Thriller Tour Group

970 Half Brothers, Second Update

"Now can you tell me who the Taoist priest is in the cornucopia?"

Hearing that Wei Xun's confidence was well-founded, Qingcheng's father-in-law was speechless. However, Wei Xun rushed to ask. When he inspected Zhao Gongshan Blessed Land for the first time, he saw two people in the cornucopia. One was Chang Huiming, who had become a medium, and the other was an old Taoist priest who didn't know the origin. When Wei Xun used the cornucopia to recover the pollution in Chengdu, in order not to implicate the old Taoist priest, he specially took him out and put him down next to the tree.

The old Taoist priest's feeling of wealth was different from Chang Huiming's. Chang Huiming was as hard as gold and stone, but this old Taoist priest was soft and abnormally soft. It was as if the bones had been removed from a body, leaving only flesh and skin. However, unlike mummies and the like, this old Taoist priest's skin was soft and shiny, and there was even blood on his face. He looked fair-haired and childlike, very healthy, and a healthy dead man.

But Wei Xun still remembered that Cai Qi had a weak reaction when he touched Taoist Master, unlike Chang Huiming who had no reaction at all. This shows that the Taoist priest should still be alive, but how can there be such a living person? Now that the Taoist priest is still in the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan, he is like a bomb to Wei Xun. Taking advantage of the silence of his father-in-law in Qingcheng, he has to defuse the bomb and at least find out the origin of this old Taoist priest.

[White-haired son, you must respect him as Heavenly Master]

Sure enough, Qingcheng's father-in-law was always very talkative for a while after being slapped in the face. He directly told Wei Xun: [The man in the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan is the relic of Zhang Tianshi from Tianshi Cave a hundred years ago]

A hundred years ago!

Wei Xun was shocked, and the Heavenly Master who was trying to fiddle with the tree with his wealth immediately restrained himself. To be honest, since entering the hotel, I have met a lot of gods and giants who have lived for thousands of years. Compared with them, a hundred years of history is really too short. However, the problem is that this Heavenly Master's 'relic' is indeed human skin and flesh. He was a person from a hundred years ago. The corpse is not only not rotten but also lifelike. Although it is nourished by the blessed land of Zhaogong Mountain, it itself is definitely extraordinary.

[Zhang Tianshi was also selected by the hotel back then. Even though he was very talented, he became an immortal at a young age. Only this body was left in the blessed land of Zhaogong Mountain. It is quite powerful, and it still retains the combat power of one of Zhang Tian’s top ten students. As long as you can find a good pair of bones, you can make this corpse move again]

It was rare for Qingcheng's father-in-law to talk too much. When he learned that this body was put into the cornucopia together with Chang Huiming, he couldn't help but sigh: [Zhao Gongming, Zhao Gongming, he knows clearly in his heart, he thinks clearly, he has thought of everything]

"Could it be that?"

Wei Xun frowned, and he understood a little bit.

Dream Chaser and Wei Xun had already seen that the pollution power released by Zhao Gongming into Rongcheng had two parts. If it pollutes ordinary people slightly, the survivors will suffer some distortions, but it is more likely that Qingcheng Mountain will collapse in the future. Survive pollution. With wealth like a dragon, these people are equivalent to the dragon of wealth.

The special armed police and soldiers with better talents who were infected by the black tiger evil in the talisman and stimulated their potential were selected by Zhao Gongming to protect the dragon's tiger.

It's just that the black tiger evil spirit was hidden in the talisman seals under the hair of Qingcheng Mountain. At that time, both Wei Xun and Dream Chaser believed that the Taoist priests who were affected by the pollution of Qingcheng Mountain drew the talisman seals containing the black tiger evil spirit, thinking that it was the purpose of Qingcheng's father-in-law and Zhao Gongming. Same, work together.

However, from getting along with Qingcheng's father-in-law, Wei Xun also discovered that Qingcheng's father-in-law and Zhao Gongming had different methods of acting, and there was no sign of cooperation with him.

What is the origin of the talisman with the black tiger evil in it? It is true that they were drawn and distributed by Taoist priests on Qingcheng Mountain, but the person who really prompted the Taoist priests to draw such talismans and seals was probably not the father-in-law of Qingcheng, but Zhao Gongming himself. He has the legacy of Tianshi Cave Master in his hand, has a strong appeal among Taoist priests, and is very easy to manipulate talismans and seals.

"Those talismans containing the Black Tiger Evil must have been passed through the hands of the Heavenly Master Cave Master by Zhao Gongming using special means."

Wei Xun said firmly: "Because each of their talents was severely affected by the Black Tiger Evil in the early stages of activation, the special power they possess will be closer to the Black Tiger Evil - or in other words, the bones will be closer to the special tiger bones. Bar."

"Originally, in this cornucopia, Chang Huiming was sitting at the treasure-gathering mouth, but the treasure-gathering mouth of Tianshi Cave was sitting at the treasure-gathering mouth. When those who hold the Black Tiger Evil Talisman Seal and have strong blood energy activate their talents, I am afraid that The cornucopia is about gathering treasures, so let’s gather them all into the body of the Heavenly Master.”

Qingcheng's father-in-law said that as long as he had a good set of bones, he could make the corpse move again. What bone could be better than a tiger bone? These special armed police soldiers and their activated talents are mixed together, and they are the best tiger bones that can support the body. Wei Xun had thought before that if he were Zhao Gongming, he would definitely not trust anyone to possess the power of Black Tiger Evil, no matter how upright and righteous this person seemed.

Human nature cannot stand the test. As the saying goes that people become bad as soon as they get rich, Zhao Gongming must understand it as the God of Wealth. In troubled times, power is a more poisonous poison than wealth. They themselves have pollution effects. Who can guarantee that these people will remain true to their original intentions and defend the people like dragons like tigers after possessing extraordinary powers?

Now that Wei Xun knew it, no wonder Zhao Gongming was not afraid at all. Because he had no trust in people in the first place, he did not intend to let these special police officers and soldiers become tigers. He only planned to knead them into tiger bones. And a powerful, long-lost soul of the Celestial Master is the real 'black tiger' who can act 100% according to Zhao Gongming's last wish and will not deteriorate even after the vicissitudes of life.

"His methods are too extreme."

Wei Xun said bluntly that if he and Dream Chaser had not come this time, or if they had come a little later, You Ziming and the others might have been sucked into the cornucopia and turned into tiger bones!

[Pollution can turn immortals into demons and make people irritable. I don't know if I will become like this one day]

Qingcheng Zhangren sighed, Zhao Gongming was not the character he is now, and he, Qingcheng Zhangren himself, was never as irritable as he is now. Qingcheng Zhangren Ning Fengzi was originally the Tao Zheng of Huangdi. "The Biography of Immortals" records: "Ning Fengzi was a man of Huangdi's time, and was passed down as the Tao Zheng of Huangdi. Someone passed by and held fire for him, which could produce five-colored smoke. After a long time, he taught Fengzi. ”

Pottery making requires patience. In the past, Qingcheng Zhangren had a kind personality and was very patient with everyone. He was approachable. However, now he has severe mood swings, is easily angered and irritable, and can even do things like closing his eyelids when the residual soul lives in the eyes of the younger generation.

In fact, the current pollution of Qingcheng Mountain can't do anything to Qingcheng Zhangren. He still thinks he is an immortal. Zhao Gongming doesn't have to die. As long as he uses the money to buy his life to die and get rid of the pollution once, Qingcheng Zhangren will naturally protect him.

However, the difficulty lies in the fact that pollution has begun to affect and change their personalities, like water dripping through a stone. As long as the pollution cannot be completely solved, their personalities will get worse and worse, and one day they will become accomplices of pollution and become unrecognizable.

Zhao Gongming doesn't want this. He has a strong self-esteem and would rather die.

Qingcheng Zhangren still wants to fight hard. With Qingcheng Mountain as a support, Zhao Gongming's death is like farting. But if Qingcheng Mountain falls, who can still hold it up?

We have to take Qingcheng Mountain first Once all the Taoists who made him feel annoyed were gone, he, the Qingcheng Master, could give it a try.

[You can be his younger brother]

When he thought of this, the Qingcheng Master felt a sense of urgency in his heart, and felt that the sooner Wei Xun could get the recognition of the earth vein, the better.

[I will give you half of the authority of Qingcheng Mountain at that time, otherwise you will not be able to enter and exit the Qingcheng Mountain Cave Heaven freely]

Half of the authority! Freely enter and exit the Qingcheng Mountain Cave Heaven!

The dream chaser next to him barely managed to hold back his expression. He could have half of the authority of Qingcheng Mountain and freely enter and exit the Qingcheng Mountain Cave Heaven. It can be said that as long as Wei Xun wanted, he could turn Qingcheng Mountain into a tourist attraction on the spot. It turned out that he had completed all the KPIs of the person in charge!

In other words, the pollution recovery cornucopia of Rongcheng is also an absolute main force. My goodness, the dream chaser's heart was surging for a while - surging and calming down.

Basic operations, all basic operations.

"The hotel wants to settle and recall us, and also send me new tasks. I will deal with it first, you don't have to worry. "You can stay in Qingcheng Mountain as long as you want." The dream chaser said skillfully that the most important thing for a partner with Wei Xun is to help him deal with/deceive the hotel, and Wei Xun will do all the other things himself. "It will be done in one afternoon, and I will cook dinner with Sister Cheng in the evening. "Wei Xun laughed, his voice a little lighter. He had been troubled by You Ziming and others, who only had a little inspiration, and finally found a solution. With the Heavenly Master's remains set up by Zhao Gongming and closely connected with the Black Tiger Evil in his hand, he could completely follow Zhao Gongming's plan, but the attraction was a little smaller, and he wanted to find a way to suck all the Black Tiger Evils in You Ziming and others into the cornucopia. Because the current reality is not as completely chaotic as Zhao Gongming imagined, the only one who stimulated his talent is You Ziming, but it has not reached the point where the Black Tiger Evil twisted his bones. As long as the Black Tiger Evil is still in the talisman and has not been integrated into the human body, it is reasonable to say that it can be sucked back. In order to prevent accidents, Wei Xun asked the dream chaser to use his mental power to monitor the special armed police and others, and keep an eye on their situation at all times-it just happened to be an excuse to perfunctorily deal with the hotel. Then he used his wealth to drag the Heavenly Master's remains back to the cornucopia, Pressing the mouth of the treasure bowl, grabbing the little dragon of wealth, he began to carefully activate the treasure bowl, absorbing the black tiger evil spirit from the armed police. This black tiger evil spirit can be used to fill the Heavenly Master's remains. Although it has no combat power without bones, it can only run and move at most, but it is quite intimidating to see a person who lived a hundred years ago standing there so vividly, not to mention that he was selected into the hotel a hundred years ago - with the previous experience of Taoist Master Kongkong, I believe that all the people in charge will pay special attention to the old thing.

This Heavenly Master's remains is Wei Xun He was going to use it to attract the two West District leaders in Qingcheng Mountain. At the same time, he was doing two things at the same time. When he was manipulating the cornucopia to get closer to the Zhaogong Mountain blessed land, he contacted Li Hongxue at the foot of Zhaogong Mountain to activate the earth veins and let Li Hongxue give him proof that they were indeed half-brothers!

The cold rain in late autumn fell. Standing at the foot of Zhaogong Mountain, Li Hongxue frowned. His already cold face was wet with rain, making it even colder.

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