Thriller Tour Group

972 @@@ @@@I can’t stand it anymore

[What happened? What happened? ! ]

The transfer of power in Qingcheng Mountain is not comparable to the change of ownership of Zhaogong Mountain. The latter can be hidden, but the former is a major event that will shake the entire Qingcheng Mountain! If it were a normal time, the scene would be very grand. All kinds of gods, land gods, mountain spirits, mountain ghosts, spirit deer and foxes, mountain mushrooms and fairy grasses in Qingcheng Mountain, those who can transform and those who cannot, would come out to pay homage to the new mountain master and offer gifts, and the whole Qingcheng Mountain would be lively.

Now, even if these spirits and gods in the mountain are dedicating their power to Qingcheng Master to fight against pollution and invasion because of the death of the God of Wealth Zhao Gongming, the spread of pollution, and the invasion of foreign enemies (the person in charge of the West District), and cannot show up, such a large-scale sharing of power will definitely cause the ground veins to tremble and the mountains to shake. The tremors were strong in Rongcheng, not to mention Qingcheng Mountain.

Qingcheng Mountain, Pen Throwing Trough

The wooden plank road is built along the steep mountain wall. Looking down, you can see a dizzying valley, as if a god had drawn a line in the Qingcheng Mountain, leaving behind a deep and steep rift where the rock breaks downward. It is said that this pen-throwing groove is where the Heavenly Master Zhang Daoling stopped the ghost soldiers and ordered the devil not to come near to harm the people. Zhang Tianshi drew the mountain with a red brush, and the traces of the brush formed a groove. This gully and crack is like an abyss that blocked the devil's ghost soldiers. There is also a ghost oath stone next to the mountain, which records the oath made by Zhang Tianshi and the ghost soldiers.

However, the pen-throwing groove at this moment is completely different from what ordinary tourists see when they enter the mountain to play. The sound of water comes from nowhere. The ominous dark red waves surge from the bottom of the pen-throwing groove and hit the steep rock walls on both sides, just like the legendary Yellow Spring Blood River, where streams of black and red blood are steaming out, hundreds of skeletons are born from the blood river, and countless ghosts are roaring in the blood mist. The so-called Oath Ghost Stone was nowhere to be seen. The rock walls on both sides near the bottom of the valley were covered with scarlet flesh-like things, with blood pulsating on them, like living things. The rock walls on both sides protruded outward, faintly showing dozens of ghost shapes tens of meters high. Scarlet flesh and blood bounced and climbed on the rocks, making the ghost convex marks protruding from the rock walls more agile and more evil and terrifying. However, tens of thousands of ghost soldiers were flattened by a bright sword light as soon as they emerged from the blood river. Hei Cenqin personally held a sword and killed in the blood river, while the other two more senior and more powerful leaders did not even have to kill the enemy personally. One of the leaders was thin, with a black cloak in his hand holding an ancient book. The shadows of the twenty-eight constellations could be vaguely seen on the ancient book, and thousands of ghosts disappeared into the void before he could make a piercing wail wherever his eyes went. The other person in charge stood on the Ancient Dragon Bridge, casually controlling a tall hero dressed as a medieval knight, with a translucent golden body. The hero held a halberd in his hand and kept chopping the flesh and protruding rocks on the rock wall. The chopped rocks actually flowed with cursed blood. Some of the scattered broken stones were embedded with messy hair and teeth, and some were embedded with eyes. There was only madness in the dark pupils, staring fiercely at the three black-robed men on the pen slot, until they fell into the blood river.

When the vibration of Qingcheng Mountain came over, the situation that was originally suppressed immediately changed drastically. The rocks on both sides sank, the blood river surged, and the bottom of the pen slot began to sink continuously, as if it was going to fall into the abyss. The ghosts and spirits that had originally emerged from the blood river were drowned and swallowed by the blood waves. Without the howling of ghosts and wolves, it seemed that they were no longer so dangerous. However, the three leaders could vaguely feel that the deep depths of the turbulent blood river were revealing an ominous, twisted and majestic pollution force.

This pollution force was so majestic that the leaders felt a kind of creepy palpitation. The two leaders who were originally condescending suddenly changed their expressions.

[We must not let the earth sink any further, @@@! ]

The leader holding the ancient book immediately said, throwing the ancient book into the starry sky, covering the entire blood river and temporarily suppressing the surging horror pollution, and the other leader did not hesitate, and took out an ancient European sheepskin hand-painted map from his robe. He broke his fingers and rolled into the map, and saw the eyes of the portrait decorated on the map open and blooming.

[Great God of the Sky, Titan God Atlas, please lift up this earth like you lift up the blue sky! 】

The command with a sense of rules resounded throughout the Pen Throwing Slot Rift. After receiving the sacrifice of flesh and blood, Atlas, the giant god of the sky in ancient Greek mythology, turned into a heroic spirit, jumped off the sheepskin map, and fell directly into the blood river. In an instant, the earth that had been sinking was supported by the heroic spirit with his shoulders, and finally stopped sinking temporarily. However, the person in charge who took out the map groaned, and two more fingers broke and fell into the map.

[The situation in Qingcheng Mountain is much worse than that in the Atlas Mountains]

The person in charge said in a deep voice: [The pollution riot must be quelled as soon as possible, otherwise even if I can still summon Hercules to lift the earth instead of Atlas, I may not be able to bear it]

The Titan God Atlas is a giant god of the sky in ancient Greek mythology. He belongs to the Titan clan and is the elder brother of Prometheus. He was punished to hold up the sky because he failed to resist Zeus. Sculptures of Atlas can often be seen in Europe. Most of the sculptures are a muscular man holding up the earth with his hands and shoulders.

So he can hold up the sky and the earth. In Greek mythology, Hercules was sent to steal the golden apples but failed. Prometheus suggested that he ask Atlas to help steal the golden apples, and Hercules would temporarily hold up the sky for him.

In reality, it means that Atlas and Hercules can alternately lift the earth. Today, there are frequent occurrences of high mountains and ridges all over the world. Most of the most serious changes are caused by mountains. The most serious situation is the subsidence of mountains, disappearing from the horizon, leaving only horrific ravines full of pollution. That’s why @@@, who has the heroic spirit of the two gods who can ‘lift the earth’, was entrusted with the important task by the hotel and flew around the world to deal with the worst pollution everywhere.

Currently, the most polluted mountains in the world are the Atela Mountains in North Africa and the Qingcheng Mountains. Since there is a father-in-law of Wu Yue (father-in-law of Qingcheng) in Qingcheng Mountain, if it is contaminated, other mountains will be implicated, so the hotel sent three people in charge at once.

Among them is one who can alternately lift the earth, one is the person in charge who is best at communicating between the east and west districts, and the other is the newly promoted person in charge, Taoist Hei Cenqin. The three of them worked together in the hotel's judgment and should soon be able to open up a situation in Qingcheng Mountain. The best way to temporarily quell the pollution is to bring the mountain god into the hotel and let him become the peripheral person in charge. First, borrow the hotel Use our own power to suppress pollution, then investigate its source carefully and find ways to solve it.

Who knew that the results of the three grand prizes sent by the hotel were extremely poor. Qingcheng's father-in-law only allowed them to go to the pen throwing trough, which was the largest pollution point in Qingcheng Mountain. It was Chunchun who used the principals as tools, not giving them any space to communicate, and never letting them come into contact with the core of Qingcheng Mountain. For a while, the three principals could only use stupid methods to repeatedly destroy Qingcheng Mountain's polluted products to slow down pollution erosion, and then let Hei Cenqin find a way to communicate with Qingcheng Mountain.

However, it is obvious that Taoist Ban Ming has very good communication skills. No matter whether he is returning home or Bing Yi, they regard him as one of their own. Astrologers always give in to him if they want to compete for positions. Even Xuan Xue has always been obsessed with him. But Heisenqin is cut off from the astrologer? ? ? Similarly, silence and coldness will kill the enemy, and three sticks will not make a fart, let alone communicate with Qingcheng's father-in-law.

Just like now, there was no advance news about the sudden earthquake in Qingcheng Mountain, and @@@ all wondered whether Cen Qin Slice had communicated with his father-in-law in Qingcheng!

[This mountain and the gods in the mountain are still hostile to us. I am too stressed. The new guy, isn't he a Taoist priest? Think of a way! 】

The person in charge who controlled the giant heroic spirit to lift the earth couldn't help but urged, but was suffocated when he saw that Cen Qin was like a mute and didn't respond, so he took the sword and went down to the depths of the pen-throwing groove. Although the earth was lifted in time, the bottom of the Pen Throwing Groove still sank a hundred meters deep. The rock walls on both sides that were originally submerged by the blood river appeared, and they were all scarlet. On both sides of the rock walls further down, there were thick and heavy rocks falling. The chains are interlocking and going downwards, as if they are encircling the entire mountain, like some kind of formation to imprison evil things.

This chain is actually integrated with Qingcheng Mountain. In a sense, its state is the current state of Qingcheng Mountain. There are densely packed black and red wooden signs hanging on the chain, which are all corroded by contaminated blood. Even the seemingly solid If you look closely, small holes have been corroded by the blood-red pollution. There are dense red bugs gathered in the holes of the chain. They all have heads, teeth, ears and noses, and they are filled with resentment and are constantly corroding the chain.

@@@I can feel that these little red bugs are all condensed from the purest resentment. They are in harmony with the blood river. It takes a lot of effort to kill them, not to mention the little ones on the thick chains. There are not only tens of thousands of insects, they are simply countless! But the next second he saw Cen Qin Siao put away the long sword, took out the wine gourd, and sprinkled the wine on the chain. The red insects dissipated immediately after encountering the wine.

【What kind of insect is this? interesting】

@@@I’m interested. There are so many weird myths in this ancient country that it’s hard to delve into them. Most of the creatures formed by such pure resentment are uncontrollable, but this little red insect disappears as soon as it is poured with wine and can be easily controlled, which has great prospects of being conquered.

However, Hei Cen Qin still acted as if he had no ears. He said nothing and only used wine to pour wine on the insects to eliminate their resentment and slow down the corrosion of the chains. From time to time, I use another gourd to collect some red bugs, as if I want to give them away.

【Damn it! 】

@@@, who was constantly looking at each other, couldn't stand it any longer. Complaining to Hei Cenqin without any response would only make people more angry. He turned around, right? ? ? Complained: [Are all the people like you who have severed ties with the original body the same? After you defected to the Mingxiren, did you not speak to anyone except the Mingxiren? ! 】

【I'm talking to you now】

Seeing that the situation has stabilized temporarily,? ? ? His tone returned to the somewhat melancholy tone of the past.

[And I want to make it clear that now the hotel wants to transfer me back to the West. If you say something more like "go to the people who are desperate for life", maybe the hotel will transfer me faster. Alas, such is fate. 】

[Astrologers can’t compete with Cen Qin, and I’m not as lucky as Cen Qin’s slice, alas]

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