Thriller Tour Group

974 Lord of Qingcheng Mountain Who dares to be the superior of the Lord of Qingcheng Mountain...

"Who is it?"

Outside the main hall of Tianshi Cave, Wei Xun put on his sunglasses with one hand and caught the young Taoist priest who suddenly fainted with the other. After holding the Taoist priest in his arms, he raised his hand and curiously flicked the Taoist priest's eyelids, but there was no longer that strange and powerful power floating around. Obviously, there must have been something that temporarily occupied the Taoist priest's body, and then Qingcheng's father-in-law completely dispelled the remaining power in the Taoist priest's body with one glance.

In fact, when the young Taoist priest stared straight at him, Wei Xun felt something was wrong, so he temporarily stopped suppressing the dying ghost soldiers and ghost generals, and instead turned to deal with the young Taoist priest. At first, he Thinking that the young Taoist priest was possessed by some ghost king, Li Hongxue was at the gate of Tianshi Cave to assist the Taoist priests to evacuate. He deployed a large formation to seal the entire Tianshi Cave. He was not afraid of the ghost king escaping. Wei Xun had not killed the ghost king yet, so he naturally thought Try the feel.

But when he took a few steps closer, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. There was no ghost energy in this young Taoist priest. Even some of the yin energy that all Taoist priests in Tianshi Cave had inevitably adhered to before disappeared. His whole person was very clean, as if he had been The hotel is the same except for the pollution. Moreover, seeing him coming over, he remained motionless and just stared at him. This behavior was also suspicious.

Although the ghost kings in Qingcheng Mountain are indeed special, the person controlling the body of the young Taoist priest may be a ghost king transformed from the fallen sun. In this way, there is no Yin Qi, and the ghost Qi is restrained and returned to nature. I wonder why there is a local sun suddenly appearing, so I just Gougou stared at Wei Xun, all of which seemed to explain it.

But Wei Xun still kept an eye on it. He still remembered that there were three people in charge in Qingcheng Mountain. There is no harm in being cautious. He immediately used a string to remind Li Hongxue not to show his face, and at the same time, he hid the remnant soul of Taoist Master Kongkong deep in Xiaodie's eyes. Then he didn't say a word when he came in front of the young Taoist priest. He just took off his sunglasses and revealed Qingcheng's father-in-law's divided soul. Good, bad, fragrant and smelly, Qingcheng's father-in-law could tell at a glance everything in Qingcheng Mountain.

As expected, Qingcheng's father-in-law, who was so angry that he remained silent, found an outlet to vent his anger when he heard Wei Xun's question, and immediately cursed: "Who is that person?" rat! 】

[I threw him at the pen trough, but he still kept his evil intentions, and even left traces of his power on this little Taoist priest! Even the white-haired child knows that disasters from heaven should not affect innocent people. It would be better for him to leave all the dirty and smelly power to the younger generation]

Qingcheng's father-in-law was obviously very angry: "Why do I care about removing Yin Qi and removing ghost Qi?" Except for the one who wields the sword, the pollution on the other two is thousands of times thicker than the yin energy and ghost energy. How can ordinary people be okay if they are contaminated by this? It’s clear that we still don’t regard people’s lives as fate. Damn it, damn it! 】

"Calm down, calm down."

Wei Xun said with relief, a white butterfly flew gracefully behind his ears, landed on the thirty-year-old 'little Taoist priest' with restraint, curled his mouthparts, stretched out and sucked away the pollution.

"I will take care of the pollution. Look, it's all gone now."

After hearing what Qingcheng's father-in-law said, Wei Xun understood that his caution just now was indeed correct. The person who controlled this Taoist priest just now was really the person in charge, and he was one of the two people in charge of the West District! The people in charge are so powerful that they have the authority assigned by the hotel and control the rules. They are so powerful that they are comparable to the pollution itself. When Wei Xun first entered the hotel and faced * * *, he really couldn't listen, see, or touch. Ordinary people would only be able to bear it even lower.

Not to mention that the person in charge actually left a trace of power to control the Taoist priest. The energy was so deeply infiltrated that it would take a butterfly to completely absorb it. If left untreated, the Taoist priest would go crazy when he woke up. No wonder the father-in-law of Qingcheng So angry.

From this move, Wei Xun could roughly tell that the person in charge of the West District was probably an arrogant, arrogant and bold person. Facing a local immortal like Qingcheng's father-in-law, who is also very stubborn and has a strong prejudice against outsiders, is really a fight. No wonder the Qingcheng Mountain incident has not been resolved until now.

However, the hotel's judgment has always been based on theory. Wei Xun guessed that it would send the person in charge of the West District. It should be that the power of this person in charge was very helpful to the entire mountain god pollution incident? Then Cen Qin was sent to take slices because he was a Taoist priest himself and could most likely soften Qingcheng's father-in-law's attitude. As for the other person in charge besides them, he should be a senior veteran, and he has insights into both the east and west districts... Could it be? ? ? He was born in the West District, but has belonged to the East District for many years?

But the Dream Chaser is definitely right when he says that the two West District principals are here... is it because Xi Mingren came out of the mountain, and the hotel decided to limit the power of Xi Mingren, so it plans to put them in? ? ? Transferred back to the West District? There are many reasons for being transferred to the Western District. The Eastern District has just added a new person in charge, Cen Qin, and there is no shortage of people in charge. This is the most ready-made reason. In the blink of an eye, Wei Xun guessed eight or nine, and he did not forget to take action when using his brain. He continued to move forward until the flames of the sun, which had just reached the zenith, swept across the ghost soldiers and ghost generals, assisting the Taoist priests in Tianshi Cave to retreat.

After Qingcheng's father-in-law assigned him the authority of Qingcheng Mountain, Wei Xun immediately went into the mountain to watch and lead the Taoist priests to retreat without even getting to know the authority more. Because the moment he obtained half of the power in Qingcheng Mountain, Wei Xun knew how urgent the situation in Qingcheng Mountain was at this moment. Mountains have roots, just as plants have roots. Insects live on the roots and are eaten and destroyed. The plants will die, and the same goes for the mountains.

The pollution in Qingcheng Mountain comes from the roots of the mountain, corroding at its foundation! Fortunately, Qingcheng's father-in-law is not just a little mountain god, he is also the father-in-law of the Five Sacred Mountains, the Master Longji, and the True Immortal of Fire Dao. For him, Qingcheng Mountain can be held in one hand, so much so that Qingcheng's father-in-law is still able to use his immortal power to protect Qingcheng Mountain from being completely eroded and polluted.

However, this approach treats the symptoms but not the root cause, which is like temporarily suppressing the disease but not removing the root cause. The moment Wei Xun took over half of the power of Qingcheng Mountain and Qingcheng's father-in-law withdrew part of his immortal power, the mountains shook, the mountain sank, the sea of ​​contaminated blood surged, and the roots of the mountain were exposed to various disasters. It can be seen that the current situation in Qingcheng Mountain is not optimistic.

Wei Xun has taken over half of the authority, and even the Qingcheng Mountain Cave Heaven has the power to take people in and out freely, so he must take the responsibility of protecting Qingcheng Mountain, and the pollution of Qingcheng Mountain is also attacking him all the time.

But the most dangerous pen-throwing trough was filled by Qingcheng's father-in-law and three people in charge went in to eliminate the pollution. Wei Xun's butterfly fragments, vampire knives and Die Da did not grow up on a vegetarian diet. He could withstand the current pollution.

The most important thing at the moment is to move all the Taoist priests in Qingcheng Mountain. The first stop is naturally Li Hongxue's hometown, Tianshi Cave. It is said that the founder of Tianshi Tao, Zhang Daoling and Zhang Tianshi, once dug a cave in the cliff of Qingcheng Mountain to practice, commonly known as Tianshi Cave. There is also a ginkgo tree in the Tianshi Cave Taoist Temple that is nearly two thousand years old. It is known as the Ginkgo Great Immortal. People who go up to the mountain love to pray under the tree and make wishes. It has absorbed people’s belief in the power of wishes. The old ginkgo tree has a spirit and will also protect it. This land.

Therefore, Wei Xun judged that although Tianshi Cave was close to the pen-throwing slot, the overall pollution should be weak. The situation is indeed as Wei Xun thought. Although the ghost soldiers and generals derived from pollution are almost full of the mountain road, no ghost king appears, and the Taoist priests in the Tianshi Cave Taoist Temple are in good condition. There are no abnormalities and changes. Communicate normally.

Therefore, Wei Xun immediately decided to take advantage of the opportunity to gain familiarity with Qingcheng Mountain in the process of killing pollution. For this reason, he did not let the dreamer take action, but still let him stay in the blessed land of Zhaogong Mountain. First, he wanted to stimulate daydreaming. Explore the current situation of all Taoist priests in Qingcheng Mountain. At first, he was a back-up man. He controlled half of the power in Qingcheng Mountain, but Wei Xun, who seemed to have relatively weak strength and aura, was like a top-notch bait. If he were to take it lightly when encountering a strong enemy later, Wei Xun would be able to lure the enemy deeper. The dream chaser who surrendered could beat the shit out of his enemies - just like there was still a fragmented soul of Qingcheng's father-in-law and a remnant soul of Kongkong Taoist priest hidden in his eyes.

Wei Xun hid a family of three by himself and asked Li Hongxue to communicate with the Taoist priests who were stubborn and unwilling to leave. He used the power of the sun to kill seven in and seven out among the ghost soldiers and generals. The vampire knife was full of dirty blood and pollution. , even more scarlet and shiny, overflowing with evil spirits, and with the blessing of the authority of Qingcheng Mountain, in less than half an hour Wei Xun killed all the ghost soldiers and ghost generals surrounding the Tianshi Cave Taoist Temple, and Li Hongxue also successfully persuaded the Taoist priests .

In thirty minutes, the old Taoist priests went to pack up the most precious Taoist texts, antiquities and the like. Wei Xun took advantage of the time to send Die Da to absorb the pollution from the Taoist priests, while Li Hongxue went to wait at the mountain gate. He would meet later He escorted the Taoist priests to the exit of the back mountain and handed them over to You Ziming for assistance. You Ziming had just been 'hijacked' by a Taoist priest, so he should know that he was alone and weak. It was best to report to the government and ask the government to send reinforcements, so that they could just meet the Taoist priests coming down the mountain.

[Don’t you think that saving Taoist priests before saving mountains is putting the cart before the horse? 】

Wei Xun is in the Ginkgo Pavilion, busy picking thousand-year-old tree bamboo shoots and thousand-year-old ginkgo fruits from the Ginkgo Immortal, and collecting old ginkgo leaves. These are all good things. A three-legged deer is quite smart and seems to know who is good to the mountain. It jumps up and down next to the old ginkgo tree very cleverly and helps Wei Xun bite the ginkgo leaves piled with ginkgo. At this moment, Wei Xun heard Qingcheng's father-in-law, who had been silent all this time, ask slowly, as if he meant something.

[If something happens to Qingcheng Mountain in the end, even if these Taoist priests are rescued to the ends of the earth, the pollution will be contaminated by them, and they will have nowhere to escape]

"Why do you think so?"

Wei Xun laughed dumbly and said casually: "Indeed, the Taoist priests of Qingcheng Mountain have stayed on the mountain for too long. Their fate is connected with Qingcheng Mountain. If Qingcheng Mountain is destroyed, none of them will be able to escape. Pollution will follow them everywhere."

"But in other words, these Taoist priests are weak and can easily be contaminated and lose control. Once something happens to them, their fate will also affect Qingcheng Mountain."

"The money epidemic that almost spread throughout Chengdu was spread by the God of Wealth through a person. People are small and Qingcheng Mountain is huge, but if you stand too high and ignore people, the consequences will be disastrous."

Speaking of this, Wei Xun smiled and said: "They stay here just to protect the Taoist temple and contribute to you. However, the kindness is valuable, but this power is not necessary, because you value them more. Once the Taoist priests It’s really contaminated, distorted and crazy, and the impact of your shaken mind must be far greater than the little power you supported before.”

"And once these Taoist priests are sent out, you and I will use our strength and we won't have to worry about anything later."

At this moment, the three-legged deer picked up a ginkgo fruit that was almost as big as a baby's fist, and rubbed it next to Wei Xun as if to take credit. His big eyes flickered, as innocent as if he had been soaked in mountain water. Wei Xun stretched out his hand to touch the deer's head. The deer meekly lowered its head and went down, but Wei Xun's touch was in vain.

This deer has been dead for a long time, but its soul is still there. I heard that Li Hongxue said that there used to be a three-legged deer living beside the old ginkgo tree. Many people tried to catch it, but they all failed. It is said that this deer got this good fortune due to the fairy spirit of the ginkgo tree.

And after its death, its soul is still in this mountain, beside the old ginkgo tree, so it can pick up the largest ginkgo fruit and give it to Wei Xun, which is also the meaning of the old ginkgo tree.

All things have animism, and they all know who is good to them, just like the couplet in the Sanqing Hall of Tianshi Cave - 'One life, three lives, three life things; the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature'

【you're right】

Qingcheng's father-in-law was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then his attitude towards Wei Xun obviously improved a lot. Just like this time Wei Xun took off his sunglasses and asked Qingcheng's father-in-law to take action, and they cooperated very well.

"After all, those three principals are my superiors."

After all the Taoist priests in Tianshi Cave had retreated, Wei Xun asked Li Hongxue to go to Jianfu Palace to contact Wan Anqian, while he laughed with his father-in-law Qingcheng and said, "Are they all throwing pens? I should go there to see them." "

[What kind of superior? You are the God of Wealth that I recognize, the owner of half of Qingcheng Mountain Cave Heaven, and you share the power of Qingcheng Mountain with me. Who can be your superior! 】

Qingcheng's father-in-law still had deep opinions on the principals. After Wei Xun repeatedly persuaded him to meet the principals, he finally said angrily: "Are you going to see them?" It's time for them to meet you! If anyone dares to be rude to you, I will teach them personally who is the master of Qingcheng Mountain! 】

A gust of mountain wind blew in while he was talking. In a flash, Wei Xun left the Tianshi Cave Taoist Temple and appeared on a wooden plank road built along the mountain wall. In front of him was the vast rift valley, filled with evil spirits and heavy pollution, just like the current pollution in Qingcheng Mountain. The worst pen throwing slot. After Wei Xun stood still, he heard Qingcheng's father-in-law's majestic and indifferent voice, his condescending voice echoing throughout Qingcheng Mountain.

[The Lord of Qingcheng Mountain is here, why don’t you come up quickly to see him! 】

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