Thriller Tour Group

984 Gathering in Parliament Nutrient Solution 318 plus updates

"You look so happy. Did something good happen?"

The Lizard Duke said in his unique hypocritical tone. A tall and thin man was leaning on the desk with his arms folded. His bony fingers were tapping his arms impatiently. His long and powerful golden dragon tail supported his body. His red hair was hanging down and dyed. He looked like he was bleeding, and he had a strong aura of violence. He was not easy to mess with at first glance. Anyone who was not blind could tell that he was unhappy at a glance.

But it wasn't Wei Xun who made him unhappy.

"Explorers are naturally happy to see their loved ones reunited."

The croupier wore a delicate plum-patterned bow tie around her neck, which looked like it had been carefully taken care of, which matched her temperament. But this bow tie was the only thing left on her body. The smoky gray werewolf was more than two meters tall and strong. The soft wolf fur on his body was mixed with blood. The whole room was in a mess. Traces of a fight could be seen everywhere. Only the desk was still intact.

This time, the application was made by the dealer, and it has basically been approved by the arms dealer with the power of the deputy speaker of the House of Commons. Bingyi was invited to come to the parliament to assist in investigating the actual impact of mountain pollution on the parliamentary battlefield pollution - of course, this was to Justifiable reason for reporting to the hotel.

Everyone knows the real reason why Bingyi was invited here. Fenrir Wolf, who is still in the deepest prison and refuses to come out, is the reason. In Wei Xun's opinion, compared to the powerful Lizard Duke, the croupier was obviously still at a disadvantage.

But she still stood upright, her wolf eyes were bright and shining, and she looked very confident. Because this is not a war, whoever wins the battle can take away the Fenrir wolf. Thinking of the Lizard Duke, he couldn't help but feel irritated, but he didn't show it on his face. He just completely ignored the dealer's words and directly talked to him. Wei Xun complained:

"Didn't you say that you went to deal with the pollution in that mountain? Why did An Xuefeng still have the mind to quarrel with the Silver Moon Killer in the middle of the night? The number one guest in his hotel kept provoking Yin Yue to do something, and Yin Yue was so angry that he went to practice all night by himself The knife and the wolf hair have lost their luster, and I have to take care of it. We tour guides have their own minds on what to do, so there is no need for tourists to worry about it.”

He said this obviously while complaining about An Xuefeng, and at the same time, he was a dealer who was a passenger. The croupier's attention was not here. The smoky gray werewolf Rouju said: "Captain An must have his own reasons. Did Yinyue quarrel with him? They are obviously adults, why are they still acting like children."

Lizard Duke:.

He didn't like hearing this, as if no one had ever seen Silver Moon Killer as a child. Why, he can't change Yinyue into a wolf cub at any time, so why does the dealer need to show off here? Don't talk about sisters and brothers. Who is such a big man without a will of his own? Over the years, he has pulled Silver Moon Killer from a rag to the present. This is the wolf he raised. No one can take Silver Moon away from him. Walk.

Thinking of the murderous look in the Lizard Duke's eyes, and the low growl in the croupier's throat like a menace, the atmosphere was about to become tense again, when suddenly a deep and dark shadow shone in from outside the broken door.

"Is Director B here?"

Although this dark power is so cold and sinister, the voice is very gentle and sweet, as soft as light: "I seem to feel the power of Director Bing."

"Since you feel it, it must be him, my darling."

There were a few soft clicks, and eight slender and sharp black shadows stretched out from the top of the shadow, like the dark and twisted rays of the sun, or like the arthropods of a spider, caressing the shadow gently and lovingly, full of possessiveness: "Croupier, Why don't you invite us in to take a look? My relationship with Silver Moon Killer is pretty good."

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and looked at the Lizard Duke. Losing the Tower of Babel would have greatly damaged the Black Widow's strength. However, he didn't expect that she could do it without the dealer and others inviting her. Project yourself into the parliament. Obviously, George's resurrection may have allowed her to break through some bottleneck and become even more powerful. Just like the dream chaser whose strength has improved dramatically after retrieving Zhang Xingzang, the accumulation over the years should have suddenly exploded after the idea came to him.

"What's the relationship? Yin Yue has no relationship other than me."

But the Lizard Duke's brain circuit was not in the same line as Bingyi's. He misunderstood his gaze and sneered disdainfully: "Black Widow, there are things you can say and things you shouldn't say. Are you too complacent now?"

"There's nothing I can't say. It's a good thing that Silver Moon has many friends."

Instead, the croupier smiled and signed a temporary permission order for Black Widow and George with a swipe of his claw: "Please come in."

The broken door of the office was pushed open again, and this time George, dressed in pitch black, walked in. After falling into the sky, his aura became stronger and his expression was cold, but his brows were calm. Not only did the feeling of piety and holiness not diminish due to the fall into the sky, On the contrary, the wings of the fallen angel glowing with dark evil power behind him became more and more obvious, making him more tenacious and powerful, like a lotus blooming in the mud, making people yearn for him, but also couldn't help but want to completely blacken and destroy him. It's just that the fallen angel is guarded by an evil and powerful spider. The black widow's petite figure is blocked behind George, leaning out to smile sweetly at Wei Xun. Her long flaxen hair was tied up with a black silk ribbon, she was wearing a black dress, and the veil covering her face was changed from white to black, just like George's couple's outfit.

This suddenly reminded Wei Xun of the Puppet Master. From the end of the competition to now, she has made little noise in the West District. Originally, Wei Xun was still thinking about whether she would take advantage of the decline in Black Widow's strength after destroying the Tower of Babel to seize the position of S3 tour guide in the West District. But now seeing that Black Widow's strength has not diminished but increased after retrieving George, Wei Xun feels that the puppet master is not too Big opportunity... But she is the best at finding opportunities. Who knows what will happen in the future.

"Here you go, this is back to its original owner."

George stepped forward and returned the Crow Crown to Bingyi. He smiled and was about to say a few words to Wei Xun when he was pulled aside by the Black Widow.

"My dear, go and see Fenrir Wolf in the prison. The poor little wolf cub hasn't found its owner yet."

Black Widow smiled and said: "Let our tour guide chat for a while, okay?"

As if he thought of something, George hesitated to speak, his expression was very tangled. In the end, he was defeated in the eyes of Black Widow. He had no choice but to say okay, and then gave up the space to Black Widow and Bingyi, and walked deeper. Go to the prison.

"I'll go show George the way. After all, I'm not a tour guide, so I can't participate in your tour guide's whispers."

The dealer smiled and walked out of the office to see the wolf without bothering to confront the Lizard Duke. This made the Lizard Duke very confused, but his expression changed several times, and he finally stayed. To be honest, what Fenrir Wolf was looking for was Bingyi. It's absolutely right for him to stay by Bingyi's side. If you go to see the wolf in the prison, Fenrir the wolf might even run over on his own after a while.

Of course, he wouldn't be curious about what Black Widow was going to whisper to Bingyi, but he was the great S2 director, and it was time for him to participate in this high-end tour guide conversation. Black Widow should ask Bingyi which level he wants to upgrade to. Duke Lizard is also curious about this. Although he didn't think Bingyi could be promoted to Class A in one fell swoop, after all, according to the hotel's convention, Class A tour guides had to accomplish some big things to qualify.

But a second-class elite tour guide will definitely not be able to escape. It depends on whether he ranks first among psychics or second among Yin-Yang Butterflies. Once he opens his own tomb of the Tusi King, he should be able to be promoted to first-class - Lizard Duke I decided to urge Bingyi to open it up as soon as possible. How could such a huge journey of 30 degrees north latitude be left unopened? The most important thing is that if Bingyi has not been promoted to level A, the ranks will not be equal, and it will not be possible to cut off the soul contract with Fenrir Wolf and George.

Black Widow must also be worried about this. After all, the soul connection between Bingyi and George is much closer than the one between him and Fenrir Wolf. If he needs help in opening the tomb of the Tusi King, it's not like he, the Lizard Duke, can't support him. Thinking in his mind, seeing the Black Widow finally speaking, the Lizard Duke pricked up his ears to listen, but almost coughed the next second.

"Don't let An Xuefeng send George text messages in the middle of the night in the future, okay?"

Black Widow smiled and said to Bingyi. She was shorter than Bingyi, but her aura was terrifying at this moment. Black Widow said quietly: "He and George chatted all night... I understand that they have been friends for many years. Long time no see, but evening is supposed to be adult time, isn’t it?”

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