Thriller Tour Group

969 Li Hongxue Wei Xun has been the local sun since ancient times

‘I have never heard of these two being born in Qingcheng Mountain before’

The dream chaser said in greetings, except for the previous summary of "The crisis in Chengdu has been resolved, Qingcheng Mountain is fine now, Qingcheng's father-in-law is a guest in Bing's eyes", he did not go into details about the current situation. The passengers were not allowed to intervene in this shocking change of reality. Wan Anqian and Li Hongxue even brought out illegal goods, obviously they came quietly.

That being the case, the less they know the better. Tour guides have to report on their work when they return, and this time it involves mountain god pollution, so the hotel will definitely take it very seriously. Although the director of Dream Chaser has his own means to get around the hotel, the less information he reveals and the communication he has with Li Hongxue and Wan Anqian, the better. The less it is, the less likely it is for accidents to happen.

The dream chaser was already very cautious. He and Wei Xun were already separated from reality in Zhao Gongshan Blessed Land, and he communicated through his mental power and never met in person at all.

Wan Anpian and Li Hongxue were also knowledgeable people. They acted as if they had not had any secret chat with the dream chaser at all. They walked straight to Qingcheng Mountain as before, and when passing by You Ziming, they did not take off the amulet on his head - although Now we know that Dream Chaser and Bingyi have entered the mountain, and the person guarding the mountain gate is most likely a friend rather than an enemy. However, they are all standing at the gate of Qingcheng Mountain. This wanderer Ming is either contaminated, or he should get some title power. Waiting for Qingcheng Mountain The hotel will definitely react when the incident is over.

If he entered the hotel and was investigated, it would be unreasonable if they suddenly let him go. It would be safer to just pretend that they were traveling and later find out that something happened in Qingcheng Mountain. The two Taoist priests who were eager to break into Qingcheng Mountain hurriedly rescued them.

Wan Anqian and Li Hongxue turned like a puff of smoke across the rain-soaked path and disappeared into the layers of green. The dream chaser comforted You Ziming with a few words, saying that these two people were Taoist priests from Qingcheng Mountain, and he was a little anxious. The situation in Qingcheng Mountain is now stable, and it will be fine if we let it in.

"Taoist priests should also be careful."

You Ziming's eyes moved slightly. He was a smart man. He should have noticed something, but he kept silent. He just said sternly: "There are evil spirits hidden in the seals sent to our team from Qingcheng Mountain this time. I'm afraid there is a Taoist master." So many Taoist priests have fallen into the Qingcheng Mountains due to being deceived by the devil. Inspector, you should be more careful. "

The dream chaser responded with his mouth, and when he regained his attention, he curiously asked Qingcheng's father-in-law: "Are all the Taoist priests from Qingcheng Mountain where you are?"

[I have no time to take care of them since they are destined to live and die.]

[In this catastrophe, the common people are suffering. If I pay too much attention to them, it will be a disaster for them]

Qingcheng's father-in-law's voice came from behind Wei Xun's closed right eyelid. It was a bit muffled. Even an immortal could hardly be detached and had his own troubles: "Now some of them are scattered in Qingcheng Mountain, still holding on to their respective Taoist temples. Some Taoist temples that were destroyed went into the Qingcheng Cave to temporarily escape the limelight, and some... I won’t mention them]

Immediately afterwards, Qingcheng's father-in-law changed his voice and asked, and his tone became louder: "The so-called person in charge of your hotel is the kid who uses a sword and knows some etiquette. Those two Westerners came up and didn't do their business. What kind of cooperation are you talking about with me, what hotels are you joining, and what kind of other mountain gods are you planning to come to Qingcheng Mountain to compare with me? I really don’t know what to say! If I hadn't been unable to draw my hand now, I would have whisked them both away to the west. You little kid with yellow hair dares to come and run wild in our Qingcheng Mountain! 】

"Calm down, calm down."

Seeing that Wei Xun remained silent, Dream Chaser comforted him. However, Wei Xun soon recovered from the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan and said sincerely to his father-in-law in Qingcheng: "We came here this time on a mission issued by the hotel. The mission was originally only to Rongcheng, but we chased it in after the source... We These two people have a strong sense of justice. If they know something is going on here, they will definitely not let it go. If I offended you before, please bear with me. "

"This is not the first time I have experienced the pollution of the mountains and even the mountain gods being implicated. Ordinary people should not be involved in this kind of thing. The top priority is to first send out the Taoist priests who are still stranded in Qingcheng Mountain."

Qingcheng's father-in-law said that "life and death are destiny" and "don't pay too much attention". In fact, he was very concerned. He should have been very aware of the current situation of each Taoist temple, and was even willing to take people in the Qingcheng Mountain Cave. Wei Xun knew very well that Qingcheng's father-in-law scolded the principals for not doing the right thing, which was not to clean up the pollution in Qingcheng Mountain. In his opinion, the main thing the principals should do was to take the Taoist priests out of Qingcheng Mountain.

After all, this is the person in charge of the Western District. Qingcheng's father-in-law is already wary of them and hates them. It is impossible for them to interfere in the most critical pollution issue. It would be better if the incoming principals took the initiative to take the Taoist priests out first, and they would be appreciated by some Qingcheng father-in-laws, and there would be some possibility of cooperation. But now it seems that the father-in-law of Qingcheng is completely dissatisfied with the leaders of the West District, and even the Taoist priests are not going to let them take charge.

That's why he said this in front of Wei Xun. If Wei Xun didn't hit the snake and followed the stick, he would not be him. He immediately said: "Even if the Taoist teachings of those Taoist priests resonate with you, they are also blessed by Taoist temples." , after all, they are ordinary people, which is better than nothing.”

Taoist Master Kongkong sang the Qingjing Sutra at that time to suppress Qingcheng's father-in-law, which would allow him to recover his immortal power faster (if he did not sing a chorus with Michael and the others). It can be seen that there are Taoist priests with profound Taoism and incense in Qingcheng Mountain. , it can indeed be of some help to Qingcheng’s father-in-law.

[They mean well]

Qingcheng's father-in-law was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and sighed, finally showing a trace of tiredness: "I had omens decades ago, and I also had dreams about them, but these juniors did not run away. They were all diligently practicing Taoism and wanted to To deal with today’s catastrophe. Something happened in Qingcheng Mountain and Jianfu Palace fell. They knew it was impossible to do, but they still refused to leave and wanted to fight to the death]

[But how can ordinary people beat it]

Jianfu Palace is located on Qingcheng Zhangren Mountain. If something happened to Qingcheng Mountain and Qingcheng Zhangren was polluted, Jianfu Palace was the first to be completely destroyed.

The dream chasers were in awe. According to what Qingcheng's father-in-law and Li Hongxue said just now, the Taoist priests in Qingcheng Mountain may have already known about a disaster in Qingcheng Mountain, either through divination or through dreams by Qingcheng's father-in-law. However, they still chose to stay, putting life and death at risk.

[Although the inside of Qingcheng Mountain Cave is still a pure land for the time being, it can no longer go outside Qingcheng Mountain. After Zhao Gongming died, no one could enter or leave the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan. If there was no way out, they would be trapped in the mountains and die. Because when I saw you coming - I was impulsive. 】

Wei Xun understood that Qingcheng's father-in-law was explaining to him in a subtle way why he, a majestic immortal, wanted to use his soul to steal his Lost Paradise. Qingcheng's father-in-law despised Western things the most, and Lost Paradise was full of Western flavor. If he hadn't wanted to transport the Taoist priests who were trapped in Qingcheng Mountain, Qingcheng's father-in-law might have thought it was unlucky to take a look at the Lost Paradise.

Wei Xun would think that this old man didn't have martial ethics, and Qingcheng's father-in-law was probably pinching his nose and forcing him to grab it. The phrase 'I was impulsive' was a subtle apology to Wei Xun.

Of course, this is also based on the exhaustive strategies and strong strength of Wei Xun and Dream Chaser. Qingcheng's father-in-law is so easy to talk to now and is willing to say anything. It's also because Wei Xun showed some cruelty in front of him.

Although Wei Xun may not be able to cut the current level of pollution in Qingcheng Mountain, but if Zhao Gongshan is polluted, he will be unambiguous about the knife and the knife. The dragon he cut out was also photographed by Qingcheng's father-in-law himself - it has been verified that it is indeed pure immortal power. . No wonder his attitude suddenly changed. There are seventy-two blessed places in the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. With so many mountains and rivers, Wei Xun can at least make some of them last longer.

"If something happens to mountains all over the world one after another, they won't be able to escape anywhere. They stay here because they have a pure heart and want Qingcheng Mountain to survive this disaster."

Wei Xun consoled him. Qingcheng's father-in-law gave him the steps, so he walked up. Currently they have the same enemy, so cooperation is a given.

"Zhui Meng and I will take them all away, as long as you give me some authority over Qingcheng Mountain."

Wei Xun had no intention of returning home after getting the Zhaogong Mountain Blessed Land. He had not yet had time to investigate the true pollution situation in Qingcheng Mountain. The Taoist priests on Qingcheng Mountain were too scattered, and some were in the Qingcheng Mountain Cave Heaven. Without authority, it was difficult to move in Qingcheng Mountain today. Once Qingcheng's father-in-law gave Wei Xun some authority over Qingcheng Mountain, it would be equivalent to recognizing him, and Wei Xun would become Qingcheng Mountain's second-in-command.

Zhaogong Mountain is originally a part of Qingcheng Mountain. If Wei Xun gets part of the authority of Qingcheng Mountain and has the approval of Qingcheng's father-in-law, he will be able to hold the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan in the palm of his hand. And if something happens to Qingcheng's father-in-law, he will be able to know the situation in Qingcheng Mountain immediately, either to rescue or to clean up the battlefield at the end. Even if there is a person in charge who takes over the place, it is impossible to bypass Wei Xun.

It's just that Qingcheng's father-in-law has a bad temper. He was willing to say a few soft words just now, but now that Wei Xun is so confident, he feels a little uncomfortable and can't help but make things difficult for him: "Oh?" Even if I am willing to give you the authority over Qingcheng Mountain, you still have to be recognized by the Qingcheng Mountain area. Now you haven't completely conquered the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan. How long will it take to get recognition? 】

"Right away, right away."

Wei Xun smiled and said, "My eldest brother is already here."

"Your elder brother?"

Dream Chaser's heart stopped for a beat and he asked cautiously. Wei Xun realized that there was an ambiguity in this statement and hurriedly pointed it out to him. Just five or six minutes after Wei Xun and Qingcheng's father-in-law talked, a ghostly figure appeared at the foot of Zhaogong Mountain, and it turned out to be Li Hongxue. But I saw that although he had turned into a ghost state, there was a golden light shining in the middle of his body. From a distance, he didn't look like a ghost, but more like a little sun.

In fact, when Li Hongxue and the others were still stopped outside Qingcheng Mountain, Wei Xun had a vague feeling that Li Hongxue seemed to be inextricably connected with him - to be precise, with Zhao Gongming. Moreover, this connection is very close, like a blood relationship, and like the ancient 'following the feet', there must be something in common between them.

This reminded Wei Xun of the legend of Zhao Gongming. In ancient times, Hou Yi shot down nine of the ten suns in the sky. Zhao Gongming was formed from one of the suns shot down by Hou Yi, but the other eight suns also fell into Qingcheng Mountain.

Although Zhao Gongming later turned into a human to practice Taoism and refine alchemy, when they first fell in Qingcheng Mountain, they turned into the Nine Ghost King. Except for Zhao Gongming, the other eight ghost kings are powerful and have their own prestige.

Wei Xun seriously doubted that Li Hongxue's title of Ghost King was derived from this allusion, especially since he was born in Qingcheng Mountain and it could make him feel his aura being aroused, so it was basically a 100% certainty.

If you want to be recognized by Qingcheng Mountain, the sun that fell down and became the Ghost King can be regarded as a member of Qingcheng Mountain. Unexpectedly, Li Hongxue turned into a ghost after entering the mountain and integrated into the Qingcheng Mountain family. He was not afraid of being discovered by the hotel. This was because the ground recognized him and he was able to become an aborigine. After being introduced and approved by the good big brother Li Hongxue, Wei Xun, the younger brother of the Sun, is also a well-rounded young man - he has been the local Sun since ancient times and is a member of the Qingcheng Mountain family!

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