Thriller Tour Group

986 ‘The Three of Us’ There will be another update later

"...I can give it a try and see if I can absorb the pollution from little Emily."

When Wei Xun heard from the arms dealer that the assassins were coming, he was so excited that he ended his secret chat with the Black Widow in one sentence. After the Lizard Duke left to call the Silver Moon Killer, the Black Widow came over immediately. Just as the Lizard Duke was worried about Silver Moon Killer, Black Widow also had her own concerns. Last night, I was supposed to have a nice and cozy affair with George.

George knew how difficult it was for her in the past ten years, and was moved by her lover's deep love and perseverance. Although Fallen Heaven did not make any changes to George's nature, and he was determined, he was still a little lost. He was also contaminated by a lot of pollution when he destroyed the Tower of Babel, and he needed the intimacy and comfort of his lover. Black Widow couldn't wait to establish a deep connection with George. George was resurrected and had a soul contract. Although this did not change the title of 'Black Widow',

This can make her feel at ease. For this reason, last night was originally planned by Black Widow, a honeymoon night to re-establish a deep connection with George, heal the pollution between the two parties, and soothe each other's body and mind. If An Xuefeng hadn't sent a message to reminisce about the past and lured George away, they would have been there last night. The connection has been reestablished.

However, Black Widow, who was originally very resentful, came to the parliament, and after meeting Duke Lizard and Bingyi, she gradually calmed down. Thinking about it carefully, if she really had a deep connection with George last night, something bad might have happened. The tour guides who are deeply connected have no secrets from each other, not to mention that they have shared a journey to the 30th North Latitude before, which makes them even more intimate. Black Widow wants to establish the deepest connection with George and will not hide anything.

But there is one thing that George may not be able to accept.

That was their child, poor little Emily.

George still doesn't know about the existence of little Emily, a child born to the Black Widow eight months after his death. Black Widow admits that she is by no means a qualified mother. Her love has always been abnormal and paranoid. She doesn't care whether little Emily remembers her mother, but she wants her to love her father. Of course she can defend herself. She visits little Emily every month. She was born sick and deformed, which was largely caused by the massive pollution that the Black Widow suffered when she took over Babylon just after George died. .

Shortly after little Emily was born, the Black Widow sent her to a battlefield orphanage. To be honest, it was far safer to send her to a battlefield orphanage than to stay with her. In order to resurrect George, the Black Widow spent every moment. As if she were walking on the tip of a knife, she didn't even care about her own life, so how could she care about little Emily? Visiting her twice a month was already her little maternal love. Black Widow had never experienced what maternal love was when she was a child, and she never knew how to be a mother.

In a precarious place like a hotel, family affection and warmth are really rare and like poison. She was destined to go to the battlefield, and little Emily was at most ten years old at that time, so who cared about such a short companionship? Later, in order to plot against Bingyi, Black Widow used tricks to transfer little Emily to the East Side Battlefield Orphanage, but it was not just for Bingyi. After An Xuefeng got a contact guide and became mentally stable, the East District was obviously safer than the West District.

To be honest, if Bingyi can stay until the next ten years, given Bingyi's quality, as long as he continues to pay attention to the orphanage, little Emily may be able to get a lot of opportunities and preferential treatment. However, no matter how many reasons or explanations she had, she still didn't want to see George's surprised and disappointed look.

Black Widow, who was trying to figure things out outside the door just now, was thankful that An Xuefeng interrupted them to reestablish the connection last night. Whether it was the text message Bingyi asked An Xuefeng to send or An Xuefeng sent it himself, Black Widow was grateful. . The Black Widow didn't want George to know about this until she had taken care of little Emily - at least making her look less sick.

What she had just discussed with Bingyi was little Emily's condition. She had Angelman syndrome and a deformity in her back. The deformity is easy to cure, but Angelman Syndrome can actually be alleviated by drugs sold in hotels. The key lies in the pollution in little Emily's body. The Babylonian pollution she had endured when she was still pregnant, coupled with the fact that the Black Widow had allowed her to see 'George' (the Black Widow's spiritual vision) too many times over the years, caused the pollution in little Emily's body to accumulate to an unbelievable amount. normal.

And she is a child. In theory, she has not yet joined the hotel and cannot purchase a death countdown. Some slightly stronger methods may lead to the death of the little girl.

Therefore, Black Widow wanted to ask Bingyi to take action to see if he could remove some of the pollution from little Emily's body. Of course, she will pay Bingyi a satisfactory reward.

For example, monitor the Devourer for him and reveal some important information to him.

"The Devourer probably has someone in charge of the slice. There is a high probability that it is his own, and there is a small probability that it is controlled by him. Who knows."

Black Widow said profoundly: "You know, the identity of the Devourer is not that ordinary, and his ultimate goal may also be different from that of us normal people. He has a deep friendship with the Life-seeking people. If you want to know more about these years Maybe you can see something about the life-haunting person’s plan from the Devourer.”

Black Widow's words spoke to Wei Xun's heart, especially since Devourer also gave them a little slime. This attitude was indeed unpredictable. Wei Xun, the Ximingren, also has to explore and understand in his own way, instead of asking directly - just like when they got along in the past.

But now, An Xuefeng actually brought the Hipster! When she heard the shocked voice of the arms dealer next door, Black Widow couldn't control her emotions for a moment and covered her mouth in surprise. When Bingyi finished chatting, she said sympathetically: "Let's go, it's time to go over and take a look."

Why would the Hipster come to the parliament with An Xuefeng? Fight in another place? No, no, he must have other plans. Could it be... targeting George? After all, half of the petals snatched in Babylon came from the White Church. If the Hipster swallowed that petal, could there be any side effects? Black Widow couldn't help but be alert. With a lot of thoughts in mind, she followed Bingyi to the office of the arms dealer next door. As soon as she arrived at the door, she saw the expressionless Silver Moon Killer standing by the door.

The Duke of Lizard was in the arms dealer's office. Obviously, he was also very wary of the sudden visit of the Hipster to the parliament. He also suspected that he had some ideas about Fenrir Wolf and Silver Moon Killer, like a paranoid man. After all, he was a S2 tour guide, controlling the West District Tour Guide Alliance. Controlling the Silver Moon Killer/Fenrir Wolf was equivalent to restricting him. The Hipster must have a big move after coming out of the Sun Gate. Maybe he will integrate the two major tour guide alliances in the East and West Districts! The dealer obviously had concerns in this regard. After hearing the news, he hurried back. So when Wei Xun entered the arms dealer's office, he felt that there were many people - arms dealers, dealers, Duke of Lizard, Black Widow, An Xuefeng and Hipster gathered together. The small office was actually full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. It brought together tour guides, tourists and even senior members of the parliament from the East and West Districts. Even if they were plotting a conspiracy to subvert the hotel here, they would be qualified. As soon as Wei Xun entered the office, he met the condescending and cold gaze of the Hipster. Wei Xun felt as if he was being stared at. It was not an illusion. An Xuefeng and Xi Mingren were standing in the middle of the arms dealer's office. Both of them were very imposing. The scarlet tour guide cloak was particularly conspicuous, with a faint smell of blood. It was unknown whether Xi Mingren had just fought with An Xuefeng before coming here. Anyway, there was no external injury on either of them. Lizard Duke and others were on guard against Xi Mingren. Following Xi Mingren's gaze, they looked at Bing Yi, and couldn't help but wonder in their hearts. Could it be that Xi Mingren came for Bing Yi? It shouldn't be, as for coming to the parliament? There must be some conspiracy! The atmosphere became more and more solemn, and everyone's nerves were like taut strings, until everyone watched Bing Yi walk towards Xi Mingren with a smile and called him brother. Black Widow's eyes widened slightly, Lizard Duke's dragon tail touched the ground, the dealer's wolf tail swept the ground, and the arms dealer subconsciously knocked on his goggles. Well, there was no such scene as "brotherly hug" next, but Bingyi stood between Ximingren and An Xuefeng as a matter of course. "The three of us" can definitely be called a "world famous painting" that should be recorded! '"Woo?" Until a happy and intimate wolf howl sounded from the door, and the furry wolf head pushed open the office door. It was Fenrir Wolf who sensed the breath of "father" and ran all the way from the prison. George and Silver Moon Killer were also looking into the office behind the door pushed open by the wolf. When Ximingren looked at the door, Lizard Duke, Black Widow and the dealer stood up at once, as if they were facing a great enemy, and tried to block Ximingren's gaze like a human wall, but none of them could block the gaze of 1.9 meters tall. Fortunately, the Hipster just glanced at him, and the next second An Xuefeng said, "* * * is back, and he will still be in charge of the hotel after the handover."

An Xuefeng said to Wei Xun in front of everyone, "We have a lot of time."

"A quarter of an hour."

The Hipster said lightly, without hiding his edge, and confronted An Xuefeng tit for tat.

Just wait for a quarter of an hour, deal with the matter of Fenrir Wolf, and then apply to the hotel to receive the reward of the phantom cat, and no more after the expiration date.

"It won't take that long."

Wei Xun understood what the Hipster meant in a second, and after saying hello, he went to the door to touch the big head of Fenrir Wolf, communicated with it with his mind, introduced the Silver Moon Killer to the wolf, and then allowed it to follow the Lizard Duke. The dealer and the Lizard Duke watched Fenrir Wolf whimpering reluctantly, and acted like a spoiled child with Bingyi, and then walked to the side of the Silver Moon Killer cautiously and curiously.

This time, the dealer and the Duke of Lizard did not have any disputes. The deterrent power and uncertainty of the Hipster were too great, so it was better to solve it quickly! Black Widow did not mention George for the time being, until everyone watched Hipster, An Xuefeng and Bing Yi leave the parliament, and they relaxed a little.

"Arms dealer, I suggest you change offices."

The dealer sighed faintly and said tactfully: "Hipster must have left something behind when he came here."

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