Thriller Tour Group

977 Jianfu Palace (Part 1) There will be another update soon...

‘Chai Meng, do you know this? ’

On the way to Jianfu Palace, Wei Xun was a little silent, chatting secretly with the dreamer in his heart. The amount of information that Qingcheng's father-in-law said just now was so overwhelming that Wei Xun couldn't digest it for a while, but a strong curiosity arose in his heart. However, Qingcheng's father-in-law also said that he only knew a few words. , what everyone sees may not be comprehensive. Although Taoist Master Kongkong may know more, Wei Xun is still used to discussing it with the dream chaser first.

The person in charge is very powerful and may intercept the communication between their minds, but @@@ still has to support Qingcheng Mountain, and this operation does not involve him as an outsider. Cen Qin sliced ​​and? ? ? Wei Xun felt relieved that they were all his own. Butterfly fluttered between his fingers, sucking away the pollution that had been contaminated by @@@'s previous closeness. In the rain, there were only Wei Xun and Butterfly on the mountain road - in order not to further stimulate the pollution of Jianfu Palace, the two All the principals hid their figures and followed Wei Xun. Although Wei Xun's family of three had been upgraded to five, he was still the only one walking down the mountain road towards Jianfu Palace.

'I don't know... No, maybe I knew something at one time. ’

Just now, Qingcheng's father-in-law had a secret chat with Wei Xun alone, and no one else heard. Now that the dream chaser listened to Wei Xun's narration, he felt ups and downs and was shocked for a while. But strangely enough, there is no sudden enlightenment or understanding of the power of rules that one feels when one first learns about some major secret that is rich in rules energy.

So Dream Chaser felt that he probably knew about this before, but as for now...

‘When we return to the hotel this time, part of our memories will probably be sealed’

Dream Chaser said with a headache as he couldn't laugh or cry.

‘We’ll talk about going back later, it doesn’t stop us from discussing it now. ’

Wei Xun said in a relaxed tone: 'So do you have any subconscious thoughts about Qingcheng's father-in-law's words?'

‘Some, I think there’s nothing wrong with what he said’

The dream chaser sorted it out: 'You also know that pollution sources are still scattered in the world. The pollution sources near the dimension of 30 degrees north latitude have the greatest energy, giving birth to the journey of 30 degrees north latitude.'

'Every ten years, the hotel will cut off the thirty-degree north latitude journey through developers and throw it into the battlefield. This is basically the same solution as Qingcheng's father-in-law said, 'cutting out the polluted land and throwing it into the underworld.'

But not quite the same.

"Pollution sources can create a journey of 30 degrees north latitude from generation to generation in one place, which means that the cut out is not a 'real' land, but a journey from generation to generation."

The dream chaser said clearly and calmly: "This may be the effect of the butterfly fragments"

In this way, only the polluters and pioneers are cut off. The real world does not lack any piece of land and gradually becomes smaller. But this time something happened to the mountains and lakes. If they were to be cut, it would probably be the real mountains and lakes, just like the abyss and battlefields were cut out back then. This will cause real harm and loss to the world.

‘What pollutes the mountains and lakes is the accumulation of pollution that has escaped from the pollution source to the outside for thousands of years, and finally fell into pollution? ’

Wei Xun groaned.

‘Maybe so’

Dream Chaser was not sure, he sighed: "But now I know why hotels always block memories."

There are still abyss nodes in the world connecting to the abyss, and the parliament side can also lead to the battlefield, which shows that these two places are not completely separated from reality. If it is exploited by someone with ulterior motives and pollution is poured back into it, the reality will definitely be unbearable. And everyone has a desire to survive. Who among the tour guides and tourists who were abandoned by the hotel are not seeking survival all the time? And pollution will distort people's consciousness and amplify people's desires.

Tour guides and tourists are all smart people. If anyone knows these real secrets, his mind has been distorted by pollution and the desire for survival, and he is desperately trying to find a way to return. If he really does it, it may be fatal to reality. So the hotel simply erases those memories and cuts off the possibility of their return. Although it is extremely cruel, for the hotel, this is the best choice to preserve the world for a longer period of time.

‘So, what is a hotel? ’

Wei Xun couldn't help but murmured, if the abyss is a part that has been abandoned long ago, and if the hotel is an existence born of the world's "self-rescue" consciousness, then why does it use the Maria Morpho butterfly of the abyss as a symbol?

So who am I?

‘The tolerance of each generation is getting stronger and stronger, and of course, pollution is also getting weaker’

Dream Chaser was very sensitive to emotions and felt that Wei Xun was rarely in a low mood. He said with relief: "You said that Team Chen and the others are still persisting on the battlefield and have not completely fallen into pollution. This shows that the situation is indeed different from the past." Same'

In fact, pollution is cunning, and many people have two faces. Who knows if they have fallen into pollution, filled with resentment and resentment, and become its puppets? Dream Chaser actually feels that the situation is not very optimistic. It is said that the pollution has become weaker, but maybe it is also the pollution that has changed the usual practices and begun to subtly affect human beings. For example, Chen Cheng and the others are now considered to be in Wei Xun's mind. If Wei Xun rescues them one day, who knows whether this will be the ultimate goal of the pollution and ultimately a disaster for the entire world?

‘What you say makes sense, but there is a prerequisite. That is, the pollution is really getting weaker, and it will change the invasion ‘strategy’ if it loses its previous strength.”

The worry in the dream chaser's words could not be hidden from Wei Xun. He was also a thoughtful person and would not be blindly optimistic. The fact that the previous generation can persist in the battlefield until now means some kind of problem.

But Wei Xun's tone was very firm, with an inhuman coldness: "Pollution does not have much wisdom, nor is it very clever. At most, it has the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

‘Simple invasion, engulfment, pollution, and assimilation are the behavioral logic of pollution, and they are also the fastest and most efficient. Only when the pollution is really weakening and the hotels are well guarded will they take more strenuous measures.'

For example, instead of directly drowning the tour guides and tourists who were exiled to the battlefield, they restrained their instincts and retained some powerful tour guides and tourists. Team Lao Chen and the others have been wandering on the battlefield for ten years, which means that Pollution has been implementing this policy since at least the last ten years. The Tower of Babel was not built in a day, and the deterioration of pollution was also taken away by generations of travelers who traveled to the 30th North Latitude and sacrificed their lives for the tour guides.

So far, they have been able to destroy even the source of pollution and subvert the journey to the 30th North Latitude. Similarly, the mountains and lakes that have always been polluted have reached their limits. Once a catastrophe occurs in the world, the population will definitely drop significantly. There are not enough people, and there will not be enough talented and powerful people to be born. If it bears enough pollution and does not have the strength to open a journey to the 30th North Latitude, and bear the butterfly debris and 30th North Latitude pollution, the hotel will not be able to implement the consistent policy guidelines for so many years.

This ten years, or at most the next ten years, everything should come to fruition. Wei Xun felt the remaining butterfly fragments in his heart stir, like a hair ball rubbing against his heart, bringing an unbearable, destructive, and subtle itch. He flexed his fingers, narrowed his eyes slightly, and suppressed the noisy desire in his heart that was about to break out of the cocoon, but he couldn't help but recall An Xuefeng's power and warmth that night in Yubeng Village.

This is what he desires, loves, and what the hotel needs. If everyone in the hotel could be as strong as An Xuefeng and bear the burden of living in so much pollution, then the hotel would have already entered a pollution-free and well-off society... No, it's not just a need, Wei Xun corrected himself in his heart, as a human being Her emotions also found sustenance in her connection with An Xuefeng and in his unreserved response.

The hotel wants to blame all the pollution on powerful tourists/tour guides like An Xuefeng, so it’s best to do it across the board. But Wei Xun was thinking about how to let him survive. At this moment, he suddenly realized that no matter what he was before, after the teachings in his childhood, the influence of society when he was a teenager, everything he encountered after entering the hotel... maybe there were also things that were not in his memory, the Red Team and the Hong Dao's influence, all kinds of things, finally formed the 'person' that Wei Xun is now.

He is human now.


As Wei Xun became more determined, the butterfly fragment that resided in his heart became much gentler. The instinctive power trying to influence him no longer surged, but turned into a trickle that Wei Xun could hold in his hand. For a moment, the guard Xun's long windbreaker seemed to turn into a pitch-black tour guide's cloak. The butterfly-like patterns on the cloak flowed like a halo, imprinting deeper, indicating that Wei Xun's power over the butterfly fragments was further dominated.

Thinking that he would most likely use the power of the butterfly fragments when he went to Jianfu Palace, Wei Xun tried to mobilize it, and a blue-purple light shone in his eyes.

【Huh? 】

Qingcheng's father-in-law's soul that was sojourning in Wei Xun's eyes let out a sigh. He was shocked to see strands of twisted, unfamiliar but somewhat familiar blue-purple pollution passing in front of him. No, how could there be pollution passing through Wei Xun's eyes? ? Qingcheng's father-in-law was so shocked that he plucked out a handful of his beard. What shocked him even more was yet to come.

Feeling a thorn in his eyes, as if an eyelash had fallen in, Wei Xun blinked slowly, but he paused just as he blinked and looked ahead. A few meters in front of him, a vermilion line crossed the ground. It seems to be drawn with a brush dipped in cinnabar, and it also seems to be naturally at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain. Whether it is the stone road, land, grass, trees or stones, they are all crossed by this vermilion line, which is completely natural. .

On this side of the red line are the mountains and forests in autumn.

Beyond the red line is a filthy quagmire.

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