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989 Settlement and Legacy (Part 2) Nutrient Solution 320+ Updates...

"It's time to inherit the inheritance. Can't I still know their real code names and names?"

Wei Xun suggested: "If you violate the rules, just seal my memory later. At least you should let me know now."

An Xuefeng said that hotels will erase the names and existence of the previous generation. It is very rare that there are still some code names left on the posters in the poster corridor of Xuanxue. Under normal circumstances, hotels are more like completely cut off. The connection between people and hotels in the past was revealed.

"When people are chosen from all over the world to come to the hotel, their connection with reality is broken, and they instead establish a contract and connection with the hotel."

An Xuefeng once said to Wei Xun: "So when the tourist guides went to the battlefield and the hotel cut off contact with this generation, they had no contact with the world anymore."

After all, 'contact' is a way of transmitting pollution. If someone who goes to the battlefield is still related to the hotel and does not die for a while (like Captain Chen and others), then this connection is fatal. Why do hotels like to engage in "sitting together" based on reality? Brothers, sisters, parents, relatives and even close friends are not spared. Why do the children born by tourist tour guides also end up in hotels? One is that blood inheritance talents and special groups of people will attract each other. , so most of the relatives and friends who are selected as tourist guides have talents worthy of being absorbed by the hotel.

Another point is to drag all the connected people into the hotel, just like curling a ball of yarn without leaving any ball of yarn outside. There are many names and code names that can represent one person, and they will also be erased together.

When we talked about 'according to the rules, you can inherit the inheritance' during the $$$ settlement, we didn't mention the specific name or code name when referring to the red team's red guide, and in fact, we didn't just say 'red guide, red team', the person in charge The voice that echoed in Wei Xun's mind was more like the transmission of some kind of information. Wei Xun knew that the person in charge was talking about his parents, and he didn't know his parents' real names. In his mind, his parents were 'Red Guide, Red Team', so The person in charge is talking about the 'Red Guide Red Team'

Perhaps the phantom cats know their parents' real names, but there is also a high probability that their memory of this aspect has been sealed. For example, An Xuefeng doesn't know Director Huang's real name now. He won't be able to truly remember everything until the memory seal is lifted - but when will this day come?

Maybe it will be time to finally go to the battlefield and the hotel will cut off all contact with the passengers.

Wei Xun also knew in his heart that $$$ could not reveal any information. He asked more to test $$$'s reaction and character. After all, $$$ is very similar to the code name of the person in charge ¥¥¥ whom Wei Xun met in the battlefield orphanage, which makes Wei Xun want to get more information. But $$$ didn’t accept this trick. He ignored Wei Xun’s questions and simply repeated: [Do you want to receive the inheritance now? If you are sure, please show the inheritance key you obtained that day]

[If you want to receive the inheritance later, you can leave the settlement space now]

"I want to receive it."

With such a strict personality, Slice must be an unconventional person in reality. However, this may be because Slice is restraining his disguise, and we cannot fully infer from this. While analyzing in his mind, Wei Xun took out two scarlet keys, which were obtained during the previous settlement and represented the qualification to receive the red team's red guide inheritance.

"I have both keys."

The breeze blew by, carrying the breath of $$$'s power. It wanted to roll over the key in Wei Xun's hand to symbolically check its authenticity. However, this force rolled over and over, but could not turn the key. Wei Xun smiled and said, "This is my first time to receive an inheritance. Please tell me the rules." Let go, as if unaware of $$$'s intentions.

He did it on purpose!

Even if $$$ really had business matters engraved in his bones and did not communicate with Wei Xun, he simply used Wei Xun's hand to brush it a few times and pretended to have checked it. Wei Xun also seized the opportunity to feel more about the power of the person in charge. His SAN value dropped a lot and some distortions occurred on his body. But it didn't make Wei Xun feel very uncomfortable. The pollution still smelled a little sweet, and he wasn't deformed much, except that he had grown a devil's tail and horns. An Xuefeng said that the pollution on the principal's body also has its own bias, so the pollution of this principal should be biased towards the abyss, and he should be sent by the principal to guard the abyss, just like * * *.

Who could it be? Is it possible that Devourer cut through it?

[Regarding inheritance, according to hotel regulations, you can choose three designated inheritance items each from the two former strong men "Red Team" and "Red Guide", and in addition, they will be randomly assigned to two strong men each with 100%. Ten heritage items...]

What $$$ said was similar to what * * * said at the time. Wei Xun listened attentively and asked questions from time to time.

"Are the three designated heritage items designated by the hotel or me?"

【You specify】

"I can go into their legacy library and pick three random items?"

[The heritage library has been sealed by the hotel and no one can enter it. Within the next two hours, you can request to specify the type, range, level, or individual item directly. If it is retained in the inheritance library, it will be directly issued to you]

"If you can't enter the heritage library, you should have a heritage list. It's impossible that the hotel hasn't done an inventory."

[There is a list, but the properties displayed on the list are not complete, and properties whose names cannot be displayed are not on the list]

The name cannot be displayed... Wei Xun understood. From the questions and answers with the person in charge, he almost understood what the inheritance was about.

It is not exactly the same as the heritage reported in the * * * report at that time, including props, titles, sealed assets related to the hotel residence, etc. A tourist guide like a red team guide who died in the Jinlunga Gap and a tourist guide who went to the battlefield , the hotel did not collect their bodies, so there will be no items related to their bodies, such as Yu Hehui's Tianhu Neidan, George's angel feathers, etc. It can be said that there are basically no items that can win their title.

As for the things they left in the hotel, hotels that can recycle and convert energy will definitely not waste them and recycle them all. The so-called legacy left behind can actually be roughly divided into two categories - contaminated and non-polluted.

There was pollution, such as some items, materials, props, etc. related to the pollution of the abyss, battlefield, and 30 degrees north latitude. Some of the things that could be dealt with were dealt with by the hotel. Those with high levels, the pollution that is too pure and too concentrated, will cost too much to dispose of. The hotel will not be exposed to these pollutions, but it is impossible to throw them out, so they will be sealed. This is what $$$ said. Cannot display the name's heritage. Their contamination is so strong that even the names are tainted.

Those that are not polluted, have no energy, and have no value for recycling by hotels, but are often contacted by tourists/tour guides, are contaminated with smell, and cannot be destroyed at will, are the vast majority of heritage that can be listed on the list. Wei Xun saw the first list of the Red Team's heritage sent to him by $$$, and found that what was listed on it was 'a box of red team's favorite marbles', 'a box of rain flower stones that the red team often plays with', ' Things like a fine orchid that the red team takes care of every day, a red five-star that the red team often wipes, and a stack of martial arts novels collected by the red team are obviously personal favorites from the past and are rich in life. The breath is for people to remember.

But there are many such things, and Wei Xun can only specify three. The hotel would have randomly distributed 10% of his inheritance, which was enough to miss him, so there was no need to specify anything else.

"Give me the list and let me see it."

Wei Xun asked $$$ to get the list in his hands. Anyway, the inheritance settlement took a total of two hours, which was plenty of time. He simply crossed his legs and sat on the floor. Wei Xun held a large group of phantom cats in his lap, and his arms rested on the plush and plump cat, just so that the phantom cat could turn its head and see the list in his hand. The content of the matter - Xi Mingren agreed so neatly, Wei Xun felt that he should pay some attention to these things.

Or is there something it wants? No matter what his intentions were, Wei Xun planned to let Phantom Cat participate. After all, most of his knowledge of the Red Guide Red Team only came from old dreams, and Phantom Cat obviously knew more. Seeing that it only glanced at the list and turned its head indifferently, as if it was not interested at all, Wei Xun couldn't help but twist the fluffy and beautiful cat tail, and was impatiently slapped on the arm by the tail.

He tugged at the fur on the tip of the Maine Coon cat's ear as if it were leisurely, and then his finger was slapped by the cat's ear that was quickly thrown away. But no matter how much he showed his presence, Phantom Cat just didn't have any high opinions on the red team's legacy. On the contrary, An Ferret saw that he was always interacting with the cat. She was very possessive and hugged Wei Xun's fingers when he touched him. She rubbed her little body here and there until she was completely covered in her own scent.

The ferret's action also reminded Wei Xun that since the phantom cat would not express its position, he would first ask in the order mentioned by An Xuefeng.

"How many 30 degrees north latitude did the red team open? Are the relevant tokens, props, and materials in the heritage?"

[The ownership of the thirty-degree north latitude journey jointly developed by the red team and the red guide belongs to the red guide, and the related items are in the red guide’s heritage]

"Are the powers and exclusive items related to the red team's initial title in the legacy?"

[The body of the red team was lost in a place where the hotel could not be recovered, and the exclusive items were also lost, including the title power hotel, which could not be recovered. Only some experience notes related to the development of exclusive weapon training and exclusive titles are in the inheritance, a total of one hundred Sixty-three books, do you want to specify three of them? 】

"If you don't specify it yet, I'll take a look... Has the red team captured any items or props related to the abyss and battlefield?"

[After the death of the red team, the inheritance will be inherited by the red guide, and the relevant important items have been attributed to the red guide and are in the red guide’s inheritance]

"Did the red team leave any personal unsolvable items?"

[There are two unsolvable items left by the red team. Do you want to specify them? 】

"Two pieces, what are they?"

[It’s a ring and a flag]

$$$ briefly introduces: [The ring is a mountain bone ring formed from the blessed land of Beiman Mountain, which represents the blessed land of Beiman Mountain, so it is considered to be an unsolvable level; the flag is the tenth-ranked Bailing Banner in the "Fengshen List", which can unite all walks of life. The soul is led to the Conferred God Platform, and the strength can also be regarded as the unsolvable level]

Beimang Mountain, Bailing Banner. Wei Xun was silent for a moment after hearing this.

Team Red died early. As his wife and a deeply connected tour guide, Guide Red inherited everything from him. The hotel is not a kind place. When pollution is dangerous, everyone must use all their strength to fight for survival. Everyone knows this. So as $$$ said, a lot of things are included in Hong Dao’s legacy.

The Beimang Mountain Blessed Land Ring and the Bailing Banner are both of high grade and represent considerable resources, but they were left and sealed by the Red Director alone. They must be included in the Red Team's heritage and must have special significance. Wei Xun thought for a moment and understood.

The Bailing Banner is the most powerful soul-calling banner, capable of attracting all souls, and Beimang Mountain is the most famous tomb mountain, where countless princes and sages have been buried since ancient times.

The Bailing Banner came from Yuxu Palace and was given to Jiang Ziya by Yuanshi Tianzun and handed over to Bai Jian for use. In the Romance of the Gods, Bai Jian holds the Bailing Banner and leads the souls of various Qigong practitioners to the stage to temporarily reside on the Conferring God Stage. He is equivalent to a soul guide, and the Bailing Banner is naturally the flag that attracts souls. Beimang Mountain is even more famous and can be called a tomb mountain. It has always been the burial place of princes, princes and ministers.

These two things were placed among the relics of the red team, which made Wei Xun couldn't help but think about whether the red director had held a lark flag and tried to recall the soul of the red team deep in the Jin Lunga Chasm? However, the Bailing Banner cannot attract souls with deep obsessions. The loyal Master Wen in "The Legend of the Gods" even broke away from the Bailing Banner's attraction and flew all the way back to Chaoge to meet King Zhou. The bond between the red guide and the red team, who have a deep connection and are a loving couple, will only become deeper. Until now, Wei Xun has seen the remaining obsession of the red team in Iceland.

How could Bai Ling Banner be able to recall this?

As for Beimang Mountain, it is most likely the resting place chosen by the Red Director for the Red Team. Just like An Xuefeng placed the cemeteries of Homecoming and Sunset Troupe in the dreams of dreamers, there should always be a place to commemorate and pay homage without being disturbed.

"Born in Suzhou and Hangzhou, buried in Beimang."

Wei Xun couldn't help but sigh: "Do you think the Red Team was born in Suzhou and Hangzhou?"

$$$ remained silent, and the phantom cat did not answer. Wei Xun didn't know how many times Ximing had entered into old dreams and received inheritances over the years. Has he ever earned the right to carry on the Red Team legacy? If so, why didn't you get the Soul-Calling Flag and the Beimang Mountain Ring? It was because the red team had some more important legacies at the time, and the people who chose them chose those. Or is it that he doesn't want to use these two props anymore and doesn't want to disturb the peace of the red team?

But in any case, Wei Xun and Xi Mingren made different choices.

"I want this Beimang Mountain Ring and Bailing Banner."

Wei Xun said neatly.

He and An Xuefeng were together, and there was something special about them. It was impossible for him to have children in the future, and there would be no heirs. Not to mention the life-seeking person, I haven't seen him have any contact with anyone of the opposite sex in the past ten years, a psychic Yin-Yang butterfly astrologer? ? ? Even the Devourer can be regarded as a man. Since the brother didn't bring a nephew to see him, Wei Xun assumed that the life-loving man didn't have any children.

There is no next generation to look up to, and it is impossible for anyone to inherit the legacy of the Red Guide Red Team. Wei Xun doesn't know how long the hotel will preserve these heritages. When the bloodline that may inherit the heritage dies, will the hotel completely destroy the heritage, or clean up what can be released into the world before putting it back? After all, they have no value left.

To put it more pessimistically, if the pollution sources are destroyed and the mountains are polluted, the hotel may not have the next generation. It's better to just get all the inheritance you can and keep it with you as a souvenir. The phantom cat didn't even move its eyelids, nor did it interfere with Wei Xun's choice. It still wagged its tail slowly from time to time, as if a real cat was resting on Wei Xun's arm, resting on his inheritance list.

[When the inheritance settlement is completed, the Beimang Mountain Ring and Bailing Banner will be distributed to you]

$$$ said: [Have you chosen the last item?]

"Just choose to believe it."

Wei Xun pointed to the 'box of letters written by the Red Team over the past ten years' on the third heritage list.

There are only two unsolvable items, and Wei Xun doesn't have much demand for the rest. He actually wants the red team's experience notes. But the hotel is stingy, and the number of experience notes is calculated by "book" instead of by pile, which is not cost-effective. Then Wei Xun simply chose Xin. He wanted to know more about the red team. If there was a diary, Wei Xun would choose the diary.

But Wei Xun had quickly read through the ten pages of the inheritance list, and there was no diary in it. I don't know if the red team didn't write it or if it was received by the person who ordered it before. So Wei Xun simply did the next best thing and chose this box of letters.

Unlike the young people today, there were not so many ways to communicate back then. Writing and sending letters was popular among the older generation at that time. Hotels have always kept pace with the times. Tour guides and tourists in hotels have not been able to communicate with each other using mobile phones since ancient times. In the past, communication might have relied on PHS, mobile phone, telegraph, hotel pigeons or letters.

Who was the red team communicating with back then? How much emotion was placed in the letter that made him cherish it and keep it in the box? Wei Xun had no way of knowing, and $$$ also made it clear that the specific names and words that should not be known in the letter would be blurred, but that didn’t matter, Wei Xun could at least learn more about the Red Team through these three items. , understand one's 'father'.

After selecting the three designated items, Wei Xun cannot choose the remaining 10% of the inheritance by himself. The hotel will randomly allocate it to him from the remaining inheritance. Both the inheritance and the list will be sent to Bingyi. Station, Wei Xun will be able to take over when the inheritance is over.

When the red team's inheritance list was taken back by the person in charge, Wei Xun cheered up, knowing that the next step was the highlight——

Hong Dao’s inheritance!

Not to mention the three special items that can be designated, the inheritance list sent by $$$ this time alone is hundreds of pages thick. Compared with the ten pages of the red team, it is really weak, pitiful and helpless. But this time the phantom cat finally made some noise. It stood up from Wei Xun's arms, flicked its paws vigorously, and turned the inheritance list to several hundred pages. It stepped on a spot and looked up at Wei Xun.

Choose this! Even though the phantom cat didn't make a sound, its meaning was clearly expressed. Wei Xun glanced at it and found that the place where the phantom cat pressed was 'a notebook of Director Hong'

Red guide notes? This notebook with no special markings is the key to the happy man coming to get the inheritance with him this time? Wei Xun wrote it down and wanted to look at other inheritance information, but the phantom cat pressed firmly on this page, seeming to refuse to turn the page until the selection was completed. But Wei Xun has always been an expert in dealing with cats. He saw Wei Xun's thin and powerful demonic long tail swinging back and forth under the cloak. His eyes couldn't help but be drawn away by the tip of his tail.

As soon as his claws were released, Wei Xun turned the page vigorously with a smile. Although he didn't have the power of An Xuefeng to kick the Sun Gate, he was still very powerful. The phantom cat didn't step on it after all. It glared at him coldly, but didn't move anymore and looked away from the devil's tail. Continue to stare at the inheritance list in Wei Xun's hand. But the ferret couldn't help it, and followed Wei Xun's arm all the way down. He accidentally stepped on the phantom cat's tail and then pounced directly on Wei Xun's tail. Wei Xun's scalp suddenly went numb. The warm plush body of the ferret was wrapped around the sensitive devil's long tail, and it was like an electric current was flowing from the tip of the tail to the tail vertebrae.

The devil's long tail was able to withstand the ferret's strength. It circled the ferret's small body like a flexible whip and rolled it up to Wei Xun. Before Wei Xun could say anything more, An Ferret chirped and struggled. When Wei Xun rolled it in front of his face with his tail, it suddenly straightened up its upper body, held Wei Xun's chin with its small paws, and kissed him. tip of the nose.

Wei Xun was stunned for a moment, then looked at the ferret, and saw that there was no impurity in its dark and moist eyes, which were full of care and intimacy. Small animals have always been the most healing. It noticed that Wei Xun was a little depressed after seeing the red team's legacy, so it tried its best to interact with and accompany him, trying to make him happy. Wei Xun laughed and couldn't help but rub the ferret's cheek with the tip of his nose, wanting to get up and kiss its beautiful eyes.

However, in the next second, a scream from the ferret was heard, and the whole ferret jumped onto Wei Xun's shoulder. The body arched and screamed in warning, twisting its body to look behind him. Ferrets also have a fluffy white tail, only the tip of the tail is black.

But now the tip of its tail is completely bald and stained with blood. The hair is messy and doesn't look fluffy at all. It doesn't look like the tip of Wei Xun's favorite tail. The ferret was so angry that it climbed on Wei Xun's back. The phantom cat whined and roared on Xun's shoulder, very fiercely. But the phantom cat just raised its head back, revealing its fluffy white chest. It narrowed its eyes and shook its whiskers disdainfully, just like a big cat disdainful of arguing with a little ferret.

If it weren't for the fact that there were a few dark ferret hairs beside its kiss, it would really look like An Xuefeng was making trouble unreasonably.

"It's okay, bald spots are cute too."

Seeing that the ferret was so angry that he was about to rush out, Wei Xun quickly picked it up in his arms and carefully comforted it, and even showed it the inheritance list. Although the ferret couldn't understand it, it was still happy with Wei Xun's sense of attention and participation. It was easy to coax it and soon began to continue acting coquettishly with Wei Xun.

And Wei Xun also started to repeat the process just now with $$$, asking about the heritage related to the 30th North Latitude, asking about the heritage related to the battlefield, the abyss, and then asking about the top orange titles and exclusive items. Not surprisingly, Director Hong should have many relics in this area——

[The 30 Degrees North Latitude token related to the red guide has been taken away, and there are still some unsolvable 30 Degrees North Latitude props, materials, and items...]

[The core items of the abyss node related to the red guide have been taken away, and there are still some unsolvable props, materials, and items related to the abyss...]

[Battlefield items related to red guide——]

The more Wei Xun listened, the more he felt something was wrong. Indeed, Director Hong did have many unsolvable treasures here. However, just like the reddest and sweetest tip of a watermelon, the most valuable items had already been taken away.

Wei Xun:.

Wei Xun looked at the phantom cat quietly, and the phantom cat looked calmly into the distance.

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