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978 Jianfu Palace (Part 2) Nutrient Solution 317 added...

The earth and rocks on the mountain collapsed into a large quagmire as if melted. The trees fell into the quagmire and seemed to have melted. Only brown, red and yellow were left twisted in the quagmire. The shapes of the trees could be seen, but they seemed to be in the quagmire. The twisted paintings look like heavy paint that has not been stirred evenly, presenting a weird and creepy sense of chaos.

Traces of vermilion were drawn in circles on the quagmire, and Wei Xun felt a hint of the meaning of Tianshi Taoism that he experienced at the pen-throwing trough. The red line drawn by the vermilion pen was suppressing this complete collapse. The polluted quagmire looks like some kind of formation. In the middle door of the circle of red lines is a half-collapsed Taoist temple. The sludge seemed to have soaked into the building, making it look like it would collapse at any time, but it did not collapse. The parts of the building not covered by the sludge were particularly bright in color, with cinnabar red, garcinia, and indigo, as if they had been saturated. The degree is the same, and the color is so thick that it is dripping out, as if the building is about to explode with its final power before it is on the verge of destruction. The eroded mud makes it even more distorted and gorgeous, and it has a sense of being on the verge of doom.

Dirt and vitality, destruction and struggle are intertwined. The cinnabar paint dripping on the half-collapsed gate is as red as blood, like the blood stains of a dying person, winding upwards, and finally reaching the hands of the man standing on the gate tower. On the ink pen he is carrying.

Under the gloomy sky, the chaotic and filthy mire, and the rich indigo tiles, stood a Taoist priest with his back to Wei Xun, standing like a tall and thin crane on the Taoist temple. Wearing an indigo Taoist robe in autumn and winter, he holds a red pen in his hand. He is no longer as gentle as an ordinary person. At this moment, he is as clear as a fairy, and his momentum is as strong as an abyss. Standing tall and outstanding, he is single-handedly shouldering the responsibility of Jianfu Palace, which is doomed to tragedy due to sinking pollution and pollution. The ink pen drips The bright red color is like a heartache, reluctantly continuing the vitality of Jianfu Palace in an attempt to save the world.

This scene makes people feel complicated, as if there is a breath stuck in the chest and it is difficult to exhale. Even Qingcheng's father-in-law sighed in Wei Xun's eyes:

[It turns out that he got the true biography of Zhang Daoling]

In the past, those who walked out of Qingcheng Mountain were just ordinary young people who were diligent and determined, but now they have grown into such charisma. However, the general trend is the general trend and God's will is the direction. Even the immortals cannot get everything they want. Who can save the current situation? Wei Xun didn't say anything. He felt someone coming behind him, and Wan Anpian didn't look back. This determination to move forward and give it a try regardless of what was behind him moved Qingcheng's father-in-law. He rarely asked for help in private, so he worriedly told Wei Xun about this junior. His strength is not bad, his willpower is amazing, and he values ​​love and justice.

Wei Xun must take him out forcibly when the Jianfu Palace is cut up, otherwise Qingcheng's father-in-law is afraid that he will be confused.

‘Okay, okay’

Wei Xun immediately agreed and did not come closer. Instead, he changed his angle to see what was in front of Wan Anpong. No matter which angle he changed, Wan Anpong in his field of vision always had his back to him, without showing any face. This determination made Qingcheng's father-in-law sigh again and made Wei Xun's usually calm expression a bit unbearable - he couldn't show his face. ah! Wan Anpong is the captain of the metaphysics brigade. This time he secretly came to support Qingcheng Mountain. If the hotel strictly checks everyone's memory, as long as he shows his face, wouldn't it have the same effect as a wanted criminal taking a mugshot with the police?

It would be fine if it was just a back view, but as long as there is no concrete evidence, there is nothing the hotel can do. Anyway, Wan Anpong strictly left the back of his head to Bingyi, and at the same time turned slightly sideways, letting Bingyi see what was in front of him - if it weren't for resisting the threat of erosion to Jianfu Palace, he could only stay here During the confrontation, Wan Anpong would not just stand here so obviously!

Changing the angle, Wei Xun finally saw what Wan Anqian was facing. It was a crane with distinct black and white feathers, dark eyes filled with malevolence, and a dragon with its head cut off on one side, with only two worm-like tendons connecting its body. The crane and the dragon were half-hidden in the void. Their aura was extremely strong, forming a three-legged confrontation with Wan'an Pong. If it weren't for the powerful pollution carried by the crane and the dragon that were still devouring and contending with each other, unlike the same kind, they might have joined forces. There is no such fragile balance today.

However, the arrival of Wei Xun is bound to break this balance. Before going down the mountain, his thoughts were already clear. In Qingcheng, the father-in-law solemnly said, "No, the pollution of the three realms has appeared at the intersection, and the monsters from the abyss and the outer battlefield are coming. Be careful, my friend, I will cut him off immediately." Jianfu Palace! 】At the same time, when the crane and the dragon looked over with chaotic and fierce eyes, Wei Xun opened his windbreaker and pointed his fingers like a knife to tear his chest, letting the beating heart, which was faintly embedded with blue-purple butterfly fragments, be cut by them Both saw.

In an instant, the eyes of Men Xianhe and Jiaolong changed. The crane's thick black eyes revealed a vicious and fearful light. The moment the feathers all over their bodies exploded, the feathers of Men's Feathers seemed to turn into thousands of tiny insects squirming crazily. Just one glance It can make people lose control of their minds and go completely crazy; but Jiaolong's chaotic and ferocious eyes have softened a little, and he looked at Wei Xun with a little kindness, but he still still has fear and suspicion.

However, when Wei Xun used the power of the butterfly fragments, holding a vampire knife in his hand, he used the vampire knife to pick out a large piece of the pollution in the quagmire and took a big bite (absorbing the pollution), the crane and the dragon were frightened. I have never seen an abyss monster that can swallow pollution so directly! The crane immediately stopped blowing feathers. The whole bird shrank into the crack that was invisible to the naked eye and disappeared quickly. Wei Xun had already opened the door to the Lost Paradise. If it had moved any slower, the milk from the big abyssal cow rushing out and the abyssal parasites growing rapidly on the soil would have swallowed the crane whole.

The dragon also huddled up on the gate tower, trembling as he watched the milk rush through the pitted quagmire, forming a 'moat' surrounding the Jianfu Palace. The abyssal parasitic bacteria were nourished and devoured the pollution and grew wildly. In the blink of an eye, it was almost half mud. The slab turned into a green space, and it continued to spread rapidly. For a moment, it was hard to tell who was the invading pollution. Qingcheng's father-in-law, who was about to call him to come over and cut up the Jianfu Palace, was dumbfounded.

【This, this is——】

"Don't worry, brother, everything is under control."

Wei Xun said calmly and calmly, stepping into the mire covered with abyssal parasites, as if he was strolling on his own lawn. It was completely impossible to tell that he had just poured a wave of pollution into Jianfu Palace, savagely drove away the cranes and frightened the dragons, and became The biggest polluter who is besieging Jianfu Palace today is really under control!

"Brother also knows that I have a garden filled with abyssal pollution. Of course, it is controllable."

"You said that contaminating the core of the intersection will cause monsters from the abyss and the battlefield to come over and fall into Qingcheng Mountain together. I was thinking, since the monsters from the abyss are coming to invade here, why-"

Why can't it be me.

Wei Xun hid these words, but everyone knew what he meant! For a moment, Wan An was speechless, and his father-in-law in Qingcheng was silent,? ? ? His eyes were wide open to look around; the dream chaser was hiding in Zhao Gongming's blessed land with a dream-like order in his hand, keeping an eye on the direction where the crane disappeared, to be wary of another monster coming on the battlefield; Hei Cenqin recorded the famous scene of Wei Xun eating mud just now. In my heart... the whole Jianfu Palace, which was stuck in the quagmire, turned out to be Wei Xun's stage alone!

"I can control the 'monsters' eroded by the pollution of the abyss. Of course, we have the final say on the speed of erosion. We can even deal with the monsters coming from the battlefield first. Anyway, the abyss and the battlefield cannot be dealt with."

Wei Xun continued to express his opinions. I don't know what happened, but the more he listened, the more reasonable he became. Maybe it was because he was the real evil spirit who drove the crane away.

"Although I still may not be able to save Jianfu Palace in the end, and if stronger monsters come from the abyss or the battlefield, I won't be able to withstand them, but at least I can buy more time gates."

As he spoke, the guard Xun had already walked to the front of the Jianfu Palace. He stood with his hands behind his hands and narrowed his eyes slightly, controlling the abyssal parasites that spread to the Jianfu Palace with overwhelming force. In fact, before entering Jianfu Palace, the remaining power of this Taoist temple deterred the pollution parasites, just like it had deterred the spread of pollution in the quagmire before. However, Wan Anpong, who was standing on the gate tower, secretly drew a line with a red pen and broke through the defense of Jianfu Palace. It was like a ghost opening the door for bandits. In a short time, parasites from the abyss of the door swarmed in and rushed into Jianfu Palace. Here, I found Taoist priests who were still clinging to the Taoist temple - to say they were clinging to the Taoist temple was actually inappropriate. These Taoist priests had basically lost their human form. Some of their bodies were deformed and petrified like statues in the mountains, and some were soft and rotten into a puddle. Just like the soil in the mountains, everything has been eroded by pollution and is in disarray.

And one by one of these 'people', they were all dragged into the Lost Paradise by Wei Xun's control of the parasitic bacteria. Although he seemed to have taken control of the situation with what he said just now, Wei Xun moved very quickly. Ever since the crane 'disappeared', he had been feeling a pinprick-like sense of crisis, and his heart was beating so fast, as if the butterfly fragments were also giving a warning.

So he took all the seriously polluted Taoist priests from Jianfu Palace into the Lost Paradise as quickly as possible. Just when he was about to put the Taoist temple into the Lost Paradise, he suddenly felt shocked.


A sharp and strange sound suddenly exploded in Wei Xun's mind. In an instant, his vision seemed to have fallen into a kaleidoscope and was completely distorted. The sky and the earth were spinning. Wei Xun immediately hid in the Lost Paradise without hesitation. At the same time, Wan An was a poor figure. It also disappeared into the dense forest without knowing its whereabouts. Just the next second? ? ? The two principals, Hei Cenqin and Hei Cenqin, appeared at the same time, like two dark obelisks, suppressing the quagmire, and a five-color flame struck from the distance and descended with a bang. Qingcheng's father-in-law unleashed his immortal power without reservation, and suddenly The blast caused the ground to sink, the earth's veins to shatter, and the entire Jianfu Palace and the surrounding land were blasted into the air, like a floating island. ? ? ? He raised his hand and swiped the air, and a twisted and terrifying dark gap opened, throwing the land that was completely polluted and hopeless into the battlefield.

At the same time, Hei Cenqin drew his sword and resisted a finger filled with extremely terrifying momentum that was trying to reach out from the crack - it was a more powerful monster from the battlefield, and only for a moment did Hei Cenqin Xun noticed something through the string on Cen Qin's body. He 'saw' that the finger was covered with densely packed eyes as small as blisters. It was extremely twisted and evil. Even though Hei Cenqin cut it back with a sword. In the crack, the cold and ominous feeling seems to still stay in this space door, twisting and spreading like pollution——



A handful of black sand and a human skin map covered the hood, and the two layers of pollution from the 30th North Latitude directly covered the remaining battlefield pollution. For a moment, the whole place was silent, and there was only a huge deep pit left in front of the eyes. The former Jianfu Palace was no longer there.


Thunder exploded in the sky, and rain poured down instantly. The sky was stirred by the powerful immortal power of Qingcheng's father-in-law falling from the sky, and it finally started to rain. The heavy rain is like a waterfall, which seems to be able to wash away all the sins and filth in the world, allowing Qingcheng Mountain to temporarily restore its former peace - only temporarily.

If the source of pollution is not completely eliminated, the world will not be completely peaceful.

"The crane and the dragon came to Qingcheng Mountain so quickly... I seem to feel a subtle, twisted aura from them that is consistent with the mountains and forests?"

Amidst the sound of heavy rain, in the Lost Paradise, Wei Xun was organizing the Taoist priests from Jianfu Palace who had been brought in, while asking Qingcheng's father-in-law. At this moment, Qingcheng's father-in-law's soul also came out of his eyes, standing next to Wei Xun, watching him skillfully use abyss pollution to erode the pollution on the Taoist priests of Jianfu Palace, and then use a vampire knife to absorb the pollution, and then feed it to them I drank some grape juice to stabilize my soul... Grape juice? Anyway, there are some operations that Qingcheng's father-in-law cannot understand, but the effect is obvious.

The pollution on these Taoist priests who were originally judged to be absolutely irrecoverable by him is indeed decreasing, and their souls, which have basically lost control and collapsed, are like being tied to a kite string. They no longer continue to collapse and destroy, but are gradually recovering. . Based on this alone, Qingcheng's father-in-law knew that Wei Xun was true to his word and that everything he said was true. The grudge that had originally arisen from Wei Xun's dumping of pollution into Jianfu Palace disappeared.

If he hadn't done that at that time, there wouldn't be these Taoist priests in Jianfu Palace.

Maybe I should trust him more.

Qingcheng's father-in-law thought about it and said: "You feel good, indeed, they came from Qingcheng Mountain"

[The abyss of the earth and the sky were polluted and cut apart. Not only those two realms were cut off, but also the countless creatures in them. Even the creatures and immortals who originally belonged to the human world gate and were close to those two places when they fell were all implicated and abandoned together]

A few words contained countless tragic blood and tears. The father-in-law of Qingcheng sighed and said leisurely: "Tracing the traces of Yu, we built Minfu to return, connecting Hengxiang to the south, Qinlong to the north, Tibetan guards to the west, and Kuiwu to the east; Lush and lush, spanning eight hundred miles across the map...]

[...Mo Dao Zhao Yu kills the dragon, assists Qing to transform into a crane, Ping Zhong rides a mule, and learns about the misty and wild things...]

【...There are many heroes who stay here, and I also stay in the blue sky for a while. Wait for the future, the dragon roars and the tiger roars, and the iron ship Jia Yuding comes back! 】

This is the Qingcheng Mountain Long Couplet, originally titled in Tianshi Cave, and later transferred to Jianfu Palace. Now it has disappeared into the vast world with the fall of Jianfu Palace.

Determined to start over again - can the homeland that has been abandoned and polluted have to be abandoned again? At this time, Qingcheng's father-in-law could only sigh with infinite desolation, thinking that it might be difficult to start over again.

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