Thriller Tour Group

973 What is this? Wei Xun took off his sunglasses

[Okay, okay, stop talking and act like the new ones who are mute.]

? ? ? As soon as I sighed sadly @@@, I felt numb. The various crow-mouthed behaviors of this man in the past have caused the principals to develop a deep PTSD towards him. As soon as they heard that his tone was wrong, they immediately alerted him and told him to shut up. ? ? ? He has a pretty good temper, or he is just too lazy to argue with this group of peers who are destined not to be favored by fate.

There is nothing to worry about, after all, he is also one of the blind people who misjudged his fate. It's just that astrologers are actively trying to make up for it, whether they were resolutely drawing a clear line with the life-seeking people before or now trying to bring the entire occult science closer to Wei Xun. But pessimistic? ? ? It had already been revealed a long time ago - he misjudged fate at the beginning, so how could it not be fate's arrangement?

Since their efforts to pursue their destiny in the past led them to get on the pirate ship of the life-seeking people, they might as well just go on like this now. Destiny will always make a choice. Sometimes the harder a person struggles, the more ridiculous he becomes. Just like now, the relationship between Wei Xun and Xi Mingren is obviously still very good, and he? ? ? When Cen Qin was about to die, he was summoned by an astrologer and saved Cen Qin's life. Now that Cen Qin has successfully sliced ​​the slice, the person in charge of the slice has completely defected to Wei Xun and is trusted by Wei Xun.

In general, for Cen Qin, he has a life-saving grace; for Wei Xun, he is the person in charge of doing things for the people who are happy, and in a sense, he also represents the will of the people who are happy. You deserve to be called a good big brother. He is considered to be a prepared elder brother, and the astrologer over there not only spent the second half of the year-end celebration with Wei Xun, but also personally participated in the destruction of the Tower of Babel and the source of pollution with Wei Xun——

Alas, okay, okay, both of them are making good progress. Why can't it be his turn to participate in the good deed of destroying the source of pollution? It would have been better if the people had taken Him with them when they took advantage of the opportunity to escape and came to Babylon. Unfortunately, there was already a Cenqin Slice inside the Tower of Babel at that time, and other principals could not enter.

But in the end,? ? ? I feel like I'm in a pretty good situation. However, it is a double-edged sword when the Life-Hip comes out of the mountain. He has a bad record in the hotel. Even the hotel did not let the Life-Hip take part in this reality change - of course, the Life-Hip left a token on Him. @@@ He is a powerful leader who has the power to lift any land, and the aboriginal people in the eastern region will reject the leader in the western region. He? ? ? He is the only principal who was born in the West District but defected to the East District and has been operating in the East District for many years.

So this operation to explore the pollution of the mountain god must involve @@@ and him? ? ? Participate and order the person to keep the token on him, which is equivalent to being able to intervene at any time. It's just that it's always been difficult for hotels to let people take advantage of loopholes. Isn't this why they asked for a 'temporary transfer' of him on the grounds that there are signs of a sudden change in the world this time, a new person in charge in the East District, and a large vacancy in the strength of the person in charge in the West District? ? ? Go back to the West District and do some work.

But there are only a few months before the year-end celebration. If he is transferred back at this time, the idea of ​​returning to the East District is basically gone. And just relying on the isolation of the West District and the East District, the people are harmonious? ? ? It would be difficult to cooperate again, even if we could connect again,? ? ? It is also difficult to get any core information from the Mingxi people. After all, the life-loving person himself is also a suspicious character, like? ? ? If such a slice is not kept under his nose, I'm afraid he won't be able to use it with confidence.

【well. 】

Thinking of this,? ? ? He let out another melancholy sigh that made @@@'s heart tremble. Come on, he didn't expect the 'local person in charge of the East District' and the 'person in charge who was best at communicating between the East and West District' to make any contributions. @@@'s mind turned. , think of a reliable person.

[Dream Chaser and Bingyi are performing tasks here, right? We might as well ask them to come over.]

[The mission in Chengdu has been completed. Dream Chasers and others have also applied to stay in Qingcheng Mountain. They must have discovered that there is a problem here.]

Director Jia Er is on a mission in Chengdu, and currently... and * * * who are supposed to be on duty at the hotel, the former's failure was completely restricted by the hotel, while the latter was entrusted with an important task by the hotel, and currently * * * is holding... ··Went to Japan to look for the escaped dragon horn. The pollution on Longjiao's body is also essentially related to the pollution of the mountain god. The hotel ordered that he must be caught.

Therefore, there is currently no person in charge of the hotel. The power of the hotel is also dealing with the memory problems of ordinary people around the world, as well as supervising the mountains and rivers. Once any side breaks away from the supervision of the hotel, there will definitely be an outbreak of mountain god pollution.

So much so that the proximity principle is currently adopted. After the dream chaser's mission is completed, he will report it to the person in charge of the nearest Qingcheng Mountain, and then give a settlement or issue a new round of missions. The original intention of the hotel is that if any problems arise that cannot be solved by the tour guide, the person in charge can take action immediately. But now, their principal is at a deadlock and has to ask the tour guides for support.

Anyone in charge who has some self-esteem and self-confidence will always hesitate in his heart, but @@@ didn’t, he was shameless and said directly: [If you don’t have any objections, I will immediately issue a task to the Dream Chaser and ask him to come to the rescue of Qingcheng Mountain]

He laughed when he said this: [Perhaps he applied to stay in reality because he wanted to get involved in the Qingcheng Mountain affairs. And that Bingyi, isn’t he the best at dealing with pollution? How about throwing him into this pen-throwing trough, which just frees us up to talk to Qingcheng’s father-in-law? 】

[I advise you not to have the idea of ​​Bingyi]

The dull sound of chains sounded. Hei Cenqin used wine to extinguish all the strange insects parasitic on Shangen's chains. He was about to repair the wooden charms hanging on the chains so that they could last longer. However, after hearing @@@'s arrogant words, Hei Cenqin, who had always been taciturn, turned around and finally spoke, with a voice as cold as ice: [If you want to take action, first ask me if this sword is okay]

There was a clang, and the sword box behind Hei Cenqin immediately buzzed when he felt the owner's mood. The murderous sword clang echoed throughout the pen throw tank. The sword in Cen Qin's slicing hand was like a stream of moonlight, glowing with light. A spiritual luster. The movement of the sword's light turned out to be vaguely like a human form - just a few days after Slicing became the principal, and before he had a code name, Cen Qin Sliced ​​actually conceived the sword and raised it into a sword spirit! This shows how talented he is.

But the people in charge are all very strong. The most terrifying thing is that as the sound of swords sounded, the thick chains that tightly hugged the roots of the mountain also buzzed like resonance. The rock walls on both sides trembled, and the chains hung on them. The broken wooden talisman bloomed with brilliance, and for a while the Taoist rhyme was perfect. The sound of chanting seemed to come from a very far away place. A powerful and invisible force of intimidation enveloped the entire pen-throwing trough. For a while, even the blood river No more writhing, rarely showing a bit of docility.

Obviously, the connection established between Hei Cenqin, Qingcheng Mountain and Qingcheng's father-in-law during this period is not weak, and he is fully capable of posing a threat to @@@, the veteran leader!

[Ha, you look like a bird with fried feathers. If you weren't in Qingcheng Mountain, who would be afraid of your sword? 】

However, @@@ was still very arrogant and dismissed the words: "Who you are is known to the whole hotel. If you dare to show your sword to me again and I won't touch you, I will kill Cen Qin." The hotel must also want more... the kind of person in charge who can only be a dog after his original body is dead, hahahaha]

Speaking of this @@@ said proudly: [Haha, I know both of your original identities, but none of you know who my original identity is. Tell me, why did you end up like this?]

This is why, except for the person in charge who had to reveal his true identity due to the inconvenience of slicing, the other persons in charge have remained hidden for so many years and have not revealed anything. With... in front of me, no one dares to gamble.

[Okay@@@, shut up]

Hei Cenqin looked indifferent. As long as @@@ stopped talking nonsense to Bingyi, it didn't matter how many times Cenqin died in his mouth. He didn't care. Rather? ? ? Sighing, Mercy said: [Your destiny is moving closer to..., if you continue talking, wealth, health, status and prestige will all move away from you]

[Shit, you cursed me? ! 】

@@@He was furious, but his lifeline was strangled. Now... he is simply a very unfortunate and tragic example. Which person in charge is willing to be like him? not to mention? ? ? His mouth was really a bit evil. @@@ After holding back his breath, he finally changed the topic and said angrily: [Come on, let the two tour guides have fun outside. I didn’t plan to throw Bingyi in. He’s just a kid. If he can solve Qingcheng Mountain, I’ll eat the map on the spot just to tease you.]

[But I am impatient to stay here any longer, and in at most half an hour, Hercules will have to replace the lifting of the earth. You don’t have much time, you have to figure it out yourself]

[The shaking in Qingcheng Mountain is almost over. You must have felt it too. There is one more owner of the mountain here]

? ? ? Dao, he didn’t care about @@@’s arrogant attitude before. After all, the person in charge, Slice, is so arrogant and shameless. He should be a good person who is upright, humble and has strong self-respect but is also good at listening to other people's suggestions. There are not many good people in the West District who are strong enough to be the principals, and they may have some friendship with astrologers, so as long as fate is not involved,? ? ? I am also willing to add a few words to @@@.

[I just did a little divination. Although the fate of this new mountain owner is unclear, it can be vaguely seen that his horoscope coincides with his destiny. This should be the key turning point in the Qingcheng Mountain crisis. We might as well start from him]

[New mountain owner? Could it be that Qingcheng’s father-in-law also sliced ​​himself up?]

@@@ said in a strange voice, but suddenly became proud: [Haha, the little mouse I left behind has taken action. This trip to Qingcheng Mountain depends on me. Depending on you, our mission will fail]

[Didn’t you completely take back the methods you left in Tianshi Cave? 】

? ? ? Rare said dissatisfiedly: [Qingcheng father-in-law is very concerned about his Taoist priests. It was because you were too reckless before that made Qingcheng father-in-law angry! 】

When they first arrived, although Qingcheng's father-in-law didn't want to see them, he didn't fall out. Instead, he was so impatient that he just asked them to send all the Taoist priests on Qingcheng Mountain away. He could handle other things by himself and didn't need the West District. people. But @@@ said quickly that there was no need to save the people on Qingcheng Mountain.

They had just come from the Atlas Mountains over in North Africa. When the Atlas Mountains almost fell, the Berber people living in the mountains were also in misery. The distortion, distortion, and pollution could not save them at all. These people have lived in the mountains for generations, and their destiny has been closely linked to the mountains. When pollution comes, even if they escape outside the mountains, Uzhina will still be infected with them through this connection.

Therefore what @@@ said [you signed an agreement with our hotel to suppress the pollution in Qingcheng Mountain, and the people in the mountain may still be saved. If the pollution in Qingcheng Mountain cannot be suppressed, then there is no point in saving people now] This is essentially right, but Qingcheng's father-in-law has a stubborn temper. When he heard this, he became very angry and threatened to say in hatred, "God will not save us, but people should be able to save themselves;" Arrogant kid, go drink blood! ’, throwing them directly into the pen-throwing slot.

The Taoist temple closest to the pen-throwing trough is Tianshi Cave. When I couldn't contact Qingcheng's father-in-law, I thought of a dirty trick and decided to hijack a Taoist temple and force Qingcheng's father-in-law to show up - it's not considered a hijacking. , after all, he didn't intend to do anything to the Taoist priest, he just wanted to force Qingcheng's father-in-law to come out. And he will also help clean up the pollution. As long as Qingcheng's father-in-law talks nicely, the Taoist priests in Tianshi Cave will be the least polluted.

But to Qingcheng's father-in-law, touching the Taoist priest is like touching the eggs of a vicious big hen. @@@As soon as he moved to Tianshi Cave without telling the other two principals, he was immediately discovered by Qingcheng's father-in-law. Damn it, Qingcheng's father-in-law was really angry, completely cut off contact, and threw them into the pen throwing tank to remove contamination. There is no certainty yet.

Now a new mountain owner has appeared, taking at least half of the power in Qingcheng Mountain. As long as the new mountain master agrees, he can also be the master of Qingcheng Mountain. ? ? ? I don’t want this matter to be messed up again, so I heard that @@@ is still thinking about things over at Tianshi Cave,? ? ? I couldn't help but feel angry.

【Don't worry, don't worry】

@@@ said perfunctorily: [I will take back my power right now]

After saying this, his eyes hidden under the black hood were closed, but in the Tianshi Cave Taoist Temple, a young Taoist opened his eyes in confusion. @@@independent thinking,? ? ? They both thought too well. When the new mountain master appeared, the first thing he did was to move the Taoist priests in the Tianshi Cave Taoist Temple. It was conceivable that the new mountain master and the father-in-law of Qingcheng were the same kind of people.

Instead of wasting time trying to find a way to get in touch with the new mountain master, it would be better for him to use the last bit of strength left in Tianshi Cave to take a look first. If the new mountain master is really a Qingcheng father-in-law, then cooperation is impossible. Why not simply report to the hotel and send the person in charge of the Eastern District to negotiate with Qingcheng's father-in-law again? @@@Although I am arrogant, I don't want things to remain in such a stalemate. If Qingcheng Mountain is really destroyed and the pollution spread really becomes a big problem, then it is very likely that it will happen. He still has a sense of responsibility for things that affect the whole world.

However, when he looked around through the eyes of the young Taoist priest, @@@'s eyes suddenly locked on a person. With white hair, black sunglasses, and a long windbreaker, isn't it Bingyi who is currently suppressing the ghost soldiers and generals born from the pollution in Tianshi Cave and leading the evacuation of the Taoist priests from Tianshi Cave!

It wasn't him who captured Bingyi. This man entered Qingcheng Mountain by himself. @@@Getting interested, his gaze was too intense just now, which attracted Bingyi’s attention. Seeing him coming over, @@@ didn’t hide or dodge, staring at him with interest. He wanted to see what Bing said when he came to Tianshi Cave. Did he take over the task of Qingcheng's father-in-law? @@@ still recognizes the strength of Bingyi’s excavation mission.

I don’t know what if he takes C with him to the pen-throwing slot? ? ? Will He Cen Qin be scared to death if he sees it? @@@Thinking of it not without malicious intent.

However, as Bingyi got closer and closer, @@@ felt more and more something was wrong.

Why did he feel a faint pressure from Bingyi? No way, a tour guide who is still a Class C for the time being can give him a sense of coercion as a principal, right? ?

@@@It was incredible, but when Bingyi walked up to him, the obvious sense of pressure@@@ could no longer be ignored. An idea gradually formed in his mind, no, it shouldn't be——


@@@Finally couldn’t bear it any longer and opened his mouth to say something. However, his next words were stuck in his throat, and he saw Bingyi walking up to him, then lowering his sunglasses, revealing one eye and looking at him. @@@Although he was confused, he immediately looked back with no weakness at all. Then he saw a strange highlight in Bingyi’s blue eyes, and it was gradually becoming more and more like a person, more and more like——

Qingcheng’s father-in-law? ?

No, Qingcheng’s father-in-law is actually in Bingyan’s eyes? !

The next moment, the vision of the Taoist priest controlled by @@@ went dark, and he could no longer see anything.

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