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"Ding dong, jingle dong."

Wei Xun put down two pieces of wealth, fiddled with and dragged Chang Huiming, and moved him towards the treasure-gathering mouth. Putting wealth into the cornucopia will reveal a very beautiful golden color, which is extremely wealthy. When the entanglement is reflected on Chang Huiming, he is also very wealthy and not angry. Then there was a crisp sound, and Chang Huiming was placed by wealth into a gold-shaped dragon pit at the bottom of the treasure basin.

Zhao Gongming is the true king of the Golden Dragon Ruyi Zhengyi Dragon and Tiger Xuantan. The mouth of this cornucopia for gathering treasures is a coiled dragon, and the mouth for the treasure outlet is shaped like a crouching tiger. After Chang Huiming was placed at the treasure chest by Wei Xun, Wei Xun could clearly feel that the subtle fairy energy that had been spreading outwards in the cornucopia was suddenly cut off and no longer flowed out. Chang Huiming's smile faded and his brows furrowed slightly, as if he was sad that Zhao Gongming's plan was blocked.

In fact, he had died a long time ago, and this change in expression was just a bit of instinct that Zhao Gongming retained in the 'media'. If the cornucopia is not fully activated, this instinct can at most slow down the treasure pot. However, once Wei Xun fully mobilizes the cornucopia, the instinct left by Zhao Gongming will be completely washed away in an instant.

"Dang, Dang——"

"Clang, clang!"

After placing Chang Hui Ming, Wei Xun's petrified fingers lifted up and flicked the cornucopia, one after another, only to hear a few crisp buzzing sounds, and red lines like the sun's rays instantly spread all over the entire three-legged bronze round tripod. The halo around the tripod flows like bright golden sand, showing the true nature of wealth. The remnant souls of the four gods of wealth appeared at the same time and followed Wei Xun's arrangements to stand in the southeast, northwest and four directions of the cornucopia. The four fortunes were also recalled by Wei Xun with a snap of his fingers, and were separated in the northeast. , southeast, northwest and southwest, so-called money comes from all directions.


The money trees on Zhaogong Mountain's Fudi Fairy Mountain swayed one after another from bottom to top as if being shaken by an invisible wind. From the foot of the mountain to the mountainside and then to the top of the mountain, the wealth of the people, the wealth of the rich, and the wealth of the nobles are all gathered together. The entire cornucopia turned into a dazzling golden red. Many people say that the combination of gold and red is vulgar, but vulgarity means elegance. The cornucopia of gold and red intertwined is like the brilliant morning glow shining on copper coins, giving people a hopeful, orthodox and pure sense of wealth, and the atmosphere of human fireworks permeates the air. In the cornucopia, but not quite there yet. Wei Xun turned over his hand and took out a five-color jade coin that was crystal clear and filled with fairy spirit. It was the money he gave to the dreamer to buy his life. Now Wei Xun temporarily borrowed it back to borrow some of Zhao Gongming's fairy spirit on it. force.

Use the magical power of the God of Wealth to suppress the world's wealth and recall the world's treasures!


In an instant, a buzzing sound like a bell resounded in Wei Xun's mind. Invisible power suddenly spread out from the cornucopia. Chang Huiming, who was placed at the treasure-gathering mouth of the Panlong, originally had his eyes closed, but now he suddenly opened them. The black eyes in the eye sockets faded and became glossy and bright, like two bronze mirrors. Various scenes of the human world flashed across it quickly, this was a 'treasure hunt'. And his hands automatically formed seals, and the palms of his palms became as hollow as if a passage had opened up that connected him to the outside world. Thick, familiar, dark golden pollution spurted out from his palm, fell into the cornucopia, and condensed into a pool of blood that was filthy with blood and full of ominous evil spirits. There were specks of yellow pus floating in it, like floating in a sea of ​​blood. The copper coins are like abscesses. Scarlet blood clots wrapped around these pus-yellow spots pulsated at the bottom of the cornucopia, like a lung lobes struggling to breathe. They were connected in series to form a blood-colored evil dragon composed of polluted lung lobes, entrenched at the bottom of the cornucopia and roaring to the sky.

Money plague pollution!

[Cough, cough, cough——]

A large amount of money and disease pollution fell into the cornucopia. It stirred up and hit the inside of the basin wall. What it made was not a crisp clanking sound, but a muffled sound like a difficult cough. The more pollution poured in, the more the coughing and wheezing sounds. The more chaotic it becomes, the coughs of old people, children, men and women are intertwined, making people upset and dizzy, and their lungs are filled with dense itching, numbing itching, as if countless small insects are eating their lungs. It was so sharp that it made people want to cough. Even the golden-red light on the cornucopia flashed frequently and vibrated constantly.

The money sore pollution is back!

Although it is said that any divine power, immortal power and various energies that are powerful enough to a certain extent can be regarded as "pollution", there are still differences between different types of pollution. What remains in the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan is the immortal power of the orthodox God of Wealth. This life-buying coin was also given up by Zhao Gongming, and it has not been contaminated by him. Therefore, it is pure and can be used by Wei Xun as a primer to activate the cornucopia.

But the pollution caused by the money plague is different. It is the distortion product of Zhao Gongming's immortal power after being polluted by the entire Qingcheng Mountain. It is equivalent to the weakened Qingcheng Mountain pollution with the characteristics of the God of Wealth. Only ordinary people who can survive being polluted by this aberrant fairy power will be able to survive further in the Qingcheng Mountain pollution that will erupt in the future. And if this aberrant fairy power falls into the cornucopia, if left alone, it will soon pollute the entire cornucopia, and then pollute the originally pure blessed land of Zhao Gongshan!

However, if this contamination got into Wei Xun's hands, it would really be considered evil. Wei Xun didn't need to suck the human skin map filled with butterfly fragments. He estimated that the pollution in the cornucopia had reached a certain level, and when Chang Huiming was about to collapse with abscesses on his body, Wei Xun put his hand into the cornucopia. The money plague pollution that looked like a bloody dragon wrapped around his arm and pounced, and the heavy pollution hit Wei Xun in the face!

"Cough cough cough, cough cough cough -"

The contamination caused by money sores quickly invaded Wei Xun's body, and the abrasive itch in his chest could no longer be endured. He coughed repeatedly, his face became paler, but his pale lips were stained bright red, as if he had coughed up blood. At this moment, the little magic power of the God of Wealth that Wei Xun had just acquired from conquering the blessed land of Zhao Gongshan was quickly contaminated and assimilated by the money plague. However, in an instant, pollution distortion occurred in his body. At the same time as the SAN value plummeted, his lungs began to move towards the 'money tree'. What was unbearable during the transformation was the burning pain, like a fire ignited in his chest. The pain was so painful that it made people crazy, and they wanted to tear out all the internal organs just to calm the pain.

The situation suddenly became critical, but there was joy in the corners of Wei Xun's brows and eyes. He gasped morbidly and enjoyed the pain. He felt that his closed right eyelid seemed to be lifted a little, as if Qingcheng's father-in-law was shocked by this great opportunity. How could the situation have been worsened by him? He was peeking here with his eyelids raised. But Wei Xun didn't mind, and just let the pollution blood dragon gnaw at his body and release pollution, until he felt that the little magic power of the God of Wealth in his body was completely distorted by pollution.

[Cough cough, cough cough cough——]

The pollution blood dragon roared excitedly, a greedy and cunning look flashed in its scarlet eyes. The owner of the blessed land in front of him had given up resistance. As long as he swallowed him, he could easily pollute the entire blessed land! The blood dragon, which didn't have much wisdom and only had some instincts, was already impatient. It opened its bloody mouth ferociously and wanted to devour this contaminated person. Seeing him reaching out to block him, he ignored him. After all, this man was very weak and posed no threat at all——

Um? !

The blood dragon suddenly felt a strong force coming from the dragon's horns. It turned out that it was biting him. In an instant, Wei Xun grabbed its horns. He had already worn the new title he had gained in Iceland.

Dragon foodie!

Wei Xun, who carries the title of Dragon Gourmet, is extremely restrained from dragon food, especially since pollution itself is equivalent to food to him to a certain extent. The power of the title of Dragon Gourmet is even more vivid. Wei Xun grabbed the dragon's horn with one hand and held down the mental lancet with a handle as thin as a cicada's wing with the other. He waited patiently for the money plague pollution to invade just so that his soul could be infected with the pollution, so that he could use the lancet on the pollution blood dragon. The tip of the knife penetrated the dragon's head and slashed downwards. Before the bloody dragon could react, the scarlet lung-like bloody pollution on its head and the pus-yellow sores were completely cut off, leaving only a bare dragon's head.

[Cough cough cough, cough cough cough! 】

The pollution blood dragon roared in fright, and the scarlet pollution it had just cut off was like dense locusts that were about to pounce on Wei Xun, trying to wrap him up and make him completely fall into the pollution. Who would have thought that the gate of Lost Paradise opened a crack in front of Wei Xun at the moment when pollution rushed in, and these polluted wastes automatically fell into Lost Paradise. It was like throwing themselves into a trap, and Wei Xun took this opportunity to cut off the blood dragon again. Several large pieces of contamination.

[Cough cough, cough cough cough! 】

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the blood dragon suddenly began to struggle with all its strength. It was extremely powerful, like a living fish with abnormal energy. It seemed to be pulling on Wei Xun's lungs as it struggled, trying to make him cough up and pull them out. But it only struggled for a moment before being held down - Wei Xun's petrified hand of the sun was so heavy that it crushed the pollution blood dragon to death, not to mention that the pure and scorching sun itself extremely restrained pollution, and the sun's heat was scorching The grilled pollution sizzled, and the faucet's head seemed to be grilled smaller. It gave off a fragrant barbecue smoke that made Wei Xun want to eat mutton skewers.

Thinking of the little dragon meat skewers in his mind, Wei Xun kept moving his hands, holding the human skin map and swiping it in front of the contaminated blood dragon. It wilted like a little dragon with a handkerchief covering its face and abducted it. It was helpless and honest. Wei Xun could only let him use his knife to cut off circles of pollution. When the dragon's head was cut clean, revealing the pure golden normal immortal power, Wei Xun shook his hand and dropped the dragon's head, holding the section of the dragon's body behind the dragon's head and continued to cut.

I have never seen any tourist guide use the spirit knife like this. Originally, Zhao Gongming's immortal power was already distorted, and it was difficult for the gods to save him. Just like Roger Betty, whose soul was polluted, eroded and fused in Iceland, it was like his soul had completely petals. The polluted air is long. The spiritual knife can cut the soul and cut pollution, but only within itself. Has no one ever thought about how to cut others like Wei Xun? Impossible, but no one can do it like Wei Xun.

It is impossible for tourists. If they are exposed to pollution, they will not be able to assimilate the pollution into themselves, and let the spiritual knife mistake the pollution as part of their souls; but the tour guide may be able to, after all, they can return to zero alienation. However, they cannot control or even command the abyss pollution like Wei Xun, allowing them to accept other pollution without swallowing it up.

If Wei Xun hadn't been suppressing the butterfly fragments, he would have been swallowed up by the butterfly fragments the moment the money plague contamination rushed in. How could he have occupied the high ground like now? After so many generations and so many years, only one Wei Xun was born. He has rich experience in cutting pollution, effortlessly, and the money, disease, and sore pollution merged into one, which should have exerted a more powerful pollution power. Who would have thought that it would be easier to be pulled together by Wei Xun like a rope and cut.

Large clumps of pollution fell into Paradise, and the center of the abyssal parasite plain was instantly suppressed by the vast abyssal pollution. The bottom of the cornucopia basin was filled with scarlet pus and yellow, almost drowning Chang Hui Ming at the mouth of the cornucopia. However, Wei Xun was cutting fast, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Every time Chang Huiming was about to be drowned by pollution, the pollution would be reduced, allowing him to show his head, just like a person who is about to be drowned by the sea, struggling to rise to the surface and take a breath. tone.

Chang Huiming transformed from a human into this weird form. Was it painful when he died?

When cutting has become an instinct, Wei Xun can also spare some time to pay attention to more considerations. At the bottom of the treasure bowl, Chang Huiming, who was floating in the dirty red pollution, had a tough face and gray hair on his temples. He looked like a very serious and unsmiling person on weekdays. Because the immortal power he released was taken back, his expression was even more stern, his brows were furrowed, and the corners of his lips were pursed into a straight line.

Did he know that Zhao Gongming used him as a medium to spread the money plague to the entire Rongcheng, and that it was his only daughter who was most seriously infected and almost died? Or did he believe in the words of Zhao Gongming the immortal, thinking that only by contracting the money pox could ordinary people survive the next disaster?

It's just that the person is dead, and it doesn't matter what he thought before. Zhao Gongming must have promised Chang Huiming something, maybe his soul has been reincarnated, and he didn't feel any pain when he became a medium. Who says that those who are still alive are happier than those who are dead? If the money plague pollution is really allowed to spread, then large numbers of people will soon suffer unspeakably.

Wei Xun looked into Zhao Gongming's eyes. His eyes were still like bronze mirrors, reflecting the people in Rongcheng. Faces passed by him quickly. The pollution of the money plague had not yet fully matured, and the plague ghosts bred by the pollution had not yet fully bred. Every time Wei Xun cut, he could cut off hundreds or even thousands of people's pollution. More than 600,000 people were infected, which meant more than 600 cuts. When Wei Xun cut the pollution, the money plague pollution in his body would also tremble in fear as if it had sensed something, causing him to cough from time to time. However, Wei Xun had already gotten used to the pain of his lungs and internal organs being pulled and torn apart, which could not arouse him more excitement. Now he was more concerned about the information fed back by the pollution every time it trembled.

When in contact with energy beyond one's own strength, memory and cognition are also a kind of pollution. This time, the recall of pollution with the cornucopia is particularly comprehensive. People who have been infected with the epidemic, or even those whose bodies have been deformed, will no longer have the memory of this money plague. They just vaguely feel that they seem to have been sick, but their memory and nerves are extremely delicate. This degree of memory stripping is not worth mentioning for tourists and tour guides, but some people with neurasthenia and poor mental health have fainted due to memory stripping. If nothing is done, they may have more serious mental problems after waking up, or their memory will decline severely, or they will become crazy and out of control.

[Life is like a dream, a cup of wine is poured to the moon on the river——]

When Wei Xun was frowning and thinking about countermeasures, he heard a clear and long whistle. The powerful mental power of the second-class director spread across Rongcheng, and the dream with the scent of ink quietly enveloped the people who fainted in Rongcheng. It was the dream chaser who took action. He replaced the rough and blunt memory stripping with a gentle dream, smoothing the haze of fear and panic in the deepest part of the subconscious. It was like drinking a little wine before going to bed, which brought a deeper and more comfortable sleep. Those terrible lesions were like the moon in the river, just a nightmare, and there would be no mental sequelae after waking up from the dream.

As for the physical problems, the dream chaser would have to wait for the Rongcheng government to negotiate and ask the hotel to approve some things that could replenish qi and blood and strengthen the body.

With the dream chaser doing the logistics, Wei Xun couldn't be more relieved. The two of them worked together in harmony, and the efficiency of recycling pollution increased immediately. At the same time, the memory fragments that were stripped off with the pollution recycling also fell into the treasure pot, and Wei Xun received some of it after cutting the pollution.

He "saw" the young people, the elderly, and the children in the ICU who were originally endangered. After the pollution was removed, the indicators quickly became stable and they survived. He "saw" the mother at the table holding the boiled pear water for the child to drink, and after seeing that the child stopped coughing, she smiled and touched the child's head. He ‘saw’ many ordinary people wearing masks and going to work as usual even though they coughed. The slight pollution did not change their lives much after being removed. He also ‘saw’ the leaders in the Chengdu government, who were dressed in formal clothes and holding a serious meeting. One of them coughed, and the people around him immediately changed their faces. But soon the leader standing in the front received new news, and his expression could not hide his surprise. He stood up suddenly and said three times in a row.

The pollution of the money plague was being recovered rapidly, and the dark clouds of the money plague crisis hanging over Chengdu were also dissipating. However, this disaster was not without casualties. Some people who were seriously infected, too weak, too old, and too young could not bear it and died when the money plague was removed. There were also many people who seemed healthy on weekdays, but were actually very weak inside and died suddenly.

The pollution carried their souls into the cornucopia, and was cut out by Wei Xun and scattered into the blessed land of Zhaogong Mountain. The soul of a person cannot stand the slightest bit of pollution. After cutting the pollution, it will also be affected in various ways. They cannot remember the things in their previous life. Some are confused and look at everything around them with strange and curious eyes, laughing and playing around the money tree. The souls that have been touched by pollution and cut are no longer complete and cannot enter reincarnation. From then on, they will live in the blessed land of Zhaogong Mountain.

These are ordinary people in the disaster of money plague, either live or die. This pollution is extremely terrible, but it has not erupted in the end. When the cornucopia was really used for recycling, Wei Xun only took an hour to basically recycle it. Cutting the pollution blood dragon has also come to an end, but this matter is not over yet. There are still some people who are difficult to define. Wei Xun's eyes swept through Chang Huiming's eyes and saw familiar or unfamiliar figures reflected in them, including You Ziming, Wu Zhen, Zhang Zhixing and others who handled the incident in No. 27 Middle School, and many unfamiliar faces, but most of them are strong and energetic, wearing police uniforms or military uniforms. Many of them are on duty to maintain the peace of this city.

However, they still carry pollution that is difficult to remove—or, in other words, their own potential that was stimulated by this pollution. Just like before, Wei Xun received from You Ziming and others the talismans containing the Black Tiger Evil, which were also found in other special police units. The wealth of the God of Wealth comes from the vast number of people, and everyone gathers wealth to achieve clouds and dragons of wealth.

And Zhao Gongming also has a protective tiger. If the money plague pollution that falls on the common people is a dragon, then the special police officers and soldiers whose talents are mutated due to the induction of pollution and black tiger evil are the tigers originally chosen by Zhao Gongming to protect the common people. But their current situation is not normal. The original title inspired by a person after being selected into the hotel is the purest talent and has great development prospects. In theory, those who are not selected by the hotel are not necessarily less talented than those whose initial title is green, but they just do not have any strong desires or goals, and their spirit is not strong enough.

Now being urged by pollution and Black Tiger Evil, their potential has been unleashed. But this is distorted by the influence of pollution, and there is a fundamental problem. Even if the power advances in the future, it is likely to be gradually eroded by pollution, and eventually become a part of the Black Tiger Evil.

The pollution can be taken back, but the talent that has been activated and distorted cannot be taken back, which makes Wei Xun a little embarrassed. Dream Chaser also pondered, not saying anything about asking the hotel to help with the matter. Because they are unwilling to take risks - the simplest solution is to kill all these people. Anyway, the hotel can recycle valuable things, which is not a loss at all.

But without the hotel taking action, how would these people be dealt with? The mental knife doesn't work anymore.


Wei Xun was frowning and worried, when suddenly his cheek felt cold, as if he had been licked by something. With a glance from the corner of his eye, Wei Xun saw a small dragon coiled on his shoulder.

The dark golden dragon scales, silver-white dragon horns, and round bronze dragon eyes reveal unabashed intimacy and curiosity. Its body has been completely cut clean by Wei Xun, and its slender dragon body is wrapped around his arm. , the little dragon claws grabbed his windbreaker. The dragon's head was close to Wei Xun's cheek, and he licked his face. Seeing that he didn't object, he moved up again, curious to lick his closed right eyelid. After all, there seemed to be something vaguely... The familiar fairy spirit of Qingcheng Mountain.


Before Xiao Cailong licked his eyelids, there was a sound as crisp as thunder in the air. Xiaolong suddenly leaned back and turned his whole body several times. He reached Wei Xun's face.

【Take care of it】

Qingcheng's father-in-law's fairy voice sounded in Wei Xun's mind, and his tone was light: [This is the wealth dragon transformed from Zhao Gongming's remaining fairy power. Both the dragon and the tiger are here, which will help you to truly rank in the fairy class faster]

Dragon and tiger?

Something faintly flashed through Wei Xun's mind. Before he could think about it carefully, he suddenly heard a startled cry from the dream chaser.

"How to say?"

"I think I saw two acquaintances."

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