Thriller Tour Group

987 Settlement and Legacy (Part 1) Nutrient Solution 319 added...

"It doesn't matter, I will move to the deputy speaker's office soon anyway."

The arms dealer held his cell phone with a dark face and was sternly condemning to Wang Yushu An Xuefeng's heinous act of bringing a traitor to the parliament without saying hello to him. At the same time, various numbers kept jumping on his high-tech goggles. , apparently frantically scanning the spot where the Life-Haunter had just stood. Although nothing has been detected except for a large amount of contamination so far, if the life-seekers have any plan, it cannot be as simple as 'installing a bug' or something like that.

So not being able to check out anything else makes people feel even more depressed.

"Why, after arguing for so long, you finally let the Lizard Duke take the person away?"

I was very annoyed, and when I saw the croupier transforming from a wolf into a human and slowly changing his clothes, the arms dealer became a little grumpy and mocked impatiently.

"Who doesn't want their loved ones to stay with them? It's just that I found that Parliament is not that safe."

"Yes, it can attract life-seeking people."

The croupier said casually, spreading his fingers and looking at his nails. He found that his nail polish was worn out a lot during the battle with the Lizard Duke. He took out a heart-shaped jewel bottle of nail polish and slowly painted his nails. At the same time, he said: "He never does useless things. Do you really think that he will do something useless?" Do you think he was kidnapped by An Xuefeng to see Bingyi? "


The arms dealer let out a cold snort. Just associating the word "hijack" with the life-seeking man seemed ridiculous. Especially since An Xuefeng did not greet him in advance, the arms dealer believed that this was a deal between Xi Ming and An Xuefeng - Xi Ming was invited by the arms dealer through An Xuefeng, so that he could He came to the parliament openly and unexpectedly.

And people who are happy with life never do useless work. What is he doing in Parliament? What did he discover? What do you know? Or maybe he has been to the parliament many times in secret, and this 'visit' in public may just divert everyone's attention, making people focus on the bright side and ignore the turbulent undercurrents.

Thinking of this arms dealer made me feel uncomfortable, as if I had just discovered a cockroach in the kitchen. Even if it left quickly, people couldn't help but wonder if there were countless cockroaches in the kitchen, everywhere. These are all traces left by cockroaches.

"You also know that reality is undergoing changes, but the hotel does not allow us to know too much about the nature of this pollution change. I will come to the parliament here... Do you think the changes that are taking place in reality will happen? Will it also be involved in the battlefield? "

"This is not something we can discuss."

The arms dealer warned: "Be careful of the hotel's gaze. It just doesn't look over often, but don't think you can sit back and relax in the parliament, unless you don't want to remember it."

"I went to groom Fenrir Wolf just now. How could I bear to forget such a precious memory."

The dealer smiled and said casually: "Many people in charge know about it, and some tour guides and tourists can also know about it, but we council members are not allowed to know because the hotel's 'plan' for us is to guard the battlefield and absorb pollution."

"I want Fenrir Wolf to stay in the Parliament, not only because the Parliament has some immunity from hotel surveillance, and battlefield pollution can hide it very well. But also because an ambitious person like the Lizard Duke will definitely not miss the reality. changes - he should be planning to become the person in charge when the time comes."

"But if the tour guide slices the slices, what good will it do to the tourists? From comforting one madman to rescuing two madmen? There may not be a tour guide like Cui Dao in thousands of miles. If the Lizard Duke slices them, it will only bring more trouble to the little wolf. The danger. Besides, I don’t like his attitude towards Yin Yue.”

"You don't really want them to separate, do you?"

The message he just sent to Wang Yushu got a reply. The arms dealer was furious when he saw that he was still saying good things to An Xuefeng. He immediately sent a letter angrily scolding An Xuefeng. Hearing what the dealer said, he was busy arguing. He took a moment to look at the woman and said in disbelief: "You are really not afraid of death. Don't say you don't feel it. Just now, the Lizard Duke was so angry that he really wanted to kill you several times."

"He didn't kill me in the end, right? I won the bet."

The croupier said thoughtfully: "Only when there is competition can one realize how precious it is. My brother is not his servant. If you leave him, there will be nowhere to go."

"Besides, the relationship between Fenrir Wolf and Director Cui cannot be broken off. Even if the Lizard Duke doesn't say anything on the surface, who knows what he will think in his heart. I join the fight and completely disrupt this muddy water. It will be beneficial to everyone."

The arms dealer was silent, feeling the true care of a sister for her lost and found young brother hidden in the dealer's words. Sincere friendship is always enviable. The arms dealer sighed in his heart. He scolded the quibbling Wang Yushu for more than a dozen times. It was rare that he was rendered speechless before he felt comfortable. He put away some of his past tit-for-tat and sincerely treated Wang Yushu. The dealer said: "Anyway, the integration is good. The current situation changes day by day, who knows what it will be like in three or five days."

"The pre-match match only lasts for ten days. Who could have imagined that Babylon would be destroyed and George would be resurrected in these ten days? No one."

"Yeah, who would have thought."

The croupier was silent for a moment and said: "Xi Ming and Cui Dao have agreed on a time. They are either going to get the inheritance they got from clearing the old dream, or the Xi Ming people themselves used Cui Dao to do something in the competition before coming out of the mountain and coming to Iceland. Some actions were taken, and the benefits gained from these actions were also attributed to Cui Dao.”

"Director Cui corresponded to two relatives in the old dream. Now that I think about it, it is indeed unusual. It is likely that Ximing people also intervened." The arms dealer said irritably: "Who knows what he is planning and planning." Who knows what Ximing people will get from it? What impact will it have on the hotel, reality, and the parliament? He has been dormant in the Sun Gate for so many years. He can't just like to dormant. Before the long-brewing rainstorm really falls, everyone is inevitably nervous and stressed. I just hope that when this rainstorm really falls, they will have the strong strength to resist the changes. In any case, only power is truly your own. On the other side, Wei Xun also had such a feeling in his heart. "I've been waiting for a long time... Maybe it hasn't been long? I hope you haven't been waiting for a long time." After returning to the base from the pure white space, Wei Xun immediately felt An Xuefeng's concerned eyes. The tall and reliable man came to his side almost instantly and held Wei Xun in his arms. There is no need to speak, spiritual fusion is the best comfort. Wei Xun closed his eyes slightly, and the sense of emptiness caused by the memory blocking dissipated with the spiritual comfort. Soon, he patted An Xuefeng's arm and raised his head. Looking at the Ximing people not far away, he saw that the Ximing people who were originally looking at the blue and white slime in the cage ignored their hug just now, and his eyes just swept across Wei Xun's forehead.

There is a very small red dot there, which will disappear soon, which is the proof that part of the memory is sealed.

Just as An Xuefeng thought, when Wei Xun returned to the hotel, the hotel immediately took him to check and sealed part of his memory. * * * Coming back to the hotel for rotation only makes the memory blocking safer, but it is unavoidable. This is not a comfortable thing. Usually, people will feel dizzy and swollen in the next half day, but it feels okay. The most unbearable thing is the emptiness in the mind, as if hanging in the air with nowhere to land, and the feeling of losing control and powerlessness when the memory is sealed but cannot resist.

This kind of uncontrollability and powerlessness will make people desire stronger power and make people want to become stronger. This is what An Xuefeng feels now. The pursuit of becoming stronger is endless. He can feel that although An Xuefeng's face is calm, he is not in a very good mood. A person with such a strong sense of responsibility for protection, the first passenger, the person in charge on duty, can only watch his lover's memory being sealed under the rules. An Xuefeng's mood will only get worse.

But mature people are best at dealing with hidden emotions. When the playful person came over with a strong sense of presence, An Xuefeng had already let go of Wei Xun and let Wei Xun stand in the middle of them - this is currently the most stable way for the three of them to get along. After Wei Xun applied for settlement to the hotel, the three of them appeared together again in the pure white space of settlement. The next second Wei Xun felt his spirit move slightly and his shoulders sank.

The phantom cat that had been motionless since returning from Iceland appeared again and squatted on Wei Xun's shoulder. The brown, fluffy tail swept across the hood, and the Hipster stood on the left of Wei Xun, his expression unchanged, as if the cat had nothing to do with him. Even if the hotel could probably determine that the phantom cat was closely related to him, the Hipster would not self-destruct as a werewolf, otherwise it would be an opportunity to fine the hotel again.

He came here on the surface just to look at the inheritance with Wei Xun, after all, that was their common parents. The settlement of the reward for the mental illusion was just "incidental". It was rare for the phantom cat to squat on Wei Xun's shoulder "well-behaved", and it was to settle the settlement quickly.

However, when Wei Xun calmly grabbed the "well-behaved" phantom cat and took advantage of it to force the cat into his arms, as if they were having a good time, the phantom cat's claws still stretched out unbearably.

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