Thriller Tour Group

976 Mountain Pollution Jianfu Palace

【Meet the Lord of Qingcheng Mountain】

[Meet the Lord of Qingcheng Mountain! 】

Cen Qin sliced ​​and? ? ? These two greetings were particularly sincere and sincere, and @@@, who was always making trouble, actually kept his mouth shut this time and remained silent. Moreover, Zai Bingyi also had a friendly and enthusiastic attitude, saying that you are welcome, that everyone is from the hotel, and they all want to help Qingcheng Mountain as soon as possible, and the people in charge are also working hard. I listened carefully to hear that he didn't seem to have any intention of pursuing what happened before. My heart dropped in my stomach, and I suddenly felt that Bingyi really knew what was going on, and he was a smart and polite young man.

Then he muttered "Meet the Lord of Qingcheng Mountain". Although his voice was not as loud as the previous two, it still sounded like he had reformed compared to before, and his tone sounded sincere. The three principals plus the new half owner of Qingcheng Mountain united the front, and the atmosphere was very harmonious for a while. Behind his sunglasses, Wei Xun glared at the three principals in his eyes. Qingcheng's father-in-law, who was always ready to scold them, had his words stuck in his throat. He finally swallowed this breath, feeling strangely empty.

Why do you just bow down and bow?

This junior is too straightforward and honest. He has to have his father-in-law in Qingcheng stand up and give him a prestige and a face to suppress these evil-minded principals. Otherwise, what if they are courteous in front and arrogant in the back, and try to make things difficult for Wei Xun after returning to the hotel? No matter how powerful his Qingcheng father-in-law is, he is still not strong enough to shake the hotel, so he cannot support him from a distance.

We have to think of a way.

"...Okay, then we've settled."

Um? What's settled?

Qingcheng's father-in-law was worried and stroking his beard to plan the future for Wei Xun when he suddenly heard these words. After coming back to his senses, he found to his surprise that it had only been for such a short time... In just a minute or two, Wei Xun was actually with these three people. The principals had a great conversation and have already finalized the cooperation! Is this okay? ? Was Wei Xun deceived or... or was he sold Qingcheng Mountain? Qingcheng's father-in-law was shocked and asked quickly. After receiving the answer, he fell silent for a while.

Wei Xun and the three principals have indeed reached a preliminary cooperation-first, they will gather the efforts of the principals to send the Taoist priests, spiritual plants, spiritual beasts, and living creatures in Qingcheng Mountain as far as possible outside the mountain, and let the Rongcheng City Government send The special police brigade responded at the mountain gate. After all this is done, Wei Xun will fight for the opportunity for them to negotiate peacefully with Qingcheng's father-in-law. If he can't do it, he won't have to negotiate.

After learning that this was what they had agreed upon, Qingcheng's father-in-law suddenly felt at ease and at ease, and felt a little guilty for having doubted Wei Xun before. How could such an upright and determined young man do such a thing as betraying his family for glory? It was because his mind was clouded. Qingcheng's father-in-law wanted to make amends to Wei Xun at this moment. He looked up and saw? ? ? The two principals, He and Cen Qin Siao, have left the pen-throwing trough and mobilized their forces to rescue Taoist priests in various parts of Qingcheng Mountain. Only @@@ who needs to control the heroic spirit to lift the mountain is still here, and he is close to Wei Xun as if he is planning to whisper something.

The power of the person in charge is obvious, and it is more powerful than pollution. Although Wei Xun can bear it now, but @@@ is so close, and he is not Wei Xun’s own connecting passenger. The pollution is so strong that it is still a bit unbearable. Wei Xun Xun's SAN value was instantly lowered and his body was transformed, with devil horns growing on his head. This was amazing! Qingcheng's father-in-law was furious. He reached out from Wei Xun's eyes and used Qingcheng Mountain's power. With a whisk, he pushed @@@ eight feet away.

[This person in charge doesn’t seem to be very respectful to me, the Lord of Qingcheng Mountain]

@@@ was still a little confused after being pushed away, when he heard the voice of Qingcheng's father-in-law, who said indifferently: [My friend is optimistic, for those barbarians and uncivilized people, only true strength can win respect. . Next, I am going to have sex with this animal, please watch carefully——]

【etc! 】

Now @@@ had to speak. He was a little confused and aggrieved. He gritted his teeth and said: [How can you see that I have offended this C... this Lord of Qingcheng Mountain? We have a good relationship, so let’s get closer and ask a question, okay? If you don’t believe it, ask him! 】

【Good Relationship. 】

Qingcheng's father-in-law laughed disdainfully and ignored him. He only asked Wei Xun what question the person in charge wanted to ask just now and whether it was their Qingcheng Mountain secret. If this person dared to threaten him, he would definitely make the decision for Wei Xun.

[He was just a bit gossipy, not coercive]

Wei Xun was silent for a moment and whispered, the curious question that @@@ posted just now still echoed in his mind. To be honest, the dignified, mountain-like abyss of this man when he first approached did make Wei Xun wary. However, when he heard his secretly transmitted questions, Wei Xun was stunned.

[Hey, little boy, I’m curious, who fell in love with you first, or An Xuefeng? 】

@@@The enthusiasm in his tone seemed to want to bring these two people @out of thin air. He was really curious——

[If the person in charge of slicing falls in love with you, will it affect the original person? You said that if I went to find someone to fall in love with, would I also go crazy? Haha, this is really interesting! 】

Wei Xun:.

Some people can only watch from a distance, but once they get up close, they will be really disillusioned. Before, Wei Xun was very excited about @@@ lifting Qingcheng Mountain with one hand, and felt that he should get to know each other well. Now we know each other... Hey, I can only say that @@@ the person in charge does not have too many bad intentions, just thinking Somewhat weird.

"Cen Qin and the others are back, it's time to arrange the Taoist priests."

Wei Xun didn't want @@@ to shout out their private conversation just to prove his innocence, otherwise, whether it was a story between a man and a man or three people, it would probably have a huge impact on Qingcheng's father-in-law. So he had to hold his nose and acquiesced to @@@'s statement of 'we have a good relationship', which finally eliminated the battle between Qingcheng's father-in-law and the person in charge.

Soon Wei Xun's heart moved, and he knew that it was Cen Qin and the others who were back. Sure enough, two dark figures appeared above the pen-throwing slot in the next second.

【Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life】

Hei Cenqin was no longer silent and was the first to report: [We have transferred the Taoist priests from the Zushi Palace, Shangqing Palace, Yuanming Palace, Yuqing Palace, Quanzhen Temple, Chaoyang Cave, Taiqing Palace, Laojun Pavilion and other Taoist temples to Yamaguchi, together with the spiritual beasts and creatures in Qingcheng Mountain that are not seriously polluted, just...]

Speaking of this, Hei Cenqin stopped talking and turned to look? ? ? , obviously asking him to interface. The two of them had a quarrel through the hood, and what was the final result? ? ? He swallowed his anger, and after Hei Cenqin reported his good news, he began to report his worries.

[It’s just that the Taoist priests in Jianfu Palace were too polluted, and the place has become a polluted quagmire. I’m afraid it’s going to be difficult]

Jianfu Palace is located at the foot of Zhangren Peak in Qingcheng Mountain. Compared with Taoist temples located halfway up the mountain or at the top of the mountain, it is too close to the root of the mountain and too close to Qingcheng Zhangren. The moment Qingcheng's father-in-law was contaminated by mountain roots, Jianfu Palace was completely destroyed. Although he had been mentally prepared, the dream chasers who stayed in the blessed land of Zhaogong Mountain and could hear the outside world were silent when they heard this. He still remembered that Li Hongxue said that Wan Anpong was from Jianfu Palace. This time the two came back to save the mountain. All the Taoist priests from Tianshidong where Li Hongxue was located were rescued. Wan Anpong was from Jianfu Palace...


"Is it too polluted and distorted, or has it become part of the pollution?"

However, when the dream chaser was feeling heavy and Qingcheng's father-in-law sighed silently, Wei Xun didn't change his expression and just asked calmly.

[The distortion is so severe that it is no longer human, but the Jianfu Palace has not been completely destroyed. It can still be sustained for a short period of time with the power of Qingcheng Mountain. Relying on the Jianfu Palace, the Taoist priests have not yet completely become polluted]

? ? ? He spoke very quickly and said in detail: [However, Jianfu Palace may soon undergo a change, and the entire area will be completely polluted, and even the hotel will be unable to control it.]

His words revealed a lot of details, which made Wei Xun take a deep look? ? ? He glanced at it, and then said to Qingcheng's father-in-law: "I'm going to take a look over there. Will it have any impact on you?" 】

【No problem】

Qingcheng's father-in-law felt much more relaxed when he saw that the creatures in the mountains had been transferred out without compromise. The general trend is that he still has the Five Mountains to look after, and he cannot let Qingcheng Mountain be completely polluted. Now that he has really seen Wei Xun's status and connections among the top managers of the hotel, Qingcheng's father-in-law has decided to cooperate with the hotel to suppress the pollution of Qingcheng Mountain.

He felt much more relaxed after making the decision. Tong Wei Xun explained: [The two most polluted places in Qingcheng Mountain are one at the root of the mountain and one at Jianfu Palace]

[The strange resentful insects have been removed from the roots of the mountain, and the formation has been repaired. With my immortal power suppressing it, the pollution in that place cannot cause waves. This pollution is as cunning as a wild animal born in the earth. It transferred the core of the pollution to Jianfu Palace in an attempt to cause another wave]

[When I join the hotel, cut off the mountain and use the power of the hotel to throw it to the underworld, the crisis in Qingcheng Mountain will be temporarily resolved]

"Contaminated core? The land of the underworld?"

Wei Xun asked curiously, but what Qingcheng's father-in-law told him privately in the next second made Wei Xun's pupils tremble.

[Now you are also the Lord of Qingcheng Mountain. There are some things you need to know. However, this matter involves secrets, and I can only understand a few words. 】

Qingcheng's father-in-law was rarely serious. He pondered for a moment and then stroked his beard and said: "The mountains are overturned. This is the general trend. It is caused by the accumulation of pollution in the world of mortals for thousands of years, just like the abyss of the earth and the sky in the past."

[There were once three realms in the human world, one was called the abyss of the earth, one was called the human world, and the other was called the sky. There used to be bottomless pits all over the world connecting the human world and the abyss, and Optimus Prime connecting the human world and the sky. Later, pollution came from outside the sky, and the abyss absorbed the pollution and collapsed. Along with it, countless living beings who turned into pollution were cut off and abandoned. , called the Abyss. Hundreds of years later, the sky absorbed the pollution and finally sank. It was also cut out, and it was called the battlefield outside the sky. There is still a slight connection between these two realms and the human world, but they have become different worlds. We in the East call it "Netherworld\

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