Thriller Tour Group

968 Black goods The situation in Qingcheng Mountain is so serious...

When the dream chaser used his dream-like spiritual power to cover the whole city, he inadvertently spotted two people who were acting strangely. Hearing what he said, Wei Xun became curious. The dream chaser frankly said that he had no relatives and friends in real life, and if he wanted to say acquaintances, they were probably people in the hotel. But the money epidemic task in Chengdu has been solved, and the hotel is about to settle the bill. How could it be possible to send someone here at this time?

Is there something wrong with Qingcheng Mountain, or is it...that this 'acquaintance' was not sent by the hotel, but was secretly brought here by himself?

"Look at You Ziming, you should be able to see it."

After hearing what the dream chaser said, Wei Xun's attention fell on Chang Huiming. With the little financial dragon sitting on his shoulder, Wei Xun's control over the entire cornucopia has improved to a higher level, and it is even easier to control the 'medium'. Chang Hui's eyes like bronze mirrors flashed through various scenes, and finally locked in a wet green color. After Wei Xun and Dream Chaser entered Qingcheng Mountain, You Ziming was worried, so he stayed at the entrance of the back gate of Qingcheng Mountain to wait for news. Behind him was Qingcheng Mountain with continuous drizzle and clouds and mist.

But at this moment, his eyebrows were furrowed, as if he was looking at someone, and he was extremely wary. Wei Xun zoomed out the things reflected in Chang Huiming's eyes so that he could see more. I saw two people walking on the deserted mountain road.

These two people are actually a bit conspicuous, although they are both dressed as Taoist priests, wearing dark blue Taoist robes in autumn and winter, which look very simple. But both of them wore sunglasses and covered their faces with scarves, hiding their faces to 10%. They looked just like criminals - inspectors like Wei Xun and Dream Chaser.

They didn't expect that there was someone guarding the mountain gate. After meeting You Ziming, both of them were obviously shocked. You Ziming immediately shouted at them to stop, shouting from a distance to drive them away. Chang Hui's eyes were only shadowy and silent, and Wei Xun could not hear the content. It can only be seen that the two people did not retreat down the mountain, but took out something to prove their identity. As the distance got closer, Wei Xun saw that what they were holding were actually two Taoist certificates.

However, these two Taoist certificates not only did not reassure You Ziming, but made people more suspicious. He had already touched the gun, but in fact he was holding the knife hidden under his belt.

In order to prevent accidents, Wei Xun lent the madman's murderous knife to You Ziming. The knife had already been used to kill pollution monsters with one blow, and it was also a sharp weapon against people. Seeing that the atmosphere was tense, the two 'Taoist priests' seemed a little anxious. There are many entrances to Qingcheng Mountain, the most well-known of which are Qianshanmen and Backshanmen. You Ziming was alone, and no matter how determined he was, he couldn't guard all the entrances at the same time. The two Taoist priests could just turn around and go around to another entrance.

However, they seemed to be in a hurry and did not want to take a detour. After patiently negotiating for a few words, the atmosphere became more and more uncomfortable. You Ziming wanted to fight against two. In order to create an advantage, he made the first move and drew his gun. However, the reaction speed of these two Taoist priests was amazing, and they were able to dodge bullets from a distance of more than ten meters. One of them was as elegant as a ghost, and he was approaching You Ziming in a blink of an eye. When he tried to draw the sword with a gun to cover it, he held down his hand and snatched the sword, and put a yellow talisman on You Ziming's forehead. He was instantly frozen in place, unable to move.

"It's okay, no murderous intent."

Feeling that Wei Xun's breathing paused for a moment, the dream chaser comforted him. He also pays great attention to the friends Wei Xun values ​​​​and also leaves a backup plan for You Ziming. Once he encounters a life or death crisis, he will be pulled directly into his dream. The Dream Chaser's brand perception is the most acute, and he will not miss the slightest bit of murderous intent. Now that the backhand is not activated, it means that the other party really has no intention of harming You Ziming.

I saw one person stopping You Ziming, and then another person came over. He was holding a simple tortoise shell in his hand, as dark green as jade. Wei Xun noticed that he took out the tortoise shell at the beginning of the battle. At that time, Dream Chaser The man clicked his tongue, and as soon as the tortoise shell came out, his spiritual power was completely blocked, and no trace of it could be seen.

"It's definitely not possible without a hotel license."

The dream chaser confirmed: "That tortoise shell is very powerful. The man used some strength when he floated in front of You Ziming. It stands to reason that the hotel or the person in charge would notice it immediately, but the tortoise shell blocked it."

In contrast, the yellow talisman that the man pasted on You Ziming's forehead was not necessarily something that could only be drawn in a hotel. Nowadays, we can also get some things like paper figures in reality. This immobilizing yellow talisman should be stuck to the limit of the power of reality.

"A occult person?"

"It looks like it, but I've never seen that tortoise shell."

The dream chaser chuckled: "It must be a piece of black stuff."

The first step for the various items obtained by the tourist guides during the journey is to be processed and transformed by the power of the hotel after they are brought back to the hotel. This can also be regarded as a mark, and it means that they have passed the clear path in the hotel. But if someone gets something but doesn’t take it back to the hotel and it’s not tagged, it’s considered illegal. Just like the pioneers of the Thirty Degrees North Latitude, they put these items more or less on their journey to the Thirty Degrees North Latitude. The processing fees for the hotel to process items at Thirty Degrees North Latitude are sky-high. Even if people are rich, there is no need to feed them all to the hotel. Therefore, they simply put some low-priority items at Thirty Degrees North Latitude. Take it as you go.

But apart from the pioneers, other tourist guides rarely deal with smuggled goods, because the cost-effectiveness is really not high. The first is that without being processed by the hotel, smuggled goods are really dangerous, and there is always the risk of power imbalance and pollution backlash. The second is that the guides and tourists go through the hotel to enter and exit the journey, which can be regarded as two "security checks". Smuggled goods cannot be taken out of the journey and can only be used in this journey. Except for high-difficulty journeys like the 30th parallel north, which have repeated entry and exit and exploration value, it is possible to operate a base to store things, otherwise smuggled goods are meaningless.

Of course, there are exceptions. Some people can bypass the hotel when entering and exiting the journey. For example, the Black Widow family has been operating for generations and has an ancient castle at the Icelandic scenic spot in Northern Europe. She can naturally bring the items obtained from the Icelandic scenic spot into the castle and then bring them back to reality. However, the energy feedback of powerful items is particularly strong. If it is a valuable smuggled item, it will probably attract the attention of the person in charge as soon as it is brought to reality.

If the energy is so small that it will not cause any waves when brought into reality, there is no need to take the risk of being severely punished by the hotel to bring out the smuggled goods. Of course, the hotel will severely punish such things. According to the dream chaser, a tour guide had 60% of his points deducted directly, his warehouse was sealed, and all the preferential benefits given by the hotel were cancelled. He had to complete labor reform - no salary, no points reward, complete the ten tours assigned by the hotel, and ensure that the survival rate of passengers exceeded 50% before the warehouse could be unsealed and the hotel could enjoy various benefits again. But the deducted points cannot be returned.

If the risk factor of the black goods brought back is too high, the hotel will even punish the whole team/tour guide alliance related to the criminals after being found out - the whole team/tour guide alliance related to the criminals will be severely punished.

'Who is this unlucky guy? '

When the dream chaser talked about this, Wei Xun was particularly sensitive and asked sharply: 'Is it from the Butcher Alliance? '

Wei Xun now realized that the dream chaser described it in such detail, so he must have been involved. And he has only targeted the East District Butcher Alliance in the past ten years.

As expected, the dream chaser answered the question irrelevantly: "It's a pity that the black stuff that time was an unsolvable item, but the danger was not high enough. I couldn't implicate the whole group... Yin Yang Butterfly became much more honest after that, and the psychic is also a difficult character. Since then, I have never been able to lead a team with Yin Yang Butterfly again."

In the entire East District Butcher Alliance, only the second-class elite tour guides have the ability to go on a journey that can get black stuff that is so dangerous that the hotel will be implicated by the entire tour guide alliance. Among them, Yin Yang Butterfly loves to show off and is the easiest to deceive. It is conceivable that when the playful man stayed in the Sun Gate and couldn't die, the dream chaser had made many efforts. This is really a different way. If it doesn't work from the front, then come from the side. If the hotel is really implicated by the entire East District Butcher Alliance, the playful man might really be taken out by him.

Speaking of now, it's normal that the dream chaser has never seen this piece of black stuff. The owner of the black stuff has to guard even the hotel strictly, and he may never have taken it out. Being able to shield the power fluctuations of using the title in reality, if you want to pass the Minglu, you will definitely be severely marked by the hotel, and there may even be some tricks. After all, it is too terrifying to use the power of the title in reality to avoid the hotel's supervision. For example, Wei Xun released corn shoots and a large army of demon insects in the center of a prosperous city, which could cause terrible casualties in a few seconds.

The dream chaser frowned. Obviously, after just completing the mission in Rongcheng, he did not want the city to face a new crisis.

'It's not that serious'

Wei Xun was relieved after careful observation and comforted him: 'I feel that the breath between the person who used the power just now and Qingcheng Mountain is very harmonious, and he should be from Qingcheng Mountain. In addition, the strength limit that can be used in reality is not so tight, even without the tortoise shell shield, he may not be discovered'

It's just pure caution. After all, there is a master in this mountain.

‘And that tortoise shell should also be related to Mount Qingcheng, or Taoism, and the power is similar’

That is to say, this person left the black tortoise shell, probably because he predicted that something would happen in Mount Qingcheng in the future, leaving a way for him to take action. If it were somewhere else, the tortoise shell would probably not play such a big role.

“Is he really a person of metaphysics?”

The dream chaser also looked at Chang Huiming in the treasure bowl. His mental power was shielded by the tortoise shell, but Wei Xun, the medium of Chang Huiming, was driven by the power of the God of Wealth. With the back of Mount Qingcheng, it was a local power and could still operate normally. The scene was reflected in Chang Huiming’s eyes. While they were talking, the two men also came to You Ziming, and they found the murder knife in You Ziming’s hand.

Although their faces were covered tightly, it could be seen that their bodies were instantly tense, as if they were facing a great enemy. After fixing You Ziming, the man put away the tortoise shell. This kind of black stuff must not be exposed. But this made it convenient for the dream chaser. His mental power had already spread over, and he heard a few words they were saying and passed them on to Wei Xun. The two men seemed to have sneaked in, hiding their strength. They relied on their physical fitness to knock down You Ziming. They didn't notice the dream chaser's mental power for a while, and they were just talking in low voices:

The first man said solemnly: "Yes, this is his knife. I didn't expect it to be him..."

The second man couldn't believe it: "He's here, and the situation in Qingcheng Mountain has collapsed to this extent?"

The first man shook his head, a little heavy: "I'm afraid... the situation is not good. Zhao Gongming is dead, and Qingcheng Zhangren will not be able to escape death. I'm afraid that even Qingcheng Mountain will..."

The second man sighed sadly: "I knew that Qingcheng Mountain would have this disaster. I set out immediately after receiving the letter from my uncle, but it seems that I'm still late... Hmm? Who is it?!'

This is the dreamer’s spiritual power being discovered. His perception is so sharp without the use of a title. At first glance, he is someone who has profound attainments in the soul. However, although the faces could not be seen, Wei Xun had already recognized who they were from the familiar voices.

‘Captain Wan, Deputy Captain Li, you’re welcome and safe’

Now that he had been discovered, the dream chaser took the initiative and said with a smile that the two people in front of the Qingcheng Mountain gate were none other than the metaphysics captain Wan Anqian and the deputy captain Li Hongxue.

They were really related to Qingcheng Mountain. Knowing that they seemed to have some misunderstandings about the current situation, Dream Chaser took the initiative and said: 'The crisis in Chengdu has been resolved, and Qingcheng Mountain is fine now. Qingcheng’s father-in-law and we had a very pleasant chat, and currently the ghost is a guest in Bingyan…’

However, after hearing what he said, the two people whose identities had been exposed became more emotional and exchanged glances with each other.

Sure enough, Qingcheng's father-in-law's soul was probably out of control, failed, and was now captured and imprisoned by Bingyi.

Being digested.

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