Thriller Tour Group

985 The Lizard Duke’s Worry Silvermoon Killer is sulking

What are you texting? Wei Xun was stunned for a moment. He had just heard Lizard Duke complain that he had not fully reacted when An Xuefeng sent a text message to Silver Moon Killer. Now he heard Black Widow say that the time of the text message was determined to be last night. Wei Xun It was clear in his heart that An Xuefeng was worried about the current hotel and wanted Wei Xun to clear his memory after he returned from the hotel.

For this reason, he used a trick to get the Lizard Duke and the dealer to take the initiative to invite Wei Xun to the parliament, and then involved the dealer, completely messing up the matter into an issue involving the soul contract between Wei Xun and several tour guides, so that the hotel would not be suspicious. .

But Lizard Duke and Black Widow are both smart people. Once they think about this, they will definitely guess An Xuefeng's mental process. They can guess that Bingyi has a high probability of obtaining the information in Qingcheng Mountain that even the hotel will erase his memory. Important information. These two are the great directors of the West District, and their friendship with Wei Xun is not as good as that of a dream chaser. Moreover, Wei Xun is still controlling their connecting passengers for the time being. Who knows what they think, and they must be on guard against others.

Therefore, An Xuefeng must have a high-sounding reason for finding Silver Moon Killer and George. Wei Xun couldn't show his timidity at this moment. Seeing Lizard Duke and Black Widow looking at him, Wei Xun's expression remained unchanged. Instead, he smiled meaningfully and said, "I asked him to send the news. This matter If it’s not good, I’ll talk to George. An Xuefeng has an old relationship with George, so he can speak best.”

"Black Widow, you are a little impatient."

"You too, Lizard Duke."

Wei Xun said seemingly but not the Riddler in a circle. Black Widow and Lizard Duke were both silent when they heard this.

What you say depends on who is saying it. If the Little Witch or other butchers from the West End Butcher Alliance are talking about it, Black Widow/Lizard Duke will let them know what the power of S and other great guides is, and they will quit riddles forever. people's habits. But as soon as Bing said it, Black Widow/Lizard Duke felt that he had pointed out her deepest concerns. She/he and Bingyi understood it. Bingyi said it so vaguely to hide it from Lizard Duke/Black Widow. intimate.

After a moment of silence, Black Widow and Lizard Duke looked at each other. At this moment, the atmosphere between the two was a little subtle. Originally, I wanted to use An Xuefeng to test whether Bingyi had discovered anything in Qingcheng Mountain. After all, the pollution of mountains around the world is a big deal, and he, the Lizard Duke, is the leader of the Western District Butcher Alliance, and the Black Widow is the one being targeted. None of the tour guides blacklisted by the hotel were sent to reality by the hotel, so the current situation is not comprehensive.

However, now that Bingyi has aroused worries in his heart, the originally unstable cooperation between the two suddenly collapsed. Although they are both great leaders in the Western Region, the competition becomes more intense the more they are like this. There are some things that I can talk to Bingyi, but it’s not easy to talk to people in the same district.

After some eye contact, the Lizard Duke impatiently tapped his dragon tail on the ground. The shadow behind the smiling Black Widow stretched and deformed, like the Spider Queen. But the shadow of the Lizard Duke was not to be outdone. The dark dragon wings in the shadow suddenly stretched out, and the shadow of the wingless golden dragon actually grew wings! This is big news. The Lizard Duke is demonstrating that he would rather reveal this important information about himself to the Black Widow in exchange for the Black Widow taking a step back.

"Okay, let's chat. After all, the Silver Moon Killer who has not yet fully integrated is more important."

No matter what she was thinking in her heart, the manner on Black Widow's face was still perfect. She signaled to Bingyi with a smile, and then temporarily retreated outside the door, leaving the Lizard Duke and Bingyi alone.

"Hey, do you remember that time in Iceland when I cut out the spirit whip?"

After she exited, the Lizard Duke's eyes flashed with blood, and with a wave of his hand hidden under his cloak, countless lizards suddenly sprang out like dogs, crawling over every open space in the dealer's office, creating a secret-free place. There was only private space for him and Bingyi. Then he sat on the desk with his hands on his back and said directly to Wei Xun:

"Over the years, I have become qualified enough to be the person in charge, but there is something wrong with Silver Moon itself. If I slice it again, the situation may be even more unbalanced. So I haven't cut it yet."

"If Silver Moon Killer and Fenrir Wolf successfully merge, I will be able to slice it. The current head of the Western District happens to have a vacant position."

"Are you going to be the person in charge?"

Wei Xun asked curiously, and the Lizard Duke raised his eyebrows: "Nonsense, not being the person in charge is like being blindfolded. This time there is an accident in the mountains around the world, even if the Devourer is an S1 tour guide, he will be banned by the hotel. Go to reality. But this will not be hidden from the people in charge, they themselves are part of the people who control the rules of the hotel.”

"Either I will be the person in charge, or Silver Moon will be the one - but also after a deep connection, and there is no possibility of him betraying me. So the fusion of Fenrir Wolf and Silver Moon is very important to me."

The Lizard Duke couldn't refuse. He has always been an arrogant character who decides everything with his words. It's not surprising that he would say this. But after he finished speaking, he remained silent for a while, frowning, as if he had swallowed a slug, and glanced at Bingyi several times. Until Bingyi looked at him in confusion, the Lizard Duke felt his emotions carefully and found that Bingyi didn't show any special reaction and was listening to him carefully, which made him feel better.

He sat to the left and raised his chin to signal that Bingyi also sit on the desk and sit next to him.

Wei Xun could probably understand what the Lizard Duke was worried about, so he sat down. The two of them had never sat so close before, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while. The Lizard Duke didn't know where to put his hand on Bingyi's side. In the end, he just pressed Bingyi's shoulders from behind, as if he was hugging him. It was the same around him, and then he lowered his head in a menacing manner, but his words did not show any momentum.

"Recently...well, maybe I have indeed ignored Yin Yue's mood."

Lizard Duke said irritably, with a rare hesitation: "Does Silver Moon want to merge? What does he think about this matter? I really haven't heard him say it - if it weren't for this shit hotel, who would want to slice it? Of course it's good to be whole, what's the point? Can be hesitant.”

"Of course, except for astrologers, you also know that the minds of these fortune tellers are different from normal people."

"Yinyue was a little unhappy, but I didn't care. Aren't I also angry when he was stupid? I didn't care about him as much!"

The Lizard Duke became more and more angry as he spoke. He felt that he had strayed off topic, so he suppressed it and asked directly to the main topic: "How did you make An Xuefeng and *** willing to merge? Well, don't perfunctory me, who doesn't know Among the people in charge of slicing, they have the highest probability of successful integration.”

The co-author Lizard Duke came to him for psychological consultation. Wei Xun smiled and said: "You know what to do yourself. You are the contact guide of Silver Moon Killer."

"The situation between me and Xuefeng doesn't apply to you."

As long as the Lizard Duke wants to coax Silver Moon Killer, he can't do it casually. But it's hard to lose face, and the situation on Fenrir Wolf's side is indeed more urgent. There is a croupier who wants to rob him, there is a Bingyi soul contract below, and Fenrir Wolf is still in the parliament prison and refuses to leave, but the Lizard Duke is not so anxious that he will focus on this for the time being.

Besides, this matter cannot be delayed. Once the hotel's attention shifts from the mountains to this side, there is no telling how many twists and turns it will bring to the integration of Silver Moon Killer and Fenrir Wolf. The Lizard Duke wanted to finish the matter of their fusion as soon as possible. He didn't have six arms and slices, so naturally he couldn't be careful all the time. He was already used to Silver Moon Killer's obedient silence and ignored his mood.

It was also An Xuefeng who suddenly sent a text message in the middle of the night, instigating the Silver Moon Killer to catch the enemy and kill him with a sword in the middle of the night. He was covered in wounds and blood. The Lizard Duke felt something was wrong and turned his attention back, waiting for Silver Moon to groom and relieve himself. Only then did I realize that his mood was not right.

Soul fusion requires the concerted efforts of both parties. Let's not mention that Fenrir Wolf is still ignorant and obedient. If Silver Moon Killer is worried, the Lizard Duke's head-button fusion may go wrong. But those methods of combing and taking pictures of wolves in the past were all ineffective. The Lizard Duke was always wary of the dealer who did not want her to be alone with the Fenrir wolf and had to rush to the parliament. This made him feel like he was being tortured on both sides. The dealer If he was provoked again, he would start a fight, and even really have murderous intentions.

Thinking about it now, An Xuefeng's text message was probably sent by Bingyi. After all, he and Bingyi had some friendship with each other in Iceland. Bingyi must have sensed something and reminded him of Lizard Duke's visit for the sake of their friendship. Pay attention to Silver Moon Killer's psychological emotions.

Thinking of this, the Lizard Duke should say something, but he didn't like to say thank you by nature, so he just said: "Recently, the parliament has had some changes due to the pollution in the mountains. The pollution on the battlefield has been out of control several times. A 'Parliament Speaker' may be coming out. . If you want to continue paying attention to this, you can pay attention to the Alps in the near future.”


Wei Xun glanced at the Lizard Duke. He had obviously revealed a key piece of information. He didn't know who the Lizard Duke's people were in the council. Wei Xun returned the favor and simply said: "Silver Moon Killer's matter is easy to solve. As long as you take it back as soon as possible and talk to Silver Moon Killer, he will definitely understand. I promised you to give Fenrir Wolf to you in Iceland before." You, I will not go back on my word. This time I came to the parliament to fulfill my promise.”

"But you also know that the soul contract between me and Fenrir Wolf cannot be completely severed at present, and the 'fate' between the dealer and Fenrir Wolf cannot be severed at will."

"I know."

The Lizard Duke had been mentally prepared before, and his emotions didn't fluctuate much. He was half relieved after receiving Bingyi's commitment. Soul contract and connection are different things. Just like Bingyi and An Xuefeng are deeply connected, he can also sign soul contracts with many tourists and even tour guides. But the degree of intimacy and connection are different, not to mention that as long as Silver Moon Killer and Fenrir Wolf merge, they can have a deep connection. In this regard, the Lizard Duke is very open-minded.

Especially this person is Bingyi. To be honest, this trip to Iceland made him feel special, and the Lizard Duke was unwilling to completely cut off contact with him. It’s also nice to have Loki and the Fenrir Wolf connection.

"Forget it, don't let Fenrir Wolf go back with me. I'll just bring Yin Yue over. You can also call An Xuefeng."

The Lizard Duke had completely figured it out and was no longer reluctant to let the Silver Moon Killer meet the croupier in the face of a formidable enemy. To be honest, after An Xuefeng's provocation last night, what Yinyue wants most now is probably a fight with An Xuefeng with real swords and guns. He helped Yinyue ask An Xuefeng out, and Yinyue must be happy too. , I won’t be angry with him again.

Just do what you say. The Lizard Duke is a practical person. After making an agreement with Bingyi, he went out to bring Silver Moon Killer over. After Wei Xun and An Xuefeng told the news that the Lizard Duke had just revealed, saying that there was a suspected change in the parliament, An Xuefeng quickly agreed to come.

He was very efficient. When Wei Xun was still discussing George's problem with the black widow in the office, he heard a greeting coming from the office next door to the unwilling arms dealer - of course An Xuefeng came through the formal way, and got the Invitation from arms dealers. However, Wei Xun heard the arms dealer's voice that originally greeted An Xuefeng suddenly raised in pitch the next second, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Life-haunting person?? Why are you here too?!"

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