Thriller Tour Group

983 Lian Bao Ye Ze There will be another update soon

It's very cold in Qingcheng Mountain early in the morning, and the milky white mist wraps around the mountain forest like a belt. The rain had stopped as early as last night, but the branches and leaves of the mountain forest were full of late autumn dew, with a chilly air. The air was very fresh, and it felt like my lungs were being purified when I took a deep breath.

In particular, Lu Shucheng cooked a pot of wild mountain mushroom and golden toad meat vermicelli early in the morning. He used Nidhogg's delicious dragon liver soup from Longzhu and Wei Xun. The golden toad meat added flavor and sprinkled with some green onions when serving. , if this fragrance has substance, it will make your stomach growl. Even Wang Pengpai and the others, who had already had dinner in the morning, couldn't help but stroll over and ask for a wad of money from Wei Xun. They planned to go to Yuecheng Lake to catch more golden toads and return them to the hotel to raise them so that they could eat them whenever they wanted.

Passengers all have big appetites, and even Mao Xiaole, who looks the thinnest among the team members, can eat most of a deer full of energy. The noodles cooked by Lu Shucheng in a small pot were not enough for Mao Xiaole to fill his teeth. Of course they were not made for tourists.

It was specially made to entertain Wei Xun's friends. It didn't contain anything related to pollution. It only added some tender and fragrant golden toad meat and dried mushrooms from Yunnan. It was already so fragrant that You Ziming almost felt his tongue. Swallow it. Facing You Ziming's compliment, Lu Shucheng smiled cheerfully, and then made an excuse to go pick some more mountain treasures to take away, leaving this private space to Wei Xun and You Ziming alone.

Things in reality have come to an end for the time being, and tour guides like Wei Xun who are on a mission cannot stay here for a long time. He received a series of calls from Black Widow and Lizard Duke early in the morning, and he happened to use this staircase to go to Parliament. So this morning's breakfast together was regarded as his farewell to You Ziming.

"Are they your brigade members, your teammates?"

After Lu Shucheng left, You Ziming put down his bowls and chopsticks, looked at the direction they left from a distance, and sighed: "They all seem to be nice people, and they can take good care of you."

"I am a tour guide, they are under my control, listen to my words."

Wei Xun smiled and said, adding a chopstick to the noodles and eating them slowly. These were not ordinary noodles, but dragon beard noodles, which came from the same dragon as the dragon ball in Lu Shucheng's hand. After being processed by Wei Xun, a dragon gourmet, it becomes even more smooth and delicious, with gentle strength, like silver threads, wrapped in golden soup soaked with wealth, and slides into the throat, making people want to sigh.

Wei Xun only tasted two bites, and then urged You Ziming to eat more. The power in this noodles was very good for him.

"Okay, okay, I will feel relieved knowing that you are in charge of this brigade."

You Ziming listened to him and ate another bowl of noodles after finishing the whole night. When Wei Xun got some pungent chili powder from somewhere, he was about to secretly add it to his bowl. You Ziming couldn't help but laugh, and this time he didn't stop Wei Xun from adding chili pepper to the bowl like he did in the past. On the contrary, Wei Xun felt a little guilty when he saw it, and he was so embarrassed that he only added a little bit and consciously put away the pepper bottle.

"Sometimes I often wonder how I could resist not looking for you."

You Ziming sighed: "How can you travel to western Hunan with your body like this? I should have been anxious at that moment, and I won't be able to watch you go to Tibet later. How can I feel relieved?"

"If I had gone to find you, maybe I would be fighting in the same place as you now."

"It's possible, but it's really dangerous over there."

Wei Xun said frankly that according to normal hotel logic, You Ziming should indeed be implicated in the hotel. It was An Xuefeng who intervened and dealt with it, affecting You Ziming's memory and cognition. You Ziming has been with Wei Xun for so long that he is no longer the same as a normal person. At that time, An Xuefeng was also a little wary that he would be the back-up man for the life-seeking people, so he didn't let him enter the hotel.

Even now, Wei Xun sometimes thinks that it's a good thing that An Xuefeng intervened and prevented You Ziming from entering the hotel. The chaotic and complex environment of the hotel is undoubtedly the cruelest melting pot for people with a strong sense of justice and responsibility. After hard training, just like An Xuefeng, he has a firm belief, is admired and looked forward to by everyone, takes on heavy responsibilities and still moves forward persistently.

But more people were indeed ground to pieces, broken, and eventually sank into darkness.

Although the reality has become a bit bad now, it is still better than a hotel.

"You know, I'm not afraid of any danger."

You Ziming said gently: "I just hope that my friends, my family, and my partners can live well, and that our country can be better."

"Your passengers are all very strong, and the security team is very reliable, but the abnormal phenomena that have occurred all over the world this time may make you feel troublesome."

"Is such that."

Wei Xun said sincerely: "So if you eat more noodles and more golden toads, the power you get will belong to you."

"That means that after you leave, I may not remember our reunion experience."

You Ziming nodded thoughtfully, as long as the power he obtained was his own, all memories, emotions, and everything else might be affected, just like he always forgot to look for Wei Xun in the first place. Wei Xun didn't speak, so this was the default. You Ziming nodded, said nothing more, and just immersed himself in eating noodles. Wei Xun's cell phone kept vibrating, it was the Lizard Duke who was urging him hard, but Wei Xun ignored it and threw the phone behind him.

The pot of noodles was quickly finished by You Ziming. He filled a bowl of soup to drink, and also filled a bowl for Wei Xun. After drinking the soup and wiping his mouth, You Ziming pulled out his penis and handed it to Wei Xun.

"I'm afraid I can't go to the same place as you. You hold this gun for self-defense."

Indeed, before, Wei Xun was still wondering whether You Ziming and the other special police officers who already had some special abilities would be selected into the hotel, or whether they would be punished by the hotel because their awakening was a little distorted due to the influence of pollution when they awakened their power.

But after hearing what Qingcheng's father-in-law said that the pollution and mutation in the mountains was unstoppable and would gradually spread to the world, Wei Xun thought that the hotel would most likely not bring people like You Ziming to the hotel again. Now, is it more possible to put them in reality like this? Not only can they handle some low-difficulty events on the spot, but also let them absorb pollution on the spot.

For example, tourist guides who have joined the hotel have more or less mixed pollution. In reality, it is difficult to say whether there will be any chain reaction. It is undoubtedly more appropriate to use people who are native-born and have some special talents to absorb pollution. An Xuefeng also agrees with Wei Xun's point of view, and believes that the pollution of the mountains will cause a chain reaction. The intensity of pollution in the abyss, the battlefield, the journey to 30 degrees north latitude, and even each journey may change. What follows will be an extremely busy and chaotic period. , dangerous times.

It is best to go to the Tusi King's Tomb as soon as possible after the carnival celebration is over and completely open up this journey. If it is later, things may change. And the Tusi King's Tomb is not the end. After the Tusi King's Tomb is opened, the journey of 30 Degrees North Latitude, which was originally missing due to the destruction of Babylon, will be completed. According to precedent, the power of the six 30 Degrees North Latitude journey has been gathered. , on the premise of destroying the journey at 30 degrees north latitude, it is enough to cause fatal damage to the pollution source.

By then, they might have ruined another trip to the 30th North Latitude and a source of pollution. Wei Xun would be very busy and would hardly have time to get together with You Ziming like this again.

Although with Wang Yushu here, Wei Xun will definitely not be short of top-notch weapons in the future, but he still accepted You Ziming's gun. We are all friends, no need to say thank you at this time.

"You know how to shoot, let's go to the shooting range to practice."

Seeing him put away the gun, Youzi Ming smiled happily, and then became serious: "You don't have to worry about me. It doesn't matter if I stay in reality. Supernatural recovery happens in reality, and here will be full of opportunities. We will be together The day of battle."

"There will be."

Wei Xun also agreed with You Ziming's statement that this generation of hotel travelers is full of talented people and is already somewhat 'saturated'. The reality of the gradual decline of mountains and lakes is like a primitive and undeveloped wilderness, which will be full of dangers and opportunities. When a country or a race faces a crisis of survival, countless geniuses will always emerge to illuminate the darkness. As a person with enough talent to be selected into the hotel, You Ziming is under the country's special police system. I heard that this time he will be regarded as a model hero, and he will use his heroic and fearless deeds to appease the panicked and anxious people.

Times make heroes, and Wei Xun believes in You Ziming's potential.

Without saying goodbye repeatedly, You Ziming went down the mountain after finishing a pot of noodle soup. Wei Xun was still immersed in his own thoughts. At this time, a golden-red phoenix slowly flew down from the treetops not far away in the forest. It landed on Wei Xun's shoulder, rubbed his cheek, and then flew up and changed. Returning to his human form and hugging Wei Xun from behind, it was An Xuefeng.

"I didn't feel any mark left by my elder brother on Zi Ming."

Wei Xun pondered: "But with my current strength, even if there is a mark, I may not be able to feel it."

"The fact that he was chosen by you to take over Pancake wasn't necessarily your will alone. It was probably also the cat's will."

Oh, Zi Ming. An Xuefeng felt a bit sad, but did not show it on his face as he said seriously: "The recent movements of Xi Ming Man are unknown, but psychic activities are frequent. News came the day before yesterday that he was suspected of leading a team to Lianbao Yeze."

Lotus Yeze, the eighth sacred mountain in Tibetan areas, means the jade peak of dignity. The mountain is majestic and strange, desolate and spectacular, and the weather is unpredictable. It is said that it is an ancient battlefield where King Gesar fought. There are still countless legends and relics of King Gesar. An Xuefeng has always believed that there should be a journey to 30 degrees north latitude in Tibetan areas, but he has never found it. At his level of strength that is close to the rules, this 'intuition' is equivalent to a prophecy.

And Xi Mingren must also feel something... No, Xi Mingren even knew more information earlier than he did. As early as Xi Mingren took the initiative to save Wang Pengpai, and then decisively chose An Xuefeng to be there. Treasures were obtained from the ruins of the ancient Dian Kingdom, and the orb of King Gesar to control enemies has begun to take shape.

"He must be looking for it too, and it may not just be the journey to the 30th parallel north."

An Xuefeng thought deeply: "With this incident in the mountains and lakes, there must be an opportunity for change. Even if it accumulates to the limit over thousands of hundreds of years, if we destroy Babylon and destroy the source of pollution, we should weaken the overall strength of the source of pollution." . It should not cause trouble in the mountains and lakes. Bai Xiaosheng suggested that there should be other changes that we are not aware of. "

"The mountain god mission you received said that the source of pollution is the 'Da Snow Mountain', which may be a clue. Based on my research on pollution sources at 30 degrees north latitude over the years, the size of the pollution source corresponding to each trip to 30 degrees north latitude is also They are not exactly the same. The pollution source fragments are large and small, the pollution sources are strong and weak, and the pollution intensity of the journey north of 30 degrees is also different.”

"That 'Snowy Mountain' may be the largest source of pollution that has not been completely activated. We must find it, and the life-seeking people are also looking for it."

"I will apply to the hotel to select the inheritance as soon as I leave the parliament."

Wei Xun said: "I think my parents should have left some clues."

"should be."

An Xuefeng replied: "I'll try to get the Hilarious Man out with you to go to the hotel to claim the reward for the Phantom Cat. The reward for the Phantom Cat should give us some clues about its movements in Iceland."

After discussing everything in a few words, Wei Xun was ready to go to the parliament. If he stayed in the hotel in reality, people would probably pay more attention to him, which was not a good thing. An Xuefeng packed his things for him, and before leaving, he said casually: "Xunxun, be careful on the road."


Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and looked at An Xuefeng, and saw that he also looked at him without changing his expression. After being stared at for a long time, he hugged his shoulders and kissed him twice, whispering: "We have been together for so long... What should you call me? Two-character ones?"

Even You Ziming is "Ziming", so he shouldn't always call Captain An or Captain An. He should call Xuefeng! To be honest, Wei Xun rarely called him that. An Xuefeng really couldn't get enough of it. This was something that An Xuefeng felt disgusted with when it came to others, but when it came to him, he wanted to hear Wei Xun calling him!

But Wei Xun just laughed softly. After being teased by An Xuefeng for a long time, he kept silent with a bad intention. Until he was about to leave, An Xuefeng let him go helplessly and indulgently, raised his eyebrows, and pointed at him in the air with his fingers, indicating that this matter was not over yet, and he must hear those two words.

Who would have thought that when he was about to leave, Wei Xun suddenly turned around and grabbed his collar hard, and when An Xuefeng lowered his head, he stood on tiptoe and leaned close to his ear, and whispered ambiguously like a breath: "Sir."


In an instant, An Xuefeng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously wanted to grab Wei Xun's waist, but he grabbed nothing. Wei Xun disappeared in the Qingcheng Mountains and went to the parliament. In the cool morning air, only his series of hearty laughter remained, like An Xuefeng's rapidly beating heart. He rubbed his hot ears, his face was still calm, but his eyes were empty. He looked at the place where Wei Xun disappeared, standing there like a stone sculpture for a long time, until the sun rose, still in a daze.

* *

No one dared to disturb An Xuefeng, while Wei Xun, who appeared in the parliament with a big laugh, was fiercely rolled his eyes by the Lizard Duke.

"Oh, long time no see, my friend."

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