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971 Ghost King Li Hongxue The Ghost King of Qingcheng Mountain (mainly Li Hongxue...

Li Hongxue looked at the mist-shrouded mountain peaks in front of her. The translucent ghost was wearing a blood-colored cloak, with white hair scattered, dark red eyes, pointed fingers, and a string of skulls around his waist. He looked like a ghost king. However, compared with the ordinary ghost king who is extremely yin, Li Hongxue, the ghost king, has a hot and masculine feeling. The pendant on his chest shines with golden light, as bright as the sun, and looks particularly warm in the continuous rain.

And this golden sunlight is being controlled by Li Hongxue to slowly seep into the ground, penetrate into the Zhaogong Mountain in front of him, hook the earth's veins, and is proving Bingyi's identity. His first destination after entering Qingcheng Mountain was Zhaogong Mountain, not only because Bingyi and Dream Chaser were here, but actually he and Wan Anpian's plan itself was to go here.

In the past nine days, he fell into Qingcheng Mountain and turned into the Nine Ghost King. Now Li Hongxue has transformed into a local ghost king and blended into the atmosphere of Qingcheng Mountain in a low-key manner. He is no different from the aborigines. As long as he does not use other titles, he is not afraid even if there are two principals in Qingcheng Mountain. After all, the current Qingcheng Mountain is not the world of the principals, and they can't control so much. If he could use his identity as the sun to activate some of Zhao Gongshan's terrestrial power, or obtain Zhao Gongshan, this rescue operation would be more promising.

Now that Bingyi has obtained the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan, Li Hongxue wants to stand up for Bingyi and prove his identity as the local sun. But Li Hongxue didn't care. Their metaphysics was not lacking in blessed places, and they even had connections with Dongtian. As long as this Qingcheng Mountain disaster can be passed safely, he is willing to do anything, but this is his idea. In fact, Li Hongxue originally wanted to do it by himself - Wan Anpong is the captain, and if he is caught by the hotel, the whole metaphysics will be Hotel fine.

And he, Li Hongxue, was just the vice-captain. If he came to Qingcheng Mountain after quitting metaphysics, even if he was discovered by the hotel, the whole team would not be implicated. At worst, he joins the Mutual Aid Alliance like half his life, and he has great development prospects. The leader of Hei Cenqin defected to Bingyi and broke with Xuanxue. It was just a show in front of the hotel.

Now that Cen Qin has returned to metaphysics, if he, Li Hongxue, joins the Mutual Aid Alliance, he can become a new mouthpiece for both sides.

It's just that Wan Anpong's attitude is firm this time. He has always been gentle, so it's rare for him to be so insistent. After entering Qingcheng Mountain, the two of them acted separately. They were both born in Qingcheng Mountain, but they were not from the same Taoist temple. They could hide better apart than together.

Thinking about what I saw and felt along the way. This mountain, which he had been growing up with, seemed to remain unchanged forever. To the naked eye, it seemed to be as green as ever. However, anyone with a little more inspiration could sense that the atmosphere in the mountain was extremely chaotic and gloomy at the moment. There is an aura of decay, as if the sick old man is already dying and has difficulty surviving this winter.

‘Survive another winter’

This is what Li Hongxue often heard from his parents and elders when he was a child. He was not a native Taoist priest. Unlike people like Wan Anpian who had lived in Taoist temples since childhood, Li Hongxue only went up to Qingcheng Mountain every winter. He has a light horoscope and a strange destiny. He is born as a child and is haunted by hundreds of ghosts. Spring and summer are fine, but the half-ghost festival in July is very difficult. He is already a frequent visitor to major hospitals at a young age.

His parents didn't believe this at first, but there was really nothing they could do. In the past, there were fortune tellers who said that when he was born, it would be a calamity, a small calamity at the age of six, and a big calamity at the age of six. However, in the winter when he was five years old, Li Hongxue almost didn't survive. His parents were so ill that they sought medical treatment. Speaking of which, Li Hongxue's father had some friendship with Chang Huiming, the richest man in Chengdu. Chang Huiming heard that Qingcheng Mountain was really spiritual, at least the Zhao Gongshan he worshiped was very spiritual. That winter, the Li family's parents took him up the mountain.

There are many Taoist temples on Qingcheng Mountain, and they went to Tianshi Cave. It was also a coincidence that I met an old Taoist priest. The old Taoist priest with gray hair and childish face exclaimed in surprise when he saw Li Hongxue, whose face was red with fever, being held in his arms by his father, and lamented that this child has rare talents.

The child was so sick that he almost burned to death, and the old Taoist priest was still praising his talent. Li Hongxue's parents would have been really angry if he hadn't asked for help. But Li Hongxue's father had some identity and recognized that the old Taoist priest was the head of Tianshi Cave. He quickly asked the old Taoist priest for help, asking him to help his child.

‘It’s hard, it’s hard. ’

Li Hongxue still remembered that her mother had hugged him. When he asked curiously about it, she couldn't help but sigh: "At that time, the Taoist priest said that your talent was so great that it was unprecedented, and it was difficult for him to help."

If you have such a good talent, why can't you say you can't help? Li Hongxue's parents didn't understand. Father Li, who loved his son so much, and Mother Li almost knelt down in front of the old Taoist priest. It was snowing in Qingcheng Mountain that day and the mountain road was slippery. Mother Li was worried about her child and had not had a good rest in the past few months. When she was about to kneel down, her body swayed and she almost knelt down. Fell down the mountain road. It was the old Taoist priest who flicked the whisk, and Li's mother felt a soft force on her back, and she stood firm unconsciously.

'I knew at that time that this old Taoist priest was really up to his word, so I identified him. If anyone could save you, it would be him.'

The old Taoist priest appreciated his parents' love for their children and finally invited them to the mountain as guests. As soon as they reached Qingcheng Mountain and entered the Qing Palace of Tianshi Cave, little Li Hongxue immediately stopped feeling feverish and felt much better. He had been speechless and weak for several days, but now he could act coquettishly and say he was hungry to his mother. At that time, Li's mother and Li's father were so excited that they almost cried. The child was finally saved.

However, the old Taoist priest's next words poured cold water on their heads.

‘A child’s life will cause some unclean things, but on Qingcheng Mountain, those dirty things will not dare to come’

The old Taoist priest said warmly: 'But Pindao suggests that you'd better keep him here on Qingcheng Mountain from now on, otherwise it will hinder you and your wife. ’

Who would want to leave a child who was born in ten months of pregnancy and raised with care and care alone in the mountains at such a young age? Li Hongxue's parents were extremely reluctant and begged the Taoist Master to give him another way out so that they would not be separated from their flesh and blood. In the end, the old Taoist monk was relieved and said, "If it's just to save him from the disaster, he can send it to Qingcheng Mountain every year before the Ghost Festival." ’

Li Hongxue's parents were extremely grateful. Li Hongxue's father immediately decided to donate a large sum of money to Tianshi Cave, but was stopped by the old Taoist priest.

‘This kid is incredibly talented. Maybe Qingcheng Mountain will still be counting on him in the future.’

An old Taoist priest once went to the mountain and praised his talent, but every time he praised him, his tone was a bit regretful. This made Li Hongxue's parents feel uneasy and wanted to ask more questions, but the master stopped talking. Later, Li Hongxue was sent to Qingcheng Mountain every year before the Ghost Festival, and then she was taken to Qingcheng Mountain until the beginning of spring before being picked up by her parents. Tianshi Cave is not far from Jianfu Palace, and it was during this time on the mountain that Li Hongxue met Wan Anpian, who was practicing in Jianfu Palace.

There are no people of Li Hongxue's age in Tianshidong Taoist Temple, so no one will take him to play. Although Wan Anpong is older than him, he is not much older. Tianshi Cave and Jianfu Palace are also very close, and Li Hongxue likes to go and play with this senior brother after finishing his homework for the day. A few years passed like this. It was fine in elementary school. But when Li Hongxue was about to enter junior high school, his parents began to worry. How could he go to junior high school and study on his own? Online classes?

However, before Li Hongxue actually entered junior high school, Li Hongxue and his wife were killed in a series of car accidents. After taking care of her parents' funeral, when Li Hongxue went up the mountain again, she was already alone and had no relatives. He officially became the master of the old Taoist priest who headed Tianshi Cave. From then on, Tianshi Cave was his home, and his uncles, uncles, and brothers were his relatives. Li Hongxue, who was still lively, became taciturn and cold all day long. I can still say a few words to my childhood friend Wan Anqiong.

As for the fate of Mount Qingcheng, it was Wan Anpong who told him. It is said that the Taoist priest who headed the Jianfu Palace was asked by his father-in-law in Qingcheng to have a dream about a future where disaster would strike. The two young men didn't know exactly what it was, but they didn't want anything to happen to Qingcheng Mountain, and they both wanted to find a way to save Qingcheng Mountain from the disaster. Later, this became an obsession, and I wandered around until I entered the hotel.

After entering the hotel, Li Hongxue finally understood what the old Taoist priest meant when he kept saying that he had high talent. The title of "boy's destiny" was purple when he came up, and his level was very high. And a strange stone that he accidentally got while playing in Qingcheng Mountain was identified by the hotel as a 'sun fragment, stained with the blood of the Ghost King', and the title advancement mission was directly activated. During a mission, he also met Cen Qin, a metaphysics who was becoming famous at that time. He took a fancy to him and was recommended to join the metaphysics brigade.

It's funny to say that his parents sent him to Qingcheng Mountain to suppress his boyish life of being haunted by hundreds of ghosts. They wanted to control the little ghosts. In the end, Li Hongxue became the famous Ghost King. The Ghost Festival, which he was afraid of and didn't want to face in the past, became a big day for him to recruit troops. It has to be said that fate was a twist of fate.

On the other hand, Wan Anpong's initial title was average and his potential was not very strong. He only had a firm Taoist heart. Li Hongxue sometimes felt guilty, thinking that it was because she kept looking for Wan Anpong to play with, that's why he was selected by the hotel. After all, hotels like to choose like this. Wan Anpou didn't care about Xiaoxiao, but instead persuaded him that the opportunity was rare and that he was just an ordinary person. If it weren't for Li Hongxue, he might not have been able to find a way to change the fate of Qingcheng Mountain in this life.

The only way is to have a firm mind and work hard.

Round and round, another ten years have passed. Cen Qin lost half his life and fell into the Laoshan Troupe. The ordinary Wan Anqing became the captain of the metaphysics team. Li Hongxue, the rookie who was second only to Cen Qin at the time, became the deputy team member of the metaphysics team. The longer she stayed in the hotel, the more Li Hongxue became. I can understand the words that the old Taoist Master of Tianshi Cave sighed before his death. Destiny is unpredictable and fortune plays tricks on people.

But their obsession has not changed over the years. Wan Anqian and Li Hongxue have made a lot of preparations for this shocking change in Qingcheng Mountain. In fact, even if they were discovered by the hotel, there would be explanations. After all, this was their obsession when they were selected by the hotel.

Although tourists are not allowed to return to reality this time, at the same time, the hotel's main focus has always been to support tourists in realizing their obsessions. What's more, Cenqin Slice is here this time, so there is more that can be done.

And Bingyi is a variable, Bingyi... Although when they first knew that he and Dream Chaser were coming, both himself and Wan Anpian were frightened, and there was always a feeling that Qingcheng Mountain was going to die like the Tower of Babel.

Especially since Li Hongxue and Bingyi were involved in the parliament together, it seems that after Bingyi went there, the pollution broke out and blocked the parliament. Mindfully counting Bingyi's great achievements, Li Hongxue could not help but silently increase the intensity of hooking the earth veins, and the sun's rays on his chest became even brighter. The sooner Bingyi is recognized by the earth, becomes the local sun, and integrates into the Qingcheng Mountain family, the safer Qingcheng Mountain will be——

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong——"

At this moment, the entire Zhaogong Mountain was faintly coated with a layer of golden light, and a golden halo could be vaguely seen floating over the Zhaogong Mountain blessed land. There seemed to be a faint sound of joyful dragon roars and the clear sound of the collision of copper coins.

Once he heard that Cailong and Zhao Gongshan's immortal powers were still there and that they were not polluted, Li Hongxue became more determined. Li Hongxue felt even more relieved when she noticed that a dark cloud was coming over her, with layers of thick clouds covering up the vision on Zhaogong Mountain.

Currently, the only person who can control the situation in Qingcheng Mountain is Qingcheng's father-in-law. Now he is willing to help Bingyi cover up the changes in Zhaogong Mountain and conceal the principals. This seems to prove that the relationship between them is that of friends rather than enemies.

Could it be that Qingcheng's father-in-law really had a very happy relationship with Bingyi, and that's why his separated soul took up residence in his eyes to avoid contamination? Maybe Bing caught him and swallowed him?

Li Hongxue couldn't help but have unrealistic expectations. When the golden light completely covered Zhao Gongshan and Dimai successfully recognized Bingyi's identity, Li Hongxue thought that Bingyi should be able to completely control the blessed land now. Next, he should be able to gain more trust from Qingcheng's father-in-law and help Qingcheng's father-in-law and deal with the problem. pollution, or rescue the Taoist priests trapped in Qingcheng Mountain.

However, the next moment he felt a loud rumbling sound on the ground under his feet, and the earth shook. An emerald green light so rich that it dripped water enveloped the sky, wandering among the mountains and forests like an aurora, and like a green wooden dragon entrenched on the mountain. The vibrant emerald green is dyed layer by layer, making people feel relaxed and happy for a while, and their breathing seems to be in tune with the mountain breeze.

This is the ground of Qingcheng Mountain! The green wooden dragon holds an ancient pottery piece in its mouth, which represents the authority of Qingcheng's father-in-law, who holds Qingcheng Mountain and Qingcheng Mountain Cave Heaven! The next second, Li Hongxue was stunned, only to see the pottery piece in Mulong's mouth suddenly split into two, half of which was still in the wooden dragon, and the other half was thrown into the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan!

What does this mean? What's going on? ?

Could it be that Qingcheng’s father-in-law is actually still hostile to Bingyi? Will he decide to give it a go and mobilize nearly half of his power to seize Zhao Gongshan?

Otherwise, it is impossible for Qingcheng’s father-in-law to give half of the power of Qingcheng Mountain to Bingyi! This is impossible, right? !

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