Thriller Tour Group

991 Housekeeping Expert An Xuefeng

The hotel was very lively today watching the forum, and the front of the Mutual Aid Alliance station was also crowded with people. Compared to the Butcher Alliance, this location is relatively forward. Even new tour guides and tourists who have just entered the hotel can stop and admire this legendary building at 30 degrees north latitude. Although compared with the East District Butcher Alliance station located very deep, its location in the front also means that it is easier to be affected in the event of any war, it is also harder to hide, and it is more vulnerable to attack.

But today, who has the guts to take action against the mutual aid alliance, which has an absolutely luxurious senior lineup! Not to mention those who joined the Mutual Aid Alliance, the top guides, peak brigade captains, and travelers that everyone is familiar with, but just Yun Tianhe and Fainting Sheep, who did not have a very deep foundation in the Mutual Aid Alliance, this time they Both of them participated in the warm-up competition, and their performance was extremely extraordinary, and they benefited a lot. It seems that they will soon usher in a period of rapid growth in strength!

Let’s talk about Bingyi, the vice-president of the Mutual Aid Alliance. He is definitely an extraordinary figure. He has only joined the hotel for less than half a year. His classic deeds have already been recorded in books. In this warm-up competition, he even included other people in the warm-up competition. The charisma of the S-level and A-level directors has been suppressed, and the future is absolutely limitless!

So although some of the butcher tour guides who joined the mutual aid alliance in the early days were worried because of the return of the murderers, their recent actions have been extremely low-key, which has frightened many middle- and low-level tourists who had joined the mutual aid alliance to withdraw from the alliance. They left the alliance from various forums. Chu and experienced travelers have heard about the terrifying and cruel methods of various butcher alliances and the Mingxi people. Although it is rumored in many places that Bingyi is the Mingxiren's younger brother, and has basically been stoned, the Mingxiong has not been out of the mountain for so many years. This sense of reality is not very strong.

Some travelers even join the mutual aid alliance, and some want to take advantage of the luck of being named. When the time came to go through the journey, he said, "I am from the Mutual Aid Alliance. Yes, it is the alliance where the vice-president is the younger brother of the number one leader in the Eastern District!" ’, at least it can make the tour guides less exploitative and less deceptive to themselves. After all, in the tour guide circle, except for Dream Chaser, who is unique, other tour guides are more or less afraid of the reputation of the Life-Haunting and Butcher Alliance.

However, when the life-seeking people returned to the hotel in great force and were welcomed back with great solemnity by the East District Butchers Alliance, the originally vague shadow suddenly had a real and heavy presence, causing many travelers who were fond of Ye Gong to quickly withdraw from the Mutual Aid Alliance. , and many people believe that the mutual aid alliance will become the core of chaos in the future. The top combat forces of the mutual aid alliance such as An Xuefeng and Dream Chaser are likely to conflict with C. This will make it best to withdraw from the alliance to protect yourself.

But apart from some people who have withdrawn from the alliance, more people are yearning for the Mutual Aid Alliance more enthusiastically! Bingyi - Explorer, showed unparalleled personal charm in this competition, especially his attitude towards tourists, maintenance of his own team members, and finally successfully resurrected all members of his team (including the Devil Merchant Team) Passengers feel a strong sense of security!

Join the Mutual Aid Alliance and maybe one day be led on a journey by an explorer?

Even if their strength is not worthy of the explorers, with the explorers at the head of the mutual aid alliance, other tour guides should be somewhat restrained, right? It is always better to travel with tour guides in your own alliance than outsiders, and there are really many tour guides in the mutual aid alliance!

Therefore, in recent days, the number of tourists who want to join the mutual aid alliance has not decreased but has increased. Every day, it is crowded with tourists who want to join the alliance and conduct field trips. Occasionally, mysterious tour guides wearing cloaks will pass by. Whenever a tour guide enters the mutual aid alliance, it will lead to heated discussions among the crowd, guessing whether this person is a certain big boss in the mutual aid alliance, which makes some tourist guides who want to 'chasing stars' very excited all the time.

However, they did not have the opportunity to see the grand scene of the Mingxi and the Explorers entering the Mutual Aid Alliance together on this day, because Wei Xun did not go through the main entrance, but took the president's exclusive passage. To accept heritage, especially "unsolvable" heritage that contains a lot of pollution, the resident must have this qualification, and at least have people who can suppress the pollution.

In terms of overall strength, the Homecoming Station and the Butcher Alliance Station are obviously safer. However, due to the special nature of An Xuefeng and the Mingxiren being present, the Mutual Aid Alliance Station is more reassuring, and the Mutual Aid Alliance Station is also located at the 10th North Latitude. A level journey is enough to qualify. After applying to the hotel, Wei Xun immediately decided that the place to receive the inheritance would be in a hall inside the Mutual Aid Alliance, and issued rules and orders that no one else would be allowed to enter for the time being.

As soon as he entered, his eyes swept over the entire hall, and he paused for a moment on the very familiar Abyss Bell in the middle of the hall.

"I brought this from the Butcher Alliance."

Wei Xun took the initiative to speak out confidently, without any guilt at all. The life-seeking man glanced at him with a half-smile, and then just said "hmm" and didn't care about him.

In comparison, Wei Xun's thoughtfulness is more important.

It is said that the Mutual Aid Alliance is relatively balanced for people. However, An Xuefeng is the arbiter of the Mutual Aid Alliance and has great power. However, the leader does not have any position in the Mutual Aid Alliance. He is here to take risks.

But Xi Mingren has always been so confident that he is almost arrogant, so he came directly. Wei Xun set the place to receive the inheritance in the main hall with the Abyss Bell, which actually gave Xi Mingren more protection. After all, he opened up this abyss node. Although it now belongs to Wei Xun, Xi Mingren wanted to It's easy to snatch it back. He can leave whenever he wants.

An Xuefeng still maintains his ferret form, but it is not just to give Ximingren more insurance. In fact, sorting out the inheritance is a very private matter. Ximingren and Wei Xun are both somewhat independent and do not want others to participate in such matters. With so many inheritances taken over by Ximingren, only the medium and ??? know a little bit about the periphery. An Xuefeng was able to participate in it at the first time because of his deep connection with Wei Xun, and because he was recognized by the Red Guide and the Red Team in his old dream, as well as the consideration of mutual checks and balances.

But even if he participated in it, a brigade leader with a height of nearly two meters would have too much aggressive presence. Turning into a small snow ferret would make him more considerate and more sensible - a "sensible" that made Wei Xun feel distressed and sympathetic, and made Ximingren disdain. When the hotel sent the inheritance over, I saw that all kinds of packages, big and small, instantly filled nearly half of the hall. It was like a courier transfer point, which made people dizzy.

"Let's sort it out together. There are too many inheritances." Wei Xun naturally proposed that An Xuefeng should be transformed back into human form. Xi Mingren was too lazy to raise any objections. He just took out a handwritten list from his cloak and handed it to Wei Xun, raising his chin: "Pick it." Wei Xun took it and was almost blinded by the dazzle. He saw that the list was full of unsolvable items! From various tokens of the Ten Degrees of North Latitude, to various core items of the Abyss Nodes, to battlefield items that were very rare and strange at first glance, and the Red Team Diary Collection, Red Director's Photo Album Collection, Red Director's Diary Collection, etc., which Wei Xun wanted before but were not on the inheritance list, there was really everything. Obviously, this was the inheritance that Xi Mingren had received from his parents over the years! Seeing that the amount was so large, maybe Red Director had used special means to secretly leave some for me back then? Wei Xun pondered in his heart, quickly looked through the list, and then smiled at Ximingren: "I choose two things?"

"Five things, share the book "Cthulhu Calling" with me after you finish reading it."

Ximingren said.

Although books and notes are the most common items, they are completely incompatible with the value of unsolvable items. However, the most precious thing about the Red Team's legacy is not those high-level props, but various records. What's more, he has studied the things that can be put on Ximingren's list for so many years. Compared with the first-hand things that have not been studied, the value is not the same.

Five for two is worth it for Ximingren, and it is a choice to trust Wei Xun. But Wei Xun smiled and shook his head, and simply said: "Cthulhu Calling will not be exchanged for the time being."


Ximingren nodded, didn't say much, and didn't take back the words of choosing five. Wei Xun didn't say absolutely, but he just didn't exchange for "temporarily". This shows that he is also very interested in some of the items on the list he provided.

What will it be?

While sorting the relics, Ximingren thought that although he had studied those things thoroughly, Wei Xun was different. If he had no interest in this inheritance list, it would mean failure. To be honest, Ximingren was not only interested in the inheritance items designated by Wei Xun, but also paid attention to the inheritance randomly assigned to him. Even if he didn't look through them carefully, it was natural to pay attention to them when sorting them out. But the damn An Xuefeng was just like he had done express sorting. He sorted and sorted them out very quickly. In a blink of an eye, he had sorted out a pile of things, which made Ximingren's mouth purse into a straight line. It would be a bit too much to "sort" the things that had already been sorted out again. Obviously, if An Xuefeng sorted them out so quickly, Ximingren would have fewer things to deal with. The tour guide cloak is large and useful for hiding one's figure, but it is not very convenient when packing things, since there are no strangers present anyway...

Wei Xun, who was watching An Xuefeng packing things and reading the Red Team's letter, suddenly saw Xi Mingren take off his scarlet tour guide cloak and throw it to the Abyss Bell, and then speed up to sort out the heritage. Wei Xun was a little stunned for a moment. He saw Xi Mingren's half-long black hair draped smoothly over his shoulders, with sharp eyebrows and eyes. He was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, a British silver-gray suit vest, and a dark gray tie. He wore suit trousers of the same color as the vest, with leather shoes.

When he took off the mask of the sun god and put on glasses. When he rolled up his sleeves and revealed his strong and smooth forearms, Wei Xun felt as if he had returned to the past, and the dusty memories seemed to surge out from the bottom of his heart. It seemed that his brother often had a similar image and similar scenes in the past.

Wei Xun walked over subconsciously, circling around Xi Ming Ren like a stumbling cat, looking up from time to time, hesitant but not knowing what to say. Xi Ming Ren tied his hair slowly, his brows relaxed. Obviously, the fact that Wei Xun was circling around him made Xi Ming Ren very comfortable, and he felt that he had won. He looked down at An Xuefeng who was squatting to pack things, but found that An Xuefeng didn't look at this side at all. In just such a short time to organize clothes, plus the previous time, An Xuefeng had sorted out more than half of the inheritance.

Feeling the gaze of Xi Ming Ren, An Xuefeng raised his eyebrows and took a look, sneered slightly, and then packed things up faster, just like a gust of wind.

Xi Ming Ren:.

In the end, after all the relics were packed up, Wei Xun withdrew his attention. At a glance, almost all the relics were packed up by An Xuefeng, and they looked very neatly classified.

... Only a small pile was packed up by Xi Ming Ren.

Apparently, wearing a cloak or not doesn't have much impact on the speed of packing.

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