Thriller Tour Group

975 Unpretentious @@@confidence

[The Lord of Qingcheng Mountain is here, why don’t you come up quickly to see him! 】

Qingcheng's father-in-law's voice echoed in the pen-throwing slot, and the autumn wind as cold as a knife blew deep into the rift valley. They had just come from Tianshi Cave, and Wei Xun had collected many thousand-year-old ginkgo leaves. When I came to Qingcheng, my father-in-law had lost his soul. The autumn wind that was blowing now was filled with strands of golden light, like torn ginkgo leaves. It was pure and flawless, awe-inspiring, and dyed the autumn wind golden yellow. , carrying a golden evil aura, they were killing each other towards the depths of the rift valley. The pollution that was about to move along the way was immediately wiped away, and the wind was like the roar of a tiger, full of murderous intent.

‘Ho-ho-ho! ’

Wei Xun heard the black tiger in his blessed land roaring excitedly as if he had something to do with it. His eyes turned into shining gold, flashing with a cold and sharp light like metal. The tiger's roar was actually somewhat consistent with the sound of the wind.

‘What kind of wind is this? The golden breeze brings happiness? ’

Wei Xun asked curiously. Zhao Gongming, the White Plague Ghost in the West, belongs to the spirit of metal. As the black tiger has been his loyal mount for countless years, the natural power is also consistent with that of its owner, both of which are metallic. The gold master has the strongest killing power, and the white tiger among the four holy beasts is also of the west and is also metallic. In other words, although the black tiger currently does not have a single hair on its body, if time and opportunity are given, it may turn black into white and be promoted to the 'Holy Beast White Tiger'.

To be able to make the honest black tiger so excited, and so powerful against pollution, and filled with evil spirits, Wei Xun guessed that the wind swept down by Qingcheng's father-in-law just now might be some kind of metallic wind? This destructive power is really strong. Although fire can defeat metal, Qingcheng's father-in-law is a true immortal of fire, and he is the ancestor who plays with fire. The golden wind he attracts is so strong that even Wei Xun's fused flame can be chopped into pieces. .

How could Wei Xun not be curious with such a strong power? Before going to the Tomb of the Tusi King, the more powerful local title powers you can master, the better, and Wei Xun doesn’t want one too little!

Wei Xun, who asked the question, was just waiting for Qingcheng's father-in-law to submit a mission request. Based on his current relationship with Qingcheng's father-in-law, it should be enough to get a title mission. However, Qingcheng's father-in-law did not issue a mission, nor did he hide his secrets from Wei Xun. He said directly: "This is not Zhou Feng."

[The mountains are ominous and have evil roots. The wind blows from the gap after the collapse of the mountains and is the most restrained against the evil beasts born from the mountains. And this is at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, which is when the wind is not strong.]

"Historical Records·Lüshu" says: The wind of Bu Zhou lives in the northwest and is responsible for killing. Liu An of the Western Han Dynasty wrote a book "Topography", which believed that there are eight mountains supporting the earth in all directions, and the mountain supporting the northwest is Mount Buzhou. At that time, Gonggong knocked down Mount Buzhou, causing the sky to tilt to the northwest, and the nearly collapsed Mount Buzhou also had a huge crack, which could no longer block the passage of wind. This was Buzhou Feng.

"Yi Wei·Tong Gua Yu": "At the beginning of winter, the wind does not arrive. ’ It’s the end of October now, just a few days before the beginning of winter. The wind will get stronger and stronger without warning. According to Qingcheng's father-in-law, it is the most capable of controlling mountain-related pollution. After hearing this, Wei Xun wanted it even more. However, there was no need for him to say more, Qingcheng's father-in-law quickly concluded:

[The mountains are destined to suffer from this. If you belong to the hotel, you will probably face a scene like today. I need to watch over the mountains to the east of me, and it is difficult to support me. However, I can forgive you and order Buzhou Mountain to allow you to pass through, and look for wind seeds. If you can subdue a wisp of Buzhou Wind, it may be of great use to you.】

"Okay, okay!"

Wei Xun became happy, he liked such a bold big brother! Hearing this, he reciprocated the favor. He displayed a row of knives with a flash of cold light in his hand, and told Qingcheng's father-in-law honestly and sincerely: "I can cut off the pollution of Zhao Gongming's Cailong mainly because of this knife. After cutting off the Cailong, there is still something left. Six handfuls can help you cut off some pollution."

In the warm-up match, Wei Xun used the version of Spirit Knife. Not only did he have nine knives, he also formed the Eastern District Tour Guide Bureau at his peak, and used tricks to count the number of times they knives on him. Ten knives run rampant.

After leaving Northern Europe, it was naturally impossible for the hotel to let Wei Xun get stuck with this kind of bug, but his base of nine knives had not changed. Although after returning to reality, it is not like the competition. As long as you think about recovering your memory, you can easily break through the hotel rules and get the spirit knife. It becomes difficult to break the rules under the supervision of the hotel. Currently, Wei Xun's nine knives are consumed It's not easy to get it back later.

However, Wei Xun is still confident about breaking the rules, and he doesn't feel bad if he uses all his knives on Qingcheng Mountain. Qingcheng's father-in-law can maintain a calm state for a longer period of time, which is of great benefit to him, to reality, and even to the world. Which one is lighter and which one is more important? Wei Xun has a clear idea in his heart.

[Good, good, responsible, worthy of being Qingxuzi’s most recognized junior]

Of course, Qingcheng's father-in-law could sense that Wei Xun was sincere, and he was a little moved. He sighed: "I understand your intention, but the disaster in Qingcheng Mountain cannot be solved by simply removing pollution... Some people eat their corpses and pretend to be strong. It is really hateful to still be a coward in the face of such a catastrophe! 】

Halfway through, Qingcheng's father-in-law's tone suddenly became louder, as if he was deliberately letting someone hear him. Wei Xun's heart moved, Liansu felt something, and the next second he heard the familiar voice of the person in charge.

[We all respect you very much, Lord of Qingcheng Mountain]

A black shadow like a tall obelisk emerged from the bottom of the unfathomable pen-throwing trough. It was the person in charge! ? ? ? I was worried and had some ominous premonitions. Before, @@@'s eyes flickered and fell suddenly as if he had been hit hard, and then he jumped happily on one leg in the pen trough like a fool. When asked what was going on, he answered incorrectly. Seriously saying "I am a lame deer, yo yo" and even imitating the deer's cry, is that true? ? ? He and Cen Qin were silent when they saw the slice.

After a few minutes, @@@ returned to normal. Thinking of the embarrassing incident just now, his air pressure was frighteningly low. However, no matter what he was asked, this man's mouth was as stubborn as a clam shell and he just wouldn't say anything. But even if he doesn't say it? ? ? It can also be seen. It is obvious that all of his previous warnings have been ignored by @@@. This guy must have been unlucky to bump into Qingcheng's father-in-law again, and he was punished severely, making @@@ lose his master.

The possibility of convincing Qingcheng's father-in-law is really close to zero if this continues, with such a pig teammate on the table,? ? ? Knowing that this is what he deserves for his unfortunate fate, but taking a look at Cen Qin's slices, he thought that they would most likely be punished by the hotel together,? ? ? I feel a little more comfortable again, haha, I must have been bitten.

then? ? ? Start reporting to the hotel, asking the hotel to send another person in charge of the East District. Qingcheng Mountain is the most important thing right now, and standing still is not an option. But just when he was about to send the report to the hotel, @@@ didn't know what happened, but he intercepted and destroyed the report and refused to let him go? ? ? Keep writing. If asked, he would remain silent. If asked again, he would vaguely say that the owner of Qingcheng Mountain might change his mind this time and agree to cooperate. But when I asked him more deeply, he stopped talking again, right? ? ? Very angry.

? ? ? Ever since he became the person in charge and reconciled with his bad luck, he had rarely been so angry. If it hadn't been for the voice of his father-in-law in Qingcheng, he would have beaten up the Riddler@@@. He has been in charge of the East District Butchers Alliance for many years. His fighting ability is not fake!

However, when you feel the familiar power fluctuation of Qingcheng Mountain,? ? ? I still temporarily let go of my hand holding the collar of @@@'s hat. Although I was worried that Qingcheng's father-in-law would come to scold me, I still had to face what I had to face. After all, they now represent the hotel and are equivalent to one body. No one can leave anyone alone, so they have to hold their noses and deal with the tail of their shitty teammates. Don't let Qingcheng's father-in-law really have too much prejudice against the principals, and even the new principals sent by the hotel in the future will also be on guard... Sigh.

The big bosses didn't care what their style was at this time. Even if Qingcheng's father-in-law's tone sounded unkind, they all showed up without any pretense and floated up from the bottom of the pen-throwing trough. When they got close to the mouth of the valley, Cenqin Siao said in a low voice, "It's not windy." Is it from Dongfangtong? ? ? The last bit of luck was gone. The cold wind full of murderous evil spirit had just swept through the crack. It was obvious that Qingcheng's father-in-law was not in a good mood. How should he speak when he met someone? How to express it?

However, when they saw the people on the wooden plank road, surrounded by the power of Qingcheng Mountain's authority,? ? ? The two principals, He and Cen Qin Siao, were unexpectedly stunned.

The person standing on the plank road turned out not to be Qingcheng's father-in-law, but Wei Xun!

But it was indeed the voice of Qingcheng’s father-in-law just now, the power of Qingcheng Mountain’s authority——

No, Wei Xun actually has at least half of the power in Qingcheng Mountain? !

what happened? ? It hasn't even been a day since Dream Chaser and the others received the mission. How did Wei Xun become the Lord of Qingcheng Mountain? ? How come he and his father-in-law in Qingcheng fell in love at first sight? No, no wonder @@@ hesitated and said that this mission can be completed... God, he wouldn't have seen Wei Xun just now, no, he couldn't have been taught a lesson by Wei Xun for his dementia!

Confusing thoughts pass through the mind like chaos. No matter how superstitious the child of destiny is, people will feel confused and doubtful for a while when they see incomprehensible things happening, but? ? ? Slices with Cen Qin didn’t mess up for too long.

[He came here on his own, I didn’t bring the pen thrower.]

@@@'s voice rang out, as arrogant as usual, but with a hint of overshadowing. He really didn’t want his companions in charge to know about his horrifyingly stupid dark history just now, for fear that they would come over to cause trouble with him (yes, @@@ thinks Bingyi must have brought the ghost of his father-in-law from Qingcheng to come here to cause trouble!) Bing Yi contacted each other, @@@ while clarifying the relationship, pay attention at the same time? ? ? Slice it with Cen Qin to prevent these two divination lunatics from going crazy indiscriminately.

But to hear him say this,? ? ? He Cenqin Slice immediately calmed down and gave him a faint look.

Sometimes they really don’t know where @@@ comes from. Look at their white-haired tour guide again,? ? ? I just felt that my heart dropped to a solid place, and my whole person felt much more relaxed. My mood, which had been melancholy since I came to the East District, rarely became cheerful. I felt an indescribable sense of happiness and peace of mind.

Being favored by fate, I am so happy!

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