Thriller Tour Group

988 Settlement and Inheritance [Part 2] The phantom cat kicked Wei Xun a few times...

"Don't do unnecessary things."

The cold voice of the life-seeker came, implying a warning. But although the phantom cat caught in Wei Xun's arms stretched out its claws, it only kicked Wei Xun a few times. Seeing that he didn't let go and couldn't run away, the phantom cat impatiently patted his arm with its tail, but didn't really scratch him - -Ticking people is something that the phantom cat can only do when its animal nature completely overwhelms its rationality. Now that the life-loving person is nearby, its spirit directly affects the phantom cat, and it will not do such a rude thing.

What's more, An Xuefeng is right next to Wei Xun. Although he seems to be communicating with the hotel on Wei Xun's behalf, in fact, most of his attention is on Wei Xun. He can notice any movement of the phantom cat. Cat scratching people would be too humiliating for his life-seeking person. Just like in front of him, An Xuefeng rarely made strong physical contact with Wei Xun, especially when he turned into an animal and acted stupidly. Although they have maintained reluctant cooperation on some things because of Wei Xun's existence, this cooperation is more fragile than the ice when it thaws in early spring and may break at any time. They have not become true partners, and they are far from it. Not mature enough to be a normal person.

Xi Mingren knows that An Xuefeng is also a person with strong self-esteem and is unwilling to lose his reputation in person——

"I have communicated with the hotel, but this time it is not * * * who will settle the income from your mental illusion. There is a high probability that it will be a person in charge who does not have much friendship with you or Huitu."

An Xuefeng said solemnly, whispering to Wei Xun behind his back: "* * * He was given too much during the settlement, and the hotel refused to let him come again." Although you can report to the hotel and request * * * based on your current achievements in taking charge of Qingcheng Mountain, I suggest you leave the opportunity to request this until you come back after opening the tomb of the Tusi King. ’

When 'Wei Xun' and Bingyi explore the tomb of the Tusi King at the same time, there will be at least two more rewards. Only by taking action can we plunder the hotel to the maximum extent. Wei Xun nodded understandingly.

"In order to avoid other impacts, the settlement will be done separately this time. At that time, a pure white space will be opened separately, and others will stay outside."

This was a common practice. The man who heard this didn't react much until he saw An Xuefeng turn into a ferret without any warning, wrap himself around Wei Xun's neck intimately, chirp and act coquettishly at him, obviously He would rather seal his mind temporarily and stay with Wei Xun.

Could it be said that this settlement is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den? What kind of enemy is the person in charge sent by the hotel? Otherwise, how could An Xuefeng be like this? A dark light flashed in the eyes of the life-seeking man, and he rarely became more vigilant, and then he felt as if his spirit was being pulled.

Looking closely, he saw the ferret coiled around Wei Xun's neck being coquettish with Wei Xun while secretly plucking the phantom cat's tail hair.

Happy people:.


The phantom cat couldn't help it anymore, and breathed a menacing breath at the ferret. The hair on its back became fluffy and exploded to twice its size. But the ferret did not provoke any more. Instead, as if it was innocently yelled at and then frightened, it made a series of aggrieved screams and rubbed against Wei Xun's neck, causing Wei Xun to have a free hand to touch the ferret's neck. He comforted his head, and was hugged lovingly by the ferret, and his fingers were buried in his smooth fur. Wei Xun liked it so much that he was really fascinated by the ferret at first sight.

He touched the ferret, smoothed the hair of the phantom cat, and carried the water to the extreme. In fact, Wei Xun had already felt the cold dissatisfaction coming from the man next to him, the tense muscles of the phantom cat in his arms, and the strong evil aura towards the ferret. The disagreement between Xi Ming and An Xuefeng is a historical factor in the past ten years. Not only are the two sides' different ideas, but also the incompatibility between the Butcher Alliance's methods and An Xuefeng's innate sense of justice and responsibility.

Wei Xun didn't think he was very capable. Once he came out, he could turn the two old enemies into enemies. In fact, he still wants to find out the real thoughts of the life-seeker, what is the real plan, and see if there is any room for mediation. The pollution situation in the mountains is not optimistic. Although Wei Xun has forgotten some things, he always has a sense of urgency in his heart.

An Xuefeng is not a superman, even if he is as strong as the hotel, he cannot hold the sky single-handedly. So if possible, Wei Xun wants to gather all the forces he can, and his current layout can be considered to have taken a preliminary shape. Putting aside the Devourer for the moment, the most difficult point to overcome at the moment is his brother, the one who wants to kill him. The deeply connected An Xuefeng couldn't hide what plans and ideas he had from Wei Xun, unless that part of An Xuefeng's memory was sealed. However, Wei Xun has only scratched the surface of the idea of ​​being a life-seeking person so far, and is not very clear about it.

And he knows that with his brother's usual methods of doing things, if you can't even see his plans and purposes, then you are not worthy of being his partner. The younger brother is the younger brother, and the partner is the partner. There is no connection between the two. A person who is happy with life will have more tolerance and concern for Wei Xun, and may even have some indulgence that is difficult to detect, but it does not mean that he will regard Wei Xun as someone who can cooperate with him on an equal footing.

This requires An Xuefeng's platform. No matter how bad the relationship between the two is, there is no denying that An Xuefeng is the number one person in the hotel today. As long as An Xuefeng appears, he will definitely raise the attention of the Life-seeking people. Therefore, taking this opportunity to settle the rewards through the phantom cat and receive the inheritance from his parents after clearing the old dream, Wei Xun wants to spend more time with the Life-seeking people. Time, searching for clues, to more or less get a feel for his thoughts.

During this process, to be honest, it wasn’t safe to be alone. Even Wei Xun couldn't guarantee that if he was alone, the Xi Ming people would take him directly to the Tusi King's Tomb to travel freely. After all, there was still a gap in strength between the two. If the Xi Ming people used the Sun Gate as a transit point, they would directly After plundering Wei Xun, even An Xuefeng found it difficult to recover Wei Xun for a while. When he was found, the source of pollution under the Tusi King's tomb might have been taken away by those who wanted to kill him.

Therefore, before opening the tomb of the Tusi King, or becoming a first-class tour guide, Wei Xun knew very well that he did not have the conditions to discuss plans with the people who were interested in his life. Before that, he, An Xuefeng, and Xi Mingren were all relatively stable when they were present at the same time. And this depends on Wei Xun's skill in carrying the water, he still restrained himself, and under the premise that the phantom cat is obviously wise, An Xuefeng has also become an irrational ferret, which is a concession and bears the responsibility of the ferret. Risk of being played by phantom cats.

Under this premise, Wei Xun will not pretend to be strangers to An Xuefeng, and the intimacy in some details will not be ignored by Wei Xun just because the life-loving person is dissatisfied. In this way, the balance between one person and two animals is maintained.


The phantom cat narrowed its eyes and hooked Wei Xun's black cloak with its sharp claws. It felt itchy at the tips of its teeth and had the urge to bite off the ferret's head and disembowel it. Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will be speechless. The life-loving people have a new understanding of An Xuefeng. What kind of self-esteem is there? Sometimes An Xuefeng is really shameless. The Adam's apple slipped, and the life-seeking man couldn't help but want to mock a few words, but the ferret couldn't understand it now. Speaking of which would only cause trouble for myself.

Out of sight and out of mind, Xi Mingren flicked his sleeves and pushed Wei Xun forward with irresistible force, and fell into the newly opened pure white space in front to settle the matter.


[The journey performance of your mental illusion in this warm-up competition is being calculated, and the comprehensive evaluation is in progress——]

When Wei Xun staggered into the pure white space of settlement, the rich and deep voice of the person in charge echoed throughout the space. Wei Xun immediately realized that this was a power fluctuation that he had never experienced before. Wasn't it something he had ever dealt with? ? ? ,¥¥¥,···,@@@ and Cenqin Slice are most likely unfamiliar persons in charge.

Judging by the elimination method, he is a person in charge of the West District. It's just that the person in charge can never be seen in the pure white space of settlement, only the sound can be heard. Wei Xun couldn't guess the identity of the person from the pattern on the other person's cloak. He could only hear that there seemed to be a pause at the beginning of his voice. Perhaps he was shocked by the image of Bing holding a cat in his arms and carrying a mink on his shoulders. .

Or maybe he recognized that the marten on his shoulder was An Xuefeng and the cat in his hand was the life-seeking man?

But the person in charge didn't say much or make small talk. The next second his settlement sound sounded, interrupting Wei Xun's thoughts.

[The comprehensive assessment of the hotel principal $$$ is as follows:

[After evaluation, the Maine Coon cat Pancake, the mental illusion controlled by the excellent tour guide Bingyi, performed well in this east-west district competition and received an additional special award from the hotel: 1,000 points]

[You can provide more information related to the competition to the person in charge $$$, and you will receive extremely generous rewards after passing the review! 】

"What a stingy hotel."

Wei Xun couldn't help but complain, but he had expected it. For a tour as difficult as a competition, the tour guide will basically have mental hallucinations. However, in the past, there were very few spiritual illusions that could settle an additional reward. After all, this was just the spirit of a tour guide. Most tour guides will only be punished for accidentally contaminating and 'killing' tourists with mental hallucinations. The phantom cat was well hidden throughout the whole process. Apart from doing all sorts of things in old dreams, outside it looked like a normal mental illusion.

The last sentence is the real drama. The hotel was blocked in this competition. If anyone can provide more information, the hotel will definitely not be stingy with rewards.

But now Wei Xun is not short of money - he didn't even bother with the hotel's ardent reminder, and directly spoke to the person in charge.

"Is the settlement completed? After the settlement is completed, collect the inheritance!"

Inheritance is the most important thing. Wei Xun's spiritual power level has been highly praised by the hotel (he can have nine spiritual knives). The two corresponding relatives who appeared in the old dream were attributed by the hotel that one corresponds to himself and the other corresponds to himself. His spirit. So there are two inheritances, and the Phantom Cat also gets an additional settlement bonus. This is to bring Wei Xun over to receive it together.

...In fact, if everything is counted, the traveler Wei Xun should also receive a share of the inheritance. However, the hotel should not go too far, especially the director Huang who corresponds to "Wei Xun" in the old dream, which obviously means that the hotel has already figured out An Xuefeng's identity. That is to say, the red guide team corresponding to Bingyi and the phantom cat happens to be Bingyi's parents, so there is a loophole to exploit.

[Your qualification for settling the inheritance is being reviewed, please wait——]

[You will receive two inheritances, belonging to the red guide and the red team respectively! 】

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