little things, such as hairbands, bracelets, rings, lipsticks, etc. It is full of the atmosphere of life, making people feel that the owner of the box was once a lady who loved beauty.

The tour guide's cloak has no gender characteristics, and the voice and height can be changed, blurring the gender of men and women, making them seem to be just 'tour guides'. But they also have their own emotions and personalities. But when Wei Xun saw a box of handmade clothes ranging from infant swaddling clothes to small children next to him, Wei Xun had a better understanding of 'mother' in his heart, instead of just vaguely seeing it through a mirror. True.

Different from the red team, the clothes made by the red director are all two sets of the same, but some are slightly older and some are newer. After all, there is a big age difference between Wei Xun and Xi Mingren, but no matter There are two sets of everything.

It made Wei Xun feel some indescribable sour emotions in his heart, but his mental state was better. Wei Xun felt that he could stay in this pile of inheritance for a day, which was very helpful to his spirit, and it was even more direct than mastering the blessed land. But soon, Wei Xun discovered something strange. It was the man who was frowning and studying the red guide notebook, while Wei Xun was flipping through the "Call of Cthulhu".

Although he had previously rejected Xi Mingren's request to watch together, Wei Xun did not refuse when Xi Mingren stood aside and watched. Anyway, this time he just flipped through it and had no intention of studying it now. And this book is not filled with red guide notes as Wei Xun imagined, it looks like new.

Maybe this is a new book? After watching Wei Xun flip through both sides, he ordered everyone to read the notebook. Wei Xun was not disappointed. His goal for the inheritance was not very clear, and he was interested in whatever he got. What's more, the 'Key to the Stars' and other things were randomly distributed to him, which is not a loss no matter what.

With this mood, Wei Xun flipped through it and suddenly found that the pages on the last cover seemed to be stuck together. He rubbed it casually with his fingers, and after rubbing it open, he saw that the two pages that were originally stuck together actually contained a bulging bookmark. It was a pupa sandwiched in a transparent plastic envelope.

To be precise, it's a pupa shell. The contents inside have disappeared, leaving only the colorful empty shell. The upper left corner of the pupa shell is dark and withered, as if it has been corroded by immersion, and it looks very pitiful.

When he got it, Wei Xun's heart suddenly beat faster and he felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy, just like a baby seeing its swaddling clothes or a chick seeing its own eggshell, and they naturally felt a sense of intimacy. Even the butterfly fragment in his chest had a slight feeling of attachment, which made Wei Xun look at the pupa shell with a strange look.

Then a shadow enveloped him, An Xuefeng's familiar aura was close at hand, and his voice sounded in Wei Xun's heart.

‘Don’t let those who care about life see it, the petals are also sensitive to it’

An Xuefeng looked at the cocoon in the bookmark in Wei Xun's hand with rare surprise: "Petal pollution, butterfly fragment pollution, and battlefield pollution all have some reactions." Perhaps it is extremely rare to be able to carry items with different contaminations at the same time, especially flower petals——'

In Iceland, the life-seeking man was obviously robbing flower petals. Items that can carry petal pollution must be the target of his legacy!

However, An Xuefeng said it was too late. The life-seeking people had already noticed the movement on their side and looked over. The scarlet hood that swayed slightly with his movements somehow gave off a sense of speechless wonder.

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